
A light in the dark age of Creation

The creators of the world and all of their god and goddess try to make a better world, but some of them only think for themselves. and spread hateness to everyone and kill their creation to start a war sooner and later, everything will joined and made a big chaos will they survive? with help of light they will see everything

CLEO_ZIP · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 14 : Trust me!

"Fast, bring him inside and give him a medical treatment" said Gardonio as soon as he arrived to the main Palace with other Creator that bring god body. "Gardo, we must pick Firdaus too, he's injured so bad right now" said Peranx to Gardonio. "Akh, why wont you tell that at the first time, did you see him?" ask Gardonio to Peranx. "No, but we will search for him" said Peranx to Gardonio. Not long after that, Katarina arrived and bring Firdaus to them, everyone in there shocked and slowly walked away step by step. Katarina just put Firdaus body there and start walk away too to make sure they can take Firdaus body fatser if she not near with them.

After that, some of medical team start to pick Firdaus body and bring him as fast as they can to the treatment room. Everyone in there start entered the main Palace and so other creator without saying any words to Katarina. "Ah, they actually hate me right now" said Katarina to herself. Suddenly others creator arrived and look at Katarina, they stare to her with eye full of hate. Katarina just fell silent and walked away from there, she start to shed her tears by that look of them. "Am I just need to leave now and start new life?" ask Katarina to herself

"What happened?" ask Everyone in the shelter. "The dragon finally defeated, but, be carefull with girl named Katarina, she still around this Palace, so if one of you meet her, tell us" said one of the Knight in there. "Alright, you guys can leave" said that Knight to all of them. all of the refugee in the shelter start to leave, so the others refuge that have disabilities, old person and pregnant person at the last. "Madame, Katarina already being our enemy, you must kick her out from Knight organization or it will get worse" said that Knight to Rin that just wanted to get out from that shelter.

Rin shocked when hear that, "Where is she now?" ask Rin to that knight. "As we heard from This palace security department, she already out from this palace main gate a minutes ago, but I don't know where she go now" said that Knight. Rin start run and try to chase Katarina, "Wait, madame, be carefull with yourself" shout that knight to Rin. After reaching the main gate, Rin ask to the gate keeper where did Katarina go, after the gatekeeper tell where did Katarina go, Rin continue her chase.

After a minutes, she finally found Katarina walking on the middle of forest. "Katarina!" shout Rin to her. Katarina start looking to her back and see Rin in there, she start to runaway from Rin cause scared. "No, wait, I need to talk with you" shout Rin again to Katarina. Katarina that try to runaway from her suddenly stopped. "Listen, I still trust you even you almost kill us all, and don't forget about Lord to that try to save you" said Rin to Katarina. "I, can't see that face again, that face with full of hateness on me, they really don't like me" said Katarina to Rin. "No, they just hate you today, tomorrow they will praise yourself" said Rin to Katarina. "No, I made all of this chaos and disaster, they will hate me forever even I paid it with my hardwork" said Katarina to Rin.

"No, there is a lot of reason why they called as a creator, they are the place where we can only hope, cause they are the stronger from the others and only they can do anything on this world, no one can beat them" said Rin to Katarina. "So, what does the point of that words?" ask Katarina to Rin. "You must already know it, not only strong at power, but strongat heart too, even Albara that bad to us, but he really loves us from the way he really full prepared before fight that dragon" said Rin to Katarina. "I still, cant forget those face, the way they look at me, just like I am a trashcan to them" said Katarina to Rin. "If you said so, me, god and Livanka will protect you from any of them, if they start to bully you, don't be shy to ask for some help to us, cause, we know, you are not the one who made this, but, you can end this faster than everyone, so, we already know that you already change, so, would you come back again and forgive all of them?" ask Rin to Katarina. Katarina think for a second and start nod to Rin.

"Okay, don't worry, we will always protect you even they try to attack you with all of their power" said Rin again to Katarina. After that, they start walking back to the Main palace. "No, don't worry, I will take care of her" said Rin to the gatekeeper. After that, the gatekeeper open the gate for them two. Inside the palace, there is a lot of chaos and body of dead creator. "Where we gonna buried them all?" ask some servant in there. "I don't know, just let him here, take care the others that already have a place, and for the others which don't have a place will be burned" said the other servant in there.

