
A light in the dark age of Creation

The creators of the world and all of their god and goddess try to make a better world, but some of them only think for themselves. and spread hateness to everyone and kill their creation to start a war sooner and later, everything will joined and made a big chaos will they survive? with help of light they will see everything

CLEO_ZIP · Fantasy
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47 Chs


After a minutes of walking, Lord see someone stand in front of him, someone different that he ever seen before. "Katarina? Is, is that you" ask Lord to that girl. "Who are you?" ask that girl again to Lord. "It's me, Lord, You remember me, right? Are you okay Katarina?" ask Lord again to that girl. She raise her left hand a half, The blade that their left behind start moving fast and pass all of them. "What happened? Papa is in danger!" Said Sinthia, they move faster to see what happened in there.

"Katarina?" ask Lord again to that girl. Suddenly the blade pass through Lord and finnaly recach that girl left hand. "I still not ready" said that girl. "No, no matter what happened, I'm here to help you" said Lord to that girl. That girl immediately turn around to see Lord. "Katarina, you look different at all" said Lord to that girl. "I think I'm not Katarina anymore" said that girl to Lord. "No matter who you are, you still Katarina to me" said Lord to that Girl, "So, where is the dragon" ask Lord to Katarina. "I'm the dragon now, that's me, so, I'm not ready for this" said Katarina while walking to Lord.

Lord feel shocked after he see that Katarina changed a lot, From her eyes that turned Red, her hair turned white, her Cat ears turns to Dragon horns, her Face look more mature than before, her sound more heavier, and a bit taller than before, and her body more a bit matured than before too. "What happened to you?" ask Lord to Katarina. "This is, maybe the real me, I don't know how to say it, but, it's more ridiculous than I think" said Katarina to Lord.

"Are you hurt? Or something? Tell me!" ask Lord that worried about Katarina. "no, I'm okay, I'm fine" said Katarina to make sure she's fine. Suddenly Gardonio and the others arrived, "Lord, are you okay?" ask Gardonio to Lord. "Ah, I'm okay, no need to worry about me" said Lord to Gardonio. "And, that girl, who is she?" ask Gardonio to Lord. "You won't believe it" said Lord to all of them. "I'm Katarina" said Katarina to all of them.

"What? You look not like Katarina, Katarina look like young teenager and happy with cute sound, and a bit shorter than you" said Gardonio to Katarina. "Eh, young teenager?" said Katarina Confused. "Oh, nevermind, your expression said it all" said Gardonio to Katarina. "Eh, I, I don't know how to say it, but, you said I'm had an cute sound it made me shocked" said Katarina to Gardonio. "Alright, lets head back to the central palace" said Lord to all of them.

After reaching the central Palace, Katarina got an medical check to check what happened to her "Everything is ok, nothing change even her mental, but her body change a lot and her power increased" said the doctor that check Katarina. "Oh, thanks, I almost worried something bad will happened to her mental state since she matured so fast" said Lord to that Doctor, "So, can I check her?" ask Lord to the doctor. "Yes, you can" said that doctor to Lord. After that, lord entered that room and look Katarina still sit in there.

"Am I bothering you?" ask Lord to Katarina. "No, I just thinkin, what I achieved after got this power, like, I don't want this, but I need this" said Katarina to Lord. "Well, I can help you, if you need something, say that to me, I still don't know how a mixed people power works, but, we can learn about it together, and I know you can do it" said Lord to Katarina. "Wait, I feel something" said Katarina. "What? I can feel anything?" ask Lord to Katarina. Katarina start moving and run from there, "hey, wait!" said Lord that following her. Suddenly Katarina disappeared, "where did she go" ask Lord to himself

On Palace Yard, Ferdich had a battle with Albara. "Wait sir, I" said Ferdich to Albara, but before finish his sentences, Albara punch him until he bounced and puke some blood from his mouth. "You only a trouble on this palace, now just go die!" said Albara while ready to cut Ferdich. No one can save him cause Albara had an fast movement, but immediately Katarina Arrived and block Albara swords faster than Albara attack. "What!" said Albara to himself. "Don't kill him, you only gonna made everything getting worse" said Katarina to Albara.

