
A Magical New Era

In a single galaxy called Sukdmon, resides a single lonely planet called Cadma, full of singularities and normal things. But, like any other place, it has secrets and skirmishes that involve the hope of a ecosystem and their destruction. After the war between the grand cult of the memorable and the grand cult of the true one in the night without a sky, the world changed drastically, making some new power's rises and some old ones falling in decadence. Will the world accept change in what really needs to be changed? (Its my first novel, and english its not my first language, so, please be cool with me.)

Aureborn · Fantasy
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5 Chs

New School

Inside a house that appeared to belong to someone of considerable wealth, a child could be seen running around with a pranksih smile on his face and behind him, a woman with a bitter smile ran after him, as if she was already used to the boy's behavior.

"Leihen, couldn't you just go to school without bothering me? I have work to do, you know?"

The boy named Leihen, without stopping running, replied with a playful smile on his face.

"If dad were here, I would already be in school, but since Mom is so slow because she always stays holed up in that lab and doesn't exercise properly, I'm still here."

The woman looked embarrassed at the child's precise comment, and as if to teach the Leihen a lesson, she held out her hands as two ropes made of yellow energy quickly looped around the boy as he fell to the ground.

Leihen had a sad face and was squirming from side to side like a worm, and as he was tied from feet to shoulders, the scene seemed more convincing.

The woman flashed an arrogant smile as she lifted the boy with the same ropes that held him while talking.

"I may have a frail and untrained body unlike your father, but when it comes to pure manipulation and application of magic, he is quite far from me."

Leihen stopped squirming, seeing that he had no chance of escaping. He then admitted his crushing defeat to his mother with a sad face.

"Ok ok ok, you won lady Eliel, could you release this humble servant so that he can fulfill his obligations?" He said in a servile tone of voice that one would expect from a butler of a noble family.

Eliel, seeing his son's sad face, sighed as he released him and bent down to comfort him.

"I know you don't want to go to a new school and leave your aunt, uncle and friends behind, but your dad and I agreed it would be for your own good, and even though we've moved cities, we can visit when we have time." she said with a warm mother's smile. "Besides, you shouldn't be afraid to go to school just because you don't know anyone there, maybe the new school will be better than the old one?" She said with a provocative tone.

Leihen pulled out of his mother's embrace as he responded her angrily.

"I'm not scared and it's absolutely I M P O S S I B L E the new school is better than the old one."

Eliel, seeing that the provocation had worked, put more oil on the fire.

"Of course you're afraid of the new school, only the bravest heroes wouldn't be afraid to go there, and since you're not getting ready to go to school, you're not a hero."

With those words, Leihen's world crashed down as his face looked terrified and hurriedly rushed to his bedroom.

Eliel looked proud of herself as she waited for the little walking natural disaster.


In an elementary school, a crowd of children could be seen inside a huge court with a stage with different people of different ages, genders and races standing with a upright posture.

After a few moments, a kind-looking old man with short, neatly combed gray hair could be seen walking up the stairs to the stage. He calmly walked towards the podium in the center of the stage while speaking his discurse in a grandfatherly tone.

"Hello everyone, i'm the principal of Kieri Elementary School, Nikola Zabbix and i wish a warm welcome to the newcomers to our school." He said with enthusiasm. " And i have to say, no matter how many times I walk up those stairs and look in that same direction, my heart fills with peace and joy as I look at the faces of a new generation. One thing that i learned witht the age is that the older you get, the easier it is to find joy in the simple things in life."

"I think it's a shame that people as young as you give something so important to an old man like me for free, so the way I've found to repay these feelings you give me is to teach you what it takes to be whatever you want, be it warriors, mages, crafters, schoolars or whatever path you have chosen."

After some time, the old man saw that what he wanted to say to the newcomers was coming to an end and concluded.

"I, together with the school staff, hope that you can make the most of what the school has to offer, whether in terms of knowledge, experience or otherwise, and I wish once again a warm welcome to newcomers to our school."

After listening to the kind old man's welcoming speech, the children had the same thought that it would be a shame if they didn't stand up and clap as loudly as they could.

The director, under the applause of several children, walked down the stage while a middle-aged man walked towards the podium.