Katarina only bowed her head, "That dragon attack really worse isn't it, this is our brave hero that ready to die to protect us" said Rin while looking at all of the dead creator body. "30, well, that ain't much, the worse is Herb tinnitusa that almost a hundred creator die when try to fight those creature" said Rin again while still looking for all of the dead bodies and still bring Katarina to the Main palace. "Well, we arrived, now get in there and don't look after them, just go to your room and act like nothing happened" said Rin to Katarina. "Why you bring back those disaster to this palace again" said Albara from his wheelchair that just suddenly arrived. "She's not an disaster or anything else that bad for us, she's not the one who blamed of for this tragedy, she's still young and don't know a lot of things, so, please forgive her" said Rin to Albara. "No, take her out from here before I start to make her as a thief and attack her to death" said Albara angrily to Rin.

"No, don't do that, just please forgive her, I sure she will be fix anything that already destroyed in here" said Rin to Albara. "Attack her!" said Albara. Suddenly half of the creator came out and start Attacking Katarina. But, Katarina push them all with only one hand, so to all of their attack. "I know it, thank you for trust me before madame Rin" said Katarina to Rin and suddenly walked away from there. "what the, how could she do that" ask Albara to Rin. Everyone in there scared when Katarina pass by infront of them. "They have already lost a lot of respect by that to me, so, why I must keep stay on that Palace, better I leave and start searching for some new life" said Katarina to herself.

"Katarina" said Rin to herself with heart full of regret. "Everyone, fix all of this mess, I don't want this palace turned into a blood party" said Albara to all of the servant. The next day, Albara announced that Katarina is not belong to the Palace again, Lord to agree with that, and everyone in there happy cause the palace will getting safe, and then Irah give an announcement that every Creator can take an heavy mission but with some reqruitments and rule, at first Albara denied that, but after Irah tell that they need to improve their battle skill, Albara agree with it.

After that meeting, Rin call every knight member to meet again at their new room and announce that Katarina is not belong to all of them again. "Yeah, that girl already out from this organization" said one of the female knight member in there. "So, after that, maybe I will change some rule again and appointed new co-leader of you all" said Rin again to all of them, after choosing Silvia as a co-leader and change some rules, Rin disband them. "Hey, why you always fell silent all this day, Is that something bad happened to you?" ask Silvia to Ferdich. "Ah, no, I just bored by this organization" answer Ferdich to Silvia.

"Hmm, not usually you said that, but, maybe you need a time for it, so don't worry" said Silvia to Ferdich. Ferdich just fell silent and leave that room, Silvia still confused for what happened to Ferdich currently. "Hey, you want to go to canteen?" ask Allan to Silvia. "Uh, yeah, thanks, but I'm on diet right now" answer Silvia to Allan. "well ok, if you change your mind, meet me at canteen, you need a healty food to for your diet" said Allan that start walk away from Silvia.

"Does something pushed him? Or? Ah, whatever, someday I will know" said Silvia to herself. In the centar room of Palace, Rin meet with Lord, "Ah, your highness, can I ask you something?" ask Rin to Lord. "Anything, and stop call me your highness" said Lord to Rin. After that, they go to the centre waterfall in front of the Palace, "Hmm, about Katarina?" ask Lord to Rin. "yeah, you pick her to like me and Livanka, right? Did you know anything about her?" ask Rin to Lord. "Not much, but she is one of the stolen kid from an forbidden castle in my friends world, his name is Wilde, that currently crowned as the King of mixed Creature, and, I try to keep that as a secret with him, actually, she's not born from a female body, and she's can take any power in this world to her, but, the higher is the dragon itself, the ultra SSS creature, I don't know how she could do that, and actually, she's not an mixed Creature, her race is unindentified, but, by that kind of her, I trust she's one of the superhuman like Natalya" said Lord to Rin.

"So, after she got the dragon power, she will know everything, and I just let her go or anything will get worse, and after she's know about everything clearly, I want her to back here as a Creator, but, I hope she will accept it, cause, she's a hard person unlike your sister Livanka, and I hope, she never work together with Serenia, cause it will be bad for us" said Lord again to Rin. "Superhuman? Like extraterial creature of us?" ask Rin to Lord. "No, it more than it, her power is unindentified until now, I know it all was Wilde mistake, I already warn him at first place, but he trust he will gain more power from that forbidden castle, and ended got that kid's that still a little, and something inside the castle talk to him to keep that child or die instantly inside that castle" said Lord to Rin.

