
A New World, an immersive game experience

A full dive VR game has been released, A New World. While it is not the only VR game in the world, this one has one advantage over others: Being able to play it even while sleeping. Like one would think, many people jumped to try and claim the first headsets. Mostly gamers, but some other types of people too. Our MC, Eldrian, is naturally a gamer who could not wait but to try it. Quickly he and everyone else who bought the headsets found themselves in a world, not just a game. While realism is nice and all, the amount they were given was just too much... Players started taking emotional tolls from playing the game, and when the company made a shocking announcement. This was amplified. -------------------------- Chapter Length: 1500-2000 words (Chapters 1-390ish) Chapter Length: 1200-1400 words (Chapters 390-?) --------------------------

Breuno · Games
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Facing the undead (3)

'Well, seems this is manageable,' Eldrian mumbled while dancing to avoid the ghouls' attacks and controlling the reanimates' positions via a combination of water jets and shock waves—and some ether punches. Doing damage to them was hard, but simply keeping them occupied with a few spells was simple, though draining. 

This was the first time Eldrian needed to push himself since reaching Tier 5. His spars with Vivian had been fun, but the sheer difference in stats had been too large. And while the same applied against a single ghoul or flaming reanimate, there were a total of seven undead attacking him. The split focus to control the reanimates while managing the ghouls certainly helped Eldrian grasp his true abilities far better than any sparring match ever could.