
A Player at Tate no Yuusha

Boris Garcia, a 22 year old latin boy is transported to the world of Tate no Yuusha when he touches a strange book, only that compared to his classmates, he was not a "Hero" but a "Gamer". It's my first story so there might be mistakes, I hope you like it.

Shikadota · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

Breakfast finished

The Five young people left the dining room and returned to their rooms while they eagerly awaited the call of the king.

Finally , when the sun was at its highest, his longed-for wish was fulfilled, the king summoned the presence of the heroes and Boris

Guided by a pair of knights, the five summoned walked calmly towards the place where they would begin their long-awaited adventure.

"The heroes have arrived" — a knight's voice echoed throughout the room as he opened the doors of the throne room

The doors were flung open revealing twelve strangers dressed as if they were about to go on an adventure.

All eyes were directed towards Boris and the heroes who bowed to the king in greeting.

After that Boris walked to the side separating himself from the group and went to the side of one of the knigt´s he met yesterday in the dining room.

Both greeted each other with a slight nod and stood firm waiting for the king to speak.

"As we discussed yesterday, I have called brave warriors to accompany you on your journeys, it seems that my call has not gone unnoticed" — the King spoke while pointing to the twelve people in front of him — "Now, adventurers, choose the legendary hero who wishes to follow" — he added while making a dramatic movement with his hands

This seemed to surprise the heroes who did not expect that the adventurers had to choose who to follow.

The adventurers slowly walked in the direction of the heroes and stood behind the hero they chose to follow.

Boris and the gentleman next to him couldn't help but smirk as they saw the groups that had formed.

Five people stood behind Ren.

Four behind Motoyasu

Three people behind Itsuki

And behind Naofumi... None

'Hahaha... poor bastard, he must feel horrible, it's like when you're the last one chosen in sports class' — Boris thought as he saw the misfortune of the shield hero

At his side, the knight turned his face because he could not bear to laugh at Naofumi's situation, this also happened with several of those present in the room who did not hide their contempt for Naofumi

'They don't even hide it from me…' Boris thought as he looked at the gentleman next to him. — 'I guess they must think they managed to brainwash me with all the religious bullshit they told me yesterday' — Boris mused as he kept his sneering expression on his face.

"But sir!" — Naofumi yelled when he saw that no one had chosen him.

"I did not anticipate any of this" — the king spoke baffled

"He's not very popular, is he?" — Bernal spoke with a mocking tone while looking askance at Boris

Just then a robed minion came up and whispered something to the King, mockery and contempt could be seen on their faces as they cast scornful glances at Naofumi.

"So there are rumors?" asked the king in a loud voice .

"What is it?" Motoyasu asked.

"It seems that people are rumoring around the castle that the hero of the shield has no knowledge of our world." The King replied in surprise as he looked at Naofumi.

"What?!" Naofumi yelled.

"Legends say that the four summoned Heroes will have an understanding on our land, it seems that there was not only an error in the summoning" — he said while throwing a look at Boris

'Fuck off! Who the hell are you calling a mistake, asshole?' - I thought angrily the black-haired

"People wonder if you can really fulfill the duties that come with being the Hero of the Shield" — Bernal spoke while narrowing his eyes

'Hey!... Obligations?, they are complete scoundrels, they not only summon him without his consent, but when they find out that he has no knowledge of the world, instead of helping him they laugh in his face, what sons of bitches... although I am also laughing at him ' Boris thought as he looked at Naofumi.

"I guess someone was spying on us last night" Motoyasu muttered as he patted Naofumi's shoulder.

"Ren! You have five, could you at least share a few?" — Naofumi asked as he turned to the hero of the sword

Hearing this, the adventurers behind Ren hid behind him and trembled as they stared at Naofumi in terror.

"I'm someone who prefers to work alone, so if you can't follow me, I'll kick you out" —Ren spoke coldly while looking at the adventurers, they nodded and didn't move from the spot

"Motoyasu! What do you think of this? Isn't this unfair?"

Hearing this, Motoyasu just nodded but didn't try to persuade any of his companions, who for some reason were only women.