"Hmmm, I knew it now, so, you let her only to search the meaning of her power and allow her back, but how about other creators? Did they agree with that too?" ask Rin again to Lord. "I still don't tell them about this, but, I will, so, I just need a time also Katarina too until they forgot about all of this" said Lord to Rin, in others side of the Waterfall, there is Ferdich hear all of their conversation, and suddenly he walk away from there. "I just wanted to know her a lot, but, yeah, she was a very hard to know even really like to share some stories, and, she's really kind too, but, I still can't believe that she was not born from an human or something else" said Rin to Lord.

"Yeah, that's all the truth about her, and I even don't want to tell that even she knows it, I just don't want to made her lose some respect to me" said Lord again to Rin. "By they way, thanks, I really got a lot of usefull information of her from you" said Rin to Lord. "But, she isn't here anymore, why you need such that information" ask Lord to Rin. "nah, I just fell curious about her, how did she can be like that, something that even we don't know how to do it" said Rin to Lord. "Ah, well, just keep my information, and don't tell anyone about this" said Lord to Rin. "Okay, I will keep it in mind" answer Rin to Lord.

After that, Rin left Lord that still sit in there, "Huh, I hope you will back as soon as possible, Katarina" said Lord to himself. Inside the Palace, Katarina look after Jembod and others that still got some serious treatment after the Crocodile monster attack to them, "How was their condition?" ask Rin to one of the Doctor in there. "Normal, we will start recovery of their body soon, and zero virus detected" said the doctor to Rin. "Thank you for saving their life, I don't know how much I paid for this" said Rin to that doctor. "Nah don't worry, we work for helping others by our heart, not others" said the Doctor to Rin.

Rin leave that room and head back to her office, suddenly he meet Silvia in the middle of her way to her office, "Madame, there is something that I want to tell you" said Silvia to Rin. "Hmm, ok" said Rin back to Silvia. After that, they go to canteen, "Well, what you wanna talk to me?" ask Rin to Silvia. "This about Ferdich, something different from him today, I don't know why, but it seems he hiding something that made him really sad" said Silvia to Rin. "Hmm, don't worry about him, maybe he still need a time after what he did before, yeah, that's good for us if that troublemaker will change" said Rin to Silvia.

"About that, I don't think he will change, cause I know him well, but today, it seems different, I cant even read his mind well" said Silvia again to Rin. "Hmm, alright, I will give him a mission to his team tomorrow, I will look it from the mission result and their teammates stories" said Rin to Silvia. "And, about Jembod and others, how was their condition now?" ask Silvia again to Rin. "They currently on stable condition, so, no need to worry about them now, now just look after the other Knight, post-war is a critical condition for their mental especially cause them the one who guarded all refuges" said Rin to Silvia.

Suddenly a big explosion sound come from the back of the Palace. All of the Knight and god/goddess come to the explosion location and see that one of the dangerous monster ever held released from the cage. "Everyone stay away from this location" said one of the Goddes in there, all of the god and goddess in there start to seal back the monster and Knight try to distract the monster. But the monster really strong, the monster blow an highspeed wind and destroyed the backyard of the palace.

But, luckily, no one injured in there, and suddenly one of the creator in there come, "Just in time" said that creator to himself. After that, the other creator come from his back, and after all of the dust gone, a shield appeared, that shield was protecting them from the Monster attack before. "Good job, Nixon" said Gardonio to him. "Thanks, I almost late at first, but, seems the monster getting weak overtime" said Nixon to Gardonio. "From now on, all of the Creator will join all of the battle with all of you guys, no more gap between us, and no more rules that said Creator is the king of all, we all king and queen, don't be shy to ask help from us, even it's a worst rank mission for you all, with all of our hearts, we will help you all, and now, let's face the monster in front of us together!" said Firdaus to all of them. All of them start shouting and rush the monster together.

