
A Player at Tate no Yuusha

Boris Garcia, a 22 year old latin boy is transported to the world of Tate no Yuusha when he touches a strange book, only that compared to his classmates, he was not a "Hero" but a "Gamer". It's my first story so there might be mistakes, I hope you like it.

Shikadota · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

" Hic!... Hey Boris...you really need to run back...Hic!...you even did those exercises in the bathroom...you're weird friend" — spoke a drunken Godwin while driving the carriage with some exertion due to the alcohol in his body

Below the carriage was Boris running at a moderate speed, his body was wet with profuse sweat due to the exercise he has been doing for more than an hour.

"Hahaha... he just tried to get the alcohol out of my body... I don't want my visitors to see me drunk" — Boris murmured as a smile appeared on his face

"Huh?... Visits? " Godwin asked curiously.

"Ah!...just ignore me ...I'm thinking about my adorable servant, I left her alone all day ... maybe I should give her a reward" — Boris replied with a perverted smile

"Hic!... Hahaha, you even have the strength left to play with that cute maid, you're an amazing guy...Hic!...You don't seem like a level 1 guy...just out of curiosity... What were you doing in your world?" — Godwin asked with genuine curiosity.

Boris smiled mischievously and then answered

"He was a gigolo..."

"Huh...what's that?"

"Hehehe... I was in charge of giving pleasure to the girls who needed it"

Godwin's eyes widened in surprise, then he put a hand to his chin and nodded understandingly.

"That explains your ability…"

This surprised Boris who frowned.

"Don't tell me you spied on me" — Boris shouted annoyed

"Of course not... it's just that... the demi-human girl spoke highly of you" — Godwin replied nervously, noticing the black-haired boy's annoyance

Boris narrowed his eyes suspiciously making Godwin more nervous.

"Hmm... never mind"

" Whew !... Hehehe... you really made a great first impression on those girls, they even gave you membership with just one visit"

"Uhm?... Aren't you exaggerating? " Boris asked

"Of course not, that brothel is the most prestigious in the city, it's hard to attend even for nobles, you have no idea how much it cost me to earn the right to become a client" — Godwin explained with obvious annoyance

Boris was a little surprised by what Godwin told him, although the place they visited was good, it was not the eighth wonder either to be so exclusive

'At least it's safe... although it's not like it matters, I'm practically immune to any disease' — thought Boris

"By the way ... Oh!...Great Baron Boris, would you be so generous as to offer a bit of your knowledge to this poor uneducated man" — Godwin spoke dramatically as he made an exaggerated bow.

Boris smiled in amusement at Godwin's antics and asked curiously

"And now what are you talking about?"

"Oh, come on... you know very well what I'm talking about" — replied Godwin while smiling mischievously

The black-haired man shook his head, then raised his thumb.

"I thank you very much, Baron Boris" — Godwin raised the bottle of wine in his hand with evident joy

Boris took a long breath as he opened the bag that hung at his waist and took out a roll of paper.

"That surprised me... I never imagined that the king would make me a Baron of Melromarc..." — Boris muttered in amazement as he held the scroll in his hand.

Since the black-haired man could not read the language of this world, he did not pay attention to the paper that was given to him in the throne room, it was thanks to Godwin that he discovered the value of said document.

An honorary title bestowed by the King of Melromarc himself as compensation for summoning him against his will.

This made Boris a noble of Melromarc, a status that many people in this world crave due to the numerous benefits that title confers.

Although this document benefited Boris, he was not happy to have received it.

'What is that old man up to...' — Boris thought as he put the paper in his inventory

The attitude that the king was showing to Boris was causing him a lot of concern, the man was very different from what was shown in the anime or light novel and that worried him since he did not know what to expect from the ruler of this city, he did not know if Was he friend or foe.

The black-haired man shook his head as he got those thoughts out of his head and decided to continue with his marathon, he had more important things to deal with right now.

As he ran he couldn't help but smile as he noticed the icon of an envelope flashing in his peripheral vision.

'Open messages' — Boris thought as he watched the envelope icon expand across the floating screen accompanied by the sound of a bell



[Hidden quest ‹Deflowering the Daisy› has been completed.

Reward: 5 Status Points]


[Hidden quest ‹Mother and Daughter› has been completed.

Reward: 5 Status Points]


[Hidden quest ‹Two Are Not Enough› has been completed.

Reward: 5 Status Points]


Hidden quest ‹ Interspecies Union › has been completed

Reward: 5 Status Points]


[Available Basic Status Points: 60]


In awe, Boris stared at the floating screen before his eyes.

'Do I really have the SL system?..... I don't remember in history that the MC had quests like this... I'm starting to think I have a perverted version of the system...though I'm not complaining,...it's not too many free points? ...it's about the points the inhabitants of this world get for going up 12 levels... then there is this ... Status" - thought Boris as a new screen appeared in his vision.



[ Status ]

Name: Boris Garcia

Level: 1

Exp : 0/20

Race: Human

Age: 24

Job: None

Title: Player, Hunter of Humans, He Who Overcame Odds, Baron of Melromarc


HP: 2100

PM: 640

Physical Attack Power: 80

Magic Attack Power: 96

Attack Speed: 8

Movement Speed: 14

Physical Defense: 25%

Magic Defense: 0%

Elemental Defense: 20%

Fatigue: 84



Vitality: 42

Strength: 40

Agility: 42

Intelligence: 32

Sense: 44


(Status Points Remaining: 60)


*Passive Skills*

•Will of Rehabilitation ( Lv . MAX): Any dismembered body part is restored upon sleep

•Longevity ( Lv . MAX ): All diseases, poisons and status effects are healed. Sleeping increases regeneration speed.

•Detect Bloodlust ( Lv . MAX): Detects any bloodlust directed at the player within a range of forty-four meters. It also alerts the user to the location of the attacker. The Sense attribute increases the range of the skill

•Danger Sensor ( Lv . MAX ): Allows the user to detect any potential threat in the surrounding area. The higher the Sense attribute, the sooner you can sense danger.

•Weapons Specialist ( Lv . 4 ) : When using a bladed weapon the attack with it gains 20% additional damage

•Marksman Specialist ( Lv . 5): When using a ranged weapon the attack with it gains 25% additional damage

•Physical Resistance ( Lv . 5 ): Body durability is increased by reducing 25% physical damage taken.

