
A Life Of Wealth

A story about an ordinary man, heartbroken and down on his luck, who suddenly becomes a millionaire... Murong Feng faces depression, poverty, and love issues as he transitions from university life to the real world. But his life takes a dramatic turn when he unexpectedly comes into millions of yuan, thrusting him into the world of the wealthy and new challenges. As he navigates this newfound fortune, Murong Feng must decide how to manage his wealth, cope with the changes in his daily life, and discern the true intentions of the new people around him.

Shazame · Realistic
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30 Chs

The Performance

Liu Xin stayed in Beijing for a few days and, with Liu Yang's direct assistance, successfully completed the company's integration procedures. All that remained was technical testing, and once that was finished, the product could go live. This meant that the company would soon start generating revenue!

Despite being extremely busy, Liu Xin was in high spirits. Seeing Murong Feng lounging around idly annoyed him, prompting Liu Xin to insist on establishing a branch office in Beijing and hiring more staff. He complained that frequent trips to Beijing for post-integration tasks with the telecom operators would be exhausting if he had to keep flying back and forth.

When Murong Feng suggested moving the entire company to Beijing, Liu Xin explained that he had grown accustomed to life in Shenzhen. Furthermore, the key members of the "Night Fox Studio" development team had lived in Shenzhen for many years, some having settled there with families. Relocating everyone to Beijing would be too complicated and difficult.

Murong Feng had no objections to setting up a Beijing branch office. However, since he was unfamiliar with the telecommunications business, he advised Liu Xin to hire an industry expert to manage the Beijing operations. This suggestion exasperated Liu Xin, who kicked him and exclaimed, "You're too lazy!"

After Liu Xin left, Murong Feng focused on the upcoming drama performance.

The Northern University Arts Festival was the most important cultural and artistic event on campus, with a history of nearly 40 years. Although North University wasn't an arts school, its profound academic influence made its annual arts festival a notable event in Beijing's university and arts circles. Many renowned artists were invited to participate in various festival activities, including painter Yan Bo, sculptor Li Zhen, and dancer Zhuoma. Among them was a famous drama artist, an actor and director from the People's Art Theater, Su Min, whose attendance was a testament to the Drama Club's sincere efforts. Numerous veteran artists, alumni of Northern University, would also attend the performances, offering critiques and guidance, which was the most exciting reward for all participating students.

The Northern University campus was abuzz with signs of the arts festival. From large promotional banners along the roads and giant posters on bulletin boards to colorful lights wrapped around trees, the festive atmosphere was palpable.

The festival, spanning a week, featured an international culture day with foreign students, a calligraphy and painting competition, cultural evenings, and dance contests. On the fourth day, the drama performance finally took place.

As the event approached, the new Drama Club members grew increasingly nervous. This was the first time the arts festival dedicated an entire day to a drama showcase, unlike previous years where it was just part of the cultural evening. Here, the experience of the alumni, honed by years of work, proved invaluable. They treated the performance as dream fulfillment, devoid of anxiety about winning or losing. They repeatedly advised the newcomers to perform with sincerity, just like during rehearsals, emphasizing that true passion would move the audience.

Murong Feng secured ten tickets for Ouyang Lanruo, who was thrilled and promised to bring colleagues to support him. Murong Feng didn't care whether she gave any to Tang Qing, assuming she might have forgotten her request by now. Such an exquisite yet aloof woman seemed unlikely to cross paths with him again.

The play performance that night at the Art Lecture Hall was a resounding success. Each play and every actor performed flawlessly, earning thunderous applause, especially Murong Feng and Ye Zi in the campus romance drama "Youth."

Although the student-written script lacked the artistic and intellectual depth of classic plays, even the Drama Club members viewed "Youth" as an ordinary production, focusing their efforts on classics like Shakespearean and Greek tragedies. Unexpectedly, it was "Youth" that received the warmest applause, despite fewer rehearsals.

