
A Lonely Princess

I died in an accident at 21 yrs old age. And then got reincarnated in a fantasy world as the first born princess of Obelion empire. My father didn't care about me but who needs him anyway when I have a loving mother and extra ordinary powers to make my mark in this world. It's a story of her life filled with betrayals, death, mystery, drama and unannounced romance and her journey to find herself along the way. Join her on this journey to find the truth that's been hidden beneath many lies.

Fahmakhilji2021 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

An Unexpected Encounter

As usual I had to get up early. But today I just wanted to lay in my bed and do nothing. But my maid came to wake me up. I just wanted to cry. I'm tired of this hectic schedule. I want to get out of here. That time I hated my maid Maria so much. Setting aside my anger, I got up and asked her about mother. She said: "her highness is talking to captain of guard". Nodding my head, I told her to go out. I just put some training clothes and leapt out of window, as seeing no one was out there.

I used a spell to make myself weightless. So that I could jump from such a height without fail. I left a letter saying that I want some rest.

Since the start I never put my foot out of the pearl palace, so I thought I should go to the forest. That's the least they could think I would go to. Wandering in the forest, I was bored. There was nothing there, just some old trees and plants. But moving on, I herad a shriek. I used magic to enhance sensitivity of my senses. It was from northwest. I ran towards that voice, and when I came by that place there was a little horse scaring a little boy. Oh, this was such a cute scene. The horse was angry because the little boy, I think, tried to tame that horse by making a string of mana around its neck. That was the way to tame a magical beast. The horse belonged to a rare specie. And there was another shriek. I used my earth magic to make wall around the boy because horse got so angry, it was going to hurt him seriously. And after that both of them turned to me. And I asked the boy to remove the mana. After that I carefully approached the little horse and used my healing spell to heal its bruises. It bowed a bit to show me some respect which was a bit surprising. And I only thought that what an intelligent animal. After that the horse went back to the other side of the lake in just on jump and I only gulped at that.

Turning to the boy, I saw his jeweled blue eyes with curiosity and a bit with fear. He was also seeing me with the same eyes. Then he got up and introduced himself to me saying: "I greet elder sister. I'm Edward Aurelius de Obelion, the first prince of empire". Seeing his eyes I could tell who he was, but it was surprising. Because I never heard father had another child. And he was just a year younger than me. He told me he was thankful to me for saving his life. When I asked him what was he doing on the other side of the lake(that's the boundary of our palace). He said, he was chasing the majestic horse and crossed the lake. He had some bruises so I used a healing spell on him. And he was in awe and asked me on what level of mana I'm that I can do such spell at only 9 years of age. I told him, my instructor never told me. He was a bit disappointed but then asked what I was doing here. I told him I was taking a stroll in the forest. I couldn't tell him I sneaked out of palace. We only talked about how the palace on the other side of lake looks like. He also told me, he knew about me. And he always wanted to meet me. He also told me I also have a step younger sister. She turned six this year. He also asked how is the Empress. I told him she is doing good. He just complained about he has to take care of her younger sister. She doesn't listen to him. And always made trouble for others. It was all cute to listen. I also wanted to see my younger sister. Jsut as I was about to ask him about it, we heard some guards voice. They came for him. He left saying that he would keep today's incident a secret and I slipped out of there.

After today's incident, my mind was filled with questions. Why I was never informed of these siblings. I always wanted to have one. Mother was definitely keeping this from me. I would have heard about it from the maids. She must have warned them not to say anything. The most annoying part is why father who I had never seen, had a concubine. This empire only acknowledge one wife others are just illegal relations. Though being a king, no one can say anything. But the knights called him crown prince. Even though he is only the son of a concubine. I'm the rightful heir to the throne. It's not like I want the that damn throne. My brother can have it if he likes. But ugh, it's so annoying. I need to talk to mother.

After making up mind I went back to the castle. And I teleported myself into my room. I can teleport some short distances. But mother was already there. And chills went down my spine. She had an expressionless face. God knows what I felt at that time. In this world if I'm afraid of something that's only my mother's anger. All that determination of mine to question her just vanished into thin air. I gulped as I saw her approached towards me. Suddenly she was smiling. And asked if I had just used teleportation spell. I nodded and said "I'm tired and want to rest. Mother why not we talk some other time". She was like, alright sweetie. We can talk things out when you're done resting. Dinner will be servered at seven. And then she left.

Ha! Will I be able to digest my dinner tonight. And I looked at clock, it was 6 in the evening. Only an hour left. What the hell! I had to gather my thoughts and have to tell her what happened. Since she would have noticed the dust and dirt on me. As clever as she is, she would've guessed where I went today. And she might have heard about Edward's trespassing

And since she has plant element, she can confirm today's incident as well.

Just wow.... Having a capable mom is everyone wants but it has its drawbacks you know. But I need to confront her. Thinking like that I went to take a bath. And after getting ready, I went to the dinning area. Since talking during eating is strictly forbidden, I just tried to eat my food. I didn't know if I was eating it through my nose or my throat. But after I was done, my mom got up and I followed. We went to her room.

Hey guys! Happy new year to all of you out there. Wish you all have a better year than last one.

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