
A night with mister handsone

"How about a night stand" she said to him leaning close and tugging on his collar. ************************ Diana became heartbroken when her fiancee called off their engagement unexpectedly. what will become of her when she looses it and spend a night with him. After spending a single night with a total stranger, memories of her kept on replaying in his head. he finally fell in love; A feeling he never knew he would one day experience.

John_Precious_3590 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter Three

Ryan couldn't take in what he just heard. a night stand? he always have his own way with girls but he couldn't believe one would be willing to offer herself. his lustful desires came flushing in his body, he was already picturing her nakedness in his head. He shouldn't accept this, she's drunk and when she realized out what they did, she would forever hold a grudge against him.

"you're drunk" he replied.

"drunk? I don't think so" she said and took a gulp of her wine again. Ryan sighed she's just too stubborn and not willing to stop the drinking act.

"you should go home it's late" he said.

"I'm twenty-five handsome..." then she leaned closer, her hot breath fanning his face.

"... if you think I'm drunk, then you got me wrong, c'mon I'm offering you a night for free no cash involved" she held his tie using her index finger to trace his chest.

Her little seductive actions almost made him want to strip her naked and fuck her right there in the bar, but he held himself not sure if he should accept her offer.

At first she sat down obediently not saying anymore word but her next action caught him off guard. she pulled off her panties and dropped it on the table between them. he almost had an orgasm. without further restrictions he carried her in a bridal manner not giving a thought of their surroundings.

The ride to his house was dead silence, sometimes, he would steal glances at her. she was silent looking out through the window. he thought about her, those beautiful freckles, perfect hips and full lips, she looked all sexy. he just hoped she would never regret it. he wanted her too, they wanted each other.

they got to his house; huge condo,thirteenth floor,large fluffy red sofas, mezainine balcony.

this was the first time he would be bringing a lady home. excluding his personal maid, a middle-aged italian woman.

"wow you've got a nice house" she said for the first time since they arrived at his condo.

"my mother's favourite" yeah, it was his mum's idea of buying the condo and furnishing it with her own hands. it pained him that she's no more. she couldn't watch her son grow to be the fine young man he is now.

"it's beautiful"


"so....." she said walking closer to him and removing his tie gently throwing it to the floor.

"....are you ready Mr handsome?" she traced her fingers up his abdomen to his chest where she started with his button. he smashed his lip on hers since he couldn't take. she's beautiful and tempting. he couldn't possibly watch seduce him.

He crashed his lips on hers as he picked her up grinding his hips harshly on hers. They kissed all way to his holy bedroom. he had never thought he'd bring a woman to his room, his personal abode. He placed her gently on the fluffy bed gently squeezing the white sheets. trailing kisses down the curve of her neck he tug at the hook of her dress releasing it halfway. his hand toyed with her left nipple bringing a tingling sensation in her. she whimpered digging her fingers into his now disheveled hair. clothes in the air dropping to the floor, they were stripped naked. he slipped two fingers into herrubbing her clit.

"ahh..that's it keep going" she moaned as waves of pleasure filled her. Her soft melodious voice kept ringing in his ears.

He stopped watching her for few seconds. that never stopped her, she clashed her lips on his soft one, desire burining her.

"don't stop please" she mumbled beneath the kiss.

She has no idea what she was doing to him, he was burning with pleasure with just her hot breath fanning the hairs on his body. She tasted different, sweeter than the ones he had sex with.

without further restrictions, he entered her. at first he was slow, then he thrusted faster earning loud moans from her.