• Elemental Resistance ( Lv . 4 ): Body resistance is increased by reducing 20% elemental damage taken. (Fire, water, air, lightning)


*Active Skills*

•Observant eye ( Lv . 1). no mana cost

Allows the player to see information about objects, situations, and people. There is a small chance to detect the target's weak point.

The ability is useless on targets 30 levels above the player.

Cooldown: 40 seconds



•Player: Whoever owns this title proves that they earned the right to wear it. (This title grants 1 free point in each stat for each higher level. These points will not be removed if the player does a level reset.)

• Hunter of Humans: A title given to a hunter skilled in fighting humans. (40% increase in stats against hostile humans.)

•He Who Overcame Adversity: A title bestowed on those who overcame adversity. (His stats increase proportionally to his lost health. 1% stat increase for every 1% missing HP)

•Baron of Melromarc: A title bestowed by the monarch of the city of Melromarc. Enjoys the authority of a noble when present in any territory ruled by Melromarc.


'Powerful...I'm fucking powerful...it's nice to see that all the hell I've endured in my world hasn't been for nothing...it would be annoying to start out as a normal person when I know I'm not .... Anyway...new stats have appeared...is it because I unlocked my mana?' Boris thought as he remembered what happened in the morning in the throne room.

Just at the moment that Boris touched the crystal ball that the magician had in his hands, a screen appeared in his vision notifying that his body had acquired the ability to manipulate and use mana.

Mana is a form of energy that exists in nature and within the people of this world, it is an important aspect as it is the source of energy used to activate various magical spells.

For Boris it was a totally new experience to feel the energy known as Mana coursing through his entire body for the first time.

He went into some sort of trance as he enjoyed that mysterious energy flowing through every part of his body, but was interrupted from his little trance by a screen asking him if he wanted to display his magical abilities through the crystal sphere he was touching.

The black-haired man rejected the option without hesitation, a decision that unknowingly changed the events he would have to experience during his stay in this world completely.

After fifteen more minutes of jogging a buzzer was heard in his head at the same time that a floating screen appeared in his vision showing that he had finished his daily mission.

A smile appeared on Boris's face as he opened the rewards he got for successfully completing the daily quest, and he jumped back on the carriage.

The black-haired man looked in amazement at the place where they were passing, once again the atmosphere had changed, perfectly paved streets, magic lamps illuminated the dark streets, luxurious mansions with large lots that separate the domains of each nobleman.

The district destined for the nobility

'It's a good place to live... I really wish I could live in peace, but...*Sigh*...I don't think it's going to be possible' — the black-haired man thought as he let out a tired sigh

"Did you finish your weird routine?" Godwin asked.

"Yes... how long until we get there?" — asked Boris as he wiped the sweat from his face.

"Uhm... not much" — Godwin replied with a serious tone as he took a sip of his drink

This caught Boris' attention since since he met Godwin it was the first time he had spoken with that tone.

"Boris... and if you better stay in an inn... it's already a bit late"

Boris raised an eyebrow curiously at the musician's proposal.

The musician took another big swallow of his drink until he drank all its contents, after finishing he threw the bottle towards one of the trees that they had just passed.

The black-haired man frowned upon realizing how a shadow dodged the object thrown by the musician

'Then he realized it too... I guess he's not with them since he tried to keep them away from me... that's a relief' — Boris thought as he leaned back in the driver's seat carriage after having used the <Observant eye> on their pursuers

"It will be for another time... I don't want to keep Anna waiting..."

Godwin frowned at the black-haired man's response, some annoyance began to show on his face at the calm Boris showed despite his dangerous situation.

"Calm down... I'll take care of it... it's better if you don't get involved" — Boris whispered while keeping his expression serene and looking at the starry sky

Godwin looked sideways at Boris with clear surprise, Boris's relaxed attitude surprised him a lot, for a few hours he began to suspect that the perverted party boy behavior he has shown since yesterday was just a facade

Those cold, piercing stares he gave to the adventurers who tried to drug him at the inn are not something a spoiled child can do

Godwin shook his head and drew a long, resigned sigh as he reached for another bottle of wine and opened it.

"I'm just a musician with a family to protect... I hope you understand me" — Godwin whispered as he drank again

Boris nodded as he leaned back on the carriage seat and closed his eyes for a moment.

Due to exhaustion the black-haired man ended up falling asleep, upon seeing this Godwin let out a small whistle which seemed to be understood by the two filolias who slowed down the carriage.

After more than an hour the carriage stopped

Godwin couldn't help but let out a big whistle when he saw the place that Boris had indicated to him where was the place that the king gave him

"Wow, that dirty old man was generous... hey, Boris... we've arrived" — Godwin spoke as he woke the black-haired boy from his little nap¿

"*yawn*... that was fast" — Borias murmured as he stretched a little



fatigue: 43


'Well... I guess I won't have to use the reward... huh?... the rewards stack up , that's great' — Boris smiled as he looked at a x2 next to the reward called 'Status Recovery'

This filled the black-haired man with joy, who jumped to the back of the carriage where Aldis was sleeping, with some effort he lifted the drunken gentleman onto his shoulder and lowered him out of the carriage.

"Thanks for bringing us, friend... see you later" — Boris said goodbye as he walked in front of the carriage

The musician just nodded as he handed the black-haired man a bottle of wine.

"A present for that idiot" — Godwin said while pointing to Aldis

"Thank you..." — Boris thanked while raising his thumb in thanks

Godwin smiled as he watched the black-haired man walk away, after observing how Boris arrived at the door of the mansion he decided that it was time for him to leave so he ordered the two Filolials to turn around

Before leaving, he took one last look at the mansion, several silhouettes hidden in the garden caught his attention, then he turned to the path they came from and frowned again.

'There are more than I thought... I hope you survive, friend...' — Godwin thought before starting the carriage.




























"Damn Aldis...you're too heavy," Boris growled as he pushed through the fence.

With wobbly steps he walked up the stone path that led through the garden.

He couldn't help but whistle when he saw the place that the king gave him.

Surrounded by a dense forest was a luxurious two-story mansion built of what appeared to be bricks.

"...it looks like Konosuba 's " — Boris muttered as he reached into the bag that hung on his waist and took out a key.

With some effort the black-haired man put the key in the lock and opened the door with the gentleman still on his shoulder.

After entering he closed the door with one foot while scanning the place.

"...Not bad" — he murmured again as he looked at the interior of the mansion in amazement.

