
A Lover’s Cost

This is a story of 3 girls, who battle through the hardships of their personal lives, in order to keep, their friendship, lives, and value. Living life normally, until they each meet another set of 3 boys. Will they find love? And if they do, can they keep it? These 3 girls have a secret. How long until it affects these other boy's lives? Who will win? Who will lose? Who will live? Who won't? Who will love? Who will hate? The answers to these questions, lie in between the pages of this book. Finding true love is hard. Keeping it, is even harder. How far will they all go to save each other? Being a friend, has its consequences. Being a lover, has a cost. I give you, A Lover's Cost.

Esperanza_Maka · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 13- Day 1

Everyone was sitting in the living room of the girl's house. And when I say everyone, I mean EVERYONE. Aria, Karina, Laura, Jax, Matthew, Daehyun, Leon, Octavia, Daniel, Dorian, Mina, Sumin, Mary, and lastly Sarah.

( Leon is Aria's younger brother, Octavia is Aria's older sister, Daniel is Octavia's husband, Dorian is Karina's younger brother, Mina is Laura's older sister and Sumin is Laura's older brother. You already know Mary and Sarah.)

Laura: So that's everything.

Aria: We know it's a lot to take in.

Karina: But we'd appreciate it if you guys didn't tell anyone.

Laura: We trust you guys and that's why we're even telling you.

Aria: So please keep thoughtful of us.

Karina: And don't worry, we're okay.

Leon: Wow....

Mina: I know right...

Sarah: You guys are okay though?

They all nodded.

Daehyun: Thanks for telling us.

Octavia: We promise to not tell anyone.

Karina: Thank you guys for understanding.

Daniel: One question. Do you know why they kidnapped you Laura? I work for the FBI, so maybe I can help. I just want to make sure you guys are never put in danger again.

Laura: They knew my name and that I had powers. So they must've been keeping an eye on me. And I also think they wanted to take away my powers. I'm not sure, but it definitely had something to do with our powers.

Daniel: Hmm, I see. Would it be okay if sometime this week you can come with me to our base? I need a bit more information so if you're willing to come, I would greatly appreciate it.

Laura: Of course, thank you.

Aria whispered to Laura.

Aria: Don't worry, he make look big and mean. But he's really nice and caring, Daniel is one of the most gentle people I know. You'll be in good hands.

Laura smiled and nodded.

After that, they started free talking. Meaning, they were now just hanging out and talking with each other about anything. Many laughs and smiles filled the room. Soon everyone left and went home. Everyone except the boys and Mary and Sarah.

Mary: Me and Sarah were thinking of taking a trip to New York.

Sarah: We were wondering if you girls wanted to come.

Mary: And if you boys want, you can come too.

Aria: Really? Wow, seems nice. When?

Sarah: We leave in a few weeks. So you guys have a lot of time to think about it.

Karina: No need to think, we're in!

Mary: Boys?

Matthew: Sure!

Sarah: Cool! Everything's settled then. See you guys later. Bye!

Everyone: Bye!

The 2 left.

Laura: So what are you boys still doing here?

Daehyun: What, I can't hang out with my girlfriend? Okay then, we'll go.

Daehyun turns around and playfully walks towards the door. Laura ran to him and back hugged him to stop him from leaving.

Laura: No, stay.

He laughed.

Daehyun: Alright, if you say so.

Karina: You guys are so cute!

Aria: Yeah!

Daehyun and Laura left somewhere. And the rest stayed behind in the girls house watching Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. Karina just remembered something.

Karina: Wait what day is it?!

Matthew: Thursday.

Karina: What time is it?!

Jax: Almost 9 AM.

Aria realized where Karina was getting to.

Aria and Karina: AAAAAHHH!!

Aria: You're going to be late!

Karina: Oh goodness, what do I do???

Aria: Go, go! Get ready and take the car!

Karina ran to her room and rushed outside after changing.

Jax: What in the world?

Aria: Sorry, Karina starts her first day of work today. We COMPLETELY FORGOT.

Matthew: Really? Hm, cool. Where is she working at?

Aria: The coffee shop where you guys met.

Matthew laughed remembering the whole coffee inicident.

Matthew: What time does she get off?

Aria: I think around 6 PM.

