
A Lover’s Cost

This is a story of 3 girls, who battle through the hardships of their personal lives, in order to keep, their friendship, lives, and value. Living life normally, until they each meet another set of 3 boys. Will they find love? And if they do, can they keep it? These 3 girls have a secret. How long until it affects these other boy's lives? Who will win? Who will lose? Who will live? Who won't? Who will love? Who will hate? The answers to these questions, lie in between the pages of this book. Finding true love is hard. Keeping it, is even harder. How far will they all go to save each other? Being a friend, has its consequences. Being a lover, has a cost. I give you, A Lover's Cost.

Esperanza_Maka · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 12- Him and Her

Laura was sitting next to James patiently waiting for Mono to get checked out.

James: You said you had friends that would come pick you up right?

Laura: Yeah.

James: Will you be okay?

Laura was shocked about his question. She looked at him.

Laura: Huh?*chuckling

James: You went through a lot. It's not something that someone can just easily get over and forget. Who knows when we'll see each other again? I'm worried you won't be well.

Laura: *chuckling* James, you don't need to worry about me. I promise you that I'll be okay, I have amazing friends who will take good care of me and I can also take care of myself. Thank you, you're really caring, but I'll be okay. It's you I'm worried about, you're really young and had to go through all that. I'm very sorry you had to be put in that position.

They side hugged.

James: I'm relieved that you'll be okay, and I trust you. As for myself, I'll be good. I just want to be with my brother, and now that he's okay and we're finally free...things can finally go back to normal.

Laura and James shared a smile. They continued waiting for a while, in the mean time, James was sleeping and Laura was thinking. (Laura's thinking) What will happen when the girls get here? What will be their reaction? What will be mine? Has Daehyun woken up yet? Where will James and Mono go? Ugh, soooo many questions I have. How will things go back to normal? I mean it's a huge impact on our lives, but we delt with it before with our powers. So I'm sure we'll deal with this too. I still can't believe our powers are back. *Looks down at her hands* Is this permanent or will it go away again? *Sighing deeply*.....Daehyun, I miss you. I don't honestly care if I have feelings for you or not, I don't want to try and sort my feelings and make a conclusion, I don't want to overthink, I don't want to say I like you or I don't; Not right now, I'm way too overwhelmed with everything that happened. Right now,....Right now, I just want to see your face. Maybe then, I'll feel relaxed again.

--Laura is just sitting there staring at the ground, longing for Daehyun and the rest of her friends.

Mono: Wow, the ground must be fascinating for you to be glaring at it like that.

Laura almost jumped out of her seat.

Laura: MONO!

She ran up to him and hugged him.

Laura: Are you okay??

Mono:*Smiling* Yes.

Laura: That's good to hear.

Then out of nowhere, Laura punched him 3 times on the arm really hard.

Mono: OW! What's that for??

Laura: Don't you dare scare me like that again!

Mono: Dang, woman! Do you work out or something?? You hit like a man.*Rubbing his arm*

Laura: What did you say?? Do have a death wish?!

Mono quickly backed away still holding his arm.

Laura rolled her eyes. They couldn't help, but laugh. They woke James up.

Laura: I can't thank you guys enough for everything. Honestly, I'm just really glad I met you two.

Mono: Same here, thanks for everything too. I feel a bit sad leaving like this, so lets keep in touch.

Laura: Sure! *both exchanged numbers on paper since Laura's phone is dead*

The 3 of them hugged tightly and felt a bit sad, but happy at the same time.

Laura waved goodbye to the 2 as they walked through the hospital doors slowly.

Laura sat a little while longer waiting for the girls.

???: LAURA!!

Laura looked up at the sound of the familiar voices. She ran towards it.

Karina and Aria: LAURA!!!!

They ran up to each other and hugged. It was so emotional that Aria started crying. Laura broke the hug when she felt drips of tears on her back.

Laura: Aria, are you crying?

Aria: It's not my fault that I'm like this.

Laura: Then who's is it, the dog's? *teasing*

Karina: What dog?! We have a dog?? *starts looking around her*

Laura sighs.

Laura: Does anybody else see what I have to deal with everyday? ...No? Yeah okay.

She pulled them into a hug again smiling.

Laura: I missed you guys a lot.

Karina: Us too.

Laura: Okay, lets hurry up and go to the car before I START CRYING.