"Naofumi is right, the fairest thing would be to divide them equally, but I don't think it would be chivalrous to reject them once they have made their decision" — Itsuki said making everyone in the room nod in approval at his words.

"Are you saying that I will have to go alone?" Naofumi asked in disbelief.

"Hey Boris, why don't you join Naofumi?" Motoyasu asked as he turned to the black-haired

"No thanks, compared to you, I'm just an ordinary guy, I don't have any fighting skills and I don't have a legendary weapon, so I'll only get in the way if I go with him… besides, I've decided that I won't fight in the waves, After all, I'm too much of a coward to risk my life, I hope you understand" — Boris spoke while looking at the King.

"No problem Boris-dono, I understand and respect your decision... as well as the Heroes I will grant you funds so that you can live comfortably while the waves end and you will not be forced to fight against your will" — the King spoke with a smile

"I thank your majesty" — Boris replied while bowing — 'It seems that he is not angry about last night' — Boris thought as he smiled with relief

"Now to the matter of Naofumi-dono" — the king spoke making the whole room fall silent

"Sir, if it's okay with you, I could go with the Shield Hero"

One of the women who had selected Motoyasu raised her hand, drawing the attention of the entire room.

Seeing who it was, Boris couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in surprise .

'So there you are… wow… what a woman, she's beautiful… and hot' — Boris thought as he saw the red-haired girl walk towards Naofumi's direction — '… let's see… ‹observant eye› …'

Boris activated his ability, targeting the red-haired girl who offered to join Naofumi.




Name: Malty S Melromarc / ???

Level: 5

Race: Human / ???

Age: 18 / ???

Profession: Magician / ???


'Eh?... the bitch status is kind of weird... uhm!... level 5, huh?... ' — Boris thought as he watched the red-haired girl stand behind Naofumi

"Huh... Are you sure about this?" asked the King with obvious concern.


" Myne , are you really sure?" Motoyasu asked again.

"Yes, Motoyasu-sama" — replied Myne

Motoyasu nodded with some reluctance upon seeing his partner behind Naofumi, for his part, the hero of the shield smiled happily when he saw that an attractive girl had decided to follow him.

The king looked at the girl for a few seconds who smiled at him as if trying to reassure him, this seemed to work as Aultcray let out a resigned sigh.

"Is there anyone else who wants to join the Naofumi-dono group?" asked the King as he looked at the other adventurers

No one responded or moved at the King's question, seeing this Aultcray shook his head and directed his gaze to the knights who also shook their heads showing their refusal to join Naofumi

"*sigh*...I guess there's nothing else to do Naofumi-dono, you'll have to recruit other companions yourself during your trip" —the King spoke, hearing this Naofumi nodded slightly

"Every month we will provide necessary funds for your adventure, due to today's events, Naofumi-dono's first payment will be higher, is there a problem with this?" asked the king as he looked at the other heroes.

"No sir" — replied sword, bow and spear

"Okay… I have decided to allocate 800 silver coins for Naofumi-dono and 600 silver coins for the other heroes."

At his words, four maidens entered the throne room with trays in their hands, on top of which was a cloth bag filled with silver coins, each hero took the corresponding bag as an excited smile graced his face.

" Take these funds and start your adventure, heroes! "—the king spoke aloud

"Yes sir!" — The four heroes shouted in unison as they turned around and headed towards the exit of the throne room followed by their companions.

'They didn't even say goodbye to me… conceited bastards…' — thought an annoyed Boris as he crossed his arms as he saw the four heroes leave the room.

"Boris-donó" — the king spoke as he turned to where the black-haired man was

"Your Majesty" - answered Boris while making a slight bow

"We will assign you a one-time payment of 1500 silver coins and a place in the city where you can live while the waves end… I would like to give you more help but this is all we can give you at this time, due to the waves we are quite short of funds" — spoke the King while smiling somewhat embarrassed

" Thank you, Your Majesty, this is more than enough" — Boris answered while receiving the bag that came on the tray that Anna brought — "Eh? and that?" asked the black-haired man when he saw a rolled paper on top of the tray

"They are the deeds of the house where he will stay... a small gift from me for invoking him without his consent" — replied the king

"Oh...I see, thank you your majesty"

"Anna asked me to be her personal maid, are you okay with that?" asked the king

"Yeah... is there a problem with that?" Boris asked nervously.

