
A Pure Hearted Mate

[ This story is at least 18+ for its erotic themes, depression, rape scene, violence, language, and depiction of a toxic relationship and abuse. ] This is taking place in the world of humans and werewolves. It begins with a twenty year old girl named Autumn. She is a very timid girl who has to go threw, like all the other girls who were 20 years old. The process of having a werewolf pick a mate. But she is completely aware of the situation, and is terrified of leaving everyone she loves behind. Let alone the idea of having to be with a total stranger. But as she tries to hold onto the small fragments of her normal life, she is dashed away by a werewolf who claims her as his mate. Will she be too scared to let herself except the position she's in? Will she learn to try and be open to him? Or will what becomes of her change the person she is for better? or worse?Will she gain more than she could ever receive and find happiness? Or will on going threats make it all too much for her to take? Let's see.

gemlover2 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
69 Chs

Chapter 32: Back

[ Third Person P.O.V ]

But a part of Andrews still thought he could love her for the person he saw in that pack. The woman who was kindhearted and happy. The woman he held a small bit of hope that she could be there in his pack. This act of helping patch him up didn't help that. Possibly being with him fueled his despair and pain. He kept his eyes on Autumn as Leo was laying on the ground trying to breath and let his body adjust with his wounds.

He asked almost sadly to Autumn who was a couple feet away " Can you say that you could love me? The real me, with all my ugliness? can you still look over everything I've done to you and say that you could love me? " He searched her eyes, hoping to find even a shred of love or feeling left in them. But just as he expected, there was none for he destroyed it all with his own hands. Only slight pity that even he couldn't understand. He had rendered her like this and yet she had pity for him. You'd think all this time that's what he was doing when he tried to get her out of this sorry state He closed his eyes and sighed when she at first didn't know what he was talking about all of a sudden. Then she realized what it was he was saying and didn't answer. She asked wanting to know what comes now for him and wondering if he was going to be a problem later on because of this.

" And now what? " she asked quietly with her eyes lowered empty.

" Now, it is goodbye...", He said as they both stood off the ground, " Go back to your life, the one you had before me. Go on and live your life, " Taking a few steps away, she watched him carefully, afraid it might be but another trap, seeing he didn't make any moves towards her on the ride there, she turned around, ready to leave but she felt his iron grip back on her arm before she was pulled into a desperate, bittersweet kiss. He wanted to feel anything and at least wanted to say good bye even if it was a last kiss.

But then in that moment. Autumn had her right hand which was free, and swung it slapping him across the face stunning him and Leo slightly. His head hung to the side, his grip dropping her arm. The strange sensation of numbing faint stings on her skin danced as it made both it and Alpha Andrews face start to gain a slight pinkness to them. She had felt so much he had taken from her. Yet right in that moment, she wasn't going to let him have the last thing he does is take yet another thing from her. For once, even if it doesn't amount to what he's done even a fraction of it. She took this encounter and their last moments, and she took it back for herself. His head remained to his right side as he grit his teeth is eyes clenched along with his hands at having his loss all the more clear as she stepped back away from him.

Autumn was already completely done with him now. She backed away from him cautiously looking at him as he remained still. Autumn looked at Leo who was sitting up from laying on the grass and saw him kiss Autumn. He had enough and started to snarl and growl at Andrews his eyes were black and wanted to put Andrews in his place for pulling something like that in front of him. But he had stopped after she practically bitched slapped him and his current state seemed more impactful than anything he could say.

[ Autumn P.O.V ]

My eyes started to form tears in the corners of my eyes as I saw Leo moving hastily a little out of breath moving closer to my direction since he was a few feet away. I desperately ran stumbling a little to get over to him. I remembered he got hurt too and got the aid kit with me. Once I finally got close enough I stumbled in front of him. I started to feel everything from the fight fade away as I exclaimed wrapping my arms around his neck trying to hug him.

