
Chapter 3 A new Friend

Takeo and M21 stood there as everyone was starring at them it made them feel nervous and started to think they just have did something wrong the Woman from the Forest and the Girl Anna both were standing a few feet away from them Takeo new he had to ask about the Dimension and how to use it but with the intense energy the village was giving off he didn't know if they would help or not about that time the Dragon that helped vanished into thin air even the village people seemed shocked this place is definitely not the earth they were from.

Takeo: umm Anna that's your name right ?

Anna: ..... Yes

Takeo: I'm truly sorry for causing problems but could you please tell us about this Dimension stuff? And how can we use it ?

Anna: .... Umm .... Well to travel between Dimensions you have to be blessed by the Angels anyone who can open a portal has been blessed by the Angels or has Angelic blood in them so I'm sorry but unless you have one of those things you can't use portals .

M21: so you're saying that bratty Blond hair girl was Blessed by the Angels or something ugh this is so annoying isn't there someone else here that can use portals?

Woman: look my Name is Sasha and we do have a few people who can use portals but it won't help you guys .

M21: what why??

Sasha: because the one I know of is the Master of the Dragon you just fought with.

Takeo: but the Dragon attacked us first can't we just explain that to its Master ?

Sasha: you don't understand the Dragon wouldn't have attacked you if it's Master did not tell it to do so .

Takeo: so you're saying that that Dragons master wants us dead?

Sasha: yes and it seems to have only wanted you dead not your friend

M21: Takeo I think we should leave this village.

Takeo: I think your right we should leave right now thanks for all the information and for the help we will be leaving now

Sasha: what ??? What the hell do you think your doing you will die if you leave that Dragon won't stop coming for you

Takeo: that's exactly why we have to go if we stay then this village will be in danger we can't have innocent people get caught up in this

Anna: look we can handle it this village gets attacked more often than you know as long as you stay here you will be safe anyway you don't have anywhere to go am I wrong?

Takeo looked at M21 Anna was right they don't have anywhere else to go they both nodded at each other

Takeo: Ok I guess we will stay for now I have a question

Anna: yes ??

Takeo: if that Dragon has a master who can use portals what about the second Dragon?? Wouldn't that Dragon have a master sense that Dragon helped us maybe it's Master can help us with a portal ??

Anna: well i don't know I have never seen that Dragon before? But you are right as all Dragons have a Master and it's not the Master that can use portals it's the Dragon the Master has to say it's ok or the Dragon won't do it it's the contract between them in our world everyone has a contractor with a beast of our land but only the highest and purist royal blood the rulers of our land are chosen by the Dragons as their Masters a Dragon won't hatch out of its egg until it's Master touches the egg thousands of people touch the eggs of Dragons it's our law that every single person born has to touch every Dragon egg if a child is lucky enough to have one hatch that child will become a leader in our world we only know of 3 Dragons with Masters that Dragon before is the 4th the more powerful the Masters is the more powerful the Dragon will become from the look of the unknown Dragon i would say it's Master is quite powerful more powerful than the first Dragon anyways shall we go inside the village for now .

Takeo: um ok

M21: hmm

As they all walked to the gate of the village the two girls went first then M21 and Takeo followed behind as he walked he felt something on his leg when he looked down it was a tiny blue lizard it crawled up his left leg up his left chest freezing for a second then went on to his left shoulder sitting there like it's look out post Takeo starred at it for a minute then just thought ooh well it did look cute so he let it stay and kept walking as the girls showed them around and even gave them a room to stay in some villagers came by and gave them some food they new that they couldn't get to comfortable as it was dangerous to stay here M21 took a nap as Takeo went for a walk he was up on the wall starring out when the little blue lizard scratched his neck Takeo looked at it as he did the lizard titled it's head that made Takeo Smile he thought what a cute little thing as he was looking at it a voice started talking in his head saying my Name is Taush Takeo looked confused and asked the Lizard if it was talking to him?

Taush nodded its little head Takeo thought maybe animals here can talk and just shrugged and went with it he then said I'm Takeo  nice to meet you

Taush: I know who you are I also know you from your child hood we were the best of friends back then

Takeo: what... Are you saying I'm from here??

Taush: yes but you don't remember something must have happened to make you forget

Takeo: ... My memory was erased

Taush: I can't bring back all your memory but I can share my memory of the time we spent together if you want me to?

Takeo: um hmm are you my contractor ? That girl Anna said everyone here has one is that why we were so close back then?