"No, none... Anna, go and prepare the place where Boris-dono will reside."

"As your majesty ordered" — Anna replied as she gave Boris a key — " See you later Boris-sama" — she said before leaving the throne room

"Well, with everything fixed, I 'd like to check something before you retire" — the king spoke while making a movement with his hand

The robed man from earlier approached Boris while holding a crystal ball in his hands.

"Please, place your right hand on top of the crystal ball" — indicated the magician as he stood in front of Boris

The black-haired man did as he was told and placed his hand on top of the crystal ball, a small electric shock It ran through his body when he touched the ball, causing him to frown slightly.

The wizard king looked expectantly at the crystal ball hoping for a good result, but ended up frowning when he realized that the crystal ball did not show any change.

'Without any magical aptitudes… …but… the staff is still reacting to his presence… what's going on?' — the king mentally wondered while exchanging glances with the magician, who only shook his head while looking at Boris with disappointment

"Something happens?" Boris asked, taking the king out of his thoughts.

"No... it was just a small test, nothing important" — replied the king while smiling

"I see"

"Very well, that was it... a gentleman will take care of showing you the city while Anna fixes her new home" — the king spoke while looking at the gentleman Boris was with before

The knight understood his sovereign's message and walked until he was next to Boris

"I wish you a successful stay in my kingdom, Boris-dono."

"Thank you for everything, your majesty, with your permission I'm leaving" — Boris said as he bowed and then headed towards the exit of the throne room

The king stared at the black-haired man who walked slowly towards the exit of the throne room, reached under his luxurious clothes, and took out a small cane with a gem, it emitted a subtle light that gradually faded, and this called the attention of Bernal who knew very well the meaning of that sign on the vassal weapon

"Aultcray... what's wrong?" asked the counselor as he walked towards the king.

The king ignored him as he kept looking at the staff, he frowned when he saw that the glow had completely disappeared, with a quick movement he hid the staff under his clothes again.

"Nothing that concerns you..." — replied the king as he got up from the throne and left the throne room, leaving an enraged Bernal























*castle gates*

"Wow… I really am in another world" — Boris exclaimed aloud while looking at the scenery outside the castle

Next to him was the gentleman who smiled when he saw the black-haired man's reaction.

Boris exhaled while a big smile adorned his face, feeling the clean air filling his lungs filled him with energy

"Nothing to do with my world" — Boris murmured as he opened his eyes and walked excitedly towards the bridge that connected the castle with the city — "Where shall we go first?" asked the black-haired man as he turned to the gentleman.

"I'll take you to the most important places in the city, we'll start with the church of the three heroes…" — the gentleman responded respectfully

Boris looked towards the city noticing a tower, even at a great distance the great building was visible

"Is that?" Boris asked, pointing to the tower.

"Yes sir"

"I see… by the way, what's your name?"

"I am Aldis, sir"

"Aldis, eh?… I see… I'm counting on you and stop talking to me in such a formal way, you're older than me, friend" — Boris spoke as he looked at the gentleman with a smile — '…‹observant eye›…'



[ Status ]

Name: Aldis

Level : ???

Race : ???

Age : ???

Profession : ???


'I guess it's due to the difference in level…' — Boris thought as he looked at the screen next to the knight.

"I understand... Boris" — Aldis replied nervously as she began to walk

Boris nodded and followed Aldis, the pair crossed the large drawbridge that separates the city from the castle arriving at the city.

Boris's eyes sparkled with excitement as he saw the city for the first time up close.

Cobblestone streets lined with cobblestone buildings, many of which were decorated with large wooden signs bearing words Boris couldn't understand.

Several unknown but delicious smells came from various directions making the black-haired boy drool, who with curiosity approached the different businesses that were installed in the streets.