The interior too It seemed to be very elegant, it was almost at the level of detail that he could see in the castle

"Great, a fireplace" — Boris spoke with a cheerful tone when he saw a fireplace in what seemed to be the living room

The sound of footsteps approaching from the second floor alerted the black-haired man, when he looked up he saw a beautiful brown-haired woman wearing a fine white robe that highlighted her voluptuous figure

The black-haired man couldn't help but swallow as he saw the girl's two large breasts sway as she went down the stairs.

"Welcome Boris-sama" — Anna spoke as a beautiful smile adorned her face

"Hello, I'm sorry I woke you up, Anna."

"Don't worry, I couldn't sleep... I was a little worried since you didn't arrive at the time Aldis-san should have brought you home" — Anna replied as she looked at the unconscious knight on Boris's shoulder.

"It's not his fault, I asked him to stay longer... well, I didn't imagine that the house the king gave me would be so big, I think it's a lot of space for two people, don't you think?" Boris said as he walked towards an armchair in the living room and left Aldis lying on it.

"Yes, I was surprised too since these mansions are destined for the Barons of Melromarc"

"Oh, that explains it..." — Boris murmured again as he reached into the bag and took out the scroll that the king gave him.

"Eh?... what do you mean?" Anna asked confused.

"Ah, apparently the king named me Baron of Melromarc, look" — Boris said as he passed the scroll to Anna

The servant extends the scroll and then widens her eyes in surprise as she reads the content of the paper.

Although she was the one who handed him the scroll in the throne room, she had no idea what was written on it, which is why she was surprised to learn that Boris was now part of the Melromarc nobility.

'This can be complicated, I never imagined that the king would value this boy so much... maybe I can... no, I must continue with the plan... my goal is close to be fulfilled..... I shouldn't have stupid ideas in my head' — thought Anna while shaking her head.

This caught the attention of Boris who looked coldly at Anna for a moment before returning to his cheerful expression.

"I think I'll take a bath...I stink of sweat...Anna, where is the bathroom?" asked Boris, taking the chestnut out of his thoughts.

"Uh, ah... it's on the first floor... let me prepare it, it won't take long" — Anna said as she rolled up the paper and handed it to Boris

"I appreciate it... by the way, a free room for this idiot " — Boris spoke while pointing to Aldis

"Go up the stairs and the first room on the left side"

"I see... thanks" — the black-haired man murmured as he loaded Aldis onto his shoulder again as if she were a sack of potatoes.

With some effort he began to climb the stairs with Aldis while being watched by Anna, the kind expression with which he received Boris had disappeared from the beautiful woman's face, being replaced by a cold and emotionless look.

'... I 'm sorry but... I have a goal to accomplish... I hope you'll forgive me, Boris' — Anna thought as she turned around and walked towards the bathroom of the mansion.

On the second floor Boris opened the room that Anna indicated and entered it, then he lowered Aldis from his shoulder and laid him on the large bed in the room.

He then opened the bottle that Godwin gave him and made Aldis swallow its contents, a small glow covered the knight showing that the effect of the detoxification potion was beginning to take effect.

He quickly took out the sword that the knight brought with him from his inventory and placed it on the side of the bed.

"I suppose you'll know what to do" — Boris murmured as he left the room.

Boris paused for a moment as he took a deep breath

A piercing blue glow emanated from his eyes as he looked towards the direction where the adventurers were hiding.

He then turned to the direction the carriage came from and his brows deepened.

'There are more than I imagined... it seems that Anna is with them...' — Boris thought as he read the message that appeared when he entered the mansion

A cold expression appeared on Boris's face as he looked in the direction where the small floating window with Anna's name could be seen.

How he spent the whole day using the skill of <Observant Eye> this allowed him to level up said skill



*Active Skills*

• Observant eye ( Lv . 2). no mana cost

Allows the player to see information about objects, situations, and people. There is a small chance to detect the target's weak point. The ability can see through any obstacle within 100 meters of the player.

The ability is useless with targets 40 levels above the player.

Cooldown: 30 seconds


'... so that's why they gave me so many points... it seems that whoever brought me here doesn't want me to die yet... I guess I have to do my part so that doesn't happen...' — thought the man black-haired while frowning

With slow steps, the black-haired man went back down to the first floor and went to the place where Anna indicated that the bathroom was.

As he approached the room, a delicious fragrance filled his nose, instantly the black-haired man recognized the smell of the aphrodisiac herb that Anna used the day before in the castle bathroom when they had their first meeting.



[Harmful substance detected]

[Longevity Passive Skill has been activated... 3... 2... 1... detoxification successful! ]

[Hostile intentions towards the player have been detected]

[The title effect "Hunter of humans" was activated]

All stats are increased by 40% against hostile humans

[An emergency mission has been created]


Boris once again thanked the system for giving him the great negative effect immunity ability, without it he would have been a victim of narcotics and aphrodisiacs more than 12 times in the last two days he has been in this world.

Boris couldn't help but shudder because of the many times they tried to drug him, he knew that his life would be in danger because he was someone special because he came from another world, but he never imagined that it would be so exaggerated.

Mentally slapping himself as he inhaled deeply the scent of the herb's fragrance, an expression of utter lust came over his face as he entered the bathroom, which increased when he saw a beautiful naked woman calling out to him as a flirtatious smile gracing her face.

'This is going to be a pain in the ass' — Boris thought as he walked over to Anna.























"Well... the time has come... we can't wait any longer or we won't be able to leave the city without being seen" — Hector spoke while looking at his companions

"Weren't we going to wait for that bitch's signal?" Irina asked.

"That was before that woman dared to touch Álvaro-sama" — Hector replied with a cold voice.

They all nodded at their leader's words.

Some nervousness could be seen on the faces of all the adventurers.

Even the arrogant Álvaro, who was shamelessly groping Irina and Diana's butt in front of his classmates, had cold sweat running all over his body from nervousness.

It was normal to be nervous or even fearful in their situation, the consequences of failing and getting caught would be catastrophic, and they knew it.

The fear of failure began to appear in their minds, making the idea of running away contemplated by everyone

The same was true for Hector , despite being a somewhat experienced adventurer he was nervous, not everyone has the guts to mess with the people the king protected

But the great reward offered by his employer was so great that his greed overcame his common sense and he decided to risk himself and his companions

With that in mind, he took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves and spoke to his companions.

