
Chapter 2 Lost

Takeo and M21 were looking around trying to figure out where they had been sent to everything looked strange they were standing in a huge Forrest the trees were giant like they were 1000's of years old as they walked they came to a clearing.

Takeo: M21 does your ear piece work i can't seem to get a hold of Tao if yours don't work then it's safe to say we're not in Korea.

M21: no mine don't work and I don't think there is a place like this anywhere near Korea for that matter I'm not even sure there is a place like this on earth

Takeo: that's what I was thinking too

As they stood there taking in the beautiful Forrest Takeo walked a bit further ahead as M21 sat down for a minute all of a sudden a giant White Tiger beast with long saber tooth fangs came out of nowhere grabbed M21 on his left shoulder sinking it's fangs in as M21 let out a scream the Tiger then dragged him off in to the woods so fast that Takeo only had a second to react before a mysterious woman appeared out of nowhere and started attacking him from behind he barely had time to dodge the attack as he looked at the woman she had long black hair that went to her knees with Dark brown eyes that almost looked black glaring at Takeo and in her hands she held long black whips one in each hand. Takeo immediately pulled out his guns and pointed them at her.

Woman: Who are you? And Why are you in our territory?

Takeo: ..... (glancing back and forth between where M21 disappeared and where the woman was standing)

Woman: don't worry about your friend he's dead by now just answer my questions or you will be following him.

Takeo: I don't know who you are but after attacking us like this if you think I will answer your questions you've got the wrong idea ooh and I think you underestimated us my friend won't die that easy and neither will I.

Woman: who do you think you are? You are the ones trespassing

Takeo: .....( If I tell her we fell from the sky she will think we are crazy) look we didn't know that we were trespassing we kind of got lost and don't know where we are at.

At that moment the Tiger walked into the clearing its face was all bloody with a deep scratch mark across it's left shoulder and neck it walked up to the Woman starring at her Takeo noticed immediately the wound and let out a sigh knowing that it was made by M21.

Woman: well you are in Takeo Forrest and since you are lost i will let this go i suggest that you tell me your friends name and yours too so I can let the others know your not a threat as soon as we find him I will escort you out of here so you can be on your way.

Takeo: .... (Takeo Forrest that's just a coincidence right ) umm my friend is M21

Woman: that's not a name

Takeo: well I don't know his real name but he goes by M21

Woman: you don't know your "friends" real name ?????

Takeo: .... Umm yeah

Woman: and your sure he's your friend?? Most friends will at least tell you their real name

Takeo: M21 don't know his real name

Woman: you're friend don't know his real name?? Did he loose his memory??

Takeo: well yeah

Woman: .....well ok M21 it is what's your name ?

Takeo: umm T..T..Takeo


Takeo: N.No

Woman: you just stole a name from a freaking Forrest and your friends name sounds like it's made up

Takeo: .... I didn't steal any name that's really my name and I don't care if you don't believe me I'm telling the truth but if you want to call us something else go right ahead.

Woman: Whatever if you didn't want to tell us your names then you should have just said so ...

The Woman held her hand to her ear and started saying listen if you guys come across a silver hair guy who's injured and goes by the name M21 he's lost i have his friend here. Takeo slowly put his guns away but still didn't trust this Woman after all she did just attack them so he kept up his guard keeping a close eye on both her and that Tiger.

Woman: look i just let the other guards know about your friend now follow me

Takeo: to where??

Woman: there is a village close by I'll drop you off and when we find your friend I'll drop him off too

Takeo: umm I would rather find M21 first

Woman: I'm not giving you a choice

Takeo: then I'm sorry but I can't follow you if I have to I'll find my friend by myself he won't be to far from here after I find him I promise we will leave your Forrest

Woman: ugh your driving me crazy fine if you insist we will find your friend first we will start in that direction

As they walked in the direction that M21 was dragged in the Woman put her hand to her ear again she stood there for a minute as she listen to her companions then said ok hold him there we are on our way

Woman: we found your friend he's at the village some guards will hold him until we get there

Takeo: umm he won't stay and may even start something if you try to make him he kind of has a bad temper and gets worse if he's being attacked

Woman: ugh fine then what do you think we should do to keep him there ?

Takeo: hmm maybe let me talk to him?

Woman: fine

The Woman then started telling the other guards to hand a ear piece to M21 right away then handed Takeo hers she looked very irritated but Takeo took the ear piece

M21: umm hello?????

Takeo: M21

M21: Takeo??

Takeo: yes stay there I'm coming to you and be nice to the village people ok

M21: umm ok ...

