
A night with mister handsone

"How about a night stand" she said to him leaning close and tugging on his collar. ************************ Diana became heartbroken when her fiancee called off their engagement unexpectedly. what will become of her when she looses it and spend a night with him. After spending a single night with a total stranger, memories of her kept on replaying in his head. he finally fell in love; A feeling he never knew he would one day experience.

John_Precious_3590 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter four

I woke up to the light coming in from the window and a pounding headache. I tried standing upright but couldn't, it was as if I was being pushed down gently ,soft breath fanning the hair on my neck. then it dawned on me, I slept with a stranger last night, holy shit!.

I pulled away from his embrace gently coming down from the huge bed. my clothes lay on the floor waiting for it to be worn which I did immediately. gosh what have I done. I sighed rubbing my forehead. He stirred in his sleep, for a moment I thought he was Going to wake but he didn't. even in his sleep he looked sexy and breathtaking. gosh Diana just stop.

I picked up my bag and left the room, closing the door with a slight bang.

my legs froze when I came face to face with a figure, a woman, mixture of grey and black strands of hair holding a tray of tea. probably his mother, but I don't see any resemblance. well children can refuse to inherit their parents features, it depends.

She gave me a heartwarming smile,her face a little wrinkled.

"do you mind having a tea dear?" she asked.

"I...umm..I'm sorry maybe next time" I said and disappeared before she would say anymore word. any minute, he could wake up. There would be no next time, not when I just spend a night with her son.

I could feel her gaze on my back, she can't blame me for rejecting her offer, I only did that to save myself from getting caught by him. what would he say when he sees me again? call me a slut? that won't happen because when we eventually meet again, I would pretend we never even met before.

I walked down the long stairs and immediately regretted it, I should have taken the elevator like we did last night. my leg aches like hell. pulling off my blue stilleto I walked barefooted down the stairs.


I felt dizzy as I walked to my apartment. Then my phone buzzed indicating a message. one from Clara and some missed calls.

"where the hell are you Diana?" Clara's voice came through from the voice message. I smiled wryly, it was already 7:am in the morning and I missed her calls. She should be worried that I didn't answer them.

gosh I was damn tired. to be exact, Zack's words kept ringing in my ears " I don't love you anymore, we are expecting a baby soon!!" that scumbag, I was a fool to have believe he could die for me.

Before I could even touch the knob to the door of my apartment, it flew open revealing angry Clara.

"you didn't sleep in your house all night long miss"

she said like a mother ready to pounce on her daughter for running away from home. meeting her in my apartment is not a new thing, we are friends and she knew where I keep my keys; right under the flower vase at front porch of my house, she could come and go whenever she feels like, we were like that even now she's married.

unlike me Clara's lucky to have a caring husband. At first he was her colleague where she worked in a school, then they became intimate, got engaged, got married and boom she's now four months pregnant.

"I went out for a walk" I lied.

"Diana?" she called. I knew Clara would not believe my lie one bit not when I was putting on a blue dress and stiletto shoes, who the hell would go out for a walk with tiny heel shoes.

careful not to hit her already growing belly, I dragged her inside ready to tell her the truth. She's my friend and she needs to know what I've gotten myself in.