
A School Boy Fantasy

Are you looking for a thrilling high school story that explores the dangers of fulfilling wild fantasies? Follow the journey of a teenager who discovers mysterious superpowers and uses them to fulfill his desires, but soon realizes the heavy responsibilities that come with such abilities. This captivating read is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat and leave you pondering the consequences of taking power into your own hands.

LiL_A · Teen
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10 Chs


Jennifer had a valid reason for being spiteful towards me since I had a reputation for being unconventional and a troublemaker. Nevertheless, I often found myself bothering Jennifer out of boredom during class, seeking any kind of response from her. Strangely, I believe she enjoyed the attention I gave her, and we had a contentious relationship that resembled a cat-and-mouse game. We would push each other's limits until she finally exploded in front of the entire class, which I found amusing. Her anger only made her more attractive to me.

The students' conversation persisted and grew louder after the bell signaling the start of class rang. When Jennifer came near me, I gave her a playful smirk, but she only responded with an eye roll before taking her seat directly behind mine. She had on a sweater, suggesting that she was feeling colder than me in the chilly, early winter weather.

Jennifer was exceptionally beautiful with her fair complexion and lustrous, brown hair that highlighted her dark green eyes. However, what truly caught my attention were her physical assets, particularly her well-developed chest, despite her young age.

Additionally, she had a snobbish demeanor and a fiery temper, and despite being called every name in the book by her, I remained drawn to her. Strangely enough, her hot-headedness only increased my infatuation with her. Sadly, if she were to discover my feelings, she would probably dismiss them with a laugh.

It was unbelievable to have a stunning girl like Jennifer seated so close to me, yet her constant disdain for me made her completely unapproachable. Everything that made her so attractive was just an arm's length away, yet I couldn't get close to her. As the teacher started the lesson, my mind was consumed with thoughts of Jennifer, making it difficult for me to focus on the class.

Despite staring blankly at the teacher as he started speaking, I couldn't hear a single word he said. My mind was lost in a vivid daydream about the gorgeous girl seated behind me, and she was the only person in the classroom who existed in my thoughts. I envisioned myself standing up in the silent room, approaching her, and passionately ripping open her sweater and blouse. The shock would leave her unable to react, making for an exciting fantasy.

I would then take her by the hand and guide her to stand up, wrapping my arm behind her back, and kiss her with intense passion. She would welcome my advances as I lowered her onto the cold, black marble tabletop designed for two people. With her seated, I would gently climb atop it and lay her back, with my body pressing against hers. As I kissed her deeply, I would reach for her breasts and passionately caress them.

The teacher's tapping on the whiteboard brought me out of my hormone-driven daydream, causing me to abruptly straighten my back and release a sharp exhale.

Attempting to suppress the intense daydreams in my mind, I shifted my focus towards the teacher and what he was writing on the board. Retrieving my notebook and pen from my backpack, I positioned them on the table before clicking my pen to start taking notes.

Unfortunately, the thought of Jennifer crept back into my mind, and I replayed the fantasy in my head, resulting in the rest of the classroom's disappearance. Suddenly, a realization struck me, and I felt a surge of excitement that illuminated my eyes.

My preoccupation with the image of Jennifer entirely naked made me overlook the newfound power and confidence that I had developed. Instead of taking responsibility for my lack of focus, I placed the blame on her entirely.

An outrageous idea popped into my head - what if I could use my newfound power to bring my fantasies to life? It would be like stopping time, and no one in the classroom would be able to see or hear me.

However, doubts started to consume me - what if it goes wrong? What if Jennifer gets scared? What if she doesn't want to do it? An endless stream of questions began to swirl around in my mind, causing me to realize that I needed to be more calculated and think things through before making any impulsive moves.

I paused to carefully evaluate my choices and plan my next move. Various scenarios ran through my mind, and I tried to anticipate every potential outcome. Some of the possibilities were so amazing that they left me stunned.

Gradually, I began to piece together a plan that would be both thrilling and logical. Even though I was anxious, I trusted in my newfound ability. I took a deep breath, remaining calm and collected, and decided to wait until the time was right.

The moment I had been waiting for finally arrived when our dull teacher announced his usual assignment. "Open your books and copy the highlighted facts with bullet points from pages 203 to 207," he droned on. The class responded with soft groans as they began to take out their textbooks and flip through them. Meanwhile, I couldn't contain my excitement and grinned in anticipation.

With Jennifer sitting just a few feet away from me, I couldn't resist the opportunity to try out my plan. As the class settled into their work, I sat back in my seat and listened intently to the sound of Jennifer's pencil scratching on her paper. My heart beat faster with anticipation as I put my plan into action, a wide grin spreading across my face despite my sweaty palms.

Using my new power, I froze time around Jennifer and me along with our chairs, pencils, and papers. I didn't want to shock her suddenly, so I made sure everything appeared normal to her at first.

With bated breath, I proceeded to touch Jennifer's knee with the tips of my fingers, trying not to startle her. She quickly reacted, slapping my hand away and shooting me a menacing glare before returning to her task. Looking around, I marveled at the sight of everyone and everything frozen in time.

Undeterred, I resumed my plan, running my fingers over her thigh, only to be rebuffed once again. But I couldn't resist flashing her a mischievous grin, which only seemed to make her angrier, as if she were about to break her pencil in half.