
A light in the dark age of Creation

The creators of the world and all of their god and goddess try to make a better world, but some of them only think for themselves. and spread hateness to everyone and kill their creation to start a war sooner and later, everything will joined and made a big chaos will they survive? with help of light they will see everything

CLEO_ZIP · Fantasy
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47 Chs


Katrina start to open her eyes, she hear a lot of people sound, and suddenly after she opened her eyes, everyone looking busy in front of her. "Akh, what happened" said Katiran to herself while touch her head cause still hurt a bit. "She already woke up!" said one of people in there, suddenly Katarina realized that she caged on a glass room. She wanted to get out from there, but can't cause her hand and feet are tied up thight on that bed. "What is this!" said Katarina that try to release herself from that belt.

"Calm down! We wont hurt you" said Lord from outside the glasses room to Katarina. Katarina suddenly fell silent, "Katarina, we just want to check of some viruses that maybe possible inside your body" said Lord again to Katarina from the outside of that glass room. "Milord, I can't feel you right now, what is this" said the sound from inside Katarina body. "I don't know, they just do what they like, I can't do something about it" said Katarina to that sound.

Suddenly there is a woman talk about doing something to her because there is something wrong inside Katarina body. "Milord, this is really dangerous situation, if they know about this, they will kill me instantly and you will lost everything" said that sound to Katarina. Suddenly Katarina start to release all of her body from the belt, everyone in there shocked and start an emergency alert to keep everyone stay guarded for anything that will happened.

Not long, Katarina finally can release her body from all of the belt and destroy the glasses room, and immediately attack that girl who want to check Katarina body. "AAAA HELP!" said that girl that already knocked to the ground, and then Katarina start to slash her apart using her swords, but it can be stopped by all of the people in there. "Hold her, she'sa monster!" said one of the god in there. "Katarina, whoever you are, stop it, remember me!" said lord try to disenchant Katarina.

"Milord, just get away from here, I will bring you to my body place, so you can get all of your power back" said that sound again to Katarina. Suddenly Katarina stop her attack and release her from the ground, "You right, I'm not you used to know before" said Katarina to Lord, suddenly Katarina runaway through the wall and broke it. Everyone try to catch it but they stopped by Lord, "Don't catch her, we still don't know what will she gonna do, let me alone gonna cacth her" said Lord to them all. "But, she's dangerous, you need a friend" said one of the god in there. Lord can't denied his offer "Alright, but, be carefull Nathan, she's maybe gonna kill us both" said Lord to that god. "Don't worry, as long as I can help creator like you, I feel proud of myself" said that Natahan to Lord.

After that they start chase after Katarina. In other place, Katarina already far away in front of Lord and Nathan that try to chase Her. "Milord, just keep this way, my body place not far fomr here, but it's buried on a cave around there" said that sound again to Katarina. "So, why my dad and mom want to take you out from my body" ask Katarina to that sound. "As I said, they really scared of your power, so they try to nerf you and made you to be a cat" said that sound again to Katarina.

"hmmm, sound really unreasonable, but I trust you cause none of power can entered any of mixed creature body, so, maybe you are the real me, and I proud of it, because I meet you, I can save everyone and not being an burden to my team" said Katarina half smile to that sound. "Yeah milord, you are the best from everyone, but it's a shame that your parents do that to yourself, they actally must build a talent based by the real yourself, that is me" said that sound again to Katarina.

Far behind Katarina, Lord and Nathan keep trying to chase Katarina as fast as they can. "sir Lord, why you really care about her" ask Nathan to Lord. "She's one of my beloved child like the others, but, in this time I don't want it tobe like others kid that suffer in my hand before" said Lord to Nathan. "why you just wont let her entered any of community, such as Knight community and others that had a really bad attitude and even you" said Nathan but suddenly Lord cut off the conversation "Just concentrate, maybe she will made a trap" said Lord, suddenly one of bomb in there triggered. "WATCH OUT!" said Lord while pull Nathan from that area faster.

