
A Player at Tate no Yuusha

Boris Garcia, a 22 year old latin boy is transported to the world of Tate no Yuusha when he touches a strange book, only that compared to his classmates, he was not a "Hero" but a "Gamer". It's my first story so there might be mistakes, I hope you like it.

Shikadota · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

"Damn Aultcray, who the hell do you think you are to order me around? … you bastard son of a bitch"

A middle-aged man was cursing with anger while looking at his reflection in the luxurious mirror in his room.

This man is none other than Bernal, advisor, to the king of Melromarc and former cardinal of the church of the three heroes.

In a fit of anger, Bernal began to destroy all the furniture in the room while remembering what had just happened in the throne room.

"Just wait... you and that bitch will pay for all the humiliations you have caused me" — he growled with hate while a crazy smile appeared on his old face




















~Training Yard~

The sky had completely darkened, ending the day, almost an hour had passed since Boris began to carry out the daily mission

At this moment he was doing the last repetitions that he needed to give how said mission was concluded.

"95...96...97...98...99...and 100...whew!...That was intense" — Boris murmured as he tried to regulate his breathing

How before being invoked he had done a "cleaning" job, his body was somewhat exhausted, which is why the exercises were somewhat difficult for him to perform


[You have completed Daily Quest: The Preparation to Become Mighty]

[The reward for completing the quest has arrived]

[Do you want to verify it? Yes? or not?]

Boris smirked as he saw the message on the floating screen in front of him, he quickly looked back to see if anyone was nearby.

"Okay… open" — he murmured in a low voice when he saw that no one was around


[You have received the following rewards:]

[Reward 1: Status Recovery]

[Reward 2: Status Points +5]

[Reward 3: Random Box x1]

[Accept all? Yes? or not?]

"Wow!... there are quite a few, if I remember correctly they are the same rewards as in the novel ‹Solo leveling›…uhm…Yes"

Boris was covered by a subtle blue light, at the same time all his tiredness instantly vanished, and a white box appeared in front of him

This took Boris by surprise, and he immediately took the box and hid it under his shirt while looking around.

'*Sighed*... I'm so dumb, I accepted all the rewards at once' — Boris thought as he looked at the box in his hands — 'It was good that Anna left, otherwise how would I explain this… let's see what's inside'

With some anticipation, Boris opened the box he received as a reward.


[‹Smooth Bandages›]

[Can be used on small wounds]

[Save] [Throw] [Sell]

"Oh!... as expected from a random box..." — he muttered while holding the bandage in his hand — "So it can be sold, huh?...Sell"


[Insufficient level]

[You need to unlock the ‹Shop› to access this option]

'Hum!… apparently the shop is also locked due to the level…' — Boris thought as he watched the icon of a shopping cart faded on the floating screen — 'Save'

The bandages disappeared from Boris's hand, and at the same time, another screen appeared in his vision.

This new window is divided into several smaller boxes, in one of these boxes was the bandage that you had just saved, next to it were other things that you had before being invoked

"Wow, that's where my stuff ended up…Uhm…I wonder if it will work here…oh! Even my cell phone is here" — Boris muttered as a smartphone appeared in his hand — "It looks like I can take and remove anything from inventory just by wanting to"

Boris began experimenting with the new feature he had discovered, taking the bandages in and out of inventory several times until he was satisfied.

He took out the Smartphone and pressed the power button and to his surprise it worked

"Uhm…no signal, that was to be expected…I wonder if I can charge the battery with magic, that would be great…anyway, I'd better turn it off, it might come in handy later" — Boris muttered while putting the Smartphone in the inventory

'...I should keep it...it would be bad if he lost it' — Boris thought as he took off the necklace he brought with him

The black-haired man observed with some sadness the chain with the necklace in his hand, he squeezed it in his hand and brought it closer to his chest as if trying to embrace the small accessory.

A few seconds later, he opened his hand, revealing that the necklace had disappeared. After letting out a long sigh, he looked curiously at the last window that was still in his vision.

"So this is my status?...uhm...how interesting...the system is identical to SL's...status points huh...uhm...how should I distribute them..."