As if it were a child, Boris ran from one side to the other while asking the gentleman questions about the place where they were passing, the lively atmosphere reminded him of his father's homeland, which is why he is so excited.

After walking for a couple of hours they managed to reach their first destination, Boris couldn't help but whistle when he was in front of the great building which was the church of the three heroes, with a European style, the great church of the three heroes had its doors wide open.

Several people entered and left the place while holding a rosary with a particular medallion

Sword, spear and bow were portrayed in the small medallion of the rosary which was held with obvious obsession and fanaticism by the people who left the church, the somewhat strange expressions made the black-haired man shudder who began to doubt whether to enter the building

'Ugh!... I'll go back to the lion's den again' — he thought as he looked sideways at Aldis

The knight had a nervous expression as they entered the church, just by looking at him Boris guessed that he didn't like the idea of entering the place either, this made Boris sigh with relief when he saw that his guide was someone normal

"Boris... I'll stay here to wait for him... one of the sisters will show him the place" — the gentleman spoke while calling one of the women who were dressed as nuns

A girl approached the pair and greeted the gentleman before looking at Boris

"Boris-sama, right?" asked the nun

Boris nodded in response.

"I see… Bernal-sama told us that he was interested in visiting the hourglass… follow me"

The woman walked into the church without waiting for a response from the black-haired man, who only followed her in silence as he admired the place.

Arriving at the center of the building, they found a large golden clock covered with detailed decorations that gave it a mystical and sacred aura, blood-red sand falling slowly indicating the remaining time of the next wave of calamity.

The nun began to give a brief explanation about the hourglass and the legend that surrounds it, but she was totally ignored by Boris who had all his attention focused on the big hourglass.

As if hypnotized, the black-haired man began to walk towards the clock as he extended his hand with the intention of touching said object.



[29 Days, 10 Hours, 32 Minutes, 10 Seconds until the next wave of calamity]

[Would you like to register your participation]

[ Yes ? or not?]


A screen appeared in Boris's vision, taking him by surprise.

' Huh?... .and this shit?' Boris thought while frowning.

"Something happens?" asked the nun as she stood next to Boris.

"...nothing...excuse me, is it possible to give me some sand? .... I would like to have a souvenir of my stay in such a magnificent church" — Boris asked.

The young woman's face lit up when she heard Boris's words, with a big smile she answered

"Of course… give me a moment, I'll go get some souvenirs for you" — said the nun before turning around and walking into the church

Boris blinked a couple of times in confusion at the nun's sudden change in behavior, he decided to ignore it for the moment and turned his gaze towards the hourglass.

The floating screen with the message was still there waiting for a response from the black-haired, Boris frowned again not knowing which option to choose.

'What should I do… because of everything that happened yesterday I haven't been able to analyze my current situation…' — Boris thought as he stroked his chin.

'For some reason, I was summoned to the world of a Japanese novel with a system that would make me much stronger than the heroes of this story… I have three options… join Naofumi and continue the story with him as his partner… take my own path or not get involved in any of this shit and wait for those guys to finish the waves to return to my world... I honestly would like to choose the last one but something tells me that they won't give me the option to do it' — he thought as he gave a half turned and subtly looked towards the back of the church

A chill ran down his spine as he felt a deep look watching him from the bottom of that place, Boris swallowed as he unconsciously took a couple of steps back.

' Shit!… ' — thought the black-haired man as he turned his face away

The idea of running away appeared in his head, his instinct screams danger, he knew that if he stayed in this place any longer, his life would be in danger.

With that in mind, he turned around and began to walk towards the direction where the exit was, but to his misfortune the nun who had brought him had returned.

In her hands she had a tray with a couple of items on top of it, with quick steps she reached the black-haired man who mentally cursed the woman for preventing her escape.

" Sorry for the delay" — the young nun spoke kindly as she stood in front of Boris — "Here's some sand" — she said as she offered him a small transparent bottle with a little red sand inside — " And here a protective rosary… wow, you look a little pale, are you alright? "

Boris took the two objects, pretended to put the sand in his trouser pocket when in reality he put it in his inventory, then took the rosary and placed it around his neck, again the nun's face shone with joy at the sight of the black-haired man's action.