The children, seeing that the school's welcoming event wasn't over yet, let out a sigh as they fell silent again.

The middle-aged man with a black skin color on the podium ignored the children's sighs and started talking.

"I'm the vice principal of Kieri Elementary School, Vernan Rezhaul, and now, I'm going to show you how the school works and the whole structure to you."

Vernan said as an aura of all colors left his hands to form a super detailed replica of the school. It was a large structure with 5 floors and 5 rooms in each that could comfortably fit 50 students.

"Each floor belongs to a year, the first floor being the first year and so on, you will be distributed in 5 rooms and will remain in the same until you graduate. There may be cases where some individuals will be switched rooms, and if that happens, another individual will be switched to complete the room."

Upon hearing Vernan's words, a cute girl with red hair tied in a ponytail raised her hand.

Vernan, seeing that the girl wanted to ask something, said.

"The girl with the red hair, introduce yourself and talk about what you're curious about."

The girl, without a trace of shyness from speaking to a crowd around her, something you wouldn't expect from a 7 year old girl, standed up and spoke in a tone of voice that didn't seem bothered.

"My name is Liica Berton, vice director, and the question I have is about the rooms. From what I understand about what you said, the rooms will have a fixed number of 50 people, but if someone leaves, will the school administration allow someone to enroll or will the place be empty?"

Vernan answered the girl named Liica quickly, as if he'd heard the question before and had it engraved on the tip of his tongue.

"In case someone leave the school or something happens, causing the student not to enter the school domain for more than four months, the vacancy cannot be filled by another person, but if the person who left wants to re-enter the school, he can be accepted on the condition that six of the ten teachers of your year agree with the student's reintegration."

The new students began to mumble.

"I've heard that there are room versus room competitions annually, if that's true, the room with one less person will have a significant disadvantage compared to other rooms."

"Yeah, it will be kind of unfair to compete against the room with the fewest people if this is true"

"I hope no one has to leave"

Vernan let the kids talk freely for a short time, but seeing that they weren't going to stop anytime soon, he resumed his explanation.

"The rooms you will be placed in are not about what you want to be, but what 'you need to be'. To find out what 'you need to be', we will perform a test that will involve your physical aptitude, control and application of mana, creativity and planning and finally, knowledge."

Seeing that the kids started to get worried about the tests as not everyone was ready for it, Vernan quickly added.

"Even if you don't get a good grade, it won't matter since it's a test to measure your talents and limits and not an academic test."

Seeing that everyone was at least a bit more reassured after his words, he entered the last topic of his explanation.

"You will have 9 classes that can be seen freely in your year, being them the class of Combat, Precision, Flexibility, Control of Magic, Application of Magic, Detection, Equipment Production, Alchemical Production and History."

"This is the first year class catalog, where you need to choose at least four classes, with history being a mandatory choice. But don't relax, the following years have a greater and more specific variety of classes, and with a greater number of mandatory classes."

Most of the students felt that the place was no joke, and that the following years would be heavier, but they also felt that it was a golden opportunity to become someone.

Vernan was about to complete his introduction to school when a black-haired boy with a mischievous smile on his face raised his hand.

"You, black haired boy, introduce yourself and voice your doubts."

The boy stood up while keeping his smile and spoke.

"My name is Leihen, vice principal, and my question is about the classes. Will they be performed simultaneously or separately?"

Vernan knew what the boy wanted to do, but he didn't care as other students also wanted to follow a hybrid path and replied calmly.

"There will be 3 classes per day, and they will not collide with each other. Any other doubts?"

Leihen simply shook his head as he sat in his chair.

Seeing that no other student wanted to ask anything, Vernan decided to finish his introduction to the school.

"It is with great pleasure that I renew our welcome to Kieri Elementary School, and I hope we can provide what you don't have." He said with a little smile in his face.

After these words, the sound of several students clapping their hands could be heard, and from the intensity of the sound, it seemed that they were quite happy about something, like a child who has finally come out of his parents' detention.

It came 250 more words than planned, but I think if I had less it wouldn't have turned out the way I would like, so I'll leave it as is. I plan to release another chapter tomorrow, to see if I can finally find the ideal writing rhythm for me.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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