The sound of approaching footsteps alerted Boris, with a thought he closed the window and turned to see who was coming.

It was Anna, who returned in exactly one hour as Boris asked her to, the young woman bringing with her a tray with what appeared to be a jug of water and a glass.

"Boris-sama, is it over yet?" Anna asked as she held the tray with one hand and offered her a small towel with the other.

Boris took the towel and began to wipe the sweat from his face and neck, the way he did it caused the maid to blush a little.

"Thank you… and yes, it just finished" — Boris replied as he took the jug and poured himself water in a glass

"The bath is ready, I can guide you right now if you wish" —Anna spoke

"Please show the way" — Boris asked as he put the glass on the tray

Anna nodded before heading towards the castle, Boris followed her as she tried to take the tray from her and carry it himself, but the servant girl refused.

They walked through the long corridors of the castle while chatting pleasantly, although the conversation was mostly Boris answering Anna's questions about her world.

On several occasions they met some servants and residents of the castle who, seeing Boris, did not hesitate to go and greet him and try to start a conversation.

Despite not being a legendary hero, Boris had drawn a lot of attention from the castle's residents because he came from another world.

Especially the women, who did not hesitate to make it clear that they were interested in him, some more daring even invited him to their bedrooms to chat a little.

Boris tactfully refused them and promised to talk to them another time so they could let him go on his way.

"I didn't expect that" — Boris murmured as he let out a tired sigh.

"As expected of Boris-sama, he is so popular with women"— Anna said as she hugged Boris's right arm intimately.

Boris looked at Anna's movement for a few seconds without saying anything, a small mischievous smile appeared on the black-haired man's face when he felt a gentle pressure on his arm.

'So that's what they're up to…' — Boris thought as he slowly walked away with Anna sticking close to his side.

After a few minutes Boris and Anna managed to get to the bathroom.

'There's no guards around…' — Boris thought as he waited for Anna to open the bathroom.

The place was desolate because the bathroom was located in a secluded part of the castle, this is because some castle guests prefer some privacy

"Let's go inside, this is one of the best bathrooms in the castle" — Anna said as she opened the bathroom

'This gives me a bad feeling' — Boris thought before entering the bathroom

Boris was quite surprised as the bathroom turned out to be much more luxurious than he imagined, there was a large shower where three people could enter without problems, and at the bottom, there was a large bathtub filled with hot water with some flower petals on it and several lit candles they gave a relaxing aroma to the room.

What surprised him the most was that there were various cleaning products that a modern bathroom used to have, something that in this world should not exist yet.

The sound of the door closing securely caught the black-haired man's attention, a shiver ran down his spine as he saw Anna's gaze fixed on him.

As if it were a predator, Anna slowly approached Boris as she put her hands behind her back and began to pull the ribbon of her Maid uniform.

"Boris-sama, I fell in love with you at first sight..." — Anna spoke sensually while her suit fell to the floor, leaving only her lingerie —"Boris-sama... make me yours, here and now"

'Oh! ...I guess it's as I imagined' — Boris thought as he watched as Anna began to remove her bra exposing her large breasts —'It seems she won't take no for an answer'

With a quick movement, Anna released the bow that held her hair, letting her long hair fall freely down her back. The movement made her two breasts bounce, making Boris swallow involuntarily.

Because he was doing the daily mission before, Boris hadn't paid too much attention to Anna's appearance so he couldn't help but praise the beauty of the woman.

Anna has long brown hair that falls to her mid-back, pretty light brown eyes, fair and smooth complexion without any blemishes, a slim waist that highlights a plump ass that would drive any man crazy.

A woman with a sensual and voluptuous body was in front of Boris, even for someone like him it was difficult to resist, any other man would have already thrown himself on the woman.

'She's hot…' — Boris thought as he watched Anna begin to remove her panties while giving him a mischievous look.


[You have learned a new skill]

[Observant Eye Lv. one]


The sound of a notification next to a new screen made Boris's eyes widen in surprise.

He never expected to acquire a skill just by looking at a girl's breasts.