"Thank you very much sister, now I feel safer" — Boris smiled as he caressed the rosary medallion — "Very well, I would like to stay longer but I don't want to keep my guide waiting... I'll come another time when I have more time available" — Boris said as he bowed

"I understand, we'll wait for him here Boris-sama" — the nun replied with a sweet voice as she offered the black-haired boy a cute smile.

Boris nodded and then turned around and walked towards the exit as quickly as possible, luckily no one got in his way again, so he reached the exit without problems.

After leaving, the black-haired man couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he no longer felt that strange look on him, his body trembled a little while cold sweat bathed his entire body.

'*Sigh*... That was fucking close' — Boris thought as he touched his chest, his heart rate was at maximum, Boris felt that his heart was about to explode

The gentleman raised an eyebrow in surprise when he saw the agitated appearance of the black-haired man, he had a slight idea of the reason as he looked at the church, he was going to say a few words to Boris but decided to stop instead .

'This is none of my business' — thought Aldis as she began to walk — "I'll take him to the following places"

Boris nodded in response and followed the knight while he was lost in thought.

The pair continued their tour through the lively streets of the city of Melromarc, Aldis taking Boris to the most important places in the big city and the places that could be of most use to him.

During their walk they managed to meet the four heroes, Boris greeted them with joy only to be olympically ignored

Boris simply let out a long sigh while shaking his head with some annoyance at seeing the attitude of his summoned companions.

Finally, he met the last hero, next to him was walking a beautiful red-haired woman who was hugging his arm intimately, her two large breasts were pressed into the arm of the young hero who had a totally red face due to the action . of his partner

'Lucky bastard' — Boris thought with some jealousy as he saw the pair enter the weapons store where he had just passed

He sighed again as he turned around, just as the black-haired man began to walk a shiver ran down his spine causing his body to tense up, he quickly turned around again and directed his gaze towards the weapons shop where Naofumi and his partner entered.

Her gaze met the gaze of the beautiful companion of the hero of the shield, realizing that Boris was watching her, the redhead gave him a beautiful smile as she waved at him.

"This bitch has me in her sights" - Boris thought as he returned the gesture - "Looks like my stay in this world is going to be a bit hectic... I asked me who will make the first move..." - he mused as he turned away

"Aldis, let's go eat something…"

"Uhm… sure, I know a good place, the beer in that place is the best in the city" — Aldis answered

"Great… show the way"

They both walked calmly along the main street of the city of Melromarc, the sun began to want to hide, welcoming the night.

The surrounding landscape began to change, a much more lively and passionate atmosphere began to fill the entire place.

With night approaching, the streets were filled with workers ending their shift and adventurers returning to the city.

After a long day of adventures, with the joy of being able to return safely from their risky adventures and with their pockets full, the warriors couldn't help but sing through the streets while holding on to each other's shoulders as they searched for a place to have fun.

The night bars and restaurants opened their doors giving a livelier atmosphere to the busy street, pretty women wore daring outfits in order to attract customers to their businesses

Upbeat music began to play from the bars enlivening the passers-by, the main street had begun to go into its night mode.

"Eh… that song" — Boris murmured as he stopped in front of a large building

This one is built with stone like the other stores compared to the fact that it has two floors making it bigger than any restaurant I have seen along the way.

"Wow, we're lucky the musician is here, I heard from some colleagues that he was in the castle yesterday" — Aldis spoke as she stood next to Boris

"It's true, you weren't at the party last night…" — Boris murmured

"No, I was sleeping… my colleagues told me that it was crazy, even Bernal-sama joined in"

"Yeah, it wasn't bad at all… uhm… what's the name of the place?" Boris asked, pointing to the sign.

"The tavern of abundance" — answered an adventurer getting into the conversation

Boris turned back to find a group of adventurers who seemed to want to enter the building.

The one who seemed to be the leader approached the black-haired man while a friendly smile graced his face, with a quick movement the man wrapped his arm around the black-haired neck.

