
A Lonely Princess

I died in an accident at 21 yrs old age. And then got reincarnated in a fantasy world as the first born princess of Obelion empire. My father didn't care about me but who needs him anyway when I have a loving mother and extra ordinary powers to make my mark in this world. It's a story of her life filled with betrayals, death, mystery, drama and unannounced romance and her journey to find herself along the way. Join her on this journey to find the truth that's been hidden beneath many lies.

Fahmakhilji2021 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Blue Rose and I

Since my mother knew that I can read with just a little guidance then she taught me writing and also different languages. I was quite popular among the people of pearl palace. All adored me and maids gave me chocolate and candies behind my mother's back. Even though mom knew she just gave a simple remark that I should not over eat them.

One night when my mom was telling me stories of her adventures like when she ran away from home to explore the world. I asked her about father. At first her expression did darken but then adjusting that she started telling me how she met father during those adventures she did. Father kept his identity hidden. And these two were exploring the world just fell for each other. Then they went to the dragon academy (the most famous academy for learning magic and stuff). And they spent their youth together which just strengthened their bond. Mother came to knew his identity when they were promising their future to each other. All in all it was quite a romantic story but it had a tragic ending which I was not told that time. And I couldn't ask more.

As I was growing up there were piles of questions I wanted to ask but there was no one who was willing to answer. So what if I was only five yrs old. I am a curious cat. Well anybody would like to know why my father never come to visit us? I had two step siblings. Why we don't see them? Why grandpa can only come to visit us after every three months? Why can't we go to visit them? What the hell happened that things got so complicated... But there were no answers. Ah.! Thinking like that I just went to sleep.

One day, I was going to garden for sight seeing the blue rose with my mother. In dead winter, it only grew once a year. It's a breath taking appearance. On that cold night, when the flower bloom, I just couldn't take more and went closer to that. And as soon as I touched that flower with my cold hands, there grew wines all around and roses of almost ever color started blooming. My mother was astonished at this sight. And I blacked out.

Next morning, I came back to my senses and mother was on my bed side chair. She was sleeping but as I made a move she awoke and hugged me and started crying. I was bewildered because I never saw my mother cry not even once. So I asked what had happened. She asked if me remembered last night's event. And I said yes, she told I had my awakening. It usually happens at seven but I had mine at only five. It was good but could be converted into a bad omen. So mother told me I should not tell anyone about it. And she would personally train me.

My mother took care of the entire incident. The garden was burnt to the ground the next morning. I really loved that garden. But mother assured me the once the spring comes, she would cultivate my favorite flowers. One thing I didn't understand that how I did trigger my awakening. When I was trying my best not to. I sensed changes witnin me when I was four. So I thought I suppressed it well. But it wasn't concealed enough. Being asked, mother told me that blue rose is not only for sights seeing but it also has tremendous affinity to ice element. So my affinity for ice magic caused that phenomenon.

Mother just as she told me, started training me and teaching me about mana. It was the course given to every mana wielder at eight years of age but I was being taught at five. After a month, one night mother asked for me in her room. I went alone that night. In her room was a crystal ball placed on a table. Mom told me to put my hands on the ball. And as I did that the crystal ball broke and I looked at mom. She was not surprised at all as if she was expecting this response. Then she put an other crystal ball for me. I placed my hands on it and then there was fire everywhere. I hurriedly put my hands away and the fire was gone. Mother encouraged me saying that I do not need to be afraid. So I put my hands back on the ball. Then one after an other there was fire, water, wind, flora, ice and laslty lightning in the room. After that that crystal ball shattered into pieces. And as I looked at my mother, she had a terrified expression on her face. I also read in books that after the first king there was not a single one with affinity with all elements. So this reaction was expected. But she composed herself and huuged me saying that she would protect me. I couldn't understand that with this power shouldn't the roles be reversed. But I didn't say anything.

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