
A New Life From God

Died to an incurable illness. A god decides that he deserves another chance. With a new life, in a new world.

A_New_Author · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 15: Magic Items Part One

It has been three months since I've found the magic items in the secret room, hidden behind the fireplace.

I've never really gotten around to using the items, but I think I should stop being lazy now and just try and use them.

I do my daily morning routine, sit at Simon's grave then eat breakfast, after that I go to the hidden room with the items.

[Orion: Which one should I try out first?]

Maybe the disguise hat thing I picked up last time. Yeah. I will start with that one, then I'll move to the next one from there.

I pick the hat of disguise up and put it back on.

[Orion: Oh. Right. I need a mirror to see what happened.]

I walk out of the room and into the bathroom upstairs.

[Orion: How does this work? Do I just think of who I want to turn into? Alright. Martin Gardiner.]

Nothing happened. How do I do this? Do I have to want it and not just say a name? I refocus on the hat. I want to be Martin Gardiner. Turn me into Martin Gardiner. I blinked, and the moment I opened my eyes I saw Martin where I was standing.

[Orion: That's so cool, which one is next?]

I take off the hat, and just like it said, the effect stopped and I look like myself again.

I went back down to the room. I put up the hat and grabbed the item the item next to it. "Eyes' of the Owl, see in the dark for up to sixty feet.

[Orion: I'll have to wait until nighttime to try these. Next!]

I grabbed a pair of slippers. "Spiders' Slippers, walk along vertical surfaces, or even upside down."

[Orion: These seem really dangerous, what if my foot just falls out of the shoe? What then?]

Either way I put them on and when I did, it felt like they attached themselves to me. I started walking on the wall near the stairs. I did indeed walk on the wall.

[Orion: Alright this is also cool, but will these ever be useful.]

I walk back to where these slippers were and put them back. Next item.

[Orion: A bag? Wonder what it does.]

"Bag of Holding. The bag has a inter-dimensional space within it that can hold up to 500 pounds. The bag weighs 15 pounds regardless of what's inside."

I open the bag, and I saw that there was enough space for at least three humanoid people to sit in here at a time. I put the bag up. To the next item.

I did this with so many items that it got tiring after a while. "Flask of Endless Water" is an infinite water source. "Quiver of Convenience" is basically like the bag of holding except it holds weapons, and they can be taken out at a moments notice. "Cloak of Elvenkind" makes it easier to hide and see things I wouldn't usually notice at first. "Boots of Elvenkind" when I walk, my feet make no noise. "Gloves of Missile Grabbing" my hands automatically go to any missiles that are aimed at me and make an attempt to grab it.

After that I went back upstairs and ate lunch. I made some progress, but from the looks of it, there are a lot more to go.

[Orion: *sighs* I wish I had someone here to help me.]

I make a complaint then go back downstairs. Before I continued I counted all of the ones left.

[Orion: Thirty-eighhht. *groans*]

This is fun, but I just want this to be over already.

I grab a cloak of the wall, "Cloak of the Manta" when the hood is up, I can breathe underwater and swim faster than I usually would be able to. "Cloak of Protection" is just a cloak that takes some damage, basically armor but way lighter. "Cloak of Displacement" makes everyone think I'm somewhere else near my actual body. "Cloak of Spell Resistance" obviously like how the name suggest, spells are weakened by the cloak.

[Orion: What?! Cloak of Flying?! I can fly! I have to try this out later.]

I put it off to the side to use later. I pick up the next cloak, I wonder if Simon liked cloaks. Though this cloak I picked up was a bit creepy. The "Robe of Eyes" it says whenever I wear it, I can choose which eyes I see out of, but I become really sensitive to sudden bright lights. I think back to when I did that weird thing and blasted light from myself.

I go to the next item. "Portable Hole" a big hole that is six feet in diameter and ten feet deep. You can put anything in it and when your done, you just pick up the hole and fold it in handkerchief. I'm already getting hungry, so I'm going to do the next nine and call it a day. Finish the rest tomorrow.

"Cloaks of Arachnida" immune to poison while wearing this and I get to walk on vertical walls and ceilings, just like the slippers, webs won't stick to me either. The next four items are books about basically the same thing, Golems. Each of the four books represents a different golem. Iron, Flesh, Stone, and Clay Golems. The books give you specific instructions to make the Golems, once you complete making it you push the book against it and the golem will come to life.

[Orion: Sounds like something I'll eventually make.]

I grab a cloak that looks like the starry night.

[Orion: "Robe of Stars".]

It was so cool to look at, because it looks like one of those really expensive cosmetics in RPGs. I read the description. "When you pull a star off of the cloak it creates seven starry darts and launches them to the creature or creatures of your choosing. Every dawn, all of the stars are reformed."

[Orion: Wow. That's amazing. I wonder how much damage I could do with that.]

I picked up a silver foil like cloak and read the description. "Cloak of Invisibility, when you put the cloak on, with hood over your head, you become invisible for the next two hours. After those two hours, you'll become visible and will have to wait eight hours to become invisible again."

The next cloak, or robe I should say. "Robe of the Arch-Mage", it has very high protection and all spells made while wearing this cloak are a bit stronger.

Those two items are really good, but at this point I'm just trying to get finished with them. I picked up the last item I'm going to do for today. "Iron Flask". That's the name, and it's exactly what it looks like, an iron flask. I read the description.

[Orion: Oh, that's like that one god's item. What was their name? I can't remember, but it's exactly like that.]

The "Iron Flask" captures any creature I want it to, though it can fail to capture the creature, and keeps them safe. If I open the flask again, any creature that was in there will come out and will follow my command to a certain extent. The flask will only hold one creature at a time too.

[Orion: But when am I ever going to use something like this.]

I think of scenarios when I'll use this flask, but there are hardly any I can think of as of this moment. I let it go and decide to go upstairs, I brought the "Cloak of Flying" with me, but decided that I'll try it another time.

With half of the magic items done, I eat dinner, take a bath, and go to bed. Tomorrow I will finish the items for sure.

I don't know why I did this to myself.

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