"Calm down, everything will be fine... This errand is the easiest our group has ever taken part in... the gentleman is drunk and the maid will be easy to take care of her... and the brat, um!... No he's more than a perverted playboy..." — Hector spoke with a confident voice

Everyone nodded at the words of their leader, recovering a bit of calm.

Hector smiled at this and returned his gaze to the mansion.

" Alvaro -sama, I recommend that we also take the maid with us, I understand that you want to take care of her right now but...we don't have much time available and... "

"Say no more, I understand what you're trying to say... I'll put up with my carnal desires until I've finished with this mission" — interrupted Álvaro as he looked at Héctor with annoyance

Hector sighed with relief at her response, he knew very well how lustful the arrogant young man he has as a companion was, he feared that he would be blinded by his carnal impulses when he saw the defenseless servant and endangered the mission.

"I appreciate it..." — Héctor spoke while making a slight bow towards Álvaro

Álvaro smiled arrogantly as he groped his companions again.

Hector, accustomed to the character of the former nobleman, ignored Álvaro and looked at his other companion.

"Fred, go and place these Explosive Magic Talismans all over the mansion..." — Hector ordered as he handed over the bag he was carrying on his waist.

"Will you destroy the mansion?" asked Álvaro with surprise.

Hector nodded

"Won't that attract much attention?... we'll be screwed if the knights chase us" — asked Irina with obvious concern

"That won't happen, our employer took it upon himself to neutralize all the guards that the king had assigned to the brat to protect him, in addition, he changed the place where he was supposed to live... at this moment there is no one living around 5 kilometers around this place..." — Hector replied as he took out the potion of weakness from his bag

"Shit!...so much trouble for a mere brat?" — Irina murmured with astonishment.

"I wouldn't say he's a mere brat... to begin with, he's from the same world as the legendary heroes, that alone is enough to make a country want to go to war over the child... second, that brat looks have some kind of immunity against potions and drugs, an ability that makes it more valuable since their descendants can inherit it... and three... information... only a day has passed and a variety of different music has already been released to ours...can you imagine how much information they could extract from their world with a little torture, Melromarc could advance as much as Faubrey" — Héctor explained emotionally

Everyone widened their eyes in surprise at their leader's words, it was then that they understood why he decided to take the risk of accepting the job, the benefits are worth the risk

With that in mind all his worries disappeared and were replaced by a great determination product of his greed and greed.

"We can't fail" — said a determined Diana as she took out a blue potion from her bag and drank it

Alvaro 's broken wrist had drained almost all of his mana , before he would have refused to spend his valuable mana potion but upon listening to his leader he changed his mind

Hector smiled at the determination that his companions were showing, when he saw that they were all prepared, he gave the last indications and they began the mission.

They quietly approached the mansion and headed for the window that Anna was supposed to leave open for them so that they would enter when she gave the signal.

They all smiled when they saw the unlocked window, they quickly went inside and stood guard.

Seeing that no one was around, Fred began his task, pulled out a pair of Magical Explosive Talismans and placed them on one of the main walls of the mansion.

"The knight should be on the second floor... be careful, even though he's drunk he's still too strong for our group" — Hector muttered as he gave him one of the weakness potions

Fred nodded as he received the potion, after placing several talismans he went to the second floor.

The other four headed towards the mansion's bathroom, Álvaro had the potion of weakness in one hand while in the other he held a dagger.

Behind him was Hector with his spear firmly drawn and ready to attack if necessary.

The two girls in the group brought up the rear while preparing their mana to cast a spell in case the situation required it.

A simple but effective formation when fighting an opponent stronger than the group

Before they reached the bathroom, the door was flung open, and a disheveled, half-naked Anna with her face flushed and breathing hard came out.

"Eh?... w-what are you doing here?..." — Anna muttered in surprise when she saw the group in front of her

Without saying a word, Álvaro threw the potion of weakness towards Anna's feet.

The potion took effect immediately, draining the little energy Anna had left after the hectic activity she was doing with Boris.

Like a wild beast, Álvaro lunged at Anna and landed a blow to her face that knocked her to the ground, then grabbed her by the hair and delivered several blows to her face while yelling in anger.

"Fucking arrogant bitch"

Irina and Diana shuddered to see how Álvaro mercilessly beat the weakened Anna over and over again.

They knew that if it wasn't for the fact that they resigned themselves and let him touch them as he wished, it was very likely that they would have received the same treatment as the girl in front of them.

The servant's face began to swell from the constant blows of the aggressive adventurer, although this cruel attitude displeased Hector , he decided to remain silent and just watch.

The brother and father of the savage former nobleman were people to be feared in all of Melromarc and of course he wouldn't be stupid enough to make them his enemies just because of a woman, that's why he resigned himself when Álvaro became interested in his childhood friend and ex girlfriend

He preferred to clench his teeth in anger when he heard how Álvaro fucked the two most important women in his life every night since he joined his adventure group.

'Just wait you damn bastard... soon you'll pay me all of them' — Hector thought as he looked at Alvaro with deep hatred.

"Damn it... you've been contaminated by that fucking brat... tch !... it doesn't matter... I just have to erase any trace of that bastard in your body and replace it with my essence" — Álvaro muttered as he breathed agitatedly

Héctor frowned when he saw how Álvaro began to take off his chain mail and then continue with his pants.

He turned towards the bathroom door and understood the reason why Álvaro was behaving in that way.

'Aphrodisiac... uhm, it seems that it's one that only affects men... from the look that bitch had, it's sure that she fucked the brat we have to kidnap' — Hector thought as he covered his nose with his elbow

"Hector...he's going to... "

"Leave it... the aphrodisiac has already taken effect, it will be a nuisance if we stop it, let's go for the brat" — Hector interrupted his companions as he took out a handkerchief from his bag and used it to cover his nose

The two girls nodded reluctantly as they gave Álvaro a disgusted look before following their leader who had entered the bathroom.

Upon entering the bathroom, they found an unconscious Boris totally naked inside the bathtub.

Hector and his companions carefully approached in case Boris woke up, but this did not happen even when they got him out of the tub and dressed him.

This made everyone drop their guard, a serious mistake

"So he's the famous boy from the other world" — Diana murmured as she looked at the black-haired man from head to toe.

"He 's sexy" — Irina murmured while biting her lips

Diana nodded as a blush covered her face.

This comment made Hector angry who kept comparing himself to Boris, as someone who was not blessed by beauty, Hector has some kind of resentment with handsome guys and hearing those compliments from his ex and friend made him angry

"Tch!... we're leaving" — Hector growled as he bent down with the intention of carrying Boris on his shoulder

Before Hector could touch him, Boris's eyes flew open, a dagger appeared in his right hand and he slid it down Hector's throat.

