
A Pure Hearted Mate

[ This story is at least 18+ for its erotic themes, depression, rape scene, violence, language, and depiction of a toxic relationship and abuse. ] This is taking place in the world of humans and werewolves. It begins with a twenty year old girl named Autumn. She is a very timid girl who has to go threw, like all the other girls who were 20 years old. The process of having a werewolf pick a mate. But she is completely aware of the situation, and is terrified of leaving everyone she loves behind. Let alone the idea of having to be with a total stranger. But as she tries to hold onto the small fragments of her normal life, she is dashed away by a werewolf who claims her as his mate. Will she be too scared to let herself except the position she's in? Will she learn to try and be open to him? Or will what becomes of her change the person she is for better? or worse?Will she gain more than she could ever receive and find happiness? Or will on going threats make it all too much for her to take? Let's see.

gemlover2 · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter 31: Battle

[ Leo P.O.V ]

I stood waiting just by the forest lining outside of the city. I came alone leaving the girls to keep an eye on the boys while I'm away. I only told them that I was going to follow a lead to Autumn I received.

Even as I'm standing here without anyone backing me up or in a four mile radius. I feel a growing tension and anticipation for when they arrive. The thought that my wolf would be so impatient to not only have so much hate, but also of love making the idea of Autumn coming back to me very confusing.

Once my ears picked up the sound of a car faintly in the distance my eyes shot up to the car that looked like it was approaching ahead. I kept my eyes narrowed and tried to hold a calm and composed appearance so that I can keep my guard up. The slightest misunderstanding could cause tension before we even get to the fight.

Once the white jeep pulled over to the side and turned off. I locked my gaze on Alpha Andrews as he stepped out of the drivers seat. Once he shut the door behind him his eyes caught sight of me. He had the same fixed gaze on me as he stood still and watched as I approached the jeep. I stopped in front of him and kept my eyes on him fighting the gut urge to start the fight already.

" You're looking well, do you want to get this fight over with first? " his voice was calm and stern. I feel like all our encounters have led to this same conclusion that we were destined to fight each other at some point. This I was well aware of, but I never thought it would be under these circumstances. I spat back coldly, glancing at the jeep behind his shoulder

" Have you brought her with you? " the corner of his mouth turned into a smirk " Haven't I already done as you asked? Are you willing not to go threw with it if I don't let you see her? "

I had my doubts, rightfully so, and I was not going to wait another moment to at least see that she's safe.

" You're the one who has lied and tricked me. Before we proceed, you will hold the door to the back seat open and let me verify who you brought or how can I trust you kept your end. " he frowned at my cold glare and he said moving to the door keeping his eyes on me

" What? You think I'd replace her without you even knowing? Even I'm not that stupid to attempt something like that. We both are aware that I couldn't do that even if I wanted to. " he was stern and his hand didn't touch the surface of the car yet. The idea that he could grab some girl and dress her up as Autumn and make her wear clothes with her scent on them was a possibility to deceive me. I nodded as he opened the side door as I took a few calculated steps to stand on my knees to inspect. I glanced at Andrews who looked down at me as I leaned my right hand on the door as I looked forward to proceed.

I couldn't see anyone sitting on the seats but then my eyes caught something. I saw a small little figure but then I quickly was concerned when I confirmed by sight that it was indeed Autumn.

After a few minutes, I finally found the skinny figure among the floor of the car, and watched her, intrigued. The young woman appeared to be very frail, pale, and scrawny. She wore this blouse that was small but frilly and these blue jeans, had her long hair in a tangled mess of brown that looked a little unkempt.

But there was no mistaking her scent though muddled with the faint scent of blood. There was also no mistaking Autumn for someone else. Autumn never liked to wear luxurious things like jewelry but she possessed a natural beauty, that even what looked like mere enslavement and abuse, could not take from her.

Like a flower growing from the light of a dungeon, she had managed to stay beautiful. She was a fairly average height and thin, with pale skin that seemed to not have been very clean from what I can tell. Her breasts were not large, but still round and full enough to make her look very feminine. Had she been fed properly, she would have had her beautiful silhouette back. Despite the time of undernourishment, the graceful beauty her face held, was undeniable.

My wolf was beside himself with pain and rage at seeing her like this. I tried to coo to her gently to look at me since she had her face in her knees.

" Baby, I'm here, sweetheart. " she quickly looked up from her knees noticing my voice. Once she looked at me her nose took in my scent making her start to move on her hands and knees trying to get closer. I noticed that her beautiful captivating brown eyes looked a little tired with little bags under them, a small nose, and thin but full lips. Her face looked a little flushed but they started to pink after seeing me for a bit so close. She seemed hesitant to move closer to hold me as if she was weary. Over all, she's a pure but fragile beauty, like a water lily or a white tulip.

