
Chapter 4 Memories

As Takeo explained everything to M21 telling him about the Memories that Taush shared with him and how he talks to him in his mind Takeo went on and on he even shared the fact that he had Sister's and who they were but didn't want to tell them until the one who wants him dead is caught because it would be to dangerous Takeo seemed to be worried but happy at the same time M21 thought to himself that if Takeo was  really from this Dimension then that means the Union would be here too this is not good they are trapped in another Dimension where the Union could be stronger then they thought they should try to figure out a way to get a hold of Tao and the others before things get worse.

M21: hey Takeo i think we should focus on finding a way to get a hold of Tao and the others

Takeo: ya I know we also need to plan ahead so if another attack happens we will be ready

M21: umm yes that would be a good idea but I have a feeling I know who is behind the attacks

Takeo: what ??? You do ?? Who???

M21: I was thinking about everything you told me about you being from here and all and then it hit me if you were taken from this Dimension and brought to our Dimension what would be the chance that you would be picked up by the Union shortly after getting there to me that's very unlikely it seems they had to of known before hand and if that's the case then the Union must also have people and power in this Dimension

Takeo: so your saying that the ones who want me dead are in the Union? That would make sense but why would they not care about you? You also betrayed the Union?

M21: that's true but I also am considered as a low level failed experiment and I'm not from here so they may not even know who I am

Takeo: that's true hmm Taush do you know if there is a Union here ?

Taush: yes as your friend said the people who took you back then all worked with the place called the Union

Takeo: M21 Taush just said you are right that the Union is working in this Dimension as well this just keeps getting worse ugh ok so we are dealing with the Union again we really need to get a hold of Tao fast now Taush do you know of anyway we can communicate between Dimensions?

Taush: well do you have your communication devices?

Takeo: yes but they don't work

M21: what ?? Is he asking about our ear piece?

Takeo: yes sorry I forgot you can't hear him

Taush: Ok so all we need is a vocaloid

Takeo: a what ?

Taush: a Vocaloid is a being that can live in technology it can move freely inside and technology if we find one they can open up your communications to the other Dimension

Takeo: Ok so Taush says we need to find a Vocaloid they can open up our Communications to Tao

M21: umm ok let's go ask Anna if she knows of one

Takeo: umm ok

As they stood up and headed outside they noticed it was starting to get dark and not many people were outside now but they walked around until they spotted Lilly

M21: umm hey Lilly that's your name right?

Lilly: ugh you again .... What do you want?

M21: grr we are looking for Anna do you know where we can find her ?

Lilly: umm maybe but why should I tell you ?

M21: what grr look the faster you tell us the faster we will leave you alone

Lilly: well that would be nice but ...I don't want to

M21: grr

Takeo: M21 please calm down look miss I'm sorry if my friend here is annoying you we just have questions for your Sister and we thought you might know where she was I'm sorry for bothering you as it seems that you don't know where she is we will go look around elsewhere

Taush: wow your a smooth talker

Takeo: ( just wait )

Lilly: .... Hmm.... Grr  fine she's out by the front gate

Taush: nice your better than I thought

Takeo: thank you Miss Lilly

They walked away from Lilly heading to the front gate M21 seemed a bit annoyed Takeo could tell that Lilly and M21 were not going to get along very well as they approached the gate they could see Anna she was talking to Sasha about something as they got closer Takeo smiled and waved at Anna M21 just stomped up to them still upset about Lilly

M21: hey Anna we had a question to ask you

Anna: you seem to be upset is everything alright

M21: ooh ya I'm sorry it's just your Sister she was rude again

Anna: sigh ok I'll try to talk to her again

Takeo: actually we wanted to know if you might know of a Vocaloid?

Anna: ..... Um why do you ask?

Takeo: see our Communications are not working so we can't get a hold of our friends back in our Dimension and we were told a Vocaloid could help us?

Sasha: who told you that ??