Takeo handed the ear piece back to the Woman

M21 handed the ear piece back to the Woman Guard who handed it to him the Woman took it while glaring at him M21 shrugged and ignored her glares he didn't know why the Woman didn't seem to like him but he didn't care as long as Takeo got there he could care less he looked around and noticed 2 more guards both men stood by the gate to the village and both of them were glaring at him to then noticed a few more guards up on the brick walls that were protecting the village they were also glaring at him he started to get a bit nervous this village seemed to hate him already and he just got there instead of watching them glare at him he decided to turn around and watch the Forrest that he just came out of waiting to see Takeo he still could feel the glares on his back but nothing he could do about that as he stood there waiting he heard foot steps from behind him but didn't turn to check who it was until a girl said so you go by M21? M21 turned to look at her she was young maybe 17 years old she had long lavender color hair that went pass her knees with icy Blue eyes and a expressionless look on her face she wore black fitted pants with black knee high boots she had a blue shirt with a black jacket over it and on her hips she had 2 guns and a whip M21 thought that she could pass as Takeo's Sister it was weird.

M21: yeah that's my name

Girl: I'm Anna nice to meet you ( holding out her hand)

M21: nice to meet you too (taking her hand and shaking it)

Anna: the villagers say you are waiting for your friend?

M21: yeah we got lost in that Forrest there then some kind of Tiger beast attacked me and we got separated but I guess one of the guards found him and is bringing him here don't worry we will leave as soon as he gets here

Anna: your welcome to stay for a bit if you need to

M21: it's ok I don't think the villagers here like me very much

Anna: what makes you think that?

M21: well they keep glaring at me anyways we need to find out how we got here and how to get back to where we are from

Anna: where are you from?? Maybe I can help

M21: Korea

Anna: K.k..kor..ea ????? Umm iv never heard of that place before hmm maybe your from another Dimension?

M21:Another Dimension??????? Is that even possible??

Right then Takeo and the Woman that was leading him came walking out of the Forrest and a bit behind them came the Tiger M21 jumped and Yelled TAKEO WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU..... Everyone even the girl Anna froze with shocked expressions on their faces Takeo ran up to M21 and patted him on the shoulder saying it's ok it won't attack it was a misunderstanding ok so Calm down now that we are together again we can figure out how to get back home.

M21: okay ..... this Girl Anna said we might be in Another Dimension??? I'm not even sure if that's possible??

Takeo: umm ok ( Takeo looked at this Girl Anna for a few seconds and thought he was going to have to ask her about this Dimension stuff things just keep on getting weirder )

M21: hey Anna what is this Dimension stuff anyways?? And how does it work?

Anna: ..... (She looked straight at Takeo just staring at him)

Takeo: ooh umm I'm Sorry I'm Takeo it's nice to meet you

Anna: What ???? (She looked at the Woman that was with Takeo and then back at Takeo with such a confusing look)

M21: you ok Anna ?? This is my friend Takeo

Before Anna could reply a dragon crashed down Anna pulled her guns immediately as the Dragon sucked in its breath getting ready to breathe fire Anna shot off 3 shots hitting the beast in the nose it stopped the attack but not for long the Dragon got angry and started crashing around swinging its tail Takeo jumped up to avoid it but M21 got hit and thrown back into the brick wall all the villagers went into a panic the guards all came to protect the village the Woman that was with Takeo pulled out her whips as her Tiger attacked the Dragon Takeo pulled out his guns and glanced at M21 to check if he was ok as M21 stood up Takeo turned back to see the Dragon charging straight at him sucking in its breath Takeo immediately shot 4 shots right in its nose the Dragon seemed to get even more angry and let out a ear piercing screech as it charged straight at Takeo. Takeo ran to the side avoiding it again M21 transformed into his werewolf forum and slashed at the Dragon this just made the Dragon pissed off it then came at M21 Takeo started shooting at it to get it's attention as the Dragon turned on Takeo and rushed at him he noticed all the guards have backed off and seemed to be just protecting the village the Woman and that girl Anna both stood still with shocked expressions watching him and M21 fight this Dragon Takeo thought that they might have to make a run for it if this gets any worse M21 attacked the Dragon again this time making deep scratch marks on its side the Dragon moved fast hitting M21 throwing him into the wall again Takeo screamed M21 as he turned the Dragon grabbed Takeo pinning him down to the ground and started to suck in its breath for a fire attack Takeo couldn't move his arms and thought that this was the end but right then another Dragon showed up hitting the Dragon that had Takeo with its tail slashing the foot that was holding Takeo that made the Dragon jump back letting go of Takeo the new Dragon charged fast and attacked the other Dragon sending the first Dragon crashing back Takeo jumped up and looked to where M21 was he was standing in a pile of bricks but seemed ok after a few more minutes of the 2 Dragons fighting the 1st Dragon retreated flying away as Takeo looked around he noticed the guards and villagers were all looking straight at him even the Dragon that was setting there was starring at him.

Takeo: Look I'm so sorry for causing problems for you guys we will leave.

M21: ... (Whisper Takeo they have Dragons here )

Takeo: yeah i noticed

M21: we just fought a freaking Dragon ...

Takeo: M21 Calm down... ( Takeo walked up to the Woman and Anna) look thank you for helping us as much as you did we really appreciate it ( then he turned to the Dragon) and Thank you too i would be dead if you didn't come help for that if there is anything i can do to repay you let me know .

M21: .... ( he's talking to a Dragon.... He's talking to a Freaking Dragon)