I started to move my left hand to reach out to touch the side of her face and give her a small smile which I kinda had to force being thankful that I get to see her. But before I could

" Hey, " I looked back behind me and looked out the door frame at Andrews as he looked down at me and said seeming annoyed having to wait holding the left door open.

" I think that's enough of a confirmation, now let's get started shall we. " ' Screw you! Huh..I guess it can't be helped. ' I snarled at him and at this and turned back at Autumn who stayed still now and I said softly " I'll be back to take you home. " she looked a little better but concerned as I was starting to move back out of the car. Her small whimpering was heartbreaking as I had my back turned to her.

I stood out of the car and Andrews quickly shut the door behind me and then locked the doors with a click from his keys. I looked at Andrews who said

" It's in our best interest that we keep her locked in the car for now to keep her safe, besides we don't want to expose her to us fight, good for you? " I nodded, whatever he says doesn't mean I believe him. This was probably to keep me from trying to help her escape if I was to loose or if he needed to have a sure way she won't run away when we are busy. We moved away from the car and started to strip our clothes off and as I folded mine and put them on the ground. Andrews put the keys in his pocket of his pants as he placed his down.

We only had our boxers on and then as we were ten feet apart but before we could even begin the sound of a door shutting brought our attention back to the car. ' It was locked, how did she get out? '

[ Autumn P.O.V ]

The sight of Leo alone make me want to lunge at him and wrap my arms around him. Put before I could get closer but I stopped myself when I felt Andrews was keeping a slight supervising look inside the car. I loved his words were so soft and inviting that my nerves were calming and I knew he was struggling when he was smiling at me.

When Andrews spoke I felt myself almost jump and I felt myself wanting to beg him to not go, but when he said he was going to take me home I wanted nothing more than to believe that. When the door closed I quickly looked against the door looking as Leo looked at Andrews and then I had opened the side door and got out before he could lock me in because I herd them and got out quick. I quickly was hidden behind the car as I stood against the door closed the door as I made my way around the car.

I had lost my Mom who fought the fight that was because of me. I was not letting Leo do the same. I could see everything from inside threw the windows and being trapped helpless was something I wasn't going to stand being in that situation. Not again. I had some food and water in the tank so I tried to run to Leo trying avoid having a fight at all. But I think my speed suffered greatly because I felt Andrews quickly snatched my right wrist sternly stopping me in my tracks not giving me much space between him and the car. The corners of his mouth tilted into a smirk as he said making me wince at him pulling my arm back a bit.

" Since Autumn here isn't going to just wait in the car for us. Why don't we let her watch as our audience? " he held my arm back towards the direction of the car twisting it and making me stand at his left. I looked at Leo and he was uneasy in him saying

" Yes.." his clenched fists were trembling with frustration but clenched tighter when suddenly I felt Andrews pulled my arm and pulled me into a passionate and almost desperate kiss. It was brief just as a power move to set Leo off. He pulls back when I don't kiss back and slowly lets me and my arm go and he lets me return to the side of the long expanse of grass fields closer to Leo's side of their battle field.

Leo looked at me before I started to see him return his gaze to Andrews who definitely dragged his burning rage along with his wolf out of him.

[ Third Person P.O.V ]

Leo who was so angry at him for taking his mate and the mother of his pups away. Seeing him kiss her in front of him was only pissing him off more. Werewolves are known to prefer psychological warfare to physical confrontation, but if he were going to try and mess with him he was successful. He yells as his eyes go pitch black with rage as he sees what state she's in

" WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?!GRRRR!! YOU BETTER KNOW THAT I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU FOR THREATENING MY PACK LAST TIME. YOU FIGHT ME, HERE AND NOW, OR I'LL TEAR OUT YOUR THROAT BEFORE YOU SAY ANOTHER WORD. YOU LYING TRAITOROUS BASTARD! " He was dead furious as his eyes became pitch black. If a werewolves mate is killed, he will never forgive or forget whoever is responsible for her death. In the case of the killer being another pack member, purposefully or by accident, the inevitable result is a fight to the death. To avoid this, the Alpha's a long time ago established their most strictly followed law for everyone, by which no wolf or human may harm or kill a fellow wolf's mate; no exceptions.

But for another Alpha, the one who he had let get close to his pack not only kidnapped her but let her get to a state that looks like she's nearly dead already. This was something that he must have known won't end without a fight to the death with Leo since Andrews went outside that law. He was prepared to tear him apart. During this Autumn tried to stay as far away as she could to be safe.