"Hey kid, you cover the way, get in right away, and let's have fun" - the man spoke as he pushed Boris towards the restaurant.

Aldis frowned as he watched the adventurer's action, he subtly placed his hand on the hilt of his sword intending to attack, this was seen by the adventurer's companions who panicked as they saw the knight emanating a strong murderous intent.

"Come on Aldis, don't just stand there and come in, our new friend has already got a table" — Boris yelled from inside the restaurant, drawing the gentleman's attention.

'*Sighed*... This boy' — Aldis mentally sighed at the carefree attitude of the black-haired man

Ignoring the nervous adventurers next to her, Aldis entered the restaurant, a smile spreading across her stoic face as she took in the lively atmosphere of the place.

The atmosphere of the restaurant was extremely bright, beautiful female employees full of energy carried food or liquor back and forth, men and women sang loudly while drinking with joy.

Others recounted their brave battles against the powerful enemies they faced on their missions or simply chatted about the most relevant gossip of the kingdom, such as the summoning of the four legendary heroes because of the wave

Aldis sighed as she heard the adventurers' animated comments about the current situation in their world.

"With the summoned heroes we no longer have anything to worry about"

Aldis smiled mockingly as he heard several adventurers repeat those words, he was lucky enough to meet the heroes, which made him very disappointed, those boys were nothing like what the legends say

He shook his head trying to drive away his pessimistic thoughts about the heroes and instead looked around the place for Boris, the black-haired man had a beer mug in his hand while he was chatting with a middle-aged man

The gentleman instantly recognized the man next to Boris, it was a famous musician who travels the world playing and singing from bar to bar, his fame is well known due to his peculiar songs different from what others usually sing.

Before the invocation of the heroes, the king organized a banquet in the castle where the musician was invited to play and sing in the presence of the king, so last night he was one of the many lucky ones who were able to join the hectic impromptu evening that took place in the castle because of Boris

During the party Boris went up to a table and began to sing some songs from his world, this fascinated the musician who throughout the night did not stop praising the black-haired man for the great lyrics he recited

In the end, the musician asked Boris for his permission so that he could sing the songs on his travels, the black-haired man accepted and even sang a couple more songs for him, that night they both became great friends thanks to music

After talking for a few minutes with the musician, Boris and Aldis sat at the table that the leader of the adventurer group had found, the group chatted happily while drinking beers and waiting for their food.

The atmosphere was so good that even the reluctant gentleman ended up joining the party that was forming in the restaurant.

With great music, delicious food and liquor, Boris and the gentleman spent the entire afternoon together with a large group of adventurers as they sang and laughed at the top of their lungs.

In the end, the black-haired man had to drag Aldis out of the restaurant because he was too drunk to walk alone, no one knows whose idea it was, but a drinking competition was organized throughout the restaurant.

Thanks to his passive ability, the black-haired man was the winner, being able to leave the restaurant without paying a penny.

"Hahaha... this world is the best" — Boris muttered as he walked holding a totally drunk Aldis

"Not bad Boris, drinking all that liquor and being like nothing, you really are amazing"

Boris smiled as he heard the musician approach from behind and help him hold onto Aldis.

"Godwin, are you done with work?" —asked the black-haired man as he activated ‹Observant Eye› and selected the musician as a target



[ Status ]

Name: Godwin

Level: 29

Race: Human

Age: 43

Profession: Musician/ Swordsman


'He's strong… I hope he's not an enemy' — Boris thought as he looked at the musician

"Today I decided to finish early… I wanted to thank you for allowing me to sing your songs… I really earned a lot more than usual" — Godwin answered with a big smile

"Good for you… and good… where do we follow her?" asked the black-haired man as a cunning smile appeared on his face.

This made Godwin laugh out loud who pointed to a carriage.

"Hahaha, I'll take you to a special place… I have a surprise for you" — Godwin replied as he loaded Aldis and put him in the back of the carriage.

After climbing to the front of the carriage together with the black-haired, the old musician pulled the straps that held the carriage up causing the two bird-shaped monsters to start pulling the carriage.