"Firdaus start to tie the monster with his spiral light and all of the ranged and magic unit start attacking from mid range while the melle unit attack from close range. "You ain't nothing for us!" shout Gardonio while giving buff to all close range unit, the buff give them more power and speed. "Wow, this is the true Creator power, I can feel my self 10 times stronger than before" said one of the knights in there which get buff from Gardonio. "Protective suit!" said one of the creator in the support line. "Ranged buff! Bless of an angelic arrow!" shout Livanka that just come, that power give buff to all ranged and magic unit, and spawn her angelic bowqueen that shoot the monster with fullpower. The monster start attacking but the close range unit keep distract and wound the monster, the monster can't attack well with full accuracy and keep shooting the lava jar to the sky. Suddenly a 50 big tornado approach the monster along with big water tsunami that drop the monster. The monster fall to the water flood and keep hit by the close range unit in the water along with tornado that made by Martha. The water start turning to water spout and rise the monster to the sky. "Angelic storm bow!" shout Livanka, the angelic and suddenly the bowqueen shoot an high voltage of bow to the monster.

After the bow hit the monster, the bow start shock the monster and suddenly the tornado clouds release an extreamly lightning that cut off the monster body, "It's time, wind dash!" shout Gardonio, he start moving faster and cut the monster body again from left to the right. "Attack as fast as you all can!" shout Gardonio that come back again to attack the monster. All of them start more intense to attack the monster in it's weak condition to prevent the monster back to it's normal form. Suddenly a meteor dropped from the sky and hit all of them including the monster, none of the creator in there can call a meteor like that, and suddenly the suppor and medical line start to search for injured people cause by that meteor impact, the protective suit buff can't protect them well.

Not long, another monster come from the sky, and the monster that they attack before died by that impact. "Leave the highground, don't distract the monster or we will get a lot of trouble, as a support, we couldn't do much for such a monster like that. "said Firdaus to all of them. "But sir, we can win if we had support like Livanka and miss Martha, including Lord in our healer squad" said one of the Goddes in there. "No, we better heal all of the ranged and melle squad, or we done by one hit of that monster, you see that meteor that he sent to us" said Livanka to that Goddes. "But, ain't that thing will found us" said that Goddes again to Livanka. "No, as long as we didn't distract the monster, it wont found us, unless the monster had some brain to do a search.

"Everyone, we all the melle unit still safe, and we will start distract this monster as long as we can, you guys please help the ranged unit, some of them got hit and some even crushed by that meteor" said Gardonio by in line call connection of all creator to all of the creator at support and medic line, along with the backup combat line. "Alright, but don't distract the monster to far or we will be in trouble" said Firdaus again to Gardonio. "Let's move to the impact place, we must fast, cause a lot of them injured in there" said Firdaus to all of the medic and support squad. After that, they start to move to the meteor impact place. Gardonio start grow bigger in half of the monster, and start push the monter down, but the monster stronger and punch Gardonio, Gardonio bounced away but set his blade near there and teleport in there, he start cutting the monster legs, but the blade shattered apart and won't hurt the monster a bit, Irah with her swords start slash the ground apart and made the monster drop to the abbys that made by irah swords. But the monster keep hang in between the abbys by his feet and hands, but other melle unit start do a ranged tactics and hit the monster by their attack. "Gold shatter!" said Peranx, and and gold colored slash start to slash the monster, and made the monster fall to the deep abbys.

"Yeah!" said all of the melle unit in there, but, suddenly the monster came back from the abbys. "Wait, this thing can fly?" ask some God in there, "Nothing is impposible, so don't be happy first before we actually see a monster died in front of our eyes" said Gardonio to that God. "Ah, damn, how we could win?" ask that god again to Gardonio. "We can, but it takes a long time" answer Gardonio to him. Gardonio and Irah start call their angel blessing and it same big as the monster, they start to attack the monster really fast, Irah slash the angel blade to the monster but the monster can handle it, not long the monster spawn other hand and start hit Irah angelic bless, Irah which inside the angelic Bless ass the angelic bless brain, almost fall along with her angelic bless, but suddenly Peranx can hold Irah and her angelic Bless and made her stand back, while Gardonio keep attacking the Monster.

"Thanks, I had been not in battle for a long time, so I still cant control my angelic bless body well right now" said Irah to Firdaus. "Don't worry, we all still not in our greatest performance, so, this is our another startup to bring back our power back" said Firdaus to Irah. Firdaus start move back to the monster and Slash the monster back faster from the air, while Gardonio and other keep attack the Monster.