The bomb heavily exploded, but Lord and Nathan safe, "What the, I almost died, that was a really high explosive thing" said Nathan to Lord. "Yeah, from now on just keep focused on our way" said Lord to Nathan. After that, they continue their chase. "Milord, in front there go to right, and if there is an big hole, just enter it" said that sound to Katarina. After turning right and find the hole, suddenly Katarina jumped into it, "a really shoal hole?" ask Katarina after reach the bottom of the hole. "Just walk through this cave milord, inside there my body was placed" said that sound to Katarina.

Katarina start walking inside the cave and after a minute walk, she found the dragon body, "The history will be written back, you and I gonna rule the world together, now touch my body so it will be wrapped by your body and all of your power will be returned to yourself" said that sound to Katarina. Not far from there, Lord and Nathan almost arrived, "Sir, that hole, I can feel her aura inside" said Nathan to Lord. "Alright, let's get inside" said Lord to Nathan. Them both entered the hole, after reached the bottom of the hole, they meet some of skulled army that try to attack them. "You ain't nothing for me" said Nathan that attack them really fast by using barehands. After that they keep run entered the cave and meet an S rank minimonster that made some horrifying ilution.

Suddenly Lord call an Helper that close the monster ilution radiant, and as fast after that Nathan punch that Monster into a piece. "Good job, if you late maybe we done" said Lord to Nathan, after that they continue entered the cave. "Come on Milord, do it, don't waste your time" said that sound again to Katarina. Katarina still confused, but suddenly Lord and Nathan arrived. "Stop, I don't know what you want do do but, please, stop it and get back here" said Lord to Katarina.

"No, you are not the one that I like now, you just want me as your tool, and you always made me suffer more, I don't know why such a guy like you promoted as a creator, are they blind? Or anything else, but from now on, I know the truth, you lied to me" said Katarina to Lord. Lord just fell silent, "As you know, he really care about you, you cant say such a thing, Forgive him for anything and get back here as Lord said" said Nathan to Katarina. "No, he already lied to me, and always send me to dangerous place that almost kill me, does someone like that care enough for me?" ask Katarina to Nathan.

"From now on, you all gonna knee down to me, each of you, now, meet your queen!" said Katarina loudly and start to touch the dragon body. Suddenly a fire came out from Katarina body and entered the dragon body. "AHAHAHA! WOMAN ALWAYS BE THE SAME!" said that Dragon body, and suddenly the dragon awaken and start attack them three. "Watch out!" shout Lord to Katarina, the dragon claws start approaching Katarina, but fastly Lord save her and Lord got a little injured on his back.

"Sir Lord, we must get out of here" said Nathan to Lord. "We must fight this creature, an demonic creature, don't let this one take back Heaven" said Lord to Nathan. "I will call all reinforcement" said Nathan again and start send Emergency signal to the Center Palace. In the control centre of the centre palace, they try to detect the code and call all of the Creator to the place where the signal founded. "Rin! If we failed, just runaway, go to the safest shelter where the dragon won't find you all" said Livanka that prepared to go to the location. Rin just can shake her head and start move to the Shelter with other people.

"Finally, a time where I can show my true power again!" said Gardonio that also prepared to the destinated place. "This is not a test skill playground! We face the real enemy here, so don't let yourself unguarded" said Peranx one of the creator that just came from behind Gardonio. "Ah, com'on a little jokes will made our day before a deathly battle" said Gardonio again to Peranx. "Stop joking, this is not a perfect time for a joke" said Irah that just Came fully prepared. All of the creator and some High quality God and goddes ready to go to the Awaken dragon Place.

"Listen up, We must fight that creature again with all of our blood, that mythical Ultra SSS+ Monsters, the Dragon hell already awaken, his beasts is the most deadliesyt ever found, so, no time for anything that made you guys get killed easily!" said Albara to all of them. "Alright, Let's move" shout Albara, and all of them start to move. "Everyone, right here" shout the palace servant trying to navigate all of the refuge to walk to inside the shelter. Some of the refuge start praying and hoping for all of the creator bless. "Does everyone already in?" ask one of the servant in there to another servant. "No, still a lot of our people in out there, we must wait" said that servant.