" Leo!! " I felt desperately happy and relieved as I held onto him. The feeling of his skin touching mine left me more energized and relieved. I was so worried at how I could see and feel his cuts and wounds. I worried as I climbed up him and held the sides of his face and kissed his lips passionately. Tears of joy and relief streamed down my face as they spilled out as I held my eyes shut feeling him starting to hold me as he kissed back just as desperately. I felt guilty for going for a run that day. If I hadn't none of this would have happened because of me. I said in-between breaths as we kissed

" I'm sorry, " gasp " I shouldn't have gone for a run. " I felt tears forming again saying whimpering " I'm so sorry, " then he hushed me as he said with my lips above his " You're not the one that needs to apologize, " then he had us both returned to kissing heatedly.

He started to hold me up in his arms as I held myself up with my legs wrapped around his lower back tightly not wanting him another inch away from me. I felt myself wanting him to touch me all over and desperately wanting him to take all my pain away and forget everything that happened. So much time of feeling lonely was washing back into my mind.

Me being unhealthily smaller only made his muscular arms that wrapped around me even bigger and comforting. I felt him holding me so close and as he pulled away and started to attack my neck. I started to smile and rub myself against him as I nuzzled him with my eyes closed as I felt his scent making me calmer. I felt his body heat and the heating feeling he gave me when he attacked my mark it made me feel exhilarated. I wanted everything he made me feel so that the cold and empty feeling would wash away along with my fear and grief. I moved the side of my head up his neck and under his chin brushing my lips lightly against his skin. Then my wolf made an appearance lovingly nuzzling him while whimpering and when she catches sight of a cut on his chest that still had blood dripping as it was trying to heal.

Out of instinct to cover our wounded mates scent of his blood I started to gently lick some of the blood carefully trying not to hurt him. Leo responded with shivers as I did this dragging my tongue in small streaks and he gently told me heatedly " Baby? "

I stopped and looked up at him and he said gently with slight groans of pain still slightly in his voice from me holding him while his wounds were still fresh " No need to worry, sweetheart. " I then continued to nuzzle him lovingly as his wounds started to heal up. I wanted his scent to be rubbed all over me as he said tiredly as I was gripping onto his clothes tightly

" Autumn, " his tone was bringing me over the edge as he started to calm down trying to speak gently to me. He groans when I gripped near a wound and said lowly " Gently baby, gently.. " trying to get me to calm down. He was really happy having me back and he was starting to act really possessive over me in front of Andrews to assert that he is a strong dominant Alpha, and I'm his.

But Andrews still looked at him, hate and burning envy prominent in his eyes his canines still long as he snarled at him. Leo stood up holding me close to his chest giving the same response standing guarded, but I moved my head right under his chin guarding his neck from the enemy. I was also showing I was a little scared still. Once Leo noticed I was weary he looked down at me and smiled softly at me. I started to kiss him lightly wherever I could trying to frantically express my love.

Andrews got changed into his clothes and after a bit Leo seemed to be feeling better. Andrews sees how I'm smiling and am being loving to Leo and I think when I glanced at him that he understands that he's okay with that as he was being taken away by Ron, Nick, and Randell along with other guards as he wore cuffs. He is taken into custody to be trialed which that part makes him reluctant to cooperate. Leo glares at Andrews who is hurt pretty badly still and as they look at each other no words are said but Leo watches him intently as he is kept at the cell of our territory.

He was spared his life because I was still alive and let me return to him, but he might as well already be dead for the punishment that he'd be given by all the Alpha's once I was going to tell Leo about Andrews and the rogues.

