
A perfect world: BREAK

A teenager who just turned 18 and just days ago got his diploma is signing up for the hero program known as Hero Society. The Hero Society is the most famous hero institution in the world, having thousands of people try to sign up and join. This teenager (named Daniel) passes all exams with flying colors and manages to join as one of the most skilled in his class. Daniel trains with his class and the teachers for weeks. After these weeks of training, Daniel finally gets to go out on the field. While scouting, Daniel notices someone getting robbed. Daniel hurried to help make it just in time. He fights the villain, but having a lack of control over his abilities kills the man. Daniel goes to court. He gets released after many eyewitnesses and cameras back him up. about three weeks after court, Daniel gets captured by a villain who claims to be the brother of the person he killed. After Weeks of the worst torturing known to man whipping, cutting, beating, tearing out finger and toe nails, pouring exetremly hot water on him, taking a spoon to his eye and pulling it out, and much more, finally someone finds him and helps him escape. while in the hospital, Daniel gets a vision about a world without heroes or villains. This world was so perfect, but the one thing that he noticed the most about the vision was that he was the one leading this perfect world. Daniel made up his mind that day since heroes couldn't save anyone, and villains kept hurting people he decided. "it's time for a change." ******************************************** I will be uploading a chapter 6 times a week. Also, the book cover is not of my making. If you are the maker and do not want it on there, do tell. ******************************************** Sorry for the lack of updates. Recently, I have lacked the interest to update the book. It's not because of people reading. Actually, this book has grown so much that it's incredible. I just have lost interest in making the book because it takes up two-three hours of my day. Currently, I'm a sophomore in high school, and I just lack time to make the book. I will continue to make the book, but it won't be as much as before.

FG_Frost · Action
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25 Chs

The laboratory

I put on my gear and walk up to Reckoning.

"What's the game plan?" I ask.

"The game plan is for you guys to sneak up to the barrier that surrounds the laboratory, and you Daniel will destroy it, or at least part of it. The alarm will set off, but of course, you guys can fight them off." Reckoning answers.

"Don't call me that, my name is Akuji."

"Okay, Akuji."

Katelyn jumps into the conversation.

"Can't Akuji just break the ground underneath, then we can sneak in from below?" Katelyn asks.

"No. The barrier is kinda like a snow globe. It surrounds the laboratory even from under the ground." Reckoning answers.

"What are you getting us into Reckoning? That sounds extremely expensive." I ask.

"That's the price you pay for my assistance. Besides, this will be a huge gain for us." Reckoning answers with a slight smile.

Afterwards, myself and Katelyn take turns driving, three hours each. From Tennessee to Missouri.

When we reach the city that's typed in on Google Maps, I notice how similar the city looks to the ones in Tennessee. Getting out of my car and looking around, I notice a lot of homeless people wandering around and sleeping on benches. Myself and Katelyn hurry and walk outside of the city.

For some strange reason, the laboratory is located away from the city, in a location nobody visits. I suppose its to keep their privacy, but it's a whole lot safer in the city.

We come across a huge laboratory that's surrounded by a blue shield. Lights light up the premises, smothering the darkness.

"Are you ready?" I ask Katelyn.

"Yes." She answers back.

I walk towards the shield. when I get within arms reach, I hold out my palms, as soon as they connect, I let out all my power. cracks spread outwards away from my hands.


The shield breaks like class. but the second it does, alarms go off.

Three guards walk out of a small building, completely separate from the laboratory.

I notice the one in the middle is a huge dude. muscles that can barely be contained in his business suit.

The one to his left is much smaller, same as the one on the right.

They continue to walk towards us until they are about 30 feet away.

The dude in the middle says, "You don't expect to attack this laboratory, do you, villains."

"We are not villains." I say.

"Then what are you."

I outstretch my arms.

"We are the Perfect World." I answer.

Immediately after I say this, I smash my hand into the ground, causing a ton of shaking and cracks. I then dash towards the big dude while he is off balance.

I reach my right arm out to touch him, but I immediately get headbutted. This sends me flying backwards.

When I hit the ground, I rushed to fix my posture.

"My name is Rhino, I'm exetremly well acquainted with battles, and from seeing the show you put on, I can see that you're just a nooby. I have no interest in fighting you." The exetremly muscular dude says.

"Then fight me."

I turn my head to see Katelyn, popping her knuckles while walking towards us.

"Now you're interesting, I'll take you up on that offer." Rhino says.

"Boss, do you mind taking out the other two." Katelyn asks.

"Of course." I answer

As soon as I say this, Katelyn dashes past me and uppercuts Rhino, sending him flying far away from me and the other two guards.

"Do you think he'll stand a chance, brother?"

"No, I do not, brother."

After saying this, they both dash at me. I dodge one of their punches, quickly counter attacking him with a hit to the stomach. The other one tries to kick me, but I dodge out of the way. Dashing backward, I try to come up with a solution.

"Look, brother, he's running away."

"Yeah, it's so amusing."

At the same time, one of them raises their left arm, and the other raises their right, pointing them at me.

After a second, a ball of red energy forms in the middle of their outstretched arms. This ball of energy quickly shoots at me, I hurry to raise both my palms. The laser burns my hands, but I do manage to break it completely.

When the laser breaks, I dash towards one of them, with my arm reaching for him, he dodges out of the way, and I counter with a knee to the face, while he is stunned, I grab his shoulder. Splat.

Bloods rains everywhere.

"Brother! nooooo!"

He drops to his knees, looking down at his hands, which are drowned with his brothers blood.

I walk towards him.

"Don't worry, you'll be able to visit him in a second." I say.

When I get in front of him, I try to touch him with my right hand. But, as soon as I do, he gets up, stabbing me in the abdomen with a huge hunters knife.

Instinctively, I touch him with my hand. Splat. More blood rains down all over both me and the ground.

I drop to my knees, holding my abdomen.


I look over to my left to see Rhino. His skin is now gray, and he has a huge horn sticking out of his forehead.

I hear another crash.

Looking over this time, it's Katelyn. Her muscles are now twice the size as earlier. Parts of her shirt and pants are ripped from the added muscles.

I look back at the Rhino man to see him kicking up dust, like a bull. Once he is satisfied, he runs full force at Katelyn, his head facing towards the ground, aiming his horn right at Katelyns chest.

"Stupid Rhino!" Katelyn yells.

The Rhino hits Katelyns chest and bounces backwards while he is stunned, Katelyn punches Rhino in the face, immediately making his face split in two.

Rhinos corpse flies back, rolling until it comes to a dead stop, blood pouring out of his face.

"Shows him." Katelyn says.

After she says this, she takes a look at me, her eyes going wide.

She runs over towards me. I hurry and get up, lifting my hand between us.

"I'm fine. Let's just hurry and clear this up." I say.

Katelyn nods. then she quickly runs inside the huge laboratory.

I lay myself back on the ground. Moving will make everything worse. I continue to add pressure on the stab wound. It most definitely won't kill me, but I'll have to take it easy for two to three days.

After about an hour or so, Katelyn comes jogging out of the laboratory.

"All clear, boss." She says

"Incredible job today." I say.


She looks around at all the blood and destruction.

"Now what?" She asks.

"We wait." I answer

I'm sorry if this page is badly written. today, I had a huge test at school and just a lot of added stress. I probably should not have written today since I'm not really in the right mind right now, but I didn't want to disappoint anyone or myself. So please just forgive this page if it's badly written. Thank you, and have a wonderful day/night.

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