
A Mommy For Hire:The heiress must get married.

What does fate have in store for the rebellious granddaughter,Tiana Hamilton and billionaire daddy,Damien Kings? Tiana Estrella Hamilton,the wild heiress to a world recognized multi billion automobile company,is set on a dangerous mission to destroy her grandma. She has it all. Money. Beauty. Brain.  But yet, still had something which she craved for but doesn't intend on admitting it, Happiness. On the run, to avoid a forced marriage set up by her grandma to make her realize the intensity of her action, which was going to destroy everything she had ever worked hard for. She meets Damien Kings, Billionaire daddy who's on the lookout for a perfect motherly figure for his little pea, Daisy. What does Tiana know about taking care of a five year old?But yet,she suggested  an idea that would favour  the both of them. A contract marriage for a year. His daughter gets a mommy,she in turn, gets a husband of her choice  and not that of her gram's but under a condition made by Damien. No feelings attached! What would happen, when a marriage which had been vividly documented to end in a year's time without any feeling attached,ends up getting more realistic, serious and enjoyable for something which was meant to be all an act? How will Damien end up convincing the wild heiress,to give a chance at love when all she had ever experienced was betrayal from said loved ones? How sure is Tiana, that she's not  changing with the time spent with her dramatic daughter,daisy? Would her revenge still come to light?  Would little Daisy still end up having Tiana as her mother after a year is up? Would Damien see Tiana differently, when the contract is over and he's deeply in love with her? What would happen when Nancy, Daisy's real  mother, stands as  a big opposition to the  couples' show  of affection towards each other? Most importantly,is saying 'i do' to Damien Kings, a good decision which she had made or just another repetition of her mother's mistake, which she made in the name of love? Finally,would getting married be the game changing plan that grandma saw as the only way, to calm her rebellious granddaughter down? Find out in this promising story,with numerous funny scenes from our little pumpkin,daisy. Rated 18+ The cover photo doesn't belong to me and all credits goes to the original owner. ~~~~~~~ Other books by the other: *365 Days To Love* *Dangerous Love:Two can Play This Game* *The Ceo's Runaway Babymama* *Instagram ID: IrreplaceableSassy *Discord ID:Jayden222#1882 *TikTok ID: Irreplaceablesassy1 *Facebook ID: Jayden *My Server: https://discord.gg/KGxczvhp

Jayden222 · Urban
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214 Chs

CHAPTER TWENTY EIGHT: Killing Two Birds With One Stone.


Everything was going Perfectly fine!

That's what Damien noticed.It turned out that he was worried for nothing,His mother was getting along with Maya just fine and surprisingly,Maya wasn't what he thought she was.

If anything,he's sure that there's no room for suspicion by his mother, because his sweetheart was doing a great job at convincing her that she's in love with her son.

It was really a shame that Adam was all  wrong about how today was going to turn out.The fucker has being ringing him nonstop to know what exactly was going on.

He's such a nosy guy, and really stupid unlike someone smart who would have noticed, that they were still in the process of having dinner with his mother.

He simply put his phone on silent mode.Adam's impatience had cost him a glare from his mother,who he wouldn't want her to  find out any slightest mistake from tonight's dinner.

"Amazing!that's totally amazing"Andromeda said once again,placing her glass down to smile at her soon to be daughter in-law which was a future impossible tense!

It was really boring hearing how fake up how she met her son,and foolish of  her to think that she didn't know who she was already.

Maya Rodriguez.

The model he went out with at the gala, surprisingly,the media houses have been talking about the both of them being a thing.

An issue that could have been sorted out by Damien,she knew how well his son despises rumors that had to do with him being seen with a female or whatsoever.

He could have handled it by revealing his relationship with the model,but rather he chose to hide in the shadows and here the silly  girl was, cooking up bullshits for her to believe.

Damien knew that she can't be easily fooled, and it still baffles her with the way he was behaving.The look on his face shows it all,that he too thinks she's smitten by what she just told her.

"I didn't actually know that a day would actually come,when my  baby would settle down"She sarcastically spat,and drowned it down with her drink.

No one was able to notice the ridicule  in her tone when she said that,not even Damien.For the love of God,what exactly has this plastic bimbo done to her son?

He's being too stupid?

Irritatingly stupid!

"I'm not a baby mother,"Damien corrected her, picking  a slight offense with her  choice of words,but she didn't care.

"But you are my baby,"Maya added, rubbing his hands romantically,making sure that his mother sees their act of affection towards each other.

Not even Damien knew how nervous she felt,sitting so close to his mother and building up lies upon lies to make her believe they were in love.