He pulls me in his arms and slowly lets me off his chest as he asked gently holding the side of my face feeling his pain lifting as we stood after watching them leave

" Are you alright, Autumn? " I nodded and started to happily nuzzle his neck again as I pulled him closer and grasped him and started to kiss him passionately as I felt how much I missed and longed for him. How it was consuming and filling me. My heart was racing so much that I thought it might explode. I grasped his face in my hands and could feel him kiss back as he did it a bit apprehensively at first. I pulled back and said with a calm voice and smiling softly up at him

" I am now...." he then looked at my state more closely and realized I was really undernourished and he was surprised I had the strength to run to him and hold him at all. He got changed into his clothes. But then he picked me up bridal style and was taking me home back to the pack house. I loved his hands that were holding me and how much I missed the mate pull that made me wrap my arms around his neck and I kept nuzzling his neck saying nervously taking in his scent.

" Leo, there's something that happened that I need your help with. " I remembered when we'd get to the pack house that as much as I'd be relieved to see Jay, Liz, and Summer again along with the boys. But..

" What is it? " he asked looking down at me noticing that I was acting less affectionate and feeling more sad and worried. I said hiding my face into his neck encase I start crying

" Before you called Andrews.." I stopped when he snapped and growled at me " Andrews? Can you never talk about him on first name bases again? " He seemed irritated that I hadn't added his title. Then I said feeling uneasy slightly

" Okay.." " Well before you called..Alpha Andrews in the car. We had just fled from..my parents house. " He asked carefully " Yes, your parents house. But, what do you mean by fled? " I clenched my hands as I swallowed a lump in my throat. I tried to say steadily trying to calm my voice and find my words

" Because..I was told we could get found from the cops if we stayed.." I took a deep breath and said " Leo? How...how can I..face Summer and..tell her that. Our Mom.." I stopped feeling the thought alone was making me start to cry again. I tried as I clenched my teeth trying to hold back my choked sobs. I felt him stop walking as my hands clenched his clothes. I couldn't stop picturing what Summer would do once I tell her the news. But then I felt Leo moving his arms and then I felt him putting me down. Then I felt him pull me into his chest.

" I'm..I'm so sorry, Autumn. I can't..begin to know what place you're put into right now. " I felt him nuzzling his face into my shoulder as I felt him rubbing my back up and down slowly with his right hand as his left was holding the small of my back. I wrapped my arms around him hugging him back and feeling what Mom had said made me feel more secure in his arms. He then asked moving his mouth close to my ear

" If you want..I can help you break the news to her, but I know she'll need it more from you? " my chest was heaving and I felt myself say quietly trying to find the words to even say.

" What can I possibly say? We've never lost a loved one before and I..I don't know what to say that could do anything to help. " he didn't say anything for a while but then he said seriously

" Well, you could tell her the cold hard truth and let her handle the same as you. Or, you could do the same thing and try to soften the blow by not being so graphic and spare her all the pain at once. " The thought of hiding from her something like this made me feel a little sick to my stomach. I could never lie to anyone without failing and I can't bare to think of trying to water down something like this. I then said deciding my choice

" Okay, " then he pulled back and began to carry me again but for a moment before we could start to walk again he leaned his face into my neck. He took a bit and I understood he was trying to inhale my scent and tried to brush my mark to give me some comfort. Once we were starting moving again, I tried to play what I'd say in my mind and I wondered how Dad was doing. Was he worried what he'd say when he'd see us again? Was he having a harder time with all of this?

Once we were in sight of the pack house as the marble cabin with black shutters became more visible I felt the my choice causing nerves in my stomach going out of control. It was one thing to choose something and another to be the messenger of death. Especially, since this is family we're talking about.

Once we got to the front door he placed me down on the ground gently and we took a second before going in. Taking in a deep breath before stepping inside.

[ Leo P.O.V ]

As I held Autumn and she told me about her Mom being murdered. I felt the idea of her having to go threw holding her dying mother in her arms. I missed my mate so much and understood she probably didn't have enough time to process. I held her close to me and let her relax. Autumn is a mother herself and loosing her Mom isn't going to help at all to soften the blow of the loss.