Hector 's throat became a fountain of blood from the deep gash that nearly separated his head from his body.

Taking advantage of the fact that both girls were in shock, Boris pushed Hector aside while equipping another dagger in his right hand and rushed towards the two girls.

This made them react but it was too late as Boris passed between the two girls while swinging both daggers with great speed and strength.



[+980 EXP]

[9800 Gold]

[+1120 EXP]

[11200 Gold]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[Enemies Remaining: 13]


Several notifications were heard in the head of the black-haired man while a strange sensation ran through his body as a result of receiving a small increase in his attributes with the level up.

At the same time the bodies of both girls fell to the floor, their heads rolling a few meters from her body as their blood painted the bathroom floor.

Both had been decapitated from a single attack by Boris without offering resistance to the astonishment of the black-haired man.

'From an attack?... my strength increase is noticeable ... it was a good idea to put the points beforehand' — Boris thought as he looked at his statistics

Just when Anna came out of the bathroom, Boris decided to spend the points he earned from the hidden quests and daily quests, without thinking he increased both strength and agility getting a huge increase in his physical abilities.




Vitality: 48 +(19)

Strength: 76 + (30)

Agility: 78 + (31)

Intelligence: 38 + (15)

Sense: 50 + (20)


(Status Points Remaining: 30)


'Oh... I also got stat points for leveling up?... In total, I got ten points per level... Shit, that's really cheating... and I still have the daily quest... this system looks less and less like SL... meh! better for me' — Boris thought as he closed the holographic screen

While drinking with Godwin and the adventurers he met at the inn of abundance, the black-haired man asked how the leveling system of this world worked.

They told him that the average human without any training upon reaching 15 years of age has 10 status points in each attribute except for the intelligence attribute, which varies according to the human's talent.

They also told him that there are two ways to become stronger in this world.

The first is by killing monsters or other humans to get EXP, when reaching a certain amount the human levels up, obtaining 5 free status points that he can distribute as he wishes.

The second is through training, the human can obtain additional points through specific training for each attribute

'... uhm!... the title is still active, the others must be close...' — Boris thought when he saw how he still maintained the increase in statistics that the title of <Hunter of humans> grants him

He quickly approached the dying Hector and began to remove the chain mail that protected his torso.

He wrinkled his nose when he saw that Hector's blood had stained the chain mail, but he continued with his action nonetheless.



[Coat of mail. Range: Common]

Protective element of the body made with metal plates sewn on leather clothing

* Equipment Requirement : Strength 20

*Defenses: Physical: 5%, Magic: 2%, Fire: 0%, Electricity: 0%, Darkness: 0%. Freezing: 5%

*Durability: 28/40

[Do you want to equip? Yeah? or not?]


"Equip" — Boris muttered as he looked at the spear that Hector brought

The chain mail appeared on his torso, it dripped the adventurer's blood but Boris didn't care.

After Boris put on the chain mail, a new option appeared that the black-haired man immediately accepted.

The bloody chain mail became transparent to the eye even though it was still on Boris's body.

"Okay, now go on...better not" — Boris muttered as he picked up the spear from the ground

He was thinking of taking Hector's pants off but he rebuffed it when he saw a stain on the dying adventurer's crotch.



[Magic iron spear. Range: Uncommon]

Long spear created with magical iron capable of channeling the user's mana

Equipment Requirement : Strength 30, Agility 40

*Attack power: Physical 140

*+ Agility 5

*Durability: 42/50

[Do you want to equip? Yeah? or not?]


'Well...it's weaker than Aldis's daggers for a spear, but it'll do...' — Boris thought as he put the spear and its daggers into his inventory

Before leaving, Boris took one last look at Hector who was on the ground bleeding to death, his life bar was rapidly decreasing showing his imminent fate, death.

"Don't look at me like that, mate…you asked for it…a hunter must be prepared to be hunted, don't you think?" Boris murmured as he smirked at the dying Hector.

Hector tried to speak but it was impossible due to the large cut on his throat, all he did was speed up his death by choking on his own blood

Reluctantly, he watched as Boris headed towards the bathroom door, he cursed himself for being blinded by greed, he regretted having accepted this job, but... it was already too late.

Hector took one last look at the lifeless bodies of the only two people he considered important in his life, who were desecrated by a depraved human being and finally killed by a demon because of him.

'I'm sorry...'

Another notification was heard in Boris's head.



[+2560 EXP]

[25600 Gold]

[You have leveled up]

[Enemies Remaining: 12]


Hector had died granting Boris enough experience to raise another level

But little did the black-haired man care who kicked the bathroom door to distract the guy outside and take him by surprise, but the one who ended up surprised was Boris.

The black-haired man saw how Anna was about to be abused by Álvaro, who was totally affected by the aphrodisiac he had used against him.

Boris glared at the vile man, who completely ignored him as he lustfully sucked on the maid's bare breasts.

"Argh !"

A heartbreaking scream came from Álvaro's throat when Boris's leg impacted brutally on his head.

He again let out a miserable scream as he crashed into the wall, the blow was so overwhelming that it ended up taking 90 percent of the adventurer's life bar and he was impaled on the wall.

'Uhm?... I don't feel any side effects from increasing my stats too much... that's good, there won't be any problem to fight... let's see... I have 35 points available... I'll add them at once' — Boris thought as he assigned 10 points to Sense, 10 points to Agility, and 5 points to Strength.

He immediately felt a refreshing sensation run through his body, his head felt a little clearer than before and his body was filled with energy.

"Hum!... that jerk was ruthless... don't you think so, Norman?" Boris spoke as he looked at Anna on the ground.

The maid had a swollen face and blood was flowing from her nose, she also noticed several red marks on her abdomen and ribs and several teeth marks on her neck and chest.

The beautiful and sensual girl who was moaning and screaming his name a few minutes ago was a real mess because of Alvaro.

A bit of anger began to build inside Boris at the sight of his lover's sorry state, but it vanished immediately as he saw Anna's name flash above her in piercing red.

'Hum!... what a waste' — Boris thought as he turned towards the entrance of the mansion.

A tall and stocky man accompanied by five other adventurers came out of the darkness of the room and stood a good distance from Boris as he answered the black-haired man.

