
A night with mister handsone

"How about a night stand" she said to him leaning close and tugging on his collar. ************************ Diana became heartbroken when her fiancee called off their engagement unexpectedly. what will become of her when she looses it and spend a night with him. After spending a single night with a total stranger, memories of her kept on replaying in his head. he finally fell in love; A feeling he never knew he would one day experience.

John_Precious_3590 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter one

Going to bars has never been my type if not for my fiancee calling me out late in the night. I checked my leather wrist watch I got as a birthday gift from my mom, it was already 9:30pm, the exact time for me to be home now and probably getting ready for bedtime. I sipped my drink watching the jam-packed streets of the city and it's people through the glassy transparent walls of the huge bar with music in rythm to the noise that filled the place.

My eyes travelled to the swinging doors of the bar and there he is taking slow strides forward. My fiancee, Zack snyder. As always he look breathtakingly handsome in his white tux shirt with rolled up sleeves, his short black hair with a touch of gel like that of a model. My cheek flushed at the sight of him. Calm down Diana, he's your fiancee and all yours, there no need for a rush. I took in deep breaths and exhaled.

"you're late" I said not taking my gaze away from him.

"I got caught up in the traffic" he said pulling off his jacket and hanging it on the steel chair opposite me before sitting down relaxed.

I nodded believing him.

"we need to talk Diana" he started.

Yeah, I knew we were going to talk but that was fast. usually when we hang out, watching the night sky, taking turns in drinking, and cracking jokes is what we most do but I guess that was in our high school days, recently Zack's changed, he's always busy to hang out with me or even pick my calls. either he has an unfinished work to do or he had to attend important meetings, yet I was never angry at him. why would I since he's the greatest thing that ever happened to me.

"what do you want us to talk about?" I asked using my thumb to caress the tip of my cup .

"don't you think we are rushing this?"

"what do you mean?"

"I mean this whole engagement thing, we need to calm down"

okay now I don't understand what he's trying to say, calm down? what the hell are we calming down for, it's not as if I was rushing to get married, I'm only anxious.

"why don't we give ourselves a break?"

"break? clarify the air Zack, is this some sort of April fool prank?" I would have say it's a prank but judging from his expression I don't think he's joking at all.

"you know what I mean Diana, I'm not thinking straight, not with you bringing up the marriage thing everyday"he said.


"just a little time I want to know if I'm taking the right decision"

"Right decision?, I don't see any reason why we should give ourselves a break"

"well I do"

"tell me this is a joke Zack"

"no it's not"

I scoffed not believing what he was saying, it couldn't be true. could someone tell me we are in April and that I'm being pranked.

"what about our engagement, our memories... you told me you love me remember?"

"that was then, not anymore" he said.

thought he said he needed more time and now he's saying he doesn't love me.

for a moment there was dead silence and a thought popped into my head. I could beg him to give me one more chance, who knows if I'm the one that pushed him to the core, but if I may check, I don't remember doing anything that would trigger his anger, at least not to the extent of him breaking up with me.

"we could sort this out Zack, I can make this right again...I won't bother you about any silly marriage, we could get married whenever you feel like..." I held his hand blattering in hope that he would change his mind but that didn't seem to work either cause he pulled away his hand from mine and cut me off immediately.

"that won't work Diana, I don't love you anymore,besides I'm in love with someone else and we are having a baby soon!!!"