As I got her calmed down and I was going to continue to carry her I wanted to take in deep breaths of her scent and nuzzling into her. I wanted to calm her down but I missed her being so close. But now that we're here in front of the pack house front door I could tell that we'd have to focus on breaking the news. I said looking down at her

" Why don't we talk about what happened with everyone and then you can take Summer somewhere to tell her about your Mom. Today, I just want you to get better health wise first. Good? " she nodded looking up at me " Okay " Once we went in the living room I stepped in front of her so she wasn't going to get bombarded by all of them coming at her.

" Leo, did you find her? " Ron asked and then I felt myself starting to worry about Autumn's health right now. I then quickly picked Autumn up in my arms and letting them see her. Just like I thought. They all started to come rushing towards us concerned and I had said holding her close to me. Shielding her from them looking over her full condition.

" She's a little weak right now. I'm going to get her to eat something and try to help her get better before she's going to explain everything. " I started to carry her to our bedroom. I think she'll feel better once she's clean and in some of her comfortable clothes. I put her down and helped get her clean and helped her the best I could. I had helped her as we went to the kitchen and tried to help because once Liz saw how sickly she looked. She was cranking out dishes left and right for her to eat; which kinda made my head spin. Autumn tried to eat to regain some strength and get some fat on her bones, but she said she wasn't feeling all that hungry. I was worried a little. Hoping she had become anemic because of her being isolated. But I encouraged her and even tried to help her by eating some with her. Grief and witnessing gruesome thing could be what is making her loose her appetite, but I was happy when she tried to eat more.

[ Autumn P.O.V ]

But as I held my boys in my arms giving them both gentle kisses and as I'm holding them they are quiet and are falling asleep now. I try not to hold them too close and too tightly to my chest. " My darlings.." I had whispered as I remembered how long it had been since I've held them. I had some tears of happiness and relief in the corners of my eyes at being able to see my babies again. But then Leo said outside the doorway making my eyes look at him as I start to put them back down in their crib. As I gently stroked their little heads of some hair with the palms of my hands. I loved seeing them starting to sleep and felt myself think of my Mom for a second. I loved my boys so much that I would do anything for them and Leo. I love him so much that I don't want him leaving my side anymore and just want to kiss him whenever I can.

' Mom. I understand that as a Mom you'd risk your life for us. But I'm not sure she realized how to leave her kids behind and having to say goodbye. ' As I gazed at them I thought ' I won't be reckless anymore. I'll stay for them and I will make sure they won't have to deal with having to know about my death from someone else. ' ' I don't want them to be in my place in all of this. I refuse to let that happen. '

" The entire time you were gone I couldn't get them to sleep and stop crying, and now that you're back they can tell it's you and already are asleep. " He had snapped me out of my thoughts, but I know tomorrow I'll tell Summer though my heart still feels heavy with the thought of it. Then I walked out of the baby's room and closed the door behind me. I smiled at Leo who whispered " I couldn't sleep that well either, " I looked at him and I knew he wanted to kiss me and he was weary if I wanted to. I then started to smile and kiss Leo passionately on his lips missing him so much trying to feel the feeling of love I have for him which he gladly did the same. It had been so long and feeling little worries on my mind when I could kiss him. The thought of him helped but I still was trying to process my priorities before everything else. A part of me was still hesitant to do much but at least for the for the rest of today. I want to return to some sense of normalcy that I've missed immensely.

[ Leo P.O.V ]

I took a moment just to remember how much I had missed my hands holding her sides feeling her soft warm body. The feeling of how much I could feel even the heightened sense of the pull her body and touch has on me. Not to mention her cleaner scent that I took my time to take in. My wolf recently has been restless, but inhaling her scent seems to for once actually be really empathetic and appreciative of Autumn. This side of the big bad wolf was like he was acting like a little puppy wanting her to get whatever she needs, and wanting her to do whatever she wants to us. I asked concerned since it was getting late into her hear quietly

" Want to start heading to bed, baby? " ' Please kiss and touch me anywhere you'd like, and nuzzle me please..' ' What are you talking about? She's getting adjusted and you are practically drooling for her and begging for her to touch and shower us with affection. ' I asked as she said whispering