"Give a lot of room for pregnancy mom!" shout one of the servant in there, a lot of pregnancy woman had been navigated to the most safest place in there. "Hey, you, you are the knight leader, right, why wont you join them?" ask a woman in there to Rin. "I'm still in pregnancy period, so, I can't do a battle or my body will getting worse" said Rin to that woman. "wait, a person like you can get pregnant too?" ask that woman again to Rin. "Yeah, actually I'm not the true leader of Knight, that was my housband before he died, so they force me to be Leader of Knight, cause no one can except me" said Rin again to that woman.

"Ah, it's must be hard for you, I hope this kid can be like his or her father someday, Mike is one of the best Knight out there, and a lot of people know that including me, so, it's really a shocking news when we hear that he already dead in hand of someone that we used don't know who is she" said that woman again to Rin. "Yeah, but, I try to forgive her, and already let my housband go" said Rin to that woman again. "You are such a strong woman, no doubt why they let you lead the knight community" said that woman again to Rin. "Thank you" answer Rin to that woman.

"Here is the special place for all of you, hope you all can feel a lot of comfort here" said the servant who lead them to that place. After that, all of the pregnant woman entered that room, a lot of servant and nurse already waiting in there to serve all of the pregnancy woman in there. "Ah, madame, come here" said one of the servant in there calling Rin. "Oh, selly, what did you do here?" ask Rin to that servant. "I worked as one of the pregnancy woman servant in here, cause, I know a lot how to take care of pregnancy woman" said Selly to Rin. "Ah, why don't you tell that from the first time to me, I need someone to take care of me cause I'm scared of pregnancy" whisper Rin to Selly. "Eh, I don't know how to tell that to you, so, I keep hiding it" answer Selly to Rin. "Don't mind that, just hope all of this end quickly and you can be my private servant for my pregnancy, I will give you extra money" said Rin to Selly.

Suddenly one of the woman in there feel some contraction and wanted to give a birth, a lot of blood already came out, "Wait a second, madame, I will take care of it" said Selly to Rin. "Don't do that, take the chair and made her sit there" shout Selly to all of the nurse in there, Rin suddenly follow her to take a look. "okay, calm down, take a deep breathe, and release it, okay now, take a long deep breathe, and push!, okay, take a rest, the baby almost completely out" said Selly who take all of the control of that woman giving birth process, Rin look after that woman which is really feel hurt and dying a long the process. "Oh no, how could I do this, I can't, I can't" said Rin to herself.

"Alright, Push!" shout Selly to that woman, that woman suddenly push harder, after a while, Selly finally can take out the baby and some nurse come to clean that baby, the other nurse try to calm the woman and give some healing, the woman take a rest after a long giving birth process. "I, I'm not ready for that" said Rin to herself. "Huh, done sucsessfully, uh, what happened madame?" ask Selly to Rin, "Ah, nothing, just wonder of something" answer Rin to Selly. "Oh, by the way how old is it now?" ask Selly again to Rin. "1 month" answer Rin to Selly, "Hmm, I can help you so you wont suffer much when giving birth, but it's need a long process" said Selly to Rin. "Really, ah, thank you" answer Rin to Selly. "Yeah, hopefully, if we all save from that Dragon attack" said Selly to Rin.

"AARRGGHH" said Nathan that got a heavy shockwave from that dragon, Nathan keep trying to distract the dragon so it wont attack some city that near to that location. "Spin slash!" shout Nathan, a long of spinnin blade come and hit the dragon, made a big shockwave, but it wont hurt the dragon even a little. "Oh damn, I lost a lot of my power now, what should I do" said Nathan to himself. "Fan, Hellsing" suddenly a big fire fan hit the dragon and push the dragon a bit. "Gold fire" a heavy fire come and burn the dragon. A lot of uniqe power come and hit the Dragon, but none of it can injured him.

The dragon start opening a hole and spawn a lot of fire creature, the fire creature start attacking all of the creator that just come. "Exthingush all of you!" said Gardonio, and suddenly all of the fire creature exthinguished. "We, are here" said Albarawho lead all of the reator and selected god/goddess. "Finally, Yeah!" shout Nathan from the ground. "Attack!" shout Albara, suddenly all of the creator and god/goddess in there attacking the dragon by all of their power. "That's not enough, I actually must join them, but, Katarina is the most important thing here" said Lord to himself while looking at the dragon.