One sword slash hit the monster and break his outer shield. And they can start attack the monster freely, while Peranx keep supporting from the distance by his gold slash, "We can win this and kill this monster now!" said Gardonio, with his angel bless body, he punch the monster right in the monster face, and made the monster knocked to the ground. And Irah slash the monster apart as fast as she can using her angelic body and her. The monster body now slash apart, "Are we win?" ask Gardonio to himself. Suddenly the monster wake up, and grow a new body for each part of the cutted body, now there is two of the monster.

"We done right here" said Gardonio, "Don't be scared, we gonna tacke one each of us, and other will support us" said Irah to Gardonio. Suddenly Peranx fly and start to slash one of the monster as fast as light, "Nuke Slash!" shout Peranx as soon after he cut the monster apart, the monster start exploded and radiated by nuke power and can't regenerate again. "Ahk!" shout Peranx cause to much power that he used, and suddenly he fell down to the ground, by that power, the monster start to stepped on Peranx, but Irah come to save him as fast as she can. Irah finnaly can save Peranx right before the Monster stepped on him. After that, Irah bring back Peranx inside her Angelic bless body. "You did a very great job, now take a rest and let us finish the last one" said Irah to Peranx.

Gardinio punch the monster from the back and made the monster knock back to the ground, everty melle unit stab the monster in every inch of that monster and made the monster can't move again. "Great, now let me finish him! Everyone getaway from the monster!" shout Gardonio to all of them. "Blade pinch!" shou Gardonio, his blade from his angelic body start turning red and made an hot wind shock to every direction, while in other place, medic and support team still searching for the place of all ranged team. "What the hell was that?" ask one of the goddess from the medic team. "That's Gardonio power, only a few of Creator that had angel blessing body like that" said Livanka to that goddess.

Suddenly Yulnera come and shot that monster from Long range, "Tactical Bazzoka" shout Yulnera, and she fire and high speed Bazooka from her hand straight to the monster. That bazzoka strikes made and huge explosion. "What was that again?!" ask the goddess from the medic team again to Livanka. "That was one of power from Yulnera, she's the only one who can do a ranged and melle attack at once, she was very special for us, since she's the younger, she's very talented from all of us even she don't have angel blessing body" said Livanka to that medic goddess. "Wait a second" said Livanka again to that medic goddess. Livanka start jump high and spawn her angelic body and shoot the monster with thousand arrow.

After that, Yulnera fly through all of them and hit the monster by barehands, the monster start scream and a lot of green blood spil from the monster mouth. The monster suddenly lose consciousness, everyone in there shout happily cause the monster already dead, "Sorry I'm late, I must take care for some of the refuges" said Yulnera to Irah that came to her. "You're doing great, Yulnera, how can still you gain those power, while you never being in mission for a long time?" ask Irah to Yulnera. "Just a coincidence" answer Yulnera to Irah. "Wow, what an amazing power you got, not wrong why you could be an creator at younger age" said Peranx to Yulnera, but not long after that, the monster start to wake up again, just like living corpse, the monster mind and the body not synchronize each other, and made the monster move like controlled by something. "What the?" said Gardonio, "Get away from here! I will finish this thing" said Yulnera. Everyone in there start running away from there, "Hell Curtain!" said Yulnera and A Big volume of lava and fire come from the ground and start burn the Monster.

"Just die!" said Yulnera to herself hoping the monster will exthinguished by her power, but suddenly the monster hand came out from the fire and Punch Yulnera, but luckily Yulnera had a immunity shield so the punch from that monster wont hit her, But another power and a lot of minions army of that monster come from the fire that she made. In other place, Medic and Support team finally found the ranged team, all of them injured so bad. "Quick, help them medic team!" said Lord to all of them, all of the medic team start to heal them one by one as fast ast hey can. "Keep on guard, maybe the monster had some hidden army that we couln't know and will kill all of the medic team one by one" said Firdaus to all of the support team.

Suddenly the close range team arrived in there, "aaaa hot!" said one of the Close range team guy in there. And not long after that, Yulnera hellfire start getting bigger and wider and turn the sky into red. "What the hell, Yulnera, don't push yourself" said Livanka to herself. "GGRRAAAAHHH!" shout Yulnera as a lot of the minion army start approaching her, "Wind of Hell!" shout Yulnera, and suddenly a hot wind with toxic gas blow up from her and push all of the Minion army of that monster. "Ghhh, I can't stand anymore, I already use a lot of my power" said Yulnera to herself, the fire start went out and Yulnera fell to the ground. Everyone in other place confused by what just happened, "Does we win?" ask one of the knight in there. And suddenly the monster roar and heared by all of them. "Not yet" said one of the goddess in there.