" Okay, " as we walked together threw the halls to head to our room I was having my conversation ' Shut up! I've been deprived of our mate for a long time now. You want to shower her with affection and sleep with her just as much as me. ' ' You're just trying to consider her dealing with all this loss and giving her face to process grief, so don't go judging me! You missed the feeling of her touch too, but I'm too tired to deal with you trying to convince me. ' Once we got ready for bed and I stood beside the side of the bed trying to move the blankets and sheets before getting in. Then I noticed once my eyes caught Autumn. I noticed she was standing near the end of the bed. She looked concerned for a second but once I said snapping her out of her thoughts as I was sliding under the covers

" Autumn, please..come to bed. " she smiled softly before quickly jumping into the bed and crawling her way up to me where she was getting herself under the blankets. I felt happy that she was happy to sleep in the same bed with me again. Once she positioned herself closer to me I couldn't hold back from wrapping my arms around her small frame. She nestled against me and said quietly sounding tired and relaxed

" I missed you so much.." I started to kiss all over her sweet little face and stopping at her forehead as I laid my head down on hers feeling relaxed and feeling her warmth as we started to drift off to sleep for the first time in ages.

[ Next Day ]

After a while of holding everyone back with their questions Autumn said to everyone " I'll tell you guys everything but first. " then she went to Summer and said to her trying to hold her hands in hers " There's something I need to tell you first. " She seemed to tell by Autumn acting a little serious and a little sad since she has been back and as they were passing by me I felt Autumn grabbed at my arm and asked uneasily " Can you come too for this? " I went right with her no questions asked. It is almost always better to have someone with you for this conversation.

We were going to go into a room that felt like a safe and confidential space giving them the freedom to react to the news without feeling self-conscious. I try to avoid any potential interruptions while she's breaking the news so I put my phone on silent, turned off the TV, and let them have a moment away from other people. We were in our bedroom and I made sure to mind-link the others not to come in.

You don't postpone telling someone, even if it makes you uneasy talking in such a direct manner, or even if they seem to be in a good mood and you don't want to spoil it. There's never going to be an ideal time. That's why nothing is going to cause any more delay for the truth.

[ Autumn P.O.V ]

Before we walked into our bedroom I stopped to take a minute to sort my thoughts before I was going to enter the room. I couldn't really pretend to be alright without failing and the way I was going to tell her was going to let her know what happened. Even if it made her feel like she was there when it happened. At least, she will know all the details and I can build up to the words I haven't managed to actually put into the three words I didn't want to hear out loud myself. ' Mom is dead. '

We sat down on the couch and Leo seemed just as uneasy about this as I was. Summer sat on the left side of the couch and I sat down to the right of her and Leo sat behind me to give me support. Summer asked looking concerned and confused

" Autumn, what exactly is it you want to tell me? Because you're starting to worry me. " I was taken off guard and I think the thing I just didn't want to do that was going to make this so hard was that. I didn't want to break her heart and have to see her go threw the unbearable pain I went threw. In the end, I still have that protective older sister mentality that makes me want to shelter her and it kills me when she cries.

One of my greatest worries is that telling her will stir up my own emotions, and I won't be able to hold it together. ' You need to put less pressure on yourself - the unimaginable has happened, and if you got me here to support you. I'll help by telling the others for you to tend to Summer and so you can contact your Dad for the three of you to talk. ' I felt started slightly that Leo had put the mind-link on and was checking in on my thoughts, but he did make me feel better.

" Summer, I wanted to tell you and Leo the full thing of what happened. " She seemed to be listening as I was slowly going to build up the bombshell I was going to drop. I told from the beginning. Of when Andrews or rather Alpha Andrews had kidnapped me and how I had figured out that he had been conspiring to help the rogues.