"You are not far behind either, friend"

It was Norman, the adventurer he met at the entrance of the inn of abundance and shared drinks with Aldis and Godwin

His kind and cheerful expression had been replaced by a cold smile accompanied by a slight thirst for blood.

The adventurer looked at the black-haired man with some surprise, the strength he showed surprised him a bit since just a few hours ago he was only level 1, but now he was level 7

'Why is he so strong?...did he kill the other guys who came in?...but how?' Norman thought as he looked at Álvaro embedded in the wall and then looked at Boris

"Hahaha, I guess not, visiting?... oh!... you even bring friends with you... tell me ... can I offer you something to drink?" Boris said as he activated <Observant Eye>



[ Status ]

Name: Norman

Level: 47

Race: Human

Age: 32

Profession: Slave trader

Weakness: Overconfidence


'Uhm…this will be troublesome…' Boris thought as he looked up at the second floor.

All of his enemies were much higher levels than him, especially the three people on the second floor, since his ability did not allow him to see their information showing that they are of a higher level than Norman.

Plus those guys gave off a lot more pressure than Norman and his teammates.

'... I hope Aldis can handle it... uhm!... I still can't see his information... What level will it be?'— The black-haired man thought as he looked towards the second floor

The black-haired man returned his gaze to Norman and his team.

"Boris, you know very well what we're here for... your gullible child façade no longer fits..." — Norman spoke as he advanced towards Boris

"Really?... Wow, I guess I'm not that good of an actor" — Boris replied as he lowered his shoulders in disappointment.

"Ha!, you're funny... you'll be a slave of the highest quality... since I like you I'll try to find you a good owner... who knows, maybe a Siltvelt noblewoman will end up buying you" — Norman said as he stood in front of Boris

"Slave?...is that allowed?" asked the black-haired man as he returned Norman's gaze without any fear.

"Yes, it's possible... after all, you're in another world, friend... anyway... the guys should finish that gentleman quickly, don't worry, they'll be nice to him" — Norman said as he hugged his neck Boris

Boris tried to fight, but was overcome by the strength of Norman, who taunted Boris's attempts to flee.

"Hey Norman, don't let your guard down" — one of the other adventurers spoke while taking out his short sword and looking towards the second floor

His name was Edward, and he was the second strongest in the group that surrounded Boris.

"Hahaha, come on Edward, don't be nervous... it's true that our friend is a bit strong, but... in front of me he's nothing more than a cockroach" — Norman spoke while laughing out loud

The black-haired man put on a resigned expression as he stopped trying to get out of Norman's grip, this made the adventurer laugh with more contempt at the black-haired man's weakness.


A loud crash was heard from the second floor, all the adventurers went on their guard as they looked towards the direction where the noise came from.

The mansion began to shake as more noise began to be heard, this made the adventurers frown heavily as they prepared to fight.

Even Norman stopped laughing and loosened his grip on Boris as he drew the sword from his waist.


A person broke through the wall, forcefully fell to the ground a few meters from the goalkeeper of Norman's team


"It's James"

The adventurers shuddered when they saw their partner embedded in the ground, he was unconscious, one arm had been cut off and his face was disfigured by an attack from Aldis.

Several rumbles were heard again on the second floor indicating that the battle was not over yet.


"Norman, what do we ... do ?!"

Edward turned to his leader to ask him what to do only to see how his head was separated from his body.



[+ 105,600 EXP]

[1,056,000 Gold]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[Enemies Remaining: 11]


"NORMAN!!" Edward yelled, calling the attention of his classmates.

Immediately, the black-haired man added the points he obtained in agility, strength and sense, obtaining a small increase in his strength.

With his new found speed, Boris caught Norman's head as he was about to fall to the ground and hurled it at Edward, blocking his vision.

At the same time, the black-haired man with a thought took out from his inventory the spear that he picked up a few moments ago.

He fixed his gaze on the bow-wielding adventurer as his right arm took up a throwing position, he tightened his grip on the spear, his arm muscles expanded, thick veins appeared all the way to the back of his hand which was being covered. for a blue aura

All his strength was focused on his right arm.

Boris then drew his arm back like a bowstring and hurled the spear at the archer with terrifying speed.

Almost instantly, the adventurer's head was smashed to pieces by the spear, which continued on its way until it shattered the mansion wall.



[+ 84,700 EXP]

[847,000 Gold]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[Enemies Remaining: 10]

[You have learned the skill "Mighty Throw"]



The body of the archer and Norman fell to the ground before the stunned gaze of Edward and his companions, who took a step back and raised their guard.


Edward was the first to react, he flexed his legs with the intention of attacking Boris but before he could even move he was forced to block the swift attack that was aimed at his neck.

*clang *

"What the fuck!!"

Edward grunted as his balance was destroyed by the power behind Boris's attack leaving him unguarded, cold sweat ran down his body as he realized that another dagger had appeared in Boris' hand and was being fiercely thrust into his chest at a terrifying speed.

"NO ... aaaargh !"



[+ 90,100 EXP]

[941,000 Gold]

[You have leveled up]

[Enemies Remaining: 9]


Boris's cold, indifferent emotionless stare was the last thing Edward saw before he died from the fatal attack.

The black-haired man watched carefully as the life was extinguished in the adventurer's eyes before savagely pulling the dagger out of Edward's chest and then throwing his body to the ground.

With the eyes of a predator sizing up its prey, Boris shifted his gaze from one adventurer to the next, the bloodlust he's been holding back all this time rising to the surface.

'Two magicians and one assassin... there are still two enemies fighting with Aldis... tch !... I still can't see their levels' — Boris thought as he activated <Observant Eye> again and looked towards the second floor

He immediately turned his attention back to the three adventurers as he clenched the hilts of his daggers.

This made the last three adventurers flinch at the great pressure the black-haired man was exuding.

'What the hell!' —Thought one of the adventurers while his body trembled with fear.

The fact that two daggers appeared in Boris' hands out of nowhere was surprising, but what surprised the adventurers the most was the ease and brutality with which Boris killed his three colleagues.

Everything happened in a single instant that they still couldn't believe what had happened

'Capture him alive?... shit!... either we kill him or we'll be killed' — thought one of the magicians while pointing to Boris with both open palms

He quickly began to recite the chant of a fire spell

His companions also began to prepare to attack the black-haired man.

"Eh?" the magician murmured in surprise.

In front of him Boris had appeared, who looked with fierce eyes at the frightened adventurer.