Albara that shocked immediately pull back his swords, "You look different, who are you? Ask Albara to Katarina. "I'm Katarina" said Katarina to Albara. "What!, you look different, you look more matured than before" said Albara to Katarina. Suddenly, some of Gate Guard come and tell that there is someone come to the Palace and already killed almost all the palace gatekeeper. "Who's that guy! How dare he entered this palace without my permission. But suddenly a high loud of shrieked sound come from distance. "Aaahhh, this is to loud" said Albara.

"This is an magic spell that made everything that hear the sound getting weak, I will take care of him" said Katarina that immediately move faster to that guy. That armored guy immediately pull out some spear out of his hand, Katarina that move really fast almost approach that guy. After an inch that guy starts to stab Katarina with that spear, but, Katarina disappear from that guy sight and immediately spawn again from behind that guy and slash that guy apart, that full armored guy shocked and cut apart to two then died.

Katarina swords slash that really fast made an mark on the ground and her almost can stop herself on air while dashing really fast and dodge that guy attack. Katarina then fall back to the ground and trying to stop herself by using her sword that her plug it to the ground, after 50 feet, she finally stopped and leave long mark of her shoe and swords. "What, how could she more faster than me?" ask Albara to himself. Ferdich and the other just shocked for what just happened.

"Katarina back to stand and look after the armored guy, everyone in there too approach the armored guy that already dead in there. "Bring this body inside" said some of the people in there. "How could you do that" ask Albara to Katarina. "I don't know, it, just happened and I don't have any clue about it" said Katarina to Albara. Albara start confused, "But, that was cool, I appreciate that" said Albara to Katarina. "Eh, I don't even think I do something usefull in here, just kill some small intruder in here" said Katarina to Albara. "Nah, the way you can hold my fast attack, I know, you would be one of us someday" said Albara to Katarina.

"Eh, I don't think I'm will, I still weak you know" said Katarina to Albara. "Yeah, I said someday that means you will achieved it tomorrow, it need a lot of time, and you need to control your power from now, it will be a great potential from you, I keep my eye on you" said Albara to Katarina. From distance Lord came and call Katarina name, "Katarina!" shout Lord from the distance and run towards her. "Are you okay, are you hurts?" ask Lord to Katarina. "Eh, nah, I'm okay" answer Katarina to Lord.

Suddenly Albara touch Lord shoulders, "Take care of her, someday, she will crowned by you, I can see that, and you lucky she trust you a lot" said Albara to Lord and start walking inside the palace. "Ah, glad you fine, now let's get back to your room, you need some rest" said Lord to Katarina. "That 3 a half meters guy seems good than I know before, he look wise just like you" said Katarina to Lord. "Akh, that mad guy almost kill me" said Ferdich that trying to get up. Katarina just stare at him, so do lord. "anyway thanks! I can trust you a bit" said Ferdich to Katarina.

Suddenly Katarina pull off her swords and point it to Ferdich. "AAA, I'm sorry, I wont do such a thing again, I swear, please don't kill me" said Ferdich to Katarina. Katarina start to pull back again her swords and walk back inside palace. "You lucky enough, son, be carefull with her, this is the second time she save you and don't forget about it" said Lord to Ferdich. "I sure, I will remember it" said Ferdich to Lord.

After entered the palace, some of servant start approaching Katarina, "Madame, come with us, some of creators want to meet you in identification room" said one of those Servant. "Okay" answer Katarina, after that Katarina start following them to the identification room. In that room already waiting Farhat, Gardonio, Gesusoxa, Afriant, Heri, Dombeladordam, and Livanka. "So, we got something shocked can we say, this guy armor had an unknown material inside and he is the one who destroyed some of city in dungeon 4 before, and luckily, you can kill him with only one sword slash" said Dombeladordam to Katarina.