Matthew: Hm okay, well I have to go do something. See you at home Jax. Bye Aria!

Aria: Bye!

They watched a few episodes and Aria fell asleep....on Jax's shoulder.

Jax: Woah! She almost died! Did you see that Aria?! *looks at her*

Jax patted her hair.

Jax: Cute.

He kept patting when Aria grabbed his hand. She was speaking with her eyes still closed.

Aria: You know it's difficult to sleep with someone patting your head?

Jax chuckled.

Jax: Sorry.

Aria: No worries, its okay. I want to do something oppa. *opens her eyes*

Jax: Like what?

Aria sat up.

Aria: Can you dance?

Jax: Sure!

Aria: Great! Lets go!

Jax: Where?

She got up and put on her shoes.

Aria: I'll explain on the way. Come on.

Jax ran up to her. He took her hand intertwining their fingers.

Aria looked down and blushed. They walked out. Crossing streetlights, walking on the sidewalk, talking. A random stranger said something to them.

Girl 1: Aww, you guys look like such a cute couple!

She walked passed them and Aria tried to say that they weren't, but that girl walked too fast. Jax noticed her blushing again and putting hair behind her ear.

They finally arrived to the studio.

Aria: This is my favorite place.

Jax: Really? Do you like dancing?

Aria: It's my passion. I love it sooo much.

Jax: I see. So what are we going to do?

Aria: Just dance. That's all.

Jax: Awesome, let's do it.

Aria: Okay, I'll put on music and let it randomly play and if we know the choreography then we do it. If there's a choreography that either one of us doesn't know, they lose.

Jax: Let's go to the movies tonight?

Aria: Okay?....

Jax: Just saying, so loser buys.

Aria: Ooooh I'm so down for that.

(Only watch to 1:06) Aria and Jax are both doing the same moves as the main person in the middle of these choreagraphies are.


(Only watch to 1:13) They are both winning.


(Only watch to 1:25) No losers yet.


Suddenly, the song Just Say You Won't Let Go, came on. They both knew the dance to this, but hesitated. (You'll see why)

Jax: You know it?

Aria: Y-Yeah. *blushing and putting hair behind her ear*

(Only watch to 1:25)

https://youtu.be/Oqn8FgEBKMgPure silence after that.

Jax: ....I know it's weird, but Aria....the lyrics in the song,....it's what I'm thinking about. It's all I've been thinking about since I met you.

Aria: W-what?

Jax: I want to stay with you. I want to hang out with you all day instead of longing for you. I want others to say we look like a cute couple. I want to keep you safe and make you happy. I want you in my life.

Aria: J-ja-ax....

Jax took a few steps towards Aria, getting closer.

Jax: I want to love you...

Aria was shocked.

Jax: So would you...please, go out....with me?

She didn't know what to say or what to do.

Jax saw her expression.

Jax: Oh,.... I understand that it's not easy to answer right away. Just, take your time. I'll wait however long, whether it's 5 days or 2 weeks or 4 months. I'll wait for you, take your time. I don't want to force you either, so if you don't want to go out with me,....that's ok--

Aria stopped him from talking and kissed him. Her soft, small lips on his.

Aria: No, I do want to go out with you. I'd be more than happy.

They both smiled. He hugged her.

Aria: So then....does that mean you're paying?

Laughter blasted out loud.

Jax: Seriously? *still laughing*

Aria: Arent you supposed to be the gentlemen?

Jax: That's true, all boys should be a gentlemen. Then in that case, I'll pay.

Aria: Yay!

Jax: But only! If we watch a scary movie.

Aria: But why??? *wining*

Jax: Because....I want you to get scared and hold onto me.

Aria found his words surprising and a bit funny.

Aria: *laughing and teasing* What's with all your sudden confessing? Do you like me that much?

Jax smiled adorably and nodded.

Jax: I do. Especially your smile and your positivity. Your personality is charming.

Aria: *teasing* What is this? Normally I'm the cheesy one. And I want to maintain that characteristic so back off and stop saying lovey dovey stuff.

Jax laughed.

Jax: Yes my queen.

Aria: Let's not watch a scary movie, I don't like those. Let's watch something else, and either way, I want to hold your hand, so there's no need to make an attempt.

Jax smiled and agreed. They continued dancing in the meanwhile.