
A Rising Hero - Fanmade MHA

In a world where superheroes, known as Pro Heroes, are revered, aspiring young individuals with extraordinary abilities train at prestigious institutions like UA High School to become the next generation of heroes. Among them is Koike, a shy and introspective girl who possesses the unique quirks of rapid healing and precognition. As Koike enters UA High School, she replaces Sato in Class 1-A and embarks on a journey filled with trials and challenges. Despite her insecurities and self-doubt, Koike strives to prove herself as a hero, drawing strength from her determination and unwavering resolve. Throughout the story, Koike navigates the complexities of high school life, forming bonds with her classmates while grappling with her own inner demons. From training exercises and exams to facing off against villains, Koike and her classmates endure numerous tests of strength, courage, and teamwork.

Invisible_Ghost · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 4 - The Starting Line

Man did I hate waking up to realize; that today was the entrance exam...

I get it, I'm not even doing the real test! I got a recommendation. But that recommendation only put a bigger weight onto my shoulders. You have to understand I barely think I'm qualified for the normal exam, let alone the recommendation exam! 

Well, maybe the test will be easier. I know the bare minimum of what's on the test, just like everyone else. There will be a written exam, a practical exam, and finally an interview. I don't know what questions will be on the writing, I don't know what we're doing for the practical exam, and I especially don't know what they'll ask us in the interview.

For the most part, I am screwed. But at least I'm not competing against 500 other students. Even if they put them into smaller groups and measure it like that. The number stays at 500. That's all that matters.

5:30 am. My alarm went off on my phone. I rolled to the side of my bed grabbed my phone and turned it off. I stared at my phone, there was a message from my father. 

"Rooting for you out there!"

I smiled the moment I read that. I unplugged my phone and slowly put my feet on the ground. The cold wooden floor tingled my feet slightly. I did a small stretch with my arms, now finally it's time to get ready!

I stood up and a bright smile was on my face. Until I realized I stood up too fast.

Once in the bathroom, I splashed water on my face. Cold of course, but this time I only flinched incredibly bad. I shook the water off my face and dried the rest with a soft, blue towel.

I grabbed my wooden brush, untangling my messy bed hair. Once my hair was straight in a few seconds split ends and frizz were more obvious than before. I sighed deeply.

Leaving the bathroom and walking into my closet, I turned on the light. The brightness surprised me more than before. "The stress is catching up..." I grabbed a white tank top. A thin black jacket. Grabbing my satchel and putting on black sweatpants. I grabbed my favorite white shoes and laced them up. I looked in the mirror and realized I was missing my ponytail.

I sped and walked to the bathroom grabbing a ribbon. I just ran out of hair ties. Luckily I went through a phase when I was younger about putting my hair in a ribbon. This time it'll be WAY simpler.

I walked to the kitchen, first seeing a painting of a watermelon. Before grabbing a few protein bars from the pantry. I put them in my satchel and grabbed a few bandaids. I looked at myself, I forgot to mention we had a mirror in our kitchen. Oh, I must've...

I walked out the door, slowly looking around to see if anyone was up. If there was someone up, they didn't have a single light on. I looked down the street and there was someone else on their way to UA. Based on what they were doing. Running with weights in one hand. Holding a leash in the other, walking their dog. The dog looked to be a German Shepherd, but I couldn't see clearly in the dark.

Once I completely stepped out locking the door, a wave of coldness slew by. Even though it was already February, it was still cold. I zipped up my jacket, holding onto my satchel I ran quickly to UA. Ready for this exam like my life depended on it.

Once I got to the school it was 7:37 am. The scale of the school was immeasurable. It was massive! A few students were already there, but only 6 or maybe 11? I couldn't count properly, my hands were shaking and I could only grip my satchel.

I took a bunch of small steps into the school property. I didn't want to trip but taking multiple, quick, small steps. That was the quickest way to trip.

Somehow I didn't.

Walking into the school building I saw a few heroes, Midnight and Snipe. They were talking about something such as:

"I simply can't resist diving into the intrigue, my dear."

Snipe just stared at her maybe confused?

I walked past them. I grabbed my phone, leaning against a wall slightly. I pulled up the email they sent us with recommendations. They gave us a map and where we would meet. We are supposed to meet up at noon. I looked up from my phone. A guy walked past me, and the way he looked caught my eye.

He had half-white and half-crimson hair. He had a big scar on his face. That was all I could catch. I watched him as he walked by and something told me to avoid him. Like I'd already hate him, but I didn't even know him?

I pulled a strand of my hair behind my ear and would wait there until it was 12. 

At 8 am there were so many people now in the building. But they were heading to the auditorium. I watched them and was indecisive on whether I should go or stay. But then I remembered that both the normal exam and recommendations were happening today. The recommendations were after the normal exam, though.

I walked out of the building and saw the same green-haired boy at the beach talking with a random girl with brown hair. She was talking about her quirk. It was zero gravity or something, I didn't quite catch it.

I waited by the doors as the green-hair boy who I figured out I recognized from the monster attack 5-6 months ago now. The girl was just walking with him until they split up later in the auditorium.

I then later headed by the auditorium doors. Present mic, suggested by his voice, was telling them about the rules. After a few minutes a boy. Asked a question.

"On the printout, you've listed four types of villains. Not three. With all respect, if this is an error on the official UA materials, it is shameful! We are exemplary students, we expect the best from Japan's most notable school. A mistake such as this won't do!"

The boy continued, "Additionally, you with the unkempt hair,"

I presume it was the boy with green hair, "huh?"

"You've been muttering this entire time. Stop that. If you can't bother to take this seriously, leave. You're distracting the rest of us."

Everyone in the room busted out laughing at, again I presume, the green-haired boy. I slumped against the wall when I saw the same boy with half and half hair. Looking at him as he passed by he had cold eyes. I felt like I'd seen those eyes, on a hero.

He didn't look at me, probably didn't notice me. Even though for the most part we're the only 2 people here.

I watched him as he walked by, and then I let out a small sigh. I looked at my phone, and the email again. Looking up I was heading to the exam. It was time to get prepared.


Final Notes-

Oh, why hello there! It's crazy honestly because this series is kinda bad.

I don't want to forget to mention I'm using the dub version of the anime for the talking for the most part. So when Tenya (the guy asking the questions) was talking it was from the dub, so if you recognized it that's why.

It's a bit hard to write as Koike and keep up, "Hey I don't know how these people are!" I can only describe them and I'm not very good at that...

I also want to say I put this on Wattpad because I think it'd be nice to be on multiple platforms. Anyway, that's the long final note. Hope you have a good day! 😗