"Eh, I think she just an normal indtruder, so I brave myself since that debuff sound wont affect me" said Katarina to all of them. "No, it's more than debuff, it will made everything melted even human body because of the loud sound" said Heri to Katarina. "well, since you here, how could you do that?" ask Dombeladordam to Katarina. "I, don't have a clue, I just normally attack him, that's all" said Katarina to all of them. "Well, seems kinda weird but we can accept such as that words, cause some of us were like that at the first time" said Afriant to Katarina.

"So, this is the girl that can kill an B rank monster when she with the useless Ferdich? Look beautifull and not as badass as I think" said Gesusoxa. "Eh, that's only my luck, nothing more" said Katarina to Gesusoxa. "Okay, I understand, maybe need a time to know about yourself, so take your time, we wont push you here, now you can go back to your room" said Gardonio to Katarina, after that Katarina leaving that room and meet with her team that is Jembod and the others. "Wow, madame, you changed a lot!" said Jembod to Katarina. "Well, you guys too" said Katarina to Jembod, "Yeah, we three just kill an F rank monsters today and get extra paid, as I hear you kill some dangerous intruder with only one slash, that's amazing madame" said Jembod to Katarina.

"No, you guys are the amazing one, can kill the F rank monsters with only 3 people" said Katarina to them. "Madame, that guy classified as SS Rank villain, that same as SSS rank Monsters, everyone in here now talkin about you" said Jembod to them. "Eh, well, I don't know about it, but, ah, I don't know what to say again" said Katarina to Jembod. "Ah, about that madame, tomorrow we will take some protection mission, that is must protect the sand country leader, are you gonna join us?" ask Jembod to Katarina.

"Well, okay, just contact me tomorrow" said Katarina to them. the next morning, Katarina who just wake up from her bed got a message from Jembod. Immediately she get prepared and heading to mission room, in there Jembod, Alex, and Tremor already waiting for her. "Sorry, I just wake up, I need to take a bath before go here so it took a long time" said Katarina to them. "Don't worry madame, we gonna go within an half of hour, we just need to wait for Gerald" said Jembod to Katarina. "Wait, so Gerald again? Why?" ask Katarina to Jembod.

"Cause he wanted to work with us, since our team peak at position 1 from yesterday and our performance are really good, he want to stay with us as our driver and road servant" said Jembod to Katarina. "Eh, okay" said Katarina that still confused by what Jembod says. "Alright, everything is ready, ah, good morning madame" said Gerald that just arrived. "Yeah, everything done, now let's move" said Alex to Gerald. "Alright, I got some new car for us, they give it as a present to you guys, and how lucky am I appointed as your driver" said Gerald to them.

"Eh, okay, huh, I don't know there is a lot of thing that I need to know on this palace" said Katarina. After reaching the palace parking, Gerald show them the new car, an high suspension car that can go offroad and cool white metallic body. "wow, unexpected" said Jembod to Gerald. "Eh, something doesn't feel good for me" said Katarina to herself. "Come on madame, let's get rock and roll" said Jembod to Katarina that freezed a bit by thinkin something dangerous.

"Eh, yeah, I'm coming" said Katarina to them. "Madame, you seat in the front seat, me, Alex and Tremor will be on middle seat together" said Jembod to Katarina, after that, Katarina entered the car and then they start moving to the sand city. "Everything is ready, yeah, keep use that again Tremor, you good for that weapon" said Jembod in the middle seat to them while giving some weapon.

"Don't you see it now madame, because of you they getting stronger and already recogonized by a lot of people in that palace, you must be proud of your, eh, hei, you look different from the last time we meet, what happened madame" said Gerald that just realized about Katarina after a half he tallkin. "Eh, I don't know what happened clearly but, it kinda ridiculous" said Katarina to Gerald. Gerald don't have any words to say and keep driving since he really scared of the new Katarina.