"Let me, join them" said Katarina to Lord. "No, it's enough trouble for today, you must take a rest, and hope this all end quickly" said Lord to Katarina. "No, please let me help all of them, this was my fault so I must fix it" said Katarina to Lord. "NO!, Listen to me, your safety is the most important thing to me, I don't want you hurt again, you are everything for me, so don't made me repeat the same mistake like I did to my others kids" Said Lord angrily to Katarina. "So, that's your answer, Fine" said Katarina to Lord with low emotion. Suddenly Katarina transformed to a tiger and jump over from Lord lap.

"Katarina!" shout Lord that try to chase her, but suddenly a fast thing moved pass him and put some dopamine to Lord, and suddenly Lord fall asleep and fall back to the ground. "This is, my fault, so, I must do something" said Katarina to Herself. All of the creator in there try all of their best to kill the dragon, but, the dragon still not injured a little. "Big hover!" shout Firdaus and suddenly a big hole start pull the dragon into it, but the dragon is more strong and start moving away from that hole. But suddenly a big chain tied the dragon. "Pull!" shout Irah to all of the Creators that held the chain who given by Irah. They pull that dragon back to the hole that created by Firdaus.

"Take this!" shout Albara and he suddenly punch that Dragon, the dragon bounce a bit and it made Irah and others easily pull the dragon back. The other creators keep attacking the Dragon so the dragon keep easily being pulled to the hole. "Almost there!" said one of the creator that help Irah and others pull the dragon. But the dragon finally can shot an hell stone and shot Firdaus from point blank of his eyesight. Firdaus bounce away and the hole disappeared, the dragon start to release itself from the chain that made by Irah. Irah and others thrown away cfollowed by the chain.

The dragon start to change it form. From default dragon to the hell dragon. Temperature in the surrounded place raised dramatically. "Keep attack that dragon!" shout Albara to all of them. "Ice of heart" shout Livanka and made sourounded feel a bit warm by her powerfull ice. "Wind of heaven" shout Martha, and a lot of people start to attacking the Dragon by Martha wind support so they wont waste their power for instant body temperature and focused attack the dragon. But the dragon throw a spike and hit everything that get near to the dragon. "That useless to me, Blade of Eagle!" shout Gardonio as he stab the dragon from the sky as fast as light. The dragon roar cause the sword made and wind effect that crack the thick dragon body a bit and spill a lava from it.

"Everyone, attack full power!" shout Albara again, all of the creator and god + goddess in there attack the dragon with all of their power. But, the dragon start to shake the ground and spill a lot lava from the ground. The Dragon got buffed by the lava and start burn everything in near him. "We don't have a chance to live now!" said one of the goddess in there. "Keep fighting! Kyaaaa!" shout Livanka as fast as she rise the volume of her power to the max and made and snow storm that hit the fire so the fire can a little bit exthinguished. The ice all melted and the fire keep burned. As fast to the fire come from the dragon breathe and shot towards livanka and others place.

"Support attack shield!" shout Peranx, he made an great shield to held the Dragon attack and throw that shield with all of his power, helped by powerfull Martha wind and Water by other creator in there. "Water pillar" said Gardonio and other creators beside him start spawning a lot of sea monsters in the water. "Cube held" said Mario, the specialist creator in there, and the water pilar start to turned cube and drown the Dragon inside "Buff!" said Mario again, suddenly all of the sea monsters start attacking the Dragon very deadly until the water start turning red. "Protection" said other creator in there to protect the friendly creature inside. "Swords rain" said other creator and a billion swords start stabbing the dragon inside the water. The temperature sourounded starting to back to normal again. "Lightning hell!" said the other creators and lightning start stroke the water and made the dragon roar a really horrifying sound really loud.

All of the cerator and god& goddess in there start range attack toward the dragon inside the water and someof them pull the heavy gravity to the dragon and anti matter so the dragon would break into a pieces. Suddenly the dragon stop moving and only roar a little. Only one creature left inside from a million creature before. And the creature dead cause heavy temperature inside after that. The water cube start dropped and the dragon look dying by all of the deadly attack, half of the dragon body don't have any good form cause destroyed a lot.

