
A night with mister handsone

"How about a night stand" she said to him leaning close and tugging on his collar. ************************ Diana became heartbroken when her fiancee called off their engagement unexpectedly. what will become of her when she looses it and spend a night with him. After spending a single night with a total stranger, memories of her kept on replaying in his head. he finally fell in love; A feeling he never knew he would one day experience.

John_Precious_3590 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter two

Oh, I didn't see that coming. a baby?from who, when did he started cheating on me.

"you've been cheating" I said not even taking a glance at his now softened expression.

"No, I didn't mean...look it was a mistake..we were just..."

"who is she?" I cut off clenching my fist beneath the table.

"it doesn't matter who she is..." he held my hand.

".....you are beautiful and very intelligent, there are guys out there and you can find one for yourself"

"I don't need anyone I'm perfectly fine without you" I said smiling at him and pulling my hands away like he did to me. this is it, I was too easy on him, I made him use me thinking he loved me.

"I'm sorry" he said.

I nodded, I couldn't blame him. I'm just a tiny figure not a princess whose subjects bow to with just a click of her fingers.

"how long have you been cheating?"

"a year" he answered obediently.

I nodded again looking round the now almost empty bar.

he took a short glance at his wrist watch.

"I'm sorry but I have to go, hope you meet a good spouse" with this final words he stood and left.

for a moment I was going crazy. what the hell is wrong with me, I'm I not beautiful enough? did I took the wrong path?. series of questions with no answer popped into my head.

my eyes caught sight of a waitress with blonde hair walking past me and I was quick to stop her.

"a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc please" I ordered trying hard not to reveal how hurt I am. I'm not a fan of alcohol, but judging by the situation I find myself,I don't have any other alternatives other than succumb to it just to clear my head.

"at your service ma'am" the blonde whom I guess her name would be Rachael from the plastic name tag on her white uniform. she scurried away in haste to get what I just ordered.


Ryan couldn't stop taking his eyes off the lady two seats away from him. it's been approximately thirty minutes since her partner left, yet she didn't look like she would be leaving any minute. what amazed him is her beauty, even in the many disco light in the bar, he was still able to figure her face out.

"you know, you can just meet her, stealing glances won't do you any favor" He didn't realize Greg already tracing his gaze. he'd make sure he kept a low profile not wanting people to notice his presence but that never worked on the young bartender. Hence they became friends, the seller - customer kind of relationship.

"what do you think?" he asked tracing the mouth of his glass cup.

"She look beautiful"

" absolutely" he added.

"If I were you, I would go get her and make her mine"Greg said cleaning some cups and stacking them up neatly.

Ryan took a glance at her again. he shook his head not sure if he could do This. he was just a businessman who knew nothing about love, although he had sex, tons of it, but those were just his one minute girlfriends, the ones he had sex with just for his desires. they never lasted.

his feeling with this one is different, it felt as though he was falling for her every fleeting seconds. those brown curls, beautiful lashes and freckled filled face. he just like them.

He stood up abruptly, patting Greg on his shoulder.

"thanks man"

"my pleasure"


I just didn't know the next action to take, guess sitting here would relieve me a bit from the shock. I was a fool to believe he was gonna get married to me, I almost forgot that men can be trash.

I gulped down my alcohol. there's was a time when I hate taking it. It sickens and kills the body system, but right now I'm starting to like it. it's sweetness can be a remedy to amend a broken heart.

"don't you think you're going to far with this?"

I looked up to see the owner of the deep ear pleasing voice. golden brown hair, grey tux shirt with rolled up sleeves, it's first two buttons left revealing a firm chest. more like a model.

"does it matter?" I snorted.

He never responded. Instead he sat on the chair my ex - fiance was sitting few minutes ago.

"your health" he finally replied.

"have you ever been heartbroken before?" I asked more like a whisper.



" you could start all over again it's not the end of the world"he said.

I laughed, it's not like I was trying to commit suicide, my first heartbreak happened when I was in highschool. My boyfriend is the school Whizkid and I caught him banging a girl in the classroom blah blah blah. I only met Zack just few years ago, so committing suicide is never in my dictonary.

few minutes passed and we only just stare at each other. I have always classify Zack as the most handsome, not anymore since I'm already sitting opposite a demi-god. I licked my lip as waves of desire flush through me. he was sexy in every way.

"how about a night stand?" I finally found myself blurting out.