'Weakest magical boy first,' Boris thought as he swiftly swung his dagger at the wizard's neck.

*Slash *



[+ 83,400 EXP]

[834,000 Gold]

[You have leveled up]

[Enemies Remaining: 8]


Again another head was cut off

The power of the agility stat raised to 114 points began to show, that's without adding the additional points that the title gave it.

'This is absurd' — thought the last wizard as he saw how Boris had appeared in front of him

*Slash *



[+86,300 EXP]

[863,000 Gold]

[Remaining enemies: 7]


"This is disappointing..." Boris muttered as he shook his dagger

The blood of his enemies was scattered on the ground before the terrified gaze of the assassin.

The last survivor of Norman's team stared in terror at the indifferent black-haired man approaching him.

His body had frozen at Boris's show of force.

He knew very well, he had no chance of defeating the monster in front of him, much less escaping.

His head would be decapitated if he took his eyes off the black-haired man.

'How did it end up like this?' — the assassin wondered as he dropped his weapons and knelt down.

The idea of fighting even to survive had disappeared due to the overwhelming bloodlust that Boris was releasing, looking at the decapitated bodies of his comrades reinforced his decision, he was going to die and he had accepted it.

Boris raised an eyebrow in surprise at the adventurer's action, narrowing his eyes waiting for some treacherous move on the adventurer 's part but <Danger Sensor> did not activate even after a minute.

Boris sighed in disappointment as he tightened his grip on his dagger with the intention of ending the adventurer's life.

"I can ask you for something before you kill me" — the adventurer spoke with a pleading voice

"Speak" — answered Boris, curious about his enemy's request

"Kill the red-haired bitch that accompanies the shield hero...she was the one who sold us the information about you...she's why we attacked you...it was supposed to be an easy job, but...never we imagined that you were actually a damn demon... well... since we died because of him, at least I hope she also shares the same fate" — the adventurer spoke with a cold tone

The hatred towards the woman he mentioned was visible in his eyes, but Boris didn't care.

The adventurer looked up and stared at Boris waiting for an answer, but the black-haired man didn't give it to him.

Boris swung his dagger at the assassin's neck, separating his head from his body.



[+92,300 EXP]

[923,000 Gold]

[You have leveled up]

[Enemies Remaining: 6]


Boris remained alert, activated <Observant Eye>, and scanned his surroundings.

The ability again showed him the names of Anna and Álvaro, but he ignored them.

His gaze locked on the adventurer who had been thrown from the second floor, his information still not visible showing that his level was very high.

With a couple of steps he approached the dying adventurer and without hesitating he pushed his dagger into his chest.




[1,896,000 Gold]

[You have leveled up]

[Enemies Remaining: 5]


'Hum... you gave out a lot of EXP and gold, you bastard... well... let's finish this' — Boris thought as he walked towards the stairs leading to the second floor.

He didn't care that Anna or Álvaro ran away, one had a cracked skull and the girl was under the effect of the potion they used on her making it very difficult for her to move.

The sound of fighting was still present so he decided to join in and help Aldis.


Another wall of the mansion was destroyed, the figure of a man holding a spear was perceived by Boris through the cloud of dust that formed from the impact.

Boris's <Danger Sense> skill activated instantly

'That guy is dangerous' — the black-haired man thought as his body tensed due to the pressure that the adventurer exuded.

A dense thirst for blood surrounded the adventurer who looked with deep fear towards the place where he flew out.

'Argh!…damn knight, he almost killed me…damn my armor went to hell…As expected of a Melromarc knight, that guy is fucking strong…damn…no, That bastard was supposed to be drunk... easy mission?... tch! ...we may not even survive today' — Bard thought as he looked at his torso

The armor he had worked so hard to buy saved him from being sliced in two by Aldis's powerful mana-powered slash.

Bard shuddered to imagine what would have happened to him if he didn't don his precious armor for this mission.

"Cough !, cough ! ... shit!"

Brad began to cough up blood constantly, he felt a warm sensation running through his torso just where Aldis hit him

His hand was stained with his own blood when he patted his torso, the adventurer cursed seeing a large cut that crossed his entire abdomen and chest.

He had to use his spear as support when he felt his legs lose some strength, he quickly patted the bag that hung from his waist but to his bad luck all the products inside had been crushed.

All this was seen by Boris, who, seeing how the adventurer was off guard and injured, decided that it was time to attack.

Without hesitation, the black-haired man added the extra 30 points he got from going up six levels to the agility attribute.

Boris flexed his legs, mustering all his strength, and then ran with incredible speed towards the unsuspecting adventurer.

Tightening his grip on his dagger, he swung it with terrifying speed and precision, aiming for Brand's neck.

*clang *

Boris's hand trembled as his dagger was hampered by the shaft of Bard's spear, who stared at Boris in utter astonishment.

'I didn't feel any bloodlust when he attacked me... crap, I didn't even realize he was near me' — Bard thought as he watched Boris jump back creating distance.

The adventurer looked around, surprised again when he noticed the corpses of the adventurers who joined his group.

A strong chill ran down his spine when he saw that most of them had been beheaded.

'If it wasn't for the fact that I could hear the ground crack when he moved I would have been killed, who the hell is this guy?' — Bard thought as he looked at Boris only to realize that he was no longer in the same place.

This made her guard up, all her senses were sharpened trying to find the black-haired man, but to her surprise she couldn't feel him.


Bard managed to perceive a sound coming from his blind spot, without turning around, he tilted his head a little, dodging a piece of rubble.

The adventurer snorted with contempt at the black-haired man's attack, he was about to say something when he again felt two pieces of debris coming from another direction.

This time he jumped slightly to the side to avoid the projectiles that aimed at his legs, before he could relax again he was forced to dodge.

He frowned as he looked to where he had sensed Boris only to realize that he was no longer there.

"Cough!, Cough!" .... Come out and fight you bastard!" he growled as he spat out a mouthful of blood.

His wound was more serious than he thought, he needed to stop the bleeding and take a potion to heal his torn organs

In addition to the fact that he needed to return to help his companion or he would die facing the knight

'This mission went to hell... no... if he took the brat hostage we'll win the fight' — Bard thought as he dodged another piece of debris

With his high speed, he turned one hundred and eighty degrees, managing to see the silhouette of Boris

'What the fuck!... it's fast' — Bard thought with surprise when he saw how Boris disappeared from his sight again.

He gritted his teeth enduring the pain as he tightened his grip on his spear waiting for another attack.