"Attack that fast and cut the head, then made a heavy seal and stab the head with all of your power, then seal back his head" said Albara to all of the cerator. They start approaching the Dragon. But the dragon suddenly wake up and eat half of the creator in there. Then burn them inside his mouth. "You bastard!" shout albara and he start jumping high and punch that dragon head. Albara hands broke but he can't handle his emotion, after that he kick the head and the head bounce away. But even the head cut off from the dragon body, the dragon keep attacking and head towards Albara. Suddenly the dragon that had one head before, it spawn other 9 head and getting bigger. And the cutted head keep heading to Albara with high speed, Albara can't move faster cause his hand and feet injured a lot. But suddenly a creator fly to Albara and push him away. And that creator rammed by the dragon head. The creator turned to ashes instantly. And the dragon head back again to it's body, so the dragon had 10 head now and start burn everything.

"We- are done, yet? This is million time more worse than Herb tinnitusa, right?" Said Martha to Livanka. Livanka start to knee down to the ground and shed her tears. "We, are useless Creator, extinction is in front of us right now" said Livanka. Every attack rammed to the Dragon but none can damage the Dragon. Yulnera just can't do anything after all of her attack and her hellfire wont work on the dragon. "Yulnera, you are the strongest and younger from us, what could you do now?" ask one of the creator to her, Yulnera just fell silent, "I hope madame yuki come and fight this creature" said Yulnera to that creator. "Yuki? Are you joking? She can't even beat an A rank monster, she could only kill Saints and Rein. The little fairy and you hope she can kill this creature?" said that creator angrily to Yulnera.

Suddenly an pink trisula came out from the sky faster and lock the Dragon and the slash hurt the dragon a bit. The dragon stunned, and suddenly all of the creators back attack the Dragon. "Eh, now! Slash!" shout Yulnera and she can Cut 3 of the Dragon head with one slash. And others can cut 4 others. But the main head only 3 and it's hard to cut by all of them. The dragon start woke up and the trisula start gone. "Everyone hide!" shout Gardonio, suddenly all of them hide. And the dragon still can't move cause the trisula effect still freeze him. "What the, what kind of power is that?" ask Livanka to other creator. "That's Serenia power" said Yulnera to all of them.

"What? That powerfull power owned by Serenia? So, why wont you tell us from first time?" said Gardonio to Yulnera angrily. "She, don't want to be knowed well by all of you, she hate all of you, that's the truth, that's why she don't like to be creator, but really want to be me cause I the only one who can understand her beside madame Yuki!" said Yulnera to Gardonio angrily. Gardonio just fell silent, "She's right, maybe, if we all can out from this mess, let's do a big change inside the creators organization, if not, we will always be like this, and even, we all lose our ability to fight right now, I mean, look, we can't even beat that dragon while well trained black market person can made the monsters stopped, so, what do you guys think?" ask Irah to all creators in there.

All of the creators starts to agree by Irah words, some of them said yeah as a sign of agree with Irah words. "Yeah, we must change, no more sit in the office, we need to keep our skill to fight improved!" said Peranx, suddenly all of the creator in there shout yeah and raise their hand's to the air. God and goddess in there just can't do anything, "Huh, if I could be a creator someday, I will not go to the office, better I do a lot of mission to keep me improved" said one of the God in there. "Dude, being a creator is hard, you couldn't being a crator if you still look like this" said other god in there, and their start to throw a joke to others to keep their heart calm after a really thight battle.

In ouf of the hidden cube that made by creator, Katarina that come from below of cracked ground using her beastmode and run towards the Dragon that start to move again. "You, ARE MINE! HAAAAAA!" shout Katarina loudly and she uses the swords that given by the wind city leader to her. The dragon who see her start attack her by all of spikes and fire, but Katarina can dodge all and keep running towards the dragon. "Slash of tiger!" shout Katarina, she can cut one of the dragon head and stab it with that blade. Katarina suddenly transform back to Human form and jump high to the main head which is start talk to her. "How dare you!" said that dragon to Katarina, suddenly she tryimg to cut the head but it can't cause the head really strong and thick.

