
A Morningstar in the Multiverse

Read on as we follow the son of Lucifer morningstar and Lilith of Eden explore the multiverse and learn more about himself along the way. the first few chapters will be info dump so you guys the audience know what I'm talking about and don't complain about me giving the Main character powers out of nowhere, as he will be unlocking more and more of his power set along the way *Warning, will be R-18 chapters* if you don't feel comfortable with that kind of content feel free to skip them oh and with the harem list it is all of the possible harem members. actual harem members will be confirmed along the way! READ THE AUXILIARY CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!! PLS!!! they are there for a reason!!!!! #LongLiveTheOutcasts find me on discord: https://discord.gg/2fh4YvwT

Alex_Santo · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Reborn in Remnant

Next we see the little soul in a camp of bandits where the chief is approaching the tent.

(MC) 'system, where am I' marethyu said.

[you'll soon find out]

that's right one of this soul's wishes was a system. the omniverse system to be exact. as marethyu is wondering what the system means by that, he then sees a well known character entering the room.

(MC) 'that's Raven Branwen which means I'm in the care of the branwen tribe'

"so this is the fallen star" Raven says

"Yes, Chief" the tribe doctor says

"he seems to have a good set of lungs on him, I could hear him from the other side of the camp" Raven says with a smile

"he does indeed, Chief" the doctor's assistant says

"good, he'll be a great warrior one day with lungs like those" she said "as well as the fact that he's the first male child I've ever seen with silver eyes" she continued

"his eyes are a little different than Summer's, but I can tell that one day he'll do great things" Raven said with a hint of pride in her voice

Five Years Pass and we see a young Marethyu with a white staff on his back and a large sword in his hands sparring with an older tribesman 4 times his age. as a younger tribesman comes over and tells them they have a guest.

(MC) 'I wonder who it is' I think to myself as I approach the Dining hall, hungry in more ways then one. I grab a few blocks of cheese as the chief enters with her guest, her brother.

"a tad excessive isn't it? hey you got a cheese knife?" Qrow asks me.

"Cheese knife? He eats it by the block." a passing tribesman tells him.

"do I even want to know how much this kid eats Raven?" Qrow asks.

"No" she replies as I decide to listen to what they're talking about

as he reaches for his flask he says "OK, here's the rub sis. Ozpin thinks this kid is special as he can sense Magic radiating off of him, so now that you've had him for a few years, I'll take him to Patch for a few years so he can see what a real family is like."

"a real family?" she says, a little hurt.

"You know what I mean sis" Qrow says pinching the bridge of his nose

"and after that?" she asks

"once he's 10 years old we let him decide"

"Okay then" she says with a sigh.

"so, you're just gonna let me take him?" qrow asks as he raises an eyebrow.

"I'm not gonna be able to feed him for much longer" she says "not unless I want a mutiny on my hands"

"OK" he says shrugging his shoulders "hey kid, come on over."

I walk over to the chief's table and say "you need something old timer?" Raven chuckles

"first of all I'm only 21, second raven here has just agreed to hand custody of you over to me for a few years, so why don't you go pack your things and meet me back here okay?" he asks, a little annoyed.

I went over to my tent and packed my things.

"so we're leaving" Scathatch said from the shadows.

"yes Scathatch, tell the others to move to our base in vale." I reply

One of the systems features is a Gacha pool and I've gotten lucky a few times. last year I summoned Scathatch and Artoria from the Nasuverse as well as the Black Knights from Code Geass, after they modified their tech to run on dust they formed a new group, Obnubi. We already have contracts with Menagerie and the Schnee dust company, with Lelouch acting as head of intelligence and diplomatic relations, and Kallen as the head of Aerial Forces. so while lelouch manages our contracts, I manage our military forces from the shadows, with Alucard from Hellsing acting as my aide de camp and this is alucard after he masters the powers of Schrodinger the Werecat. So far we have bases in all four major kingdoms as well as one in menagerie which is also where our labs are. we are currently working on securing dust mines of our own in order to end our contract with the SDC.

"sir, yes sir." she replies sarcastically.

One of the interesting things about the nasuverse summons is it isn't just one version of them, rather it takes the best of each version and puts it all together. for example with Scathatch, she has the body and personality of her Lancer version and the arcane skill of her Caster version.

as I walk back over to Qrow he asks me "what's in the briefcase kid?"

"go ahead and open it to see" I reply with a knowing grin on my face

when he tries the latches, he's hit with 10,000 volts of electricity.

I laugh and say "it's not a briefcase, this is Pandora."

I then proceed to reveal my heavy artillery weapon by hitting a hidden button near the top right corner, causing a handle with the trigger to pop up, I grab the handle and pull it back causing it to extend outward in both directions. next I grab the original handle and turn it to the right to reveal the barrel like I had done a hundred times. revealing the briefcase to really be a combination rotary cannon and rocket launcher.

"I get it now, you named it Pandora because like with the infamous box, whoever tries to open it other than you, will only find pain" he says then flinches as a spark arcs between two hairs on his head.

"and because when I open her up, my opponent is in for a world of hurt."

I put Pandora away as I board the bullhead to Patch, ready for what lies ahead.