After an hour of roadtrip, they finally arrived on sand city. They welcomed by the sand city leader, Farhat. "Welcome, the really honoured knight, my name is Farhat, the leader of sand City, it's been an honour to meet you all" said Farhat to them all. "My name is Jembod, the leader of this team, and this is my member, Alex, Tremor and Katarina" said Jembod introducing his team. "Wait, Katarina, that name sound similar to me, Katarina, Serenia, I remember t now, but, you look different from before" said Farhat when looking at Katarina.

"Eh, I don't think so" said Katarina to Farhat. "Well, time still running and we don't have much time, they already waiting for us" said Farhat to all of them. After that, they start moving, after and half of way to reach their destination, they suddenly stopped and Farhat out from his car. "Well, now what?" ask Gerald by seeing Farhat out from the car. Suddenly Katarina out form the car too. "What happened?" ask Katarina to Farhat. "About the forest in front of us, there is some weird monster and really dangerous, so why we need your help, we can't kill those monsters by ourself" said Farhat to Katarina.

"Alright, I'm understand, I'm gonna tell to my team leader" said Katarina to Farhat. After that Katarina and Farhat get back to their car, "what happened madame?" ask Jembot to Katarina. "We gotta be prepared, there is some monster inside the Forest in front of us" said Katarina to all of them. not long, all of the entourage in there start to move again. After an minutes of trip, they already arrived the forest. "Damn, why they driving really slow in such of place like this" said Gerald that really pissed off. "Calm down man, they just want to see us in action" said Jembod to Gerald.

"But, is it more fine if we don't engage with any monster attack?" ask Gerald to Jembod. "No, we can show to the world how strong we are if we can killed an higher rank monster" said Jembod to Gerald. "Huh, okay bro, I trust you, after what you did yesterday was really epic I said, but, how about you, madame?" ask Gardonio to Katarina. "I don't feel so good right now, I think, it's something big and huge in here would come" said Katarina to Gerald. Gerald start nerveous after Katarina say that, "Come on, madame, don't say such a thing to him, he had a monster phobia" said Jembod to Katarina.

"No- No, I'm not scared with any monsters, I just feel disgusted when I near with them" said Gerald try to hide his fear. But suddenly an tree branch fell down to their car roof, "AAAAAAAA MONSTER" Shout Gerald histerically. "See, madame" said Jembod half laughing. Katarina just keep quiet and made Jembod lost his joking mood then started to feel silent too. "Attack!" some sound come from the front of their car convoy. Suddenly some of people bounce off from there. "What happened!" said Gerald to all of them.

"It's time, prepare yourself!" said Jembod to Gerald, Jembod, Alex and Tremor run to the front of the car convoy to help them. "They actually changed a lot" said Katarina that just came out from the car. "That's the truth madame, everyone will lost their mind after achieving a big things, and forget who was the one that support them from nothing to be like that" said Gerald to Katarina. Katarina just keep quiet and don't move to the battle location. "Why wouldn't you join them madame?" ask Gerald again to Katarina. "I will let them, they can take care of that, just a small monster, not as I thought" said Katarina to Gerald.

After a while, Jembod and others back again after finished the monster, "Just a little monster, and their guard really weak, one punch and they bounce off, they should recruiting more powerfull guy for their reinforcement" said Alex to Gerald an Katarina. "Good, now let's move" said Gerald to Alex. "Yeah, that was some cute monster" said Jembod with a little laugh. After that, they start moving again, and already out from the forest.

"Something happened" said Katarina to all of them. "Stop the Car! Now!" shout Katarina to Gerald. Gerald suddenly stop the car, "What happened madame, you missed something?" ask Gerald to Katarina. Suddenly Katarina out from the car and pull of her swords, "You feel it to madame, I know you will" said something inside her body whisper to Katarina. Katarina raise her swords "Divine Fire!" shout Katarina, the blade suddenly put out fire and Katarina start to slash it to front of her. The blue sky suddenly turned black, and a drop of water with really stinky smeel that maybe placed in a monster throat.