Karina: Oooooohh.

Laura: Shut up and walk forward.

Chuckles were let out.

They were driving to the hospital.

Laura: What about Daehyun?

Aria: We don't know, this morning was the most recent update they gave us. So I guess we'll find out when we get there.

They finally got there after what seemed like hours. They litterally ran through the halls and doors trying to get to Daehyun as fast as they could. They harshly opened the door to the room and rushed inside.

Jax: You guys came just in time, Daehyun just woke up a few minutes ago! *notices Laura*

Jax and Matthew: Laura!! *run over to her and hug her*

Aria and Karina: Daehyun!! *run over to him and hug him*

A kind of comical and touching scene.

So many thoughts were running through all their minds.

Laura: Daehyun.....

Jax: Oh so it's one of those times...

Aria slapped Jax in the back of his head.

Jax: Ow!

Aria raised her eyebrows, widened her eyes, and gave him one of the 'you're an idiot' looks.

Jax mouthed to Aria "What the heck?"

Aria pushed Jax out and Karina pushed Matthew out of the room, leaving Laura and Daehyun alone in the room. She was once again speechless. She walked over to his side and sat on the bed facing him.

Laura: So many things I want to say, but I don't know where to start.

Daehyun: Same here.

Laura Smiled.

Daehyun: What is it?

Laura: It's just that, I felt like I haven't heard your voice in centuries. It's so good to hear you again.

Daehyun smiled as well.

Laura: ...I want to say thank you, I still can't believe you took the shot for me. TWICE.

Daehyun: Of course I would, I would rather die than see you dea-.....

Laura: I get it, thank you so much. I don't how to repay you.

Daehyun: Just seeing you alive and well is enough for me.

Laura smiled. They sat in silence for a while when it was broken.

Laura: Daehyun....I missed you.

Laura looked sad like she was fighting to hold back tears. She avoided eye contact with Daehyun by looking straight down.

Daehyun lifted her chin up and looked at her. Tears were strolling down her face. He smiled and wiped away the tears with his thumb.

Daehyun: Look at me.

Laura did so, but perhaps more slowly.

Daehyun: Don't cry...please.

Laura: I can't, it's horrible what happened to me, but it's worse for you. And I'm the reason you're even sitting here in this place. I made our friends worry, caused you to get hurt, along with another person I met. It's all my fault.

Daehyun held her hands.

Daehyun: None of this is your fault. I promise.

But no matter what, Laura wouldn't believe it. So Daehyun had to say words in a way that would comfort Laura. He knew what type of person she was, and because of that he had to word it in terms that she would agree with.

Daehyun: I already forgive you, the only thing I feel right now is happiness. You know why? Because you're here. 'So only blame yourself for a little while and only cry for a little while. And in return, don't forget it for a long time.'

With that, Laura looked up and slowly shook her head as if she agreed to what he said. A small smile started to rise on her face.

Daehyun: Laura....

Laura: Yes?

He hesitated before speaking.

Daehyun: Going through everything that happened....it made me realize something.

Laura: What is it?

Daehyun: You were in danger, you could've gotten hurt and maybe you actually did. So....no matter what, I want to be there for you.

Laura: Wh-what are you -s-saying?

Daehyun took a deep breath.

Daehyun: I'm saying...I want to be by your side as long as I live, I want to protect you, I want to be your shoulder to cry on, I want to have a reason to get jealous when other boys are around you, I want to do everything with you.

Laura had no words, her mouth was open, eyes innoncent and confused, hands held tighter as he speaks.

Daehyun: Laura...I'm saying that I want to be your partner, the boy that's not just a friend...So, ...Will you please be my girlfriend?

Laura slowly started to smile wide. She couldn't seem to find the right words. But in love, there's no need for words. She shook her head.

Laura: Mhm.

Daehyun smiled gladly. Silence filled the room. He started to lean in close. Closer and closer...Soon enough he was only centimeters away from Laura's face.

Daehyun: And for the record, I missed you too.

Then...his lips connected with hers. After a few seconds, they pulled away smiling very wide.

Laura: Well, since your my boyfriend now, there can't be any secrets between us, right?

Daehyun: Of course not.

Laura: Then in that case.....

She said sheepishly blushing.

Laura: Um...I have powers.

Daehyun: WHAT???!!!