
A Morningstar in the Multiverse

Read on as we follow the son of Lucifer morningstar and Lilith of Eden explore the multiverse and learn more about himself along the way. the first few chapters will be info dump so you guys the audience know what I'm talking about and don't complain about me giving the Main character powers out of nowhere, as he will be unlocking more and more of his power set along the way *Warning, will be R-18 chapters* if you don't feel comfortable with that kind of content feel free to skip them oh and with the harem list it is all of the possible harem members. actual harem members will be confirmed along the way! READ THE AUXILIARY CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!! PLS!!! they are there for a reason!!!!! #LongLiveTheOutcasts find me on discord: https://discord.gg/2fh4YvwT

Alex_Santo · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Original Titan #9

Name: Nemesis

Title: Legendary Titan of Vengeance, Queen of Mean, The Avenger

Attack: 8

Defense: 8

Size: Average

Type: Legendary Warrior/Sorceress

Special Abilities:



User Empowerment

Curse Magic

Description: if you cross this titan I can guarantee that you will encounter nothing but broken mirrors and black cats for weeks as nemesis isn't known as the queen of mean for nothing as she is the literal embodiment of the phrase "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" as all of the sides of the bed are the wrong one for this titan, known by her user marethyu as " a spiteful piece of work" with hair matching her raven wings and emerald green eyes, the eyes are literally the only thing she is easy on. Armed with a whip meant to inflict as much pain as possible, cross this titan or her wielder at your own peril as getting even is what she is all about.

Invocation: Tear Them Down, Nemesis The Avenger!!!