"You can't stupid woman!" said the dragon head. Katarina still try to stab it but still can't stabbed. Suddenly the other head try to bite her, but Katarina move fast and sourounded the centre head while the other head keep following her. Suddenly she found a shiny thing in the dragon body, "That's it!" said Katarina to herself. Katarina start to jump high and rammed the shiny thing in the dragon body with highspeed, and suddenly the Dragon roar loudly and start turning to ash. "How could you know that!" said that dragon to Katarina. "I'm a mixed creature, so I know each creature weakness, you are strong but not smart enough facing your enemy, that's why you easily killeb before" said Katarina to the dragon.

"Now, you are mine, you must paid all of this!" said Katarina as long she wrapped all the dragon energy inside her body. "What! NOOO!" shout the dragon, the dragon soul lost but the power finally wrapped to Katarina body, so Katarina back again to the dragon from. Serenia Look after her from the sky and go away after that. "Did you hear that?" ask one of the creator in there, they suddenly open back the hidden cube place and look the dragon already lost and wrapped by someone.

"Catch that person!" said Gardonio to all of them, they all start cacthing the person who wrapped the dragon body. "Finished, I can feel it and control it now" said Katarina to herself. "That's Katarina!" shout an creator that try to chase her. Katarina start raise one of her hand and push him by only stand in there, that creator pushed away back and had a little injured in his stomatch. "Akh, What was that" said that Creator to himself, and suddenly Katarina start fly away from that place. She followed by a lot of creator behind, suddenly Albara arrived in front of her and wanted to punch her, but Katarina can dodge it and run again, Albara punch hit one of the creator that trying to chase her and died instantly.

"Catch her!" Shout Albara to all of them. While keep try to attack Katarina, all of them try to get near to her, but no one can. After half of hour of chase, Katarina disappeared in the sky. "Where did she go?" ask one of the creator in there. Yulnera suddenly realized something, "Where is Lord? We need him" ask Yulnera to all of them. "Yeah, right, where is Lord?" ask Irah to all of them again. "We found him, he injected with some dopamine to keep him fall asleep" said one of the creator in there. "Get him here!" said Yulnera to that creator. "Alright" said that Creator to Yulnera.

Suddenly Lord arrived in there bought by some of the creator servant, they try to wake him up, after a minutes, Lord finally awaken. "What happened" ask Lord that still semi conscious. "The dragon finally defeated by Serenia and Katarina, but, they two run away after that, we can't found Serenia, but we try to chase Katarina and then she disappeared too" said Yulnera to Lord. "Katarina! Where is she!" ask Lord angrily to all of them. "Calm down, we currently search about him, and I'm a bit scared of if she joined Serenia" said Yulnera to Lord.

"I will search for them two" said Lord. Lord start runaway and leave them, "Hey, wait up, we can search it together, right?" said one of the creator in there. "No, let him do it alone, it is his private bussines" said Yulnera to that creator. Lord keep running to chase after Katarina, "How did you do that, don't you dare made a contract to Serenia, we don't know about her" said Lord to himself that still thinkin about Katarina. After a while, he pass by Serenia that stand in there. "Where is she!" ask Lord to Serenia angrily. "I don't know, I just stand in here" said Serenia to Lord. "What did you do to her!" ask Lord again to Serenia. "Nothing, I just wanted to say you are a bad Father to everyone, so, stop adopting anoter kids, now you made her father disappointed to you" said Serenia to Lord.

"You don't know anything about Katarina and her Father! So shut up and tell me where is she!" ask Lord again angrily to Serenia. "Sir wilde, you see that?" said Katarina to someone behind her that hiding near the tree. Suddenly wilde came out from the back of the tree and look after Lord. "Wilde?" said Lord to Wilde with face full of regret. "I already know everything, now Serenia always work with me and I always give her mission to look after Katarina, and as I can see from your face, you can't take my daughter well, from now on, I will take her back, and as this too, the cooperation beetwen mixed race and human race will ended up here" said Wilde to Lord.