Was the act believable?

She didn't know yet, but from the way Damien was looking at her without any signs to show that something was wrong made her happy.



This was all an act,yet she's here smiling and gushing over  the fact that his mom loved her,and  found her worthy to be his son's wife.

What the hell  has gotten into her?

Did Damien notice too?

Does he notice that she was putting in more effort, than she had initially done when they were out?

"Babe"Damien called,his face coming close to her which made her gasp before looking at both him and the mother to notice that she just zoned out on them.

"Are you okay?"Andromeda beat her son to it.Too ask her whether she was okay,well she's  having second thoughts already if she was correct.

But she hasn't given the both of them something to suspect, that she wasn't buying what she just said.

"You look …edgy"She completed her words, turning to look at her wristwatch.It's time for her beauty sleep  and she wouldn't just have them delay her  time any further.

"She's fine mother,right babe?"Damien asked, looking at her while trying to understand what went wrong with her.

She's been doing great,before she zoned out on him and his mother which made him worried.

"Yes, there's nothing to worry about Mrs.Knight ''She replied.Actually,she just made a mistake by  addressing her by her name,she had earlier insisted that she call her mother but she couldn't bring herself to do that.

It brings back old memories.Old memories that she doesn't want to open,and ruin her dinner date with Damien's mother.

She's such a lovely woman, and had been all wrong about her  being such a cold personality.

What the heck has gotten into you, Maya?!

"So,have  you guys  choose a date?"She interrupted her thought,by asking such a complex question that was hard for her to answer at the moment.

"Mom..I think that's too early,we are still…"

"How do you mean it's too early?"Andromeda demanded ruminatively." Maya clearly said you  guys have been dating for three years isn't that right Maya?"

She turned inauspiciously to face the already bamboozled female, who knew that she just made a grave mistake by lying about the years they had dated.

What has she been  thinking to do that?

Which was no lie,it's been three years since they met each other but it seems her mistake was about to cause problems, with the way she was glaring at her as if she just figured out they were playing with her all these while.

"We just think it's too early to…."

Again,Damien peacefully tried to clear his mother's mind from the doubts that are setting in,but it's no use.

She has been pretending all long.

"Honestly,i can't seem to think of the reason why you give in to his whims,you have everything one could ever wish for Miss Rodriguez "Andromeda said, standing up to walk up to where she was.

Even at this point,she wasn't smart enough to know that her bubbles had burst.

"Mother,that's enough"Damien stood up, walking over to his mother but he didn't see the slap coming his way from the way she was acting.

"Was it fun?"She turned back to Maya,"How much did you guys bargain?"

The door was pushed open instantly,and in walked Jessica and two able bodied guards.

"Ma…I…I'm sorry"Maya apologized,not daring to look into her eyes.Damien was still standing while waiting for her to be done with her conversation with Maya.

"Well,I'm not surprised you were so easily tricked into doing.You see my son is quite the charmer isn't he?"She laughed,before turning to Jessica.

"Escort the young lady out Jessica, and be sure to deliver my message to her agency"She ordered,taking her glass cup from the table as Maya was yanked up from the seat by one of her men.

Damien walked up to her,but he was stopped by the other guard even before he could go any  more closer to where scared Maya was.

"I don't want to hurt you young master"The guard standing in front of him said,with an unfriendly face that says that he's  willing to do anything his mother wants regards of  him being her son.

He knew what his mother was capable of doing,Maya might lose her Job and that's because of him but he wouldn't stand to see that happen.

She was nothing but a victim in this,but that wasn't taken into consideration by his mother.She can be ruthless when she's mad.

"Mother,Maya has nothing to do with this,I'm the one that should be blamed, not her."Damien confessed, but his mother wasn't willing to pay him a listening ear.

Andromeda ignored him,and rather placed a paper on the table before turning to leave, but stopped to give him one last piece of advice that would help him if he's smart.

"If you want Maya to be safe  sweetheart,you know what to do.Dont fail me this time"She said lastly and left the narcoleptic son of hers to think of what she just said.

At that moment,it didn't take long for him to realize how stupid he had being to think that this would work,Adam was right.

Taking the paper from the table,he opened it only to sign out loudly,Rather than tricking his mother.He rather ended up, earning himself another blind date the day before tomorrow.

Was this not his mother killing two birds  with one stone?

She had always wanted his ideal wife to be someone she found herself,and she came prepared tonight knowing that this was going to happen.


Accolades to Andromeda Kings!

He deserves nothing but to be given a beating tonight which Adam would gladly do,He really fucked up!

Who else actually saw that coming?

what's Damien going to do?

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