At this Leo started to tense up and I could hear his thoughts as I also herd him starting to hold a growing louder growl that concerned me. ' WHAT?! So, not only was he screwing with me. But he was also helping conceal the enemy; while lying to all of the other Alpha's as well?! ' ' I OUGHT TO HAVE KILLED THAT!- ' I looked at him and Summer understood that he was rightfully angry upon hearing this. I reminded Leo that I could hear him and was trying to call him down because I knew he was making Summer a little nervous. He took a bit to calm down and I said that he could bring that up for his trial.

I continued and decided to quickly skip the part when he..um..Raped me naturally which I wasn't even ready to tell Leo yet let alone my own sister. I went threw even my time in his prison and I started to get depressed and what made Alpha Andrews want to visit somewhere to get me to get better. That's when I described what happened at our parents house.

When I said that I actually was feeling a little better when Mom hugged me and told me things were going to be alright. I said about how I had literally no clue what to do but endure whatever Alpha Andrews was doing like holding me. But then I felt Leo starting to wrap his arms around me from behind and barring his face into the side of my neck and I could hear him say into my skin " You're doing good baby, but I'm going to hold you if it helps.." I smiled and him holding me did feel nice, but it was ultimately distracting.

Then I started to get close to what happened with Mom " Then as we tried to leave Mom was trying to stall for time. Not only for Dad to call Leo but also so that I could have a chance at getting away. " Summer was taking this well but I was trying to muster some strength for what followed.

" Then..by the time I got to the car. I saw in the window of the car that..he had shifted and disarmed Mom. " I took a steady breath before saying " But in the mirror was when I could see.. blood. " That I could tell alarmed Summer and was getting her worried and Leo was serious too but I felt his right hand starting to move to mine. He could tell the hard part was coming and I started to lace my fingers with his. I was trying to make this sound truthful but this was my first time actually having to tell someone that someone has died. Or recount what happened.

" He stopped and started to shift back and disposed of the gun. But Mom..she got seriously deep and...slashes that was causing her to..bleed a lot and it caused a lot of..pain for her. " At this point, I'm going to want to keep talking. Silence in the room will feel awful. I know all too well.

" I couldn't do anything but trying to get to her and I didn't know what to do. All I..could do was be there. I couldn't move..and to be honest. I.." I hadn't been able to look Summer directly in the eye and I started to think back and I started to feel Leo gripping my hand tighter.

" I honestly have been..beating myself up about it for a while because. I wanted to believe that I could have done something, or at least had at least the guts to at least run away and listened to her. " I started to feel it getting harder for me to stop myself from crying and I felt Leo starting to trying to hold me again and to comfort me

" Baby, it's not your fault. You didn't know what to do and even if you ran you would have regretted it. " I started to feel him starting to place kisses on the side of my neck and started to nuzzle into me trying to comfort me. It did a little but then I looked at Summer who was trying to hold my hand and was trying to make me feel better. Then I started to get back to the point and said looking at Summer getting to the point.

" Summer, the point that I think we both need to hear out loud is Mom...she died..and I wanted you to hear everything from me. " She then said looking down and a little strangely calm voice

" Actually, Autumn, Dad didn't just call Leo. " I felt myself get confused ' What? ' " What? What do you mean? " Then she said " Well, after Leo was called. Leo didn't say anything so I got nervous and a little scared because I had no idea what was going on. " Then she said " I called Mom but..she didn't pick up. So, I called Dad and he was on his way out of the police department. " Then I asked feeling myself getting distracted since I hadn't heard from him even after what happened. A part of me has been afraid to call Dad. I didn't know if he was going to be hurt or really upset and I felt a part of me thought I was the reason the woman he loves is dead.

" So..what did he say? " she smiled weakly and said " He was on his way to our house because gun shots were reported being heard, but..he said that that meant probably Mom was trying to try and stall for you to try and get away. " she too a moment before she said " And he said that he knew if there was a chance that things go to the worst possible scenario that. " I felt like the moments she stopped made me cling to every word wanting her to just tell me.