"I'm sorry, I can't take care of your daughter well, I don't know how to train everyone well just like Serenia said, I just a loser as you still know since we still a kid, but, please, gime me a chance, not for Katarina but for the cooperation between us" said Lord while he kneel down to the ground. "Take this money, you don't need us anymore, loser" said Wilde while throw a cash to Lord. Lord just fell silent and think for all of his fault, "Serenia, let's search Katarina and bring her back home" said Wilde to Serenia. "No need!" said someone that just came from sky, suddenly they look that girl and that's Katarina. "Katarina? What happened to you?" ask Wilde to Katarina.

"You don't need to know" said Katarina to Wilde. "What? I'm your father, I'm care for you, not like the loser there beside you" said Wilde to Katarina. "You are not my father!" said Katarina angrily to Wilde. "What did you say, Katarina?" ask Wilde that shocked by what Katarina say to him. "You are only a drunk person that kill my mother by all of your habit. And I know why you want to bring me back to mixed race world" said Katarina to Wilde. "No, I love you, I don't want you to get hurted anymore" said Wilde to Katarina to make sure that Wilde don't want to do anything to her.

"No, once I said no, it's a big no" said Katarina again to Wilde. "Serenia, do something" said Wilde to Serenia. "It's up to you, Katarina, whatever you choose I hope it's the best way to you, I hope someday you know how hard this world" said Serenia to Katarina. "What, you must tell her to follow us back" said Wilde to Serenia. "No, I just interested by one of your kids, and I meet her now to know the truth about yourself, you are the loser in here and more worse than Lord, she ever tell me that you always having sex with her sister and almost made her sister dying by that, and as you know, I don't need this contract, I'm a freelancer killer, not an paid actor" said Serenia while she ripped of the contract that given to her before.

"Ciao" said Serenia and suddenly disappeared. "Katarina, you, are such a slut!" said Wilde angrily to Katarina. Suddenly Wilde transformed to Gorilla and start to attack Katarina. Lord suddenly held Wilde and tell Katarina to Run. "Let me go Lord, this kid need some heavy lesson from me!" said Wilde angrily to Lord. "Katarina, run!" shout Lord that keep Hold wilde with all of his power. "So, this is my father true form, an emotional guy that really wanted his kids to be his slave" said Katarina that keep stand in there. Suddenly Lord thrown away by Wilde, and Suddenly wilde Punch Katarina, but Katarina can hold the punch by her left hand, and suddenly she punch back Wilde with her right hand. Wilde bounce away by that punch and transformed back to human.

"What was that" ask some of the creator in there that seeing gorilla just thrown away. "whatever it is, it must be strong creature in there" said other Creator in there. "Lord, are you okay?" ask Katarina to Lord that got heavily injured by Wilde punch. "No, it's okay, but, how could you get that dragon back?" ask Lord to Katarina. "It's a long story, now, let's head back to main palace, you need to get some medical treatment" said Katarina to Lord and carry him. "Wait, Katarina, we must meet other creator in there, and tell something to them" said Lord to Katarina.

"Eh, okay" said Katarina. They back down to the ground to meet some of the Creator in there. After a minutes of searching, they finally meet with some of the creator in there. "It's Katarina and Lord" said one of the Creator in there. "Calm down, I'm fine, also she, and I can feel it, so, don't need to chase after her" said Lord to all of them. but suddenly Lord fall down to the ground. "Help him" said Yulnera. But no one dare approaching Lord cause Katarina. Katarina that realized it start walk away and let them take care of Lord.

"What happened? Is they think I'm the dragon creature or something else, but, I'm already me, not the monster again" said Katarina to herself. Suddenly everyone in there getting noisy, "His condition getting worse, we must bring him back to the main palace" said one of the creator in there. Katarina start to meet them again, but they already go away, but, there is someone that leave in there to take some of his tools. "Hey, what happened?" ask Katarina to that guy. "W- wait for me!" said that guy that start to runaway from Katarina.

"Eh, wait, I'm not an evil, I just want to, akh, he already getting away" said Katarina. "Should I follow them or not? Maybe something bad happened, ekh, I must follow them" said Katarina to herself. She start to follow them back to the main palace, but in the middle of her way, she meet Firdaus that injured really bad. "Help, Help!" shout Firdaus from there. Katarina start to pick him up and bring him to the main Palace as fast as she can. "Maybe, if I bring Firdaus there, they will forgive me and think that I'm already fully controlled this power"

To be continued