"This is my limit, and now, maybe I will die in this monster hand" said Yulnera to herself. The monster want to punch her but suddenly she saved by something that moving faster. She shocked a bit, "Are you okay madame?" ask that person who save her. "Ah yeah thank you so much" suddenly Yulnera look to that person Face. "Katarina?" Said Yulnera Shocked. "Don't worry, I will take care of this monster, just wait here madame" said Katarina to Yulnera. Katarina start approaching that monster. "Fight me!" said Katarina to that monster. The monster start roar and attack Katarina by using it's barehands, Katarina can dodge it and start run, she run as fast as light and ready to punch that monster Head. "BAM!" the hit sound really loud and made an huge shockwave, Katarina aura start changing from Red blue to Black red.

Katarina jump back and start attack the monster usinf fire from the sky, the monster can't dodge any of that fire cause still had a shock effect on it's head, the monster body start burned, the monster start to heal itself by using that fire energy, but, it wont work cause the fire is really different from others fire, and the fire keep burn the monster until all of the monster body totally burned out and only half of bones left. "What the hell was that fire?" ask one of the knight in there. "We don't know, all of the creator power really uniqe and can be beaten" said the goddess in there.

"how Yulnera get that power?" ask Livanka to herself. "Well, looks like we win this time" said Firdaus to Livanka. "Oh, yeah, and maybe we need to keep working like this" said Livanka to Firdaus. Katarina back again to the ground from the sky and approach Yulnera again "You need some treatment now madame, get on my back, I will escort you to the medic team" said Katarina while lend her back and Couch to Yulnera. "Ah, thanks" said Yulnera and she start get on Katarina back. "Hang on" said Katarina, they start move and head toward to the medic team.

"This feel, something calm from her body, and her aura is same like first we meet even she one with the dragon" said Yulnera to herself. "does she?, ah nevermind, I feel so tired now, but, I must tell them this time, I must stay alive" said Yulnera again to herself. In the other place, all of the medic team still searching for other ranged team that maybe buried underground, all of the rescue dog dropped by some of the god and goddess in there to help them searching for other buried ranged team.

"We found one here, and, it's still alive!" shout one of the medic guy in there that helped by some knight, they started to dig the place, and there is one of the magic goddess that injured so bad, her left leg broke and she moaning in pain, "Hold up, we will give you a treatment" said the madic guy to her. Situation in there really chaos and noisy by a lot of people and pain moaning by a lot of ranged unit and half of melle unit. "Sir, we got 15 dead bodies of knight, a lot of injured and heavy injured god/goddess and knight, and only one creator got a little injured, the other creator still safe and in good condition" said one of the support knight to Firdaus. "Great, now keep help them treat the injured people" said Firdaus to that knight. "Yes, sir!" said that knight and start walk away to help medic team in there.

"This is worse, a lot of knight dead, and injured, we must recruit other knights to keep that organization alive" said Firdaus to Livanka. "Yeah, but, where do we gonna find it?" ask Livanka to Firdaus. "A lot of our people, maybe some of them will be the best knight, we must provide a budget for knight organization for that, maybe 1.000.000 gold" said Firdaus to Livanka. "I will tell Rin later, but maybe that's a bad idea since knight organization had a lot of people in it, maybe we will keep the knight current people, and recruit the knight other day when there is mass knight dead like this happened again, or, maybe if a lot of the knight left the organization, maybe Rin had some problem with controlling a thousand of people that had a different power and instinct in it" said Livanka to Firdaus.

"Well, I kinda agree and disagree with that, since our army not strong enough, I think knight would help them to keep this Palace safe, so, recruiting will be a simpler way to keep this palace safe and help us in next mission" said Firdaus to Livanka. "So, you mean, you will bring knight in a Creator mission?" ask Livanka that really confused to Firdaus. "Yeah, but, they will be our assistant, not a core for us, so, Knight will have a multiworks on this place rather than made a disaster" said Firdaus to Livanka. "I doubt, Knight really weak, they can't help us a lot, even, they will need help from us, just like what happened on lastest Jembod team mission where they had to fight an Ultra SS+ monster, they still can't wake up until now by all of the monster poison and energy wrapper" said Livanka to Firdaus.