Taush: yes

Takeo: um ok I guess you can share your memory with me

Taush then stretched out putting his little foot on Takeo's forehead as a small blue light began to glow Takeo immediately started to see visions in his head the first one was a bit blurry as he blinked a few times the vision became clear he was starring at a small child no more than a year old his hair purple with icy Blue eyes and a big grin on his face his arms stretched out trying to grab something next the vision changed to this kid running around he looked to be around two years old he was very fast for such a young boy he ran a bit to fast and tripped as he fell about to fall down the stairs i moved so fast and grabbed the boy by his shirt standing him up with a worried look the boy then looked back at me smiling and letting out a giggle as the vision kept changing Takeo finely realized the boy in the vision was him as a child one vision caught Takeo's attention he must have been 3 maybe 4 years old he was running up a mountain giggling and Smiling he finally got to the top there was a field of flowers glowing bright red almost as if they were on fire in the middle where there was lava very close to the lava the flowers were Bright Blue with a glowing blue light the boy then turned to look at what must be Taush at the look he ran very fast strait to the blue flowers and grabbed 2 and came running back handing them to the young Takeo they headed back down the mountain as fast as possible Takeo giggling as he went saying they are going to Love these as they came to a big castle looking home he ran in darting from one room to another as if he was looking for something finally he found what he was looking for as he walked into the room he looked at 2 little girls no more then a year old with light lavender color hair and icy Blue eyes they looked identical but one had a more serious look and the other was beaming with a huge Smile on her face that lit up the room Takeo walked up to them and kneeling down beside them handing them each a flower saying we got these for you they are called Volcanic Violets they only grow in Volcanoes the Blue ones are the rarest as they only grow close to Lava but I had to get the blue ones because they remind me of your beautiful eyes and I just want the best for you two because you two are what makes my life meaningful i promise I'll never let any thing bad happen to you I'll never leave you alone with him as long as I'm alive I'll protect you young Takeo held his hands up putting one on each of their cheeks the girls both grabbed his hands like they understood what he said Happy Birthday my beautiful Sisters Lillianna and Millianna about then a door slammed loud enough to hear it all through the house young Takeo looked at Taush with a frightened look on his face he led his sister's to a closet told them to stay here and be quiet he looked at Taush and asked him to stay with the girls Taush nodded as he shut the door Taush only could see through a small crack in the door as he watched young Takeo stood in the room and then the door swung open slamming against the wall Takeo said hey papa you ok Takeo's father glaring at him said there you are I'm having trouble at work again and it's all your fault you know that why the hell were you even born my life would have been better if you were never born he stomped over to Takeo raising his had and swinging it hitting Takeo so hard he fell to the ground Takeo's father looked around and said where are your sister's and that bloody beast of yours Takeo just laying on the floor didn't say anything his Father got more angry and grabbed him pulling him out of the room slamming the door behind them things started to fade until the connection between Takeo and Taush stopped and they were back on the wall of the village.

Takeo: ... What was that ? (Takeo had tears in his eyes) I had Sister's?

Taush: yes you have Sister's

Takeo: you said have not had so they are still alive ? Taush show me all you can please

Taush: I will in time I can't show you it all at once or it can harm your brain just be patient ok

Takeo: Ok I still can't believe I'm from this world but I do feel like I've always known you it's weird

Taush: that's because of our bond between us we feel what the other feels like we are one I will teach you everything that you will need to know in time ok

Takeo: Ok ooh Taush i have a question

Taush: yes

Takeo: Is he still alive? And did he ever hurt them ?

Taush: yes and yes I'm sorry

Takeo: no need to apologize it's not your fault

Taush: I feel like it is the day you disappeared from this world the very last thing you asked of me was to protect them and I failed to

Takeo: It's ok we were both young back then what's done is done now I'll make a new promise from this day on I'll find them and start protecting them from now on

Taush: that won't be too hard your Sister's are here in this village


Meanwhile Anna was walking around the village checking in with the guards as another young girl came running up to her 

Girl: Anna Anna tell me it's not true you guys fought a Dragon while i was away??

Anna: Lilly your back yes it's true a Dragon attacked the village.

Lilly: what why couldn't you have waited for me to get here ??

Anna: ooh I'm sorry Lilly I should have just asked the Dragon to kindly wait until you got here.

Lilly: yes yes you should have humf

Anna: Lilly it was not a big deal anyways we didn't even fight it

Lilly: what if you didn't fight it then who did ??

Anna: well the new guys did

Lilly: New guys ??who are these new guys ??

About then is when M21 came walking up to Anna Takeo was watching the whole thing from up on the wall

M21: hey Anna

Lilly: go away we are talking

M21: um that's a bit rude .....

Anna: sorry my sister is a bit rude at times Lilly this is one of the new guys i was telling you about

Lilly: ooh so you fought with the Dragon? (Glaring at M21 she looked him up and down)

M21: um ya I guess so

Lilly: hmm well you don't look like you could handle a Dragon are you sure he fought the Dragon??

M21: grr I fought it along with my friend


M21: grr Anna have you seen Takeo??

Anna: (putting her hand over her face) No I haven't

Lilly: what ??

M21: I'm looking for my friend Ta

Anna: (cutting him off before he could finish talking) I don't know where he is so go look around ok I need to talk with my sister ALONE

M21: ....

Takeo: (seeing all this from the wall looked at to the two girls and started to realize) Taush are they ??

Taush: yes

Takeo: (jumping down from the wall walked up to the girls and M21) Hello there

M21: Takeo there you are

Takeo: hey M21 I was just taking some time to think

M21: ooh ok

Lilly: what what is your name (She looked straight up angry)

Anna: Lilly calm down can we please talk about this

Takeo: ooh sorry for being rude it's a pleasure to meet you I'm Takeo

Lilly: what the hell you can't be serious??

Takeo: ( if these two girls are his sister's right now would not be a good time to let them know as he has enemys in this world including someone with a Dragon) ooh sorry we came from another Dimension and back there we have lots of people called Takeo I'm sorry if my Name is offensive to you guys here please understand

Taush: nice I take it your not telling them to protect them ?

Takeo: ( yes)

M21: ... ( looking at Takeo he must have a reason to be saying this stuff but I guess I'll go along with it I know in our world i only have heard of one Takeo but I suppose there could be more )

Lilly: umm whatever ugh

M21: ( this Lilly girl really gets on my nerves she looks just like Anna but with shorter hair to her shoulders she keeps hair clips in to keep her hair out of her face she had a small black skirt on that was to short knee high black boots and a white blouse tied in a knot so it showed skin on her hips she also had two guns and a whip)

Takeo: M21 shall we go inside let's leave these girls to their conversation we need to talk about our next move anyways

M21:umm ok I have a few questions for you anyways so let's go

As they walked away the girls watched them until they were out of sight Takeo and M21 got to the room they were given to stay in while they were here after going in M21 turned around starring at Takeo and said are you going to explain??

M21: I know that your name is not common in our world?? and what is that thing on your shoulder??

Takeo: well this is Taush he is a New Friend and I'll explain everything to you ok