
A Magical New Era

In a single galaxy called Sukdmon, resides a single lonely planet called Cadma, full of singularities and normal things. But, like any other place, it has secrets and skirmishes that involve the hope of a ecosystem and their destruction. After the war between the grand cult of the memorable and the grand cult of the true one in the night without a sky, the world changed drastically, making some new power's rises and some old ones falling in decadence. Will the world accept change in what really needs to be changed? (Its my first novel, and english its not my first language, so, please be cool with me.)

Aureborn · Fantasy
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The Beginning of a New Era (2/2)

In a sizable house made of carved stone, anyone passing in front of the house could hear the screams of countless individuals, but there were the scandalous screams of a woman that stood out.

But the individuals had every right to scream, after all, people with a weak heart shouldn't see that.

Inside the house, a woman in her 20s with braided brown hair with a pale face and a crying expression looked at the scene in front of her.

"Was there supposed to be that much blood? Will our sister be okay? what about the baby?"- The woman asked to the midwife who was too focused to answer the weeping woman.

In front of her lay a woman at labor who would have been considered beautiful were it not for her almost fainting expression, pale skin color and all the fluids that looked like a mixture of sweat, blood and excrement around her.

Next to the panicked woman, there was a man of similar age doing his best not to lose control, after all, the situation could get worse if he got into despair.

"Everything will be fine, the midwife will keep our sister alive until the priest arrives, anytime he should be here."

As soon as the man said these words, there was a sound of a door opening and incredibly fast steps up the stairs, it seemed that the individual was in a race against time and that his defeat was just a short time away.

Entering the room, a stocky 6-foot man with tanned skin and short black hair quickly with a small bag on his side quickly scanned the room and headed toward the woman in labor.

Leaping on the newly arrived man, the man on the verge of an outbreak hurriedly asked.

"Jhean, in the name of the holy, where is that damn priest, can't you see that Eliel needs to be healed urgently?"

The tall man named Jhean ignored the now panicked man and continued towards the bed while searching his bag for something.

Less than 1 second later, Jhean was in front of Eliel with a golden medal engraved with strange letters and a mystical-looking circle at the bottom.

As Jhean placed the medal on Eliel's belly, a strange sky-blue energy left his body towards the medallion.

Looking at the act, the expressions of everyone in the room immediately softened, but they were still tense, after all, the birth is not over yet.

"Mr Jhean, please take care of Miss Eliel's signs while I deliver the baby." Said the midwife after a deep breath.

The midwife took advantage and expelled the two frantic individuals under the excuse that they should rest and that the delivery came at a critical moment, and that the two would hinder rather than help.

Jhean promptly took one of Eliel's hands, as she squeezed it as if someone had promised that all pain would end if she managed to break Jhean's hand.

He had a pained look on his face, not that the woman was strong, but rather that he couldn't stand the idea that he'd almost lost his wife and child at the same time.

He then whispered sweet words with a lovely tone in the ear of the woman who just wanted her child to be born soon and well.

"You're amazing at everything you do, aren't you? I bet our baby will be a beautiful girl like you, after all, you made her."

For a moment, Eliel forgot all the pain he felt and gave a smile worthy of being immortalized in the annals of art for the person who, no matter the situation, always managed to put a smile on her face and responded with the same loving tone.

"I bet it will be a mischievous boy with a silver tongue that would make a flower bloom with nothing but praise"

Jhean then gave a low laugh that would make everyone around him laugh too, but because of the situation, only he laughed.

Then, suddenly, Eliel decided that he would take advantage of the moment when she couldn't feel pain and decided to make a lunge.

2 minutes after that, another crying sound could be heard from the home, but strangely, only laughter accompanied the crying.


After cleaning both mother and child, the midwife wrapped the baby that fell asleep after screaming loud as a haxton war horn and handed it to the new parents and then asked.

"Have you decided what the baby's name will be?"

The couple looked at each other for a brief moment before nodding their heads and replying at the same time.


The midwife looked at the incredibly serious face of the couple and gave a small smile.

"Looks like you chose that name after a lot of discussion"

Leiel smirked as she looked at her husband, who turned his head and had no intention of turning it back.

"Let's say that creativity is not his strong point."

Jhean then muttered

"At the time you liked the name more than I did". But he didn't make it low enough.

The midwife's smile grew as she watched the couple healthily argue over who liked their newborn son's name best.

Changing the subject, Eliel asked Jhean something that intrigued her a lot.

"Why did you take so long to come? why instead of a priest did you bring a healing medal?"

Jhean then became serious, as if he had remembered something that made his mood immediately sour, he walked towards the bedroom window.

"The healing medallion I brought was from a favor a sorceress friend owed me after collecting materials for some of her projects. It's normal that you don't know the situation of the outside world as your labor started when the sun was at its peak, but the world has changed incredibly in less than 12 hours."

As he opened the bedroom window, Jhean continued to speak.

"The priest who should have been ready for the birth went to tend to the wounded after the war between the cult of the memorable and the cult of the true one. In less than 12 hours, a war between two grand cults give place to an even more worrying phenomenon."

As he pointed to the even greater immensity above his head, he continued.

"The entire sky has changed color, but as you all know, when phenomena of this kind occur, it means that the entire world will undergo some kind of change."

Eliel then held the baby tighter, but still gently so as not to wake the little one.

Jhean knew what was going on in his wife's mind, and after putting a smile on his face, he comforted her.

"But it doesn't matter if the world changes, if a new era begins or if something we can't predict is coming, as long as our family is happy, the outside world doesn't matter to me."

Eliel then showed a silly smile on his face, remembering again that now her family has grown and that precisely the new member is her son and the man she loves so much.

But then she remembered something that made her uncomfortable, and fearing her husband wasn't aware of it, she decided to share her concerns.

"I once read in a Gertena codex that children born under phenomena or singularities will show special abilities, and that, almost always, they are chased and kidnapped bt people who will turn them into living weapons."

Jhean, afraid that Eliel would be more worried if she went any longer without an answer from him, quickly told her his solutions.

"Even if those who want to kidnap our son are powerful, I bet I could take care of it without needing a weapon or magic."

He then walked towards Eliel as he continued.

"These ruffians can only dream of kidnapping our son while two eighth grade humans like us are his parents."

Eliel then gave a small smile, but the concern for his son could still be seen, after all, in the eyes of a mother, all care for her child is little.

Seeing that he couldn't wash away all his wife's worry, he gave a bitter smile as he hugged his wife and son, and after a moment he looked at the little one and thought.

'Whether under the treaty or not, anyone who decides to harm my son will die a slow enough death to realize how wrong it was to mess with my family, that I swear.'

And for Jean, promises shouldn't be broken.

Interestingly, even though this chapter is longer than the previous one, it took less time to write.

I hope you can leave a feedback evaluating both the story and my writing, after all I'm just starting and I need some opinions to improve what needs to be improved.

Thanks for reading :)

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