In a short time they managed to get out of the commercial district and entered the central district of the city

On both sides of the street one could see theaters, casinos, high-class bars where wealthy people usually frequent, rich-looking merchants, nobles and adventurers entered the massive buildings in search of nightlife.

Godwin looked for a place to park his carriage, after making sure everything was in order, he cautiously walked towards a dark alley while carrying Aldis on his shoulder.

Boris followed the musician while he memorized the way, they advanced silently through several dark alleys, along the way they met several drunken adventurers lying on the street, the black-haired man ignored them and followed the musician curiously, a couple more minutes of walk and came to a dead end

Boris's eyes widened when Godwin crossed a wall without any difficulty, without thinking twice the black-haired man also crossed the wall, discovering a totally different place from what he had seen during the day .

"Welcome to the pleasure district, friend," Godwin spoke as he threw Aldis to the ground and wrapped his arm around Boris's neck.

The black-haired man calmly gazed at the scenery in front of him. Lit with magical pink lamps, each establishment displayed a small sign decorated with seductive red lips and other attractive female features.

The street was absolutely awash with luscious breasts, slender shoulders and alluring female thighs in all directions, the air was tinged with perfume or perhaps the natural sweet scent of a woman.

Women of all ages wore tiny and daring dresses that left little to the imagination, they walked from one side of the street to the other, attracting the attention of the men who were nearby, after a few minutes of chatting the seductive women held their hands. or waist and led them into buildings

"Oh!... A very striking place... so this is my gift? " Boris asked as a perverted smile appeared on his face .

"Hehehe… I decided to bring you here as compensation for giving me your songs…"

"How kind of you... I'll take it with great pleasure" — replied the black-haired

"Hahahaha, that's how you speak, I really like you boy" — Godwin answered as he took Aldis again and carried him on his shoulder —"Follow me... I'll take you to the place I usually go to... I assure you that you're going to enjoy it like you can't imagine "

"Hehehe… I bet so"

Both men laughed out loud as he walked through the crowd.


























"Where the hell did that pervert go" — Anna muttered with a bored voice

The beautiful brown-haired woman was sitting in the dining room of the house as she leaned lazily on the table, a big sigh escaped from her full lips as she looked with a certain sadness at the table full of delicious food which had cooled down a couple of hours ago.

"I even cooked all of this myself... *sigh*... what a waste" — she muttered as she got up from her chair and walked towards one of the windows of the house — 'I guess they must have kidnapped him by now... Boris... I would have liked to see you one more time…' — thought the woman as she let out a big sigh

" Huh? ... but what am I thinking, I only slept with him because they ordered me to" — Anna murmured as she shook her head.

Memories of the moments she spent with Boris began to flash through her mind, from her walk through the castle to what happened in the bathroom, the more she remembered the black-haired man, the more her face blushed.

"No, he's just a pervert who sleeps with any girl who makes a pass at him... I only got away from him for a few hours and he'd already slept with two women" — Anna muttered as she crossed her arms annoyingly and shook her head. — "He deserves what is going to happen to him, for being unfaithful" — she repeated while nodding her head trying to convince herself

But it was useless as a sad expression appeared on his face, his eyes getting wetter the more he thought about Boris.

"I… I was just pretending… so why…" — Anna muttered as she touched her chest.

The sound of approaching footsteps brought her out of her thoughts.

"What are you doing here ?" Anna asked as she glanced back.

"Watch your words bitch, remember who you're talking to" — answered a young man, his silhouette was hidden by the darkness of the room slightly illuminated by a couple of candles

"Hum!... a nobleman who reneged on his title who became a mere low-level adventurer" — Anna sneered making the man grunt in annoyance — "Well, have you accomplished your mission yet?" Anna asked as she turned around .

The man frowned as he made his way to the dining room table.

"No... Godwin got in the way of our plan" — he spoke as he took a bottle of liquor from the table and opened it — "He took the brat to the pleasure district, at this moment he must be entangled between the legs of some prostitute... possibly he won't make it home tonight"

Anna's face darkened as she listened to what the man said, a murderous aura began to surround the chestnut.

