
A Rising Hero - Fanmade MHA

In a world where superheroes, known as Pro Heroes, are revered, aspiring young individuals with extraordinary abilities train at prestigious institutions like UA High School to become the next generation of heroes. Among them is Koike, a shy and introspective girl who possesses the unique quirks of rapid healing and precognition. As Koike enters UA High School, she replaces Sato in Class 1-A and embarks on a journey filled with trials and challenges. Despite her insecurities and self-doubt, Koike strives to prove herself as a hero, drawing strength from her determination and unwavering resolve. Throughout the story, Koike navigates the complexities of high school life, forming bonds with her classmates while grappling with her own inner demons. From training exercises and exams to facing off against villains, Koike and her classmates endure numerous tests of strength, courage, and teamwork.

Invisible_Ghost · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 4.5 - The Starting Line

By the time I got to the location we are supposed to meet up at, it was 9:49 am. I got lost a few times and the entrance exam had started, not for the recommendations though. 

When I got there there were a few people including that half and half guy. There was a guy with a buzz cut, he was tall and stood out against everyone. He just looked like he was going to get into UA. There was also a girl with black hair in a high ponytail. Her hair was a lot bigger than what I imagined. She also looked fully determined.

Watching how determined they were honestly made me lose spirit. I felt like I was going to lose. There was a guy who was stretching he had a weird mouth. He kinda looked like a dinosaur. His jaw wrapped from ear to ear. His hair color was slightly blue but mostly a faded yellow. There were a few other people but those 3 stood out the most to me.

Present Mic came out of a door off to the side. He was pumped up. He stood slightly goofy but mostly confident. I slightly hid back not wanting to get noticed by anyone. Which works, I think?

Present Mic got us all in a straight line and said we'd start with the written test. He pointed to the door he came out of. Saying to head into there and sit anywhere that was open.

After a few minutes, everyone had a seat. Present mic gave people on each row a stack of tests. They passed them down as I got mine I stared at it for a few minutes.

Present Mic yelled loudly saying, "Get started!" I looked at the first question instantly I wanted to die. Math.

After 2 hours everyone had finally finished, and I felt drained. I put my head into my arms. Feeling disappointed. I probably failed, those questions were difficult. They ranged from math to history and Japanese. Or just plain hero stuff. I looked over at everyone else and they looked confident, especially that girl with black hair.

I looked at the clock and it was 12:26. I sighed softly. Everyone was relatively quiet until Present Mic showed up. He was yelling and went on about our practical exam. It was a race, 6 people at a time. I was only slightly confident but watching everyone else, I felt ashamed.

Everyone was put into a group of 6 and there wasn't anyone interesting in my group, at least people I find worth mentioning. Their quirks were interesting, super strength, water creation, and so on. I was only hoping and repeating what my father said- texted me.

"I'm rooting for you!" I kept that awkward smile on my face as we lined up. Looking at the course there were a bunch of traps.

I scanned the course for a moment, taking mental notes. Some of the dirt looked damaged, some too soft. Finally, I activated my precognition.

No one noticed as my eyes became neon green. I watched as people tripped or got stuck. Where there were random traps. Deactivating my quirk I was anxious still. There were so many traps I might as well quit.

Taking one deep breath, Present Mic lifted the start gun into the air.


I open my eyes focusing.


I got in position. My nerves are on edge...

"GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" He didn't set off the gun as we all booked it.

Everyone flew by and I could only run, I felt embarrassed as the others watching me were confused. 

As everyone was running I was dodging all the traps. People began getting caught in every single one. I ran and ran. Almost slipped a few times, but I caught myself every time.

I was anxious and nervous, I was already panting and tired. I activated my quirk again, using precognition. I jumped over a trap running past everyone.

'I can do it. Can I?'

I looked back for a moment and back at the finish line. When I finally placed my right foot on the line, indicating I won, I slipped.

Suddenly the sky was in front of me, the air knocked out of my lungs. I coughed a few times, rolling onto my side. Then on my stomach, everyone passed by. I looked up and saw everyone slightly mad they didn't win. A small smile appeared on my face. I coughed a bunch and finally stood up.

I was slumping on the ground eating a protein bar when that girl with black hair came up to me.

"You did awesome out there!" Her voice was energetic, she seemed nice.

"T-th-thanks." I let out a small cough when I stuttered. I felt slightly embarrassed after that.

"My name is Momo Yaoyorozu." She offered me her hand. I grabbed it softly.

"Min-mine is Koik-Koike." I flinched slightly when I stuttered she didn't seem to notice though. She nodded she had a smile on her face.

She went on about how cool I was, I pointed out how cool she was. She was really talkative but extremely understanding and kind. Finally, Present Mic told us we were doing our interviews, and I groaned.

Momo seemed excited about it though. "I've been preparing for this specifically!" I did an awkward smile. I hadn't.

Once it was my turn Present Mic led me to a room. Midnight was in there, my eyes widened slightly. She was one of my favorite heroes growing up. Of course, I still love her just, but her outfit is revealing.

"Hello Koike-chan!" She seemed happy to see me. I grew up around her. She was practically my babysitter.

"Good afternoon Midnight-sama.." I sat down in the seat across from her. She seemed to be really excited. I was also excited. But extremely nervous. I was 100% going to fail this part if I didn't fail anything else...

After 30 or so minutes Midnight finished the interview and she waved me goodbye with a smile on her face.

I failed... didn't I?


Final Notes-


Anyway, I don't think this series will be all that funny, mainly because I'm not funny at all. If you for some reason found it funny, that's because you probably need help.

Anyway, as everyone should know I always use the weird kissing emoji, I mainly use it to describe how bored and tired I am. I already don't want to continue this because I'm uncreative and having to tie the worlds together of mine and MHA is getting confusing.

I'll continue it anyway because I have no life, but soon I'll forget I created this and never post again. 😗