Takeo: well um not sure who he was anyways do you it's really important that we get a hold of our friends as they can help get everything sorted out and back to normal

Sasha: if you're friends can do all that they must be some powerful friends

Takeo: well ya you saw us fight so you know how strong we are but our friends back home are way more powerful than us

M21: that's true i mean that Dragon would have been dead in a few seconds if Frankenstein was fighting it

Sasha: Frankenstein ?? Do you mean the Frankenstein that betrayed the Union over 900 years ago

Takeo: ...

M21: ....

Takeo: um you know of him ??

Sasha: well we heard stories about him your saying that he is one of your friends back home?

Takeo: well ya he helped us get away from the Union and treated us so our bodies became stable without him we would have been dead long ago

M21: that's true for me as well

Anna: so you two were with the Union but then betrayed the Union how can we trust you?

M21: I was Never with the Union those Bastereds ruined my life i can't even remember my own Name i was human but not anymore thanks to them when I was with the Union i was constantly in fear of being eliminated they looked at me as a piece of garbage that they could throw away anytime they wanted  I hate those Bastereds never associate me with them again.

Takeo: I too was used as a disposal they could care less what happened to me as long as they got the Data they wanted they did horrible test that were so painful true my test were nothing compared to M21's  because i was known as a successful experiment but I found out that i was going to be eliminated for a test and data that is when Frankenstein helped us the Union took my memories all I can remember is the pain and loneliness if I got close to anyone or even tried to save a kid they would be killed while staying at Frankensteins I started to feel something i can't ever remember feeling I started to feel happiness I will never go back to the Union they will have to kill me first

Anna: Ok ok I'll believe you for now Sasha do you know where she is ??

Sasha: are you asking about Echo ?

Anna: yes

Takeo: who's Echo?

Anna: the Vocaloid your looking for

Takeo: ooh .....

Sasha: yes I know she's at his place

Anna: hmm can you bring them there?

Sasha: It won't be easy with that Dragon out there but I think we can handle it

Anna: I can't go with you I need to stay here to protect the village but Sasha can lead you I hope everything works out for you guys

Takeo: Thank you for everything....when should we leave?

Sasha: um we should go now it will take us a few days to get there

Takeo: Ok

M21: I'm ready so let's go

Anna: be careful and good luck

Lilly: Wait I'm going to

M21: WHAT....

Takeo: umm that's ok we will be fine

Lilly: gosh if i didn't know better i would say you guys don't want me to come along

Anna: Lilly what are you doing?

Lilly: I'm offering to escort these two men to Leo's house sense it's a dangerous road with a Dragon on the loose it would make sense to have another person who can fight on this journey anyways

Anna: your just going for your own personal reason

Lilly: maybe

M21: what if we don't want you to come

Lilly: to bad I didn't ask you

M21: grr

Sasha: fine Lilly you can come but I swear if you cause any problems on the way I'll tell Leo and you know what that will mean

Lilly: ugh fine Sasha I'll behave

Anna: well you guys should go now and be careful

Takeo: Thank you so much I hope we meet again

Taush: you will don't worry both of them are very strong fighters

Takeo just smiled at the thought of his own sister's being strong fighters although they were separated for a long time they have something in common already he sighed and started walking in the direction of Sasha M21 followed with a annoyed look on his face probably because Lilly was coming Lilly ran fast passing Takeo and M21 and stopped by Sasha the four of them headed into Takeo Forrest after a bit of walking the darkness settled in around them of course both Takeo and M21 had no problem seeing in the dark but they were unsure about the girls Takeo could see everything and had a longer range of sight then M21 but didn't know if that was something normal for his people or not he noticed Sasha's Tiger far ahead like it was scouting for danger they kept going for a few hours in total silence finally Sasha spoke we should rest here for a bit I'll be the first watch you get some rest everyone nodded Sasha jumped up into a huge tree Lilly just headed off to another tree ignoring them Takeo looked at M21 and said I guess we should try to rest they both got comfortable up in a tree it didn't take M21 long to pass out Takeo on the other hand could not relax

Takeo: Taush can you show me more memories from my past yet ?

