
Chapter 1 Doing my Job

After defeating the Union everything seemed to go smoothly as the Nobles and Werewolves worked together along with Frankenstein and his house to close down all the Union test labs and free the people being tested on against there own will after coming to an agreement between them and the 3rd elder that any test done in the future will only be done on those who Volunteer and understand the consequence of the test with this law in place the 3rd elder will be taking over the Union they also put in a peace treaty between Nobles and Werewolves to the Union as long as the Union leaves the Nobles and Werewolves alone the Nobles and Werewolves would leave the Union alone .

Thing have settled down and Frankenstein house seemed to be back to normal Rai,Regis,and Seria went back to school and everyone else went back to work a few weeks went by it was so peaceful and everyone was happy one evening Tao went to his room to check the cameras around the area as he normally does every night while the others did there round around the neighborhood Tao noticed a young blonde girl that just appeared out of thin air he thought that was strange so he decided to send a team to check her out.

Tao: Takeo M21 i need you two to go check a potential enemy she's in the park right now it looks like she might have some kind of power so be careful.

Takeo: Alright

M21: hmm

As they got to the Park they searched around and finely found the girl who Tao told them about they could feel great power coming from her witch made them a bit nervous.

Takeo: hey there...

Unknown girl: ...... What do you want?

M21: we want to know what you are doing here?

Unknown girl: Isn't that obvious?

M21: No what's your intention?

Unknown girl: (holding up a book) I'm Reading

M21: we know you have powers and you are setting in a park where there are lots of kids walking home we can't let someone like that stay here without a explanation.

Unknown girl: who are you? Your really starting to annoy me and I did give you a explanation.

Takeo: M21 Calm down I'm sorry miss but we are just doing our Job and just want to make sure you don't have any intention of hurting the kids that walk through here.

Unknown girl: your Job and what is that ?? to annoy a girl trying to Read a book in peace??

M21: I don't like how you acting i think you should Leave.

Unknown girl: what if I Refuse?

M21: then we will have to make you leave since that is our Job .

Unknown girl: oooh so you you own this Park?

M21: ......

Takeo: well no not really we are school security and that covers the kids way home.

Unknown girl: well how about you go and do your Job someplace else and leave me alone so I can read in peace I have no intention of hurting any kids but if you keep annoying me I might hurt you .

M21: are you threatening us??

Takeo: (whisper) Tao what should we do? should we believe her?

Tao: hmm maybe you should back off and watch her from afar ok

Takeo: (whisper) ooh ok ) M21 let's go .

M21: WHAT ..... You want to just leave after she threatened us ?

Takeo: M21 Calm down Tao told us to go let's just go ok I'll explain it on our way to

M21: (glaring) Don't think this is over we will be watching you closely.

As Takeo and M21 turned to Leave a bright light started to glow under their feet before they could react they were falling all they could see was clouds and realized they were in the sky .

Takeo: Wwwhat what happened? we are falling M21 you ok ?? Tao ?? Tao ?? You there ?? Why can't I get a hold of him are we to far away.

M21: I'm fine but you better brace yourself here comes the ground.

As they fell Takeo decided to use his power to lessen the impact so he sped up and landed perfectly with not a single scratch and M21 transformed and landed with a big bang leaving a cloud of dust as he dusted himself off he transformed back to his human form as they took in their surroundings they both realized they had no idea where they were.