The adventurer did not seem to notice the change in the girl's attitude as he brazenly approached Anna and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Well that doesn't matter, since that brat won't come for a while, what do you think if we take advantage and have a little fun" — he spoke as he stretched out one of his hands towards Anna's chest with the intention of grabbing them

Before the perverted man could achieve his goal, he was stopped by Anna's hand, who held the man's wrist with a strong grip, causing a loud crack that made him scream in pain.

" Get lost, you fucking trash! " —said Anna as she increased the strength of her grip

The adventurer nodded frantically as he gazed in horror at the chestnut's murderous gaze.

'That womanizer… and I was worried about him…' — Anna thought as she threw the adventurer to the ground.

The man struggled to his feet and then limped back to where he came from earlier, this only made Anna snort in contempt as she brushed the place where he had touched her.

'But that's alright…he'll be safe if he's with Godwin-sama .... ... hah !... but what am I thinking, my job is supposed to be to help those idiots kidnap him without raising suspicions, I shouldn't be happy because the plan was ruined' — Anna thought as she held her face in embarrassment

"I have to focus…work comes first…I can't be distracted by a guy I met just a day ago…I have to calm down and focus my mind on the mission…besides there's nothing special about that guy…he's just a ladies' man and alcoholic who's good in sex…" — Anna murmured as she closed her eyes as she tried to calm down failing miserably.

After slapping her cheeks a few times, Anna managed to control her emotions, a cold expression appearing on her beautiful face.

"I must not forget my goal... if I complete this mission I will be closer to achieving my goal... I must harden my heart and be ruthless or I will never be able to do anything" — Anna murmured again while looking at her reflection in the window of the house

After steeling her resolve, the brunette walked towards the dining room and began to collect everything she had prepared.

All this was observed by a group of people who were hiding outside the house that the king gave Boris.

The group is made up of five people, two women and three men, the adventurer who tried to flirt with Anna was also among them.

"Hahaha, that's what you deserve, for horny" - mocked one of the group members.

" Shut up Irina" — the wounded adventurer muttered annoyed as he took out a potion from the bag that hung on his waist and handed it to one of the men in the group

"Isn't it enough with us, Alvaro -sama" — asked the other girl in the group with a sad tone while delicately holding the adventurer's arm

"I was only trying to recover what is mine " — he replied coldly Alvaro

"So you have a history with that girl" —asked one of the male members of the group— "Damn, that girl is wild, she almost completely tore your wrist apart"

Next to him, the member who received the potion began to pour the red liquid on Alvaro 's wound.

" Aagh !... It hurts like shit... that damn bitch... she'll pay me back" — Álvaro growled as he gritted his teeth in pain as he felt how the potion began to heal his wrist

"*Sigh*... It won't be enough... Diana, Irina... use healing magic" — The group leader spoke

The two women nodded at their leader's order and began to recite a healing spell that they cast on Álvaro.

He was instantly covered by a dim green light, at the same time his shattered wrist began to return to normal, because the spell was low level the two girls had to use the spell several times for Alvaro to be fully healed.

"Don't worry Alvaro -sama, you can take revenge on that servant today" — said the leader as he touched Alvaro 's shoulder

"Hmm...what do you mean?" asked Álvaro while looking curiously at the leader

"Our employer gave us this in case the main plan fails... I guess he's really desperate to get that guy" — replied the leader while showing a small glass bottle with a strange liquid inside.

"A potion of weakness? And it's of high quality" — Diana murmured as she recognized the object.

"That's right... I have two, I'll use one to weaken the knigth who takes care of the brat... you can use the other one..." — the leader spoke as he gave the bottle to Álvaro

"Hahaha, thanks Hector... I'll remember this, once I get my noble title back I won't forget about you and your team" — Álvaro spoke as he received the object with a big smile

"I thank you, Álvaro-sama" — replied the leader while bowing to Álvaro

Álvaro smirked as he saw the adventurers bow before him, he put the small bottle back in his bag as he looked towards the house.

'Just wait Anna, soon you'll be mine again' — Álvaro thought as he looked at the servant's silhouette through the window


























end of chapter