"All of you move back now!" said Katarina while she move faster to search way out from there. "What the, this is disgusting!" said Gerald, he starts to move back the car, but the place goes vertical, just like the monster wake up and start to swallowed them. "What happened!" Ask Farhat to his driver. "We getting swallowed by a monster sir" said his driver to Farhat and others important people in the car. "What! This can't be happened!" said Farhat to his driver. All of them starts praying for their safety.

Katarina suddenly see the monter start stand up and the body goes vertically, "Dash of Hydra!" suddenly she cut through the thick and hard monster Throat and skin. Katarina already out from the monster and she see an Giant Crocodile with a hunderds of extra hand with every element on it, the monster feel hurt cause Katarina made a really big hole through the monster throat. "So this is it!" Katarina start attacking that monster. "Madame, you can move faster, your main element is fire, second is lightning, third is Ice, and water with wind, and you can create a light slash the greatest power of madame Yuki" said some sound inside her whisper to her.

"I understand!" said Katarina, and then she starts to battle using speel to the monster after slash 30 of the monster hand with only 1 second slash. "AAAAA, PLEASE SAVE US!" Shout Gerald cause their car almost reached the main burn enzim of the monster. "None of our tool work for this monster, this monster body is to thick" said Jembod while keep triying to shoot the monster, and almost all of the Sand city guard in there using all of their power to kill the monster, but none of it can hurt the monster from inside.

"Fire hell, dragon bless" said Katarina, suddenly a fire came out from her hand and tied the monster the monster try to throw a lot of rocks and fireball from it's hand, but Katarina can evade it faster and keep locking the monster, but suddenly she see that everyone inside the monster will enter the burn enzim of the monster. "Ice cube!" said Katarina and suddenly a lot of ice pillar come and stab the monster from the back, it made the monster drop back to the ground and stop all the car inside the monster body entering the burn enzyme zone.

"Argh!" said Farhat after their car stop moving and drop back, "Move back now!" said one of the Farhat assistant" they start moving but a lot of car block them in the back, some of the car wont start. Katarina still fight the monster alone, the monster hand move so fast that Katarina had a hard time to attack those monsters, all her can do is to dodge all of the monster hand. "This time, Sword of Fang!" said Katarina while move as fast as light and stab the monster from the sky. The monster shout a horrifying sound and spill a lot of blood from it's mouth.

Katarina suddenly jump back to the sky followed by the monster hand, and as fast again Stab the monster head from the sky and made the monster head separated from it's body. "I must get them out from this monster before I finish it with deadly lightning strike" said Katarina to herself. Inside the monster stomatch, all of them keep pray and stay in their car, "Oh my, I hope everything fine" said Farhat that really scared. "Lightning pulse!" said Katarina from the side of the monster and near the burn enzim of the monster, that pulse from her swords cut the monster apart and spill some of the burn enzim out.

After that, Katarina move inside the body that already opened to meet all of them, "Run!" said Katarina to them, all of them start running faster and out from their car, some of the car that still can move brought out by the driver, "Sir, we already out, thanks to Katarina who cut his monsters" said the driver to Farhat, but suddenly a lot of mini monster come and attacking their car, their car flipped and thrown to the side of the road. "Attack them all!" said one of the Sand city guard in there.

Jembod an others still try reverse their car and reach the monster head that already cut of by Katarina, "All of you get out!" said Jembod to them. "After they out from the car, some of the monster hand reach them and grab them. the monster hand take their energy faster but Katarina came and cut the monster hands that Grab Jembod and others, after that, a wind as extended hand of Katarina grab them back and Katarina bring them back to the cars, Gerald that waiting in there fell scared and freezed a bit. "Here, take them away from here!" said Katarina as soon as she arrived to there. But suddenly the monster head move and try to bite them with mouth full of fang teeth.