He didn't have to wait long as he felt murderous intent from his blind spot.

'Got you' — celebrated Bard as he turned towards the direction where he felt Boris

With his agility nearing 220 points, it would be easy to close the distance between them in an instant, but I never expected that to be what Boris expected.

Boris jumped back before Bard moved, with a thought he again pulled out one of his daggers from his inventory while at the same time activating the skill he had recently acquired.

His hand and dagger were covered in a blue aura boosting both the damage and the speed of the projectile.

"Mighty Throw!" — Boris muttered as he threw the dagger at a speed much greater than the previous time he used it.

The attack took Bard by surprise who had already jumped towards where Boris was.

"Argh !!"

Bard grunted in pain as his right pectoral was pierced by the dagger, leaving a large bleeding hole.

At the last moment Bard managed to prevent the dagger from hitting his heart, but the blow was still fatal.

In addition to the fact that he was still moving towards the direction of Boris, who already had another dagger equipped waiting for his enemy to approach him.

The thought of capturing the black-haired man changed when he felt how death embraced him.

Without hesitation, Bard aimed his spear at Boris's chest, intending to kill him with one blow.

The sound of flesh being torn and blood splattering was heard among the rumblings of the mansion, only to be replaced by a brief silence.

"Aargh!!... damn ..."



[+467,300 EXP]

[2,350,600 Gold]

[You have leveled up ]

[Enemies Remaining: 4]


Boris's dagger pierced Bard 's heart

While Bard's spear pierced the right side of Boris's abdomen

"Cough!... cough !...that was close" — Boris muttered as he coughed up blood





Cold sweat covered his body when he saw his life bar

If it wasn't for Bard being injured, his attack would have hit first plus it wouldn't have missed.

With a quick movement he removed the dagger from the dead adventurer's chest and then cut off the hand that held the spear.

Despite being dead, his grip on the weapon didn't loosen one bit.

Gritting his teeth, Boris withdrew the spear from his abdomen losing a little more HP.

He immediately activated <Observant Eye> and inspected his surroundings to see if there were any enemies nearby.

'*Sigh*...thank goodness' — Boris thought, relieved to see no hostile person nearby.

As if to reassure him that no hostile was around, the notification that the title <Hunter of humans> had been deactivated appeared in his vision.

The black-haired man felt somewhat weak when the extra stats granted by the title disappeared.

"BORIS!... "

Boris looked up to the second floor watching as an injured Aldis slowly walked while dragging two unconscious men.

His armor was dented and had several cuts, a little blood dripped from his chest showing that his battle had been difficult.

Seeing Boris alive, Aldis breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"I see you're done … how was your nap?" Boris replied as he dropped on his ass to the ground.

The black-haired man was very tired, their battle was short but intense, to the point that his fatigue had reached 85 points.

The knight's face blushed at the black-haired comment.

If it weren't for what he gave him to drink, it is quite certain that he would not have been able to fight and it was quite possible that the slave traders would have captured Boris.

Aldis was going to apologize but the smell of blood caught his attention

"Boris…you…did you do this?" asked the knight when he saw the corpses of the adventurers on the ground

Boris nodded while looking towards the direction where Anna was supposed to be.

The knight breathed in a breath of cold air as he carefully looked at the corpses, then looked at Boris who had gotten up again.

"Boris... who the hell are you?" asked a serious Aldis as he dropped the adventurer to the ground

He had unconsciously raised his guard as he watched the black-haired man walk towards the door that leads to the back door of the mansion.

The brutality and precision with which Boris killed the adventurers scared him, he had only seen this kind of murder by the queen's shadows and some members of the assassins' guild, people who were specifically trained to kill humans.

The memory of an event in his past came back to his mind causing his repressed anger to come out and briefly lose control

Aldis clenched the hilt of his sword and tensed his muscles as if he was about to lunge at Boris.

"Hoo !...you want to kill me, Aldis?" Boris asked in a playful voice while maintaining an amused expression.

Although he was actually starting to get nervous as Aldis was overflowing with killing intent and the system seemed to start seeing the knight as an enemy.

'I don't think I can beat this guy... even with all the levels I've raised I still can't see his level or information...if he decides to attack me or the system orders me to fight him, I'll be screwed' — Boris thought as he sharpened all his senses preparing for the worst

Aldis seemed to snap out of her trance upon hearing Boris speak, she immediately knelt down, smashing her head on the ground and screaming in a frightened voice.

"I apologize for my behavior, Baron Boris...punish me properly for my offense"

Boris looked confused at Aldis's sudden change, but he managed to understand it a little when he saw the new holographic screen that appeared in his vision.



[The title effect "Baron of Melromarc" was activated]


'Interesting', Boris thought with great interest.

He never imagined that the title would have that kind of effect, the black-haired man smiled as he imagined all the situations where he could use this title to his advantage.

"You can get up..." — Boris speaks in a calm voice as he imagines deactivating the title

Another holographic screen advising that the title had been deactivated appeared in his vision.

At the same time, the strange power that affected Aldis disappeared, returning her free will.

"Huh?... what happened?" - Asked a confused Aldis while rubbing his head

Boris ignored him and continued on his way to the back door of the mansion.

In the distance he could see Anna crawling on the floor, with a couple of steps she reached the servant and stood in front of her.

"N-no... don't kill me... I... can't die... no... I haven't killed them yet... I can't die" — a terrified Anna muttered as she tried to get away from Boris unsuccessfully

The black-haired man didn't answer and just watched the maid mutter nonsense words, she seemed to be having a nervous breakdown.


For a moment Boris saw a reflection of himself in the servant girl, and it puzzled him.

He shook his head trying to get that image out of his mind, then he carried Anna and returned to the room where Aldis was.

The knight had taken Álvaro out of the wall where Boris embedded him and laid him down next to the adventurers he defeated.

"Well... wake them up ... they have a lot to tell... you 'll start , Anna" — Boris said as he threw Anna to the ground






















end of chapter

Finally another chapter of this shit

Hahaha if I was a little late sorry I forgot I started this

It was thanks to my brother that I remembered him, by the way, that bastard finally got married, we lost him forever 😭

At least he is happy and that is what he counts.

Anyway, I hope you like this chapter, and if not... I don't care 😂

I don't know when I'll upload another one, I hope it doesn't take as long as this time... life brings me like its bich right now so I don't have much free time

Anyway, take care of me and drink water, this fucking heat is hellish