
A Lonely Princess

I died in an accident at 21 yrs old age. And then got reincarnated in a fantasy world as the first born princess of Obelion empire. My father didn't care about me but who needs him anyway when I have a loving mother and extra ordinary powers to make my mark in this world. It's a story of her life filled with betrayals, death, mystery, drama and unannounced romance and her journey to find herself along the way. Join her on this journey to find the truth that's been hidden beneath many lies.

Fahmakhilji2021 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Journey to become stronger

Only a handful of people knew about my extraordinary power. I don't mind having this enormous power because I am a girl that wouldn't be nervous when given a gun. So I have self control. In the start I was so confident of myself but with the way they taught me just made wished to give up. I swear I suspected that they knew I had been reincarnated. I'm not normal. Because what they made me through was not a course for five years old me. I wanted to enjoy my life lavishly. I worked my ass off to get into top medical college in my last life. Though I likes medicine but most of it was because of my parents. But what did I get in the end before even having my first class I got run over. So I was tired. But again mother, nanny, uncle Nick and grandpa, everyone was expecting me to excel. I don't want to disappoint my loved ones, that's the only weakness I have. So I grinded my teeth and started training. And by the time I got the hang of it, I started to enjoy myself.

For my classes I got at 5 am, get washed and have a little breakfast then it all starts.

First was meditation. It's fun to do but the frequency is what matters the most. And that's the goal of it.

Since I had the concept of mana that every living thing had it but during my special sessions with grandpa, I was told that everything has it,not just the living. If only one can feel it. And in order to do that one must do is "practice."

Second, I started practicing martial arts and sword fighting. I also have affinity with sword since it is in blood. For that they gave me a wooden sword and to strengthen my body, daily, I was made to stand with buckets of water held in both of my hands. With time the weight increased. I had to stand on one foot. And I had to run stairs. Doing all kind of exercises. Since Uncle Nick was my trainer. He was personally taught by grandpa and was the personal guard of mother. He became a sword master at the age of sixteen. So I looked up to him a bit.

The training ground I was using was just for my use. No other knight was allowed in its premises. That was the privilege of being a princess. In the start, they did not teach me the A of magic. But they only gave me training to strengthen my mind and body. I was quite frustrated. The only good thing about all of this was I could use magic. And they didn't teach me a single thing till one year. When I complained about this to grandpa, he only laughed. Then he said: "My princess tell me, what's the point of meditation that you do it everyday?"

Since grandpa asked there must be a special reason. I said it is to train my body. He asked what kind of training. I said to learn control over emotions and feel the connection to the world beyond we can see with the naked eye. He was satisfied with my answer. He added when doing meditation you become an open channel for mana to go through. When you become the part of surrounding you are, mana is everywhere, so it's easy for it to flow through one place to another. This meditation will allow you to have an easy access to mana. So now princess do you see that fountain. Of course I nodded. He asked me to draw some water from it. I put all my focus on it and then a fist sized water flew in the air. He asked me to now to separate a drop of water from it. I again put all of my concentration on it. But it busrt out. I pouted. But he encouraged me by saying that to be able to use magic without practice is not something you can do. But I did it. So he asked again what was I thinking when I tried to separate the drop. I said I was on breaking it from the other. He said I need to think again. I started thinking then it clicked me when I remembered mana is in everything. Since I was using an outside force, in reaction the bubble burst out. Then I immersed myself again and closed my eyes to feel every single drop of water. I sensed the mana in it and made a tiny drop out of it. Once I was done I opened my eyes and grandpa asked me how did I do it. I said you're the one who told me. Then I explained it to him. He was surprised but also was very proud of me. At lunch he bragged about it so many times that I just couldn't stop blushing...

After that I also started practicing magic. It was just the beginning course. But the tough part was the control of all seven elements. Since water and fire could be mixed. So it was difficult to control. And ice and lightning was strictly prohibited. Because it made a troll on my body. I was taught about every element. It's use and disadvantages in theory. I had to learn alchemy. So all in all, I was taught martial arts, sword use, history, alchemy, geography, music, arts, and all the rules of empire.They made sure I do not remain idle for a moment. This type of schedule continued for years. Even if I wanted to slack off a bit, my trainers just punished with more tasks. So I just went along with them having the fear of given another trial.

Just like that five years had passed. Other than horning my skills nothing particularly happened. May be I just ignored them without a care.