With a thought he opened the information of the skill


[Observant Eye Lv.1]

[Active Skill: No Mana Cost]

[Allows the ‹player› to see unknown and hidden targets. There is a small chance to detect the target's weak point.

The ability is useless on targets 30 levels above the player.

Cooldown: 40 seconds]

'Oh!... I didn't expect this... let's see if it works' — Boris thought as he closed the system windows and looked at Anna

Boris's eyes took on a small blue glow when the ability was activated, when targeting Anna an information box appeared next to her.


Name: Anna Birdwhistle

Level: 27

Race: Human

Age: 26

Profession: Maid

'Oh! ...it worked...huh?...level 27...this woman can kick my ass right now...looks like I won't be able to escape this time...well, it's not that bad' — Boris thought while he saw Anna slowly approaching him

"What do you think, Boris-sama... do you like what you see" — Anna asked with a flirtatious voice when she saw how Boris was looking at her with desire

"Yes… you are beautiful, Anna" — Boris answered with a smile

"Fufu~... How charming" — Anna wrapped both arms around his neck and pulled him towards her as she pressed her lips to his in a passionate kiss

'This woman... I guess I'll have to play along or there'll be problems... I'll have to cooperate, this woman can blow my head off with one blow' — Boris thought as he returned the kiss

Minutes later the bathroom was filled with screams and moans of pleasure, Boris inadvertently missed dinner with his summoned companions






















In a dark room was a luxurious throne installed at the back of the room.

An old man dressed in a white robe was sitting on it while keeping his eyes closed.

"You're late…Anna" — the old man spoke with an annoyed tone as he opened his eyes and looked at the woman who had just entered the room

"I-I'm sorry, Your Holiness... but my mission took longer than expected" — replied the chestnut as she knelt on the ground

Anna's face was flushed, her breathing was rough and her hair was messy, this caught the attention of the old man who narrowed his eyes curiously.

'My legs are still shaking… that boy is a beast' — Anna thought as her blush intensified as she remembered what had just happened in the bathroom.

"*Sighs*... Never mind... How did it go? Did it work?"

"E-eh?...ah...no...it didn't work, my stats didn't improve at all" — Anna stammered as she raised her head

"So it didn't work… a real shame… I guess we'll have to check if the rumor is true with some legendary hero" — replied the old man while touching his chin

"I understand...Your Holiness...what shall we do with Boris-sama?"

"Uhm... even though he's not a hero, that boy is an inhabitant from another world, he may be useful to us in the future, so we'll keep him under control for now... I give you this task... Anna"

"As I ordered your holiness" — Anna spoke with a respectful tone while keeping a bow

"Very well, you can retire Anna..." — he ordered with a calm voice

Anna immediately got up from the floor and left the room, leaving the old man alone on the throne.

"Bernal... what do you want?" asked the old man as he turned to the side of the room

"I came to collect a favor... old friend"




















~The next day~


[Daily Quest Has Arrived]

[You have two unread messages]

The sound of the notification woke up the black-haired man, he turned to the window of the room realizing that it is still something dark

Boris felt two warm figures hug him on either side, Boris tenderly caressed the sleeping face of a pretty black-haired girl who had her cheek resting on his chest, he could feel the soft breath tickling him

On the other side, a brown-haired woman hugged him tightly, burying her large breasts in his arm. Boris couldn't help but caress both twin peaks when he saw them so close to him.

Both women are totally naked only covered by a thin sheet, the air smelled of sex, alcohol, sweat and some floral aroma that I suspect was the shampoo of both women

He inhaled deeply, the aroma was enough to make him remember the events that occurred after dinner.

"Hum! …what a night" — Boris murmured as he looked up at the ceiling — '*Sighed*...it's not so bad to wake up like this once in a while'

Careful not to wake the two women, Boris got out of bed and walked to the personal bathroom of the luxurious room.

'It's great not being able to get drunk even when I drank almost a barrel of beer… I guess it's due to that ability' — Boris thought as a screen appeared in his vision.