Taush: yes I can

Taush stretched out his tiny foot and touching Takeo's forehead a blue light began to glow and the Memories started again this time it was Takeo in his room he was about 4 or 5 years old Takeo was laying in bed Taush starring at his back Takeo slowly turned around to face him it shocked him to see himself as a child looking like this he was covered with black and blue bruises one eye was swollen shut he had a split lip and above his eye he was bleeding still Taush was talking he was saying that he cannot keep watching this happen over and over again we should take your sister's and run away if we stay here he will end up hurting your sister's or even worse he could even kill you the young Takeo looked at Taush and smiled even though it hurt he said in a calm sweet tone your right we should plan to get the girls out of here Taush looked at young Takeo with sadness what about you ?

Young Takeo looked at Taush still smiling and said I will stay here while you take them somewhere safe that way if Papa finds out they are missing i can distract him Taush's eye sight got blurry Takeo realized that it was he was crying Taush then said please just come with let's wait until he is at work and then go young Takeo placed a hand on Taush and said Papa has new guards watching us now when he goes to work they won't let us out of the house if this is going to work you will have to sneak out with the girls at night when everyone is asleep I will stay here incase something goes wrong i will make a distraction okay Taush's eye sight got even more blurred from before I can't I just can't leave you Takeo your my best friend i swore to protect you you can't ask me to leave you with that man young Takeo's hand slipped down as Taush looked at him the smile he had disappeared he started to cry Taush please when the time comes for you to run with the girls please go I'm begging you please i can't bare to see one of them hurt I promise i will do everything in my power to stay alive but if I have to I'll gladly give my life to let my Sister's live a happy life please don't make me order you to do this i never have ordered you to do anything you know i don't like doing that so please as my best friend do this one thing for me his head was hanging down low Taush went close as to comfort him with a hug they both cried for a bit then the memory faded into another it looked to be about a week past the last one Young Takeo still had bruises but looked healed up more it was night time again as young Takeo was laying in bed Taush starring at he young Takeo Takeo said so in two days we will do it ok Taush looked sad and nodded don't worry Taush everything will work out if all goes as planned we all will be safe and happy now get some sleep ok as they dozed off they soon got woken up by Takeo's bedroom door opening in the door way was his father Young Takeo rubbing his eyes sat up and asked Papa is everything okay?

Takeo's father looked at him and said I need you to come with me Takeo said ok and started getting out of bed Taush jumped down too and Takeo's father looked at Taush and said no you stay here Takeo looked confused and asked why Papa ? Because where we are going he's not allowed Takeo looked at Taush and said out loud Taush you stay and in his mind he told Taush to follow from a distance Taush nodded as Takeo's father pulled him out of the house dragging him through the night he asked Papa where are we going?  Takeo's father looked at Takeo I'm just doing what needs to be done for our people . What's that Papa ? Do I get to watch? Is there something i can do? Takeo's father started getting annoyed with all the questions he looked at Takeo and said stop asking questions you will understand soon enough Takeo went silent something doesn't feel right Taush was following close behind hearing everything Takeo i don't like this we should run away now Takeo saying in his mind Taush if we run now what would happen to my sister's about then Taush started feeling a presence he yelled Takeo up ahead there is a Dragon we need to leave now Taush calm down we don't know what Papa is doing please just stay hidden as they came to a clearing there was a Dragon setting down and in front of it a man it must be the Dragons master they walked up to them Takeo immediately recognized the man he's one of the leaders of our people Takeo's father bowed and said I'm sorry for being late Takeo just staring at the man Takeo's father smacked him and said where is your manors Takeo then bowed showing the man respect the man then turned to his Dragon looking at it the Dragon then turned to the side letting out a breath with that a portal appeared and 3 figures walked through two were men big men and behind them came a small young girl maybe 18 or19 years old she had light reddish colored hair and Amber colored eyes as she walked up she said ooh so this is him the boy you were telling me about Takeo that's what your called you can call me Aris