He transforms into a massive wolf and so does Andrews who is slightly smaller than Leo in his wolf form as they get ready to fight. Leos' form is enormous, jet black, and is as tall as a horse, but thicker and much more muscular. His dagger-like incisors flashing as his grisly snarl sounded like a prolonged crack of thunder. Leo has a cut of his right ear from an attack a long time ago, but his speed helped him against Andrews raw one-on-one fighting ability.

Andrews form has dark ashy brown fur that almost appears grey. With a very muscular build and slightly is almost the same height as Leo. His fur was tattered with scars from years of training. His fur was a little longer than Leo's because in his human form his hair isn't cut really short like Leo's.

Both were huge and made me start to scoot myself back further away just for good measure. There low growling slowly became more feral as they were locking their gazes and almost moving in place. Like they were waiting for a metaphorical buzzer to go off for them to launch themselves at each other. Their growls felt like that same vibrations you feel inside your very being. Like when you witness a marching band pass you and the huge drums would be low but kinda make even the ground around you shake. Their mixed growls and snarling had a similar effect, but at least that was music. This was warning fire from their wolves directly to one another.

[ Autumn P.O.V ]

Andrews snarled with his ears erected and his fur was bristling. Their lips were curling up or rather maybe pulled back, and his incisors are displayed with a snarl he directed back at Leo. Leo's fur was bristly too and responded with crouching getting ready to attack if necessary.

I felt my heart start to sink into my stomach as I noticed they were starting to circle one another not stopping keeping their cautious gaze on each other waiting for them to make the first move. Then suddenly in a second they ran to each other. They started to bark and growl as they tried to aim their jaws at each others necks, and toughs of fur around each others necks that protected their windpipes.

Each of them started to use their front paws and arms to try and get a hold on each other and trying to lock their jaws around each other to try and pin the other down. They were starting to get really violent because I could see and hear that they were starting to bite and slash at each other. I could hear slight whines that I could tell were Leo's and made me whine sadly trying to get a good look to see if he was alright. It was hard when they were moving so fast trying to get the upper hand on the other. My hands clenched the grass under my hands. I refused to run but my wolf was causing my worries for Leo, since it worried me that he was in a fight to the death as I was fighting back whimpers.

They started to be on their hind legs as they tried to keep the other under their control before Andrews then grabbed Leo's collar tightly and then flung his body, using the momentum, as he finally released him. He rolled on the ground and thankfully quickly got up in time before Andrews was going to try and tackle him to keep him pinned down.

He jumped out of the way once Andrews came close and failed to pin him down. Then Leo stopped and turned. He then launched himself at Andrews, growling terribly as he made his attack on top of his shoulders and trying to pin Andrews down with him on top of him for the moment. The blonde and brown wolf practically did a backwards somersault off the ground quickly trying to get Leo off of him snapping his jaws back at him trying to attack him to let go.

I felt my wolf was scared and was whimpering wanting the fighting to just stop. But I herd Andrews release another of his piercing growls. It was powerful, deep and full of dominance and I think based on Leo's response he was trying to egg him on. But I started to fear my safety as well as Leo's. Because despite my space between me and where they were I worried whether they'd forget about me and end up heading right in my direction. My safety wasn't secure even though I wasn't being targeted and I worried for Leo. Because despite me wanting nothing more than to believe that he'll win. Andrews seemed more experiences than most Leo has gone up against and it makes we worry and doubt if Leo can without a doubt win.

Andrews was more muscularly built and his size made for a more equal fighting stance than other wolves. The sounds of their growl together made my wolf want me to almost ready to roll over in submission with how much they were showing their dominance.

Then I herd whining and groaning once Leo had jumped and he snapped Andrews muscle from one of his shoulders. He sunk his teeth into him trying to tear at his ligaments and nerves. He targeted an old battle scared area hoping for an effective attack. Andrews flung Leo off of him getting him to release his jaws once he had gotten him to release by using his front claw trying to claw him. He succeeded and attacked his stomach and underside. At this point both wolves were pretty bloody and hurt. Both were panting and circling around one another.

A part of me wanted to run to Leo and see if he was alright and try to help instead of having to watch this as they both were hurting each other. But my instincts knew that If I got close and try to interfere with this it would only get worse. Leo had a couple wounds and was panting along with Andrews as they stood apart keeping weary eyes locked on each other uneasy. Andrews sustained a lot of damage too. The shoulder was the most effecting him but they both were taking a breather to try and stay on guard while understanding their current condition's. The blood that was flowing into their coats from the wounds and they tried to lick their wounds quickly. This wasn't over yet they weren't going to stop and I realized they were well aware of this too. I closed my eyes trying to not watch anymore of this. I didn't want to see anymore bloodshed, especially not in the same day.