[*Passive Skills:]

Will to Rehabilitate: Any body part dismembered while sleeping is restored

Longevity: All diseases, poisons and status effects are cured, sleeping will significantly increase immunity ability

'I don't know why I got these skills, but I'm thankful… this saved my ass last night… literally… that old shit wanted to drug me… Bernal L. Loughty… I have to be careful of that guy' — Boris thought as he remembered what happened last night

Right after he finished bathing with Anna, another maid took him to the dining room as it was time for dinner, because he took too long in the bath, Boris had to dine with the gentlemen.

No one knows how it happened, but the dinner ended up turning into a big party that ended up drawing the attention of several nobles who also joined due to the joyful atmosphere.

One of them was the king's counselor, Bernal L. Loughty, who joined the eventful evening to the dismay of all who knew him.

Bernal approached Boris to offer him a drink which he accepted, they both drank for a long time while talking as old acquaintances, some time later Bernal quietly left the place, this did not go unnoticed by Boris who pretended not to notice the old man's intentions.

Influenced by Boris, the party continued throughout the night and part of the early morning, noblemen, knights and servants danced, sang and drank like they had never done before in their lives.

In the end, Boris went to his room along with two servants, leaving behind the dining room in a mess.

Boris laughed in amusement as they washed their faces in the sink, he looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror for a moment as something caught his attention

'My scars are gone... *sighs*...never mind...I just hope the king hasn't gotten mad, we really made a mess last night...let's see...open messages'

Instantly the messaging icon expanded showing two new screens in Boris's vision.


[Hidden quest ‹Fags Not Accepted› has been completed.

Reward: 5 Status Points]

[Hidden Quest ‹Two Is Better Than One› has been completed.

Reward: 5 Status Points]

[Available Status Points: 35]

'Hehehe... I never imagined that I would get free points for fucking the maids... Uhm... hidden missions, huh? ...one was to fuck Anna in the bathroom and then the threesome after dinner...it seems I have to do certain actions to complete the missions and receive the rewards, it's like achievements in video games' — thought Boris while taking the clothes left by the maids

After getting dressed, Boris left his room and walked through the corridors of the castle trying to reach the courtyard that he used last night to carry out the daily mission.

On the way he met Anna who helped him get to the patio since he had gotten lost.

An hour later, Boris finished the daily mission, only to be dragged by Anna to the bathroom where minutes later the sound of applause and moans of pleasure filled the place.




























"So you want to be my personal maid?...Are you okay with that?...I don't have a way to pay you right now" Boris asked as he walked towards the dining room with Anna.

"Don't worry Boris-sama, I just want to be with you…" — Anna replied as she hugged Boris's arm

"I see... I guess there won't be a problem" — Boris spoke as a perverted smile appeared on his face

This was seen by Anna, who smiled subtly as she leaned closer to Boris.

After a few minutes they both arrived at the castle dining room, Boris said goodbye to Anna and entered the dining room where he met the four heroes.

"Boris? Where have you been?" Motoyasu asked happily as he saw Boris enter the dining room.

"Hello guys…" — Boris greeted as he sat next to Naofumi — "Since they didn't expect my summoning, they sent me to another room"

"Oh!... I see, by the way, the girl who came with you was very cute" — Motoyasu smiled mischievously

"I know, her name is Anna, she's quite a sweetie" — Boris replied with a similar expression

"Boris-san…" — Itsuki spoke, drawing Boris' attention — "what will happen to you, after all, you're not a hero, right?"

"Yes... I'm just a normal person, so I won't participate in the waves" — Boris answered

"Aren't they going to return you to your world?" Naofumi asked.

"No… it seems no one can return to their world until the waves are defeated… so I'm counting on you to get back home"

"Take it for granted" — Motoyasu spoke with an arrogant tone

"Hmm!" Ren growled.

"We'll take care of it, Boris-san" — Itsuki said while smiling confidently

"That's great" — Boris said as he continued eating

After that short talk, breakfast continued, the dining room was flooded with absolute silence, each one was immersed in their thoughts, although they tried to hide it, the four heroes could not hide the great emotion they felt for what was about to happen.

After all, his adventure in this world was about to begin.

end of chapter

New chapter, sorry for the delay, I didn't remember that I had to continue this shit XD...

It's kind of short, I'll try to make them longer when I get some free time.