In the Marvel MCU (Movies only, should I include the x-men?) with powers from different movies and manga, I guess? Might be overpowered, No harem. I own nothing. Irregular updates. I need to sleep.
Hey, It's been a while and It's been two years since I became a realm lord. There hasn't been much progress in my powers except finding out that someone buffed my 'Krish' powers by a LOT. +Glares at the author+
Anyway, I would LOVE to go through my powers and show off, really, but I am in a situation right now. No, there is nothing wrong with my family, and no I did not have a fight with my girlfriend 'cause I still don't have one.
The source of my problem is a simple but elegant-looking war hammer sitting on my coffee table. A bunch of the younger kids had found it in a crater near the woods and brought it to my parents at which point I recognized it and told them to place it on the table and asked them to keep it a secret and had my pet robot dog distract them. My parents had tried to lift it but it wouldn't budge.
I haven't tried lifting it yet but that comes later as I am worried about Odin's plan anyone who has seen the movies would probably think of him as a senile old king of a powerful race. Still, anyone who has even vaguely heard of the shit he pulled in the comics will treat him with a healthy dose of fear and caution, and being included in his plans is NEVER a good thing.
Fortunately, it seems that Thor still landed in Mexico, and Dr.Foster still ran him over with her R.V but that's not the point wait that's not great, I will be dealing with Loki and Heimdal and possibly Frigga. Great! I need coffee.
*One extra large jug of coffee later*
Now for a gamble and the most Iconic question in the MCU. Am I worthy?
You know, I don't know what I was expecting when I tried to lift the hammer. Maybe a different kind of energy flowing into me? A storm or not being able to lift it at all but all I am feeling now is disappointment. It's like the feeling you get when you have been looking forward to a bar of rare chocolate but when you eat it you find that it's no different than an ordinary one and then you start to wonder about the meaning of life.
So anyway it looks like I am worthy. but how come there have been no signs of anything? Like Odin barging onto my room or they beaming me up? unless...
Oh, look the hammer is glowing what a convenient distraction.
I found myself in what I assume is the Asgardian throne room. I looked at the throne only to find it empty. It felt like it was calling me but I don't need/want it. I looked around and saw that the door to the room was open and led directly to the rainbow bridge. There was no other door or a window for me to look out of.
Seeing I had no choice, I left the throne room and was greeted with an amazing view of the galaxy. Honestly, I would like to come here with my family sometimes Dad would love this place and I think Mom would too.
"This is surprising," said a voice interrupting me from my thoughts.
I turned around to the voice and came face to face with Odin. I took a knee and said
"May your rule bring prosperity and peace".
"Truly surprising, Rise," said Odin sounding pleased. Guess I was right in taking a knee then. I heeded his command and stood up.
"You know who I am" stated Odin to which I nodded.
"Do you know why you are here?" asked Odin.
"The hammer. I am sorry but its name is kinda hard to pronounce. And from what I saw probably a test of sorts". I stated but Odin's face was a mask of indifference.
"When I set the enchantment of the Mjöllnir I did not expect anyone other than my children to be capable or worthy enough to lift Mjöllnir," said Odin sounding genuine. I rolled my eyes.
"Thank you for praise, Your Majesty. but can you cut to the point? While I like being praised, especially from someone of your position. Both of us know that I did nothing to deserve said praise, and the only reason I could lift Mölnir was because you allowed it. So let's get to the point of this entire conversation. What do you want and what do I get in return."
I found myself back on my sofa looking at Mjöllnir only this time I felt it. The power of storms flowing from Mjöllnir into me, enhancing the AOE aspect of my 'Frozen' powers giving me more control and range. I feel reluctant to part with this now but it is not mine and nor do I need the responsibilities that come with Mjöllnir.
I let go of Mjöllnir and took out my phone time to make a few calls.