This reaction was understandable. "Youth" depicted campus life, resonating deeply with the audience, who related to the romantic themes. The script's classic campus lines evoked waves of laughter and agreement. Moreover, Murong Feng and Ye Zi, both strikingly attractive, played their roles with such chemistry that even those unfamiliar with drama could sense the profound love between their characters, Chu Fan and Wen Hui. Thus, their final bow, hand in hand, was met with prolonged whistles and applause, leaving the Drama Club members backstage in awe.

Backstage, everyone congratulated Murong Feng and Ye Zi, even the usually critical Wang Yizhi. He laughed, "Murong, you're still as sharp as ever!" Ye Zi, elated, couldn't help but hug Murong Feng, "Murong, that was amazing. Thank you!" Her lively and excited embrace stunned everyone, but Murong Feng understood her feelings, gently returning the hug and saying, "Ye Zi, you were fantastic too!" Seeing her joyful smile and clear eyes, he wondered if he had been too cautious in avoiding her lately.

Just then, a middle-aged man in his forties entered the backstage dressing room. Spotting Murong Feng, he approached with a smile and extended his hand, "Are you Murong Feng? I'm an alumnus of Northern University, my name is Wang." Shaking his hand, Murong Feng asked curiously, "Mr. Wang, is there something you need?"

The man smiled warmly, "Yes, I watched your performance and thought it was excellent. I'm a director currently preparing a motivational youth idol drama called 'Striving Youth.' I believe your overall image and acting style suit one of the roles perfectly. I wanted to see if you'd be interested in filming a TV series."

When the members of the drama club backstage heard the man speak, they were stunned, their gazes towards him and Murong Feng filled with astonishment and excitement. Suddenly, a timid voice asked, "Are you Director Wang Yishui?" There was an immediate gasp, as everyone recognized this Northern University Photography Department graduate, who had just started gaining international recognition as a seventh-generation director.

Murong Feng also remembered who the man was. He quickly offered Wang Yishui a seat and pulled up two chairs, while the other club members gathered around, excited to get close to such a renowned director. Murong Feng, feeling both bewildered and surprised, asked, "Director Wang, I've only acted in school plays as a hobby. Moreover, I graduated three years ago and am just here to help out. Do you really think I'm suited for acting?"

Wang Yishui smiled, accepting a cup of water from a new member and thanking them before replying to Murong Feng, "Yes, I believe you are. The character in my drama is about a graduate struggling in society, with elements of campus romance and life experiences. I felt that you embody not only the youthful spirit of a student but also a certain depth from life's experiences. Hearing your background now, I'm even more convinced you're perfect for the role."

Wang Yizhi mumbled, "Murong's luck is unbelievable. If I'd known, I would have taken the lead in 'Youth' myself." Everyone burst into laughter, breaking the tension brought by Wang Yishui's presence. Murong Feng turned back, joking, "Old Wang, you should focus on directing big plays at the People's Art Theatre first!" More laughter followed.

Wang Yishui, having seen Murong Feng's performance and feeling he was ideal for the role, had rushed backstage to find him. Realizing the excitement in the room wasn't conducive to a serious discussion, he said warmly, "Murong Feng, please think it over. Our production starts in about a month. I'd really like you to join us. Here's my card; call me once you've decided." He stood up, addressing the group, "Your performance tonight was excellent. You're all very talented actors!" He waved goodbye as he left the dressing room.

After Wang Yishui left, Wang Yizhi, Du Lei, and a few other close friends surrounded Murong Feng, playfully teasing him. "Damn, why don't such good things happen to me?" Murong Feng, feeling exasperated, exclaimed, "Why does it feel like I keep hitting the jackpot lately?" Another cry followed as he was playfully shoved by his envious friends.

The drama performance was a huge success, with school leaders and artists from the People's Art Theatre coming backstage to praise the drama club. Zhuo Yuchen, as the club president, received high praise, especially from the veteran artist Su Min, who commended him for his excellent portrayal of classic characters, declaring the Northern University drama club's high standards. Wang Yizhi felt a shared sense of pride.

Murong Feng received a call from Ouyang Lanruo, who, along with Tang Qing, Xu Wei, and other female editors from the magazine, had attended the play. They all praised Murong Feng, "Little Feng, I didn't expect you to be such a great actor. Our beauties couldn't take their eyes off you during the performance!" She suggested