
A New Life From God

Died to an incurable illness. A god decides that he deserves another chance. With a new life, in a new world.

A_New_Author · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 16: Magic Items Part Two

I like how I said I would finish the items the day after, yet it has already been a month since then. Right now I'm standing outside of the fireplace, wondering if I should go ahead and do it. See, the thing is, I want to finish this before I leave for the capital, but something's stopping me from doing so.

I press the hidden stone in the fireplace and the door is lifted. I looked down the stairs.

[Orion: Better late than never...]

I went down the stairs and into the abandoned room.

[Orion: Where did I leave off again? I think it was the flask or that robe.]

I walk over to where those two items were, and looked over to see what was next.

[Orion: Weapons.]

In fact, the next item was a lightning-looking javelin. I picked it up. "Javelin of Lightning" when I hurl the javelin it'll turn into a bolt of lightning.

[Orion: I'll be the almighty Zeus, hahaha!]

With joking aside I put it back down, carefully, and picked up the next weapon. Which was only the hilt of a sword. It was called "Sun Blade", when I want I can let the hilt take in either my mana or the heat from the surrounding, and it'll produce a blade. Also the more it takes in, the stronger it becomes. I was about to activate it, but decided not to just so that I can get the rest out of the way.

I picked up the next weapon, "Dagger of Venom". It's basically just a dagger that is coated in poison at all times no matter what you do to it. Next weapon, "Dwarven Thrower" when I throw the hammer, it will always come back to me.

[Orion: Am I going to become Thor now? Hehe.]

I put it down and picked up the next weapon. "Frost Brand" the sword leaves frost on the enemies' wounds, ultimately dealing more damage to them, and I get the ability to extinguish all nonmagical flames within 30 feet of me.

I picked up my next weapon, "Dancing Sword". When I throw the sword up into the air, it will become an animated object, in which it'll completely follow my command. Of course after it runs out of mana to use, it'll immediately come back to me.

[Orion: One more sword, then I'll get to the rings.]

I picked up the last weapon. "Vorpal Sword". If I were to add just a little force, I'll be able to cut through a tree. I decided to try it out. I went outside and went to a tree not too close, but not too far either, and slashed at it. Just like how the description said, the sword went all the way through.

[Orion: This is absolutely terrifying! If someone really skilled in using a sword used this against the entire army, I doubt the army would survive. I'm not going to use this, unless if I absolutely must use it.]

I went back down, careful not to touch the blade, and set back in it's rightful spot. I look to my left again, I still have to go through rings, staffs, and armor. Five in each category.

I pick up one of the rings. "Ring of Feather Falling" safely descent down to the ground, no matter how far up you are.

[Orion: Ooh. This would go well with the cloak of flying.]

I put on the ring so that I won't forget about it and picked up the next ring. "Ring of Animal Influence" only works on nonmagical animals and there's a chance that the normal animals won't listen to me.

The "Ring of Spell Storing" can store any spell, but only one at a time. That seems really simple. I wonder if that's useful and this ring has to go on two fingers instead of just one.

The "Ring of Water Walking" whenever this ring is on one of my fingers, I can walk on water if I wanted too. Other than the river, there aren't any big water spots that I know of.

The "Ring of Spell Turning" whenever I get hit with a spell, there'll be a chance that the spell will get reflected and turn onto the caster instead.

[Orion: And with that, I am finished with the rings.]

It should be around lunchtime already, so I'm going to eat then finish the rest before dinner. I made and ate a sandwich for lunch and went back down to the room.

[Orion: What was next again? Staffs?]

I walk over to the staffs. I grabbed one of them and read the description. "Rod of Absorption" I can absorb a certain amount of magic and release that magic at some other time.

[Orion: Again. Most of these are useless to me right now.]

Anything to do with magic is really pointless, especially when I have no idea how to use it. Well at least until I go to the school that starts in two months. I can't wait until then.

I grab the next staff, "Rod of Lordly Might".

[Orion: You know... most of these names remind me of gods.]

The rod has six buttons on the side of it, which turns it into a different item each time. One turns the rod into a longsword covered in fire. One turns into a battle-axe. One turns into a spear. One turns into a fifty foot climbing pole. And the last one keeps the normal shape of the item, a mace, and points into the direction north.

Next staff, "Staff of the Adder". The end of the staff turns into a snake head and attacks who or whatever I want it to. I grab the next one, "Staff of Frost". Whenever I want, I can form ice spikes, walls, or anything that's ice. The ice instantly melts after ten minutes, no matter what.

[Orion: Last staff.]

"Staff of the Magi", it's basically the same thing as the "Rod of Absorption" except a lot more riskier. The limit will stop you on the rod, but if you go over the limit on the staff it'll cause an explosion so destructive that basically everything in a thirty foot radius will die. The same thing happens if I break the staff, except there's a good chance that it'll be a lot weaker. Whoever causes the explosion, has a fifty percent chance of being protected by the magic in the staff too.

[Orion: But like I said, some of these objects are quite pointless to me for now.]

Next is the armor, though I don't really care about the armor, so I'm giving each an even shorter summary than the last few magic items.

"Dragon Scale Mail" when I wear this I have resistance to certain damage types depending on what kind of dragon it was and I know if any dragons are within thirty miles of me.

"Elven Chain" is just stronger than the normal chain shirt. That's it.

"Spellguard Shield" blocks splash spells a lot better, like fire spells or the like.

"Animated Shield" whenever I toss it out of my hand, it will float there for a while, and once it runs out of magic to use, it'll return to me.

"Volcanic Chainmail" whenever I wear this I get the ability to walk on molten lava whenever I want and get immunity to damage from fire.

[Orion: When will I ever have to walk on lava? And besides the shields, I can't use the armor since it's a bit too big for me.]

I look around the room, I'm finished. After hours and hours, I finally went through all of the items.

I decided that some time relaxing wouldn't be a bad idea, and eventually the day ended.

Most of these(actually all of them) are based off magic items from the table top game "Dungeons and Dragons".

Note: Do you think magic items were a good idea.

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