"We too will took the limit, we will only bring the Knight team when we get an S+ and below mission, all of creator can took an knight mission too to help them if there is something unpredictable happened just like what happened to Jembod team, anyway, is Katarina still one of the Knight member?" ask Firdaus to Livanka. "No, she already kicked out" answer Livanka to Firdaus. Suddenly, Katarina arrived bring Yulnera on her back, everyone in there shocked and suddenly all of them became silent. "Ah, wait, all of my wound already healed, does she can heal too?" ask Yulnera to herself. "Katarina?" said Firdaus with small voices, Katarina start to drop Yulnera from her lap.

"Attack Her!" shout Peranx to all of them, "No, Stop!" shout Yulnera again to all of them. "She's our enemy now, Yulnera, now backoff and let us finish her!" said Livanka to Yulnera. "No! she's not our enemies, she's already change, trust me, if she made another mistake, just kill me, I trust her, she already change, and not controlled by that dragon again, just trust me, I will, I will take care of her" said Yulnera to all of them. "How could you tell that? And why did you trust her like that, don't you remember she almost kill all of us back that day?" ask Peranx to Yulnera.

"She's the one who killed that dragon, helped by Serenia, I know that by Lord who meet Serenia when chase after Katarina after that dragon beaten. And today, she's the one who killed that monster, I almost die in there by my arrogance that think I can save you all by myself, but, in my critical condition, she's come and burn that monster into ashes, and heal me by herself, and I can feel that she not controlled by that dragon again" said Yulnera to all of them. "Kill that monster? You must be joking, how much you paid by her?" said Peranx to Yulnera. "No, trust me, it's real!" said Yulnera again try to defend herself. "No, we ain't trust it, attack!" said Peranx to all of them.

"No, wait, I trust Yulnera, none of the monster can beat monsters" said Firdaus to all of them. "But, that dragon can kill the Crocodile, so we can doubt that" said Livanka to Firdaus. "No, the monster we faced today come from hell to, Natalya who lock him, and if another hell monster attack it, it will only give a buff to him, but, this case, the monster is dead and we still can see Yulnera, and of course, that power that we see before is not one of the Yulnera power, so, maybe Yulnera right" said Firdaus to all of them.

"That's right, Although I hate Natalya, but, she's one of the strongest and smartest woman ever, and that was really happened, and she tell that to me, this monster will get buff by any attack especially hell attack like Yulnera had, but only can be defeated by a crosscounter of hell attack, she controll Cerberus mind and bite this monster, evil defeated evil, that's how it works, and why I tell that cause maybe Katarina can control it, so, we will look after her from now on and help her to fully control it" said Albara to all of them.

They start to talk each other, Katarina just fell silent, "Alright, but, if she made another mistake and awaken that monster back, we will kill her instantly" said Peranx to Albara. Suddenly another meteor come, everyone in there start panic and try to runaway. But suddenly Katarina fly to the Meteor and cut the metor into two with her swords, and suddenly the meteor turn into ashes as it separated apart by Katarina slash, not done suddenly a big face come from sky and start howling, but Katarina run toward the face and activate her beastmode buffed by dragon power and slash that face with her hell swordslash, that slash made the sky turned red and black, and that face disappear instantly.

"What the hell!" said Peranx and some of the people on there following. Everyone start amazed by that power. Not long, Katarina came back from the sky, and everyone in there start shouting to Katarina. "She's true savior" said some of the people in there. Peranx just fell silent again, Livanka just amazed by what she see. "Thank you, That was the Hell leader face, and fur us, it need an hour to Kill it, but you only one slash it, so, I don't know how to say thanks to you" said Albara to Katarina. "Eh, no need to say that, I'm the one who say thanks to you cause still trust me" said Katarina to Albara. "Nah, don't mind that, how about, you welcomed back to Palace, and special gift awaiting for you" said Albara to Katarina.

"Eh? Gift, ah, I don't need it, welcomed back to the palace is enough for me" said Katarina to Albara. "Nah, you deserve it, but first, help all of us to heal the wound" said Albara to Katarina

"That girl, she took one of my greatest Pet, now, she will pay for that!"

To be Continued

sorry for no update last week guys, i'm busy on playing game and forget to release this chapter

CLEO_ZIPcreators' thoughts