"Wind blow" said Katarina and as fast her hand shoot an really high pressure wind, as soon as the monster pushed toward the sky. Katarina move to to the near monster head and push the monster head using the wind blow power again back to the Monster body with high speed and destroy all of the hand, everything in there had a little shocked and blew a little, while the monster start scream horrifying sound and release an extraterial power, that is an biter shadow that can take every soul near the monster.

"The condition is safe, I can use my power" said Katarina after look to surround to check if there is another people in there, she start T-posing and release a high bold lightning from sky a long with fire that melt the monster faster, the power gone and the monster shout it's last horrifying sound. "Did you see your potential madame?" ask some sound inside her body. "Who am I, I could do this?" ask Katarina to that sound, "You are extraterial creature, you are more than anything in here, no one can beat you" said that sound again to Katarina.

"How? I still don't understand about this all, all of the power just come through my mind and it's real, like, I'm a creator" said Katarina that still confused by her ability. "That's the truth milord, you wanted to be nerfed cause everyone don't like your power, and now, show it to them" said that sound again to Katarina. "If you are me, you shouldn't said that" said Katarina to that sound. "It cause the hurt that I take this long time before meet you milord" said that sound again to Katarina.

Suddenly the monster hand start to move and shoot a bolt lightning poison to sky, Katarina hit back the monster from sky and made a huge shockwave that made the monster hand disappeared like ash. "It's all done" said Katarina whill pull in her swords back. After that she start looking for wounded guy in there. "Are, this is like the old me, only made everyone burden when beside me, like Serenia, eh, rhis wound really dangerous, I must help him now" said Katarina to herself.

Suddenly that guy made an stop handsign to Katarina, "don't waste your power, help our leader, he's the most important in here" said that guy to Katarina. "No! everyone is important here, you all must stay alive, I can heal you all by myself so just keep calm and don't make a lot of movement" said Katarina to that guy. "Once again, I'm not important, I'm just an ordinary guard, better I died here than my leader" said that guy again to Katarina. Katarina won't answer him and keep healing his wound.

"Done!" said Katarina to him, that guy finally can stand. "Now, call an emergency to help us here, your city is the nearest here, so it would be faster if you call the emergency from your city" said Katarina to that guy. Suddenly that guy grab his phone and start calling emergency while Katarina searching for the pther people. "Help! Help me!" someone shouting from a wreck car beside the road that start burned. Katarina start approaching the car and open the door by all of her strength.

"Grab my hands!" said Serenia to that guy. "I can't, my hand wounded a lot and I can't move it" said that guy to Katarina. "Here, take our Leader, sir Farhat" said that guy to Katarina. An hand come out from that guy back. "Help me, I can't breathe here" said Farhat from inside. Suddenly Katarina grab Farhat head, after a minutes, she finally can pull Farhat out from that car. "Run madame! The car will be exploded, just let us, it's okay" said that guy to Katarina. Katarina start runaway from there and carry Farhat that injured away from the car. After a minutes, the car exploded.

"I still can't save everyone even though I have a great power" said Katarina to herself while looking back to the exploded car. Suddenlyother guards come and approaching Katarina. "Ah, thanks a lot madame, you can save our Leader" said one of the Guard guy to Katarina. "Eh, I think I'm not, still a lot of people inside the car that I can't save" said Katarina to the guard guy. "Don't worry madame, as long as sir Farhat save, you dn;t need to blame yourself, wea ll ready to die to protect him" said the guard guy to Katarina.

Katarina just fell silent, suddenly other guard guy comes, Emergency inooming" shout the guard guy who just arrived. After that everyone who injured carried by the emergency car and the other car that still can be used there. "Stop, I need to talk to her" said Farhat to some nurse that carry him inside the emergency car. "Katarina, thanks a lot, but, as you know, we still don't have money to paid the previous money and current mission money, we don't know how to paid it, and as you see now, we actually trapped by the Kafka city, actually I just want to paid it when I got the money after we helped Kafka city before, but, they played us" said Farhat to Katarina.

