
A Lonely Princess

I died in an accident at 21 yrs old age. And then got reincarnated in a fantasy world as the first born princess of Obelion empire. My father didn't care about me but who needs him anyway when I have a loving mother and extra ordinary powers to make my mark in this world. It's a story of her life filled with betrayals, death, mystery, drama and unannounced romance and her journey to find herself along the way. Join her on this journey to find the truth that's been hidden beneath many lies.

Fahmakhilji2021 · Fantasy
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24 Chs


The room was well decorated and it has an esthetic touch. Since mother liked this kind of stuff she decorated her room, it was rally suitable for a queen. Her room was huge and it had a separate sitting area. She sat down and pointed me to sit down as well. I obediently sat. And there we go.

"My dear princess, I heard you were absent for your training session today. And you were also nowhere to be seen for an entire day. The whole palace was in chaos because of our only princess's disappearance. And making everybody go crazy, you went to the forbidden forest on your own and you did not bother taking anyone bodyguard. Are you strong enough to wander around alone. What if something bad happen? What would you do"?

I gulped and was very happy inside because she did not say anything about Edward. So it was a relief. I stood up from my seat and bowed my head and said: "Mother what you had said is right. I shouldn't have disappeared. But it was suffocating and I just wanted to have some fresh air. But I had been selfish and I should had thought things through. And I apologize for making you worry".

She told me to look up, she looked surprised but then said in a serious tone:

"Princess Athanasia de Aurelius de Obelion, royals don't bow their heads, and you don't need to bow to anyone except the king. Your status doesn't allow you to be humble. You need to be conscious of your status as the crown princess of Obelion empire".

I couldn't say much because I thought admitting to my faults was the best way out of this. And I didn't expect this reaction.

"Royal mother, I thank you for your advice and will reflect on my actions".

She looked a bit calm now but then again she started talking which only made me nervous. "Princess your tenth birthday is coming soon."

(Soon... Wasn't it six months away..thank God the topic has changed...)

"As you may already know that according to the customs, on the tenth birthday of a child, they will have their first introduction ceremony( all the nobles hold this ceremony for their kids. They introduce them and after this children are allowed to make interactions with their peers and can get admission to the academy. Before this ceremony, especially royal children do not make interactions with others children except a highly ranked noble's child). All the nobles will gather on this ceremony to see you and naturally your father will come. So in order to make yourself presentable you need to etiquette classes from tomorrow. "

" Wait a minute, mother, isn't it going too fast. My birthday is in six months from now and my training session will just increase more and get intense. And I would not get enough time for that. And I'm already done with my etiquettes lessons".

"Princess, your actions have already reflected of what you had learnt. And making time is your job. There won't be any more discussion on this topic. If you are not satisfied I will teach you personally."

"Mother, who said I would not take them. I would happily take classes. You must be busy preparing for the introduction ceremony. You don't need to exhaust yourself. I can handle this much. So I'll be going and I will not disappoint you. Good night mother".

Hah!! Seriously she is going to punish me this way. Everyone knows how much I hate those stupid etiquettes classes. I was honestly thinking I was good at it. This just had to happen. I'll only get more busy from now on. Is this really a life of a princess. Lessons after lessons. Should I jsut disappear again. Nah.. It will be a hell next time. I can't anger my mother more than this. Who knows what will happen then...

Maybe I won't be allowed to get out of here. After all, the probing time of our isolation in this castle was ten years. After my birthday everything will change. Hehe.... I'm excited for what future has to offer...

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