" What did he say? " I practically was going to shout wanting an answer " Well, he said that he loves us and that when we're safe and ready. We should give him a call. " She was smiling at me and I started to smile widely feeling better. I just told her the details of what she already had some idea of what might have happened to our Mom, but she then said after giving me a hug

" I had hoped that Mom was okay, but even now it does..it does help to know what happened. Are you alright? " She had tears in the corners of her eyes as she tried to hold a understanding smile to comfort me. I took some time but said trying to return said smile " Yeah, I think so.." but then Leo had stopped me and said sounding tired of hearing my thoughts and not saying anything apparently

" I'm sorry, but I can't take being quiet about this anymore. Summer I need a moment alone with Autumn and once we're done you can come back in and you two can continue. Then I'll be getting Alpha Ian and the counsel. Is that alright?" we looked at him and she said " Alright, that sounds okay. " Summer then walked to the door and stepped out. Then before I could stop him he stood up and said annoyed and frustrated after I tried to say " Leo, what is wrong that you-"

" What's wrong?! I'll tell you what is wrong. I have had the mind-link on this whole time and I can't take listening to this amazing woman of my mate torturing herself with so much guilt. It's driving me crazy that I have to address this. " " It's just not healthy to think that everything that was caused by Alpha Andrews was your fault. " I looked down from his gaze and said " Well, I'm sorry but I can't not put blame on myself. I have regrets and things I'd change if I could. " I felt his voice calm to an uneasy tone as he moved closer to me as he started to slowly hold my hand again

" But you are not the one who is to blame and I won't have another word of you doing it to yourself. " He started to lean his head on mine and then I felt him moving his face into my neck pecking me on my mark making my wolf stirred up as he said softly trying to lean closer to me

" Why don't you call your Dad, and he'll say just like me. That this is not your fault and your sister will agree. " Then I felt him starting to nuzzle into my neck and tried to hold me again in his arms. " Okay then. " he pecked his lips you my jaw to where he kissed my lips. I missed his lips and how is kissing seemed to melt the tension of the moment and the world around us. He pulled away and started to stand up and go to outside and Summer came back in. We both sat down and called Dad. We both were nervous and we're waiting with anticipation and we were relieved to hear that he sounded like his usual self.

We talked and when figuring out what to do to have a proper funeral came up. We stayed quiet for a while. When he asked how we were handling things I did what Leo said. Though it was hard at first I started to explain but a part of me in the back of my mind thought that this felt good to let it out.

I also started to feel a little bad because I don't want them to try and be worried about me when I'm worried about Summer and Dad's health. I did say that I'd be more than willing to help by answering any questions they had or details they wanted to know. I answered them but left enough time in-between for them to take in the information properly to process. The first few times I did this, I was surprised at how many practical questions my family had, and at how unprepared I was to answer their questions. One that was probably the hardest was that Summer wanted to know what Mom's last words were. I could hardly stomach saying what she had said and I ended up needing to use a lot of tissue's. Summer was starting to cry as I handed her the tissue box.

Silence in the room was making us feel awful. I thought if I fought myself with everything I had and just keep my mouth shut. Maybe it be easier. Because no one will actually hear anything I say anyway if I did say something. We all were lost in our thoughts. Once the call ended I couldn't stop myself from apologizing and I decided to give her some space and during all of this everyone was assembled in the living room with me and Summer trying to hold each other's hands as we stood up with Leo. He said seriously what had happened to me and all the things leading to him announcing

" And as a result of Alpha Andrews, Rebecca Miller, Autumn and Summers Mom had died on the very same day yesterday. " I could feel Summer's hand was clenched tighter in mine as I stiffened up at the news. Everyone in the room were both shocked, sorry, or angry at Alpha Andrews. I had let go of Summer's hand and after giving her a small hug I let Randell who looked concerned for her take her away somewhere for him to comfort her.

It took a week for us to process most of this, but Leo not only was trying to help with planning a funeral but also the case against Alpha Andrews.