But next thing I knew I saw a blur of black had managed to pin Andrews down on his side to the ground. Leo had bit down tightly on his throat pinning him down and piercing the skin of his throat causing him to yelp and growl angrily. But then Leo snapped his jaw tightly and had pinned using the rest of his body to keep Andrews down who was trying to squirm under him. Leo growled at him viciously telling him to admit defeat. He pawed at him and tried to get Leo off of him making Leo clamp down on his neck to where he stopped. Then, in the slightest of moments. You could hear a small clear whine of submission, and even Andrews feared dying as Leo stood still not letting a single tense muscle rest. He stood over the huge Alpha as his front paws were pressing on his shoulders keeping the injury causing slight pain for Andrews bellow.

But just when I thought he had killed him because Andrews wasn't moving. After a while, Leo released his neck and started to move slowly off of Andrews body and moving away still hurting. Leo had won. My heart was calming down at the relief that he won and wasn't killed. I could hear his groans and as I started to approach where Leo and Andrews was. I looked at Andrews body and was concerned wondering if Leo really did kill him.

I got close then I saw his head as his dangerous icy blue eyes looked up at me from the ground. He was still breathing and alive but he seemed motivation wise defeated and looked a little hurt too. I glanced at Leo who looked cautious of me being near Andrews, but then as I looked over his wounds they were really bad.

Werewolves heal, but they take a day or two if the wound is bad enough. But it looked like his wound was strong enough to take his life away in a couple of minutes.

Was I just going to let him bleed to death and runaway? That wasn't me. When deep inside I knew I could do something to help. When I leaned down on the ground to look over his cuts he seemed to have not only his body hurt but also his ego. He growled at me very viciously telling me

" F. Off would you! Leave me alone and I don't want anyone bothering me. " with his dangerous blue glowing eyes. And guess what. It worked. I stood up and backed away quick. I ran away, scared sh* tless of his words. I don't think it was clever of me to get close to him since he looked like he would bite me with his gnarly looking sharp canine teeth. No one needs to go through that excruciating pain.

But I stopped myself and took a moment before walking over to his clothes on the ground near his Jeep. I rummaged threw his clothes to find his keys. The thing that I found in his pockets made me quickly grab the first aid kit that was required to have in all cars. I got a plastic box from the glove compartment of the passenger seat.

I quickly came back and Andrews stared at me baffled in his pain as to why I came back to him and providing him aid. Leo kept his eyes on me but let me do what I wanted to help. As I got closer, he growled at me angrily and even tried to get up and attack me, but his attempts failed when he staggered on his legs and fell miserably. He whimpered and I could feel him fighting with his enormous body to get up.

It was strangely heartbreaking seeing him like this. I tried to look at Leo who was growling in his throat when he was attempting to get up. I was glued to the forests trees staring at it, whilst my heart beat madly out of fear, adrenaline and a little sadness. A part of me wanted to pity him. He fought so hard to win and failed and I know all to well that this would be a fitting way for him to meet his end. After killing and abusing others and taking my Mom it would be. To let him die slowly in pain while wallowing in his defeat all alone unable to even stand up.

It would be fitting, but as I held that first aid kit. I wondered why I was too scared and upset to have left my Mom to look in our house for a first aid kit? I was too scared and mortified to do anything to help save her. That's why..I can't do that a second time if it means I can help save a life. Even if it's his.

My mind was screaming at me to run away, but my heart was telling me to have a heart and save his scary ass, for the millionth time. He was huge. Like a size of a horse but bigger because of his fur. He snarled at me bitterly and Leo moved closer towards us and he stood growling over Andrews head " Let her help your sorry ass, and if you try snapping at her again I'LL FINISH YOU! " Andrews herd him and laid his head down and let me patch some of his injuries up. His fur felt cold, and that was a bad sign since they were hot blooded creatures that did not need a winter coat even in the coldest of winters.

I quickly started to patch up his scratches and tried to do my best to be quick. Leo kept growling at Andrews bellow him to keep him from trying anything and to keep him engaged. He groaned as he suddenly closed his eyes. I panicked that he was slipping away from the blood loss and then I did something crazy. I jumped on top of him. I woke him up and I grabbed a water bottle and got off of him and held the open water bottle and said once his eyes saw me near his face.

" Come on, drink some water and try to regain the blood you lost! " It took a bit of him looking at be before he obeyed and drank the water. After a while he snapped his eyes open and came back to life with his warmth returning back to him. I pulled away from him as him and me just stared at one another not moving and not saying a word. Andrews seemed to have come to terms with the outcome of the fight. That was when Leo and Andrews shifted back into their human forms. Leaving time for the tension and silence to fade away a bit as the fight had come to an end.

Even now, Leo won, but why do I care whether this man lives? I've never felt a feeling of such raw hate before. I've never needed to punch anyone and no one had ever given me the incentive to. It's over, and that's all I need to know. Everything I've had to endure to this point. It's finally. All over.