"No, you don't need to pay, as long as you still alive, you can ask my help freely" said Katarina to Farhat. "Thanks a lot, Katarina, I will always remember it" said Farhat to Katarina, after that, Farhat entered the emergency car and headed back to the Sand city. Suddenly Gerald come to Katarina, "Madame we must fast, Jembod and others condition getting worse" said Gerald to Katarina. "Eh, okay" said Katarina, but suddenly something tell Katarina that she can do an teleportation. "Wait, Gerald, I think I have some idea, get in the car now" said Katarina to Gerald.

After Gerald entered the car, Katarina suddenly burn the car, "Whaaaa!" shout Gerald histerically, and suddenly after the fire exthingushed, the car spawned in front of Palace main door. "What the, ah, forget it" said Gerald to himself. Gerald immediately out from his car and call the emergency team, "Emergency, there is 3 people that injured so bad in here" shot Gerald to them, Immediately all of the nurse and doctor emergency team come and pick Jembod and others. After that, Katarina arrived just in a second.

"Madame, how could you do that?" ask Gerald to Katarina. "I don't know, it's just my instinct, I thought you guys burn to death in there" said Katarina to Gerald. "What? You try to kill me?" Ask Gerald to Katarina angrily. "Some sort of that" said Katarina while walking away from him. "What, madame, you can't do this to me" said Gerald to Katarina. But suddenly someone blocked him, "Sir, you must get some medical check too, as we check from the body that you bring in here, they had some dangerous virus inside their body, so, you must be isolated now" said the people who blocked Gerald. "What, hey, you must be joking, right?" said Gerald that scared by that guy words.

"Bring him" said that guy, immediately a lot of nurse and medics with protective suit come and bring Gerald. "hey, stop, I'm fine, noooo!" said Gerald. Meanwhile in Lord room, a lot of people come to there and asking Lord a lot of stuff. "Wait, I don't know this would be happened, I will ask her after I meet her, so we know the conclusion from all of this" said Lord to them, Lord started walk away, and all of the people that ask him being helded by all of the Lord servant. "Enough for today, come back tomorrow when we got the information" said one of the Servant to them.

"How could this be happened" said Lord to himself. "What happened?" ask Katarina that just meet with Lord. "Ah, you already checked?" ask Lord to Katarina. "Checked? What must be checked in me?" ask Katarina again to Lord. "Let me check yourself" said Lord to Katarina. "Eh, hey, what happened?" ask Katarina confused. Lord start to Point his hand to Katarina head. "It's impossible, how could you don't get any virus" ask Lord to Katarina. "virus? What kind of things is that?" ask Katarina again to Lord. "wait for me in the rooftop, I will call another creator to talk about this" said Lord to Katarina.

"Eh, okay" said Katarina to Lord. Katarina start moving towards to the rooftop. Along her trip to the Palace rooftop, she thinkin about how if she actually made another mistake that caused Lord feel panicked. After reaching the rooftop, she remember something, that is the day she still talking to Serenia. "That time, I don't want to remember it again" said Katarina to herself.

Katarina start searching for some chair to sit, "Milord, can you hear me, we are in danger" said the sound from inside her body. "What do you mean?" ask Katarina to that sound. "Just better run now!" said that sound to Katarina. Katarina suddnely try to run, but someone shoot her with some anesthetic. Katarina suddenly fall down asleep to the ground. "Akh, what happened actually, i-I can't move"

Suddenly a lot of people that using protective suit bring her. "Watch out, she's dangerous" said one of that guy. "I- am I, I don't know what happened, but, why they do me like this, where is Lord, ah, I don't care about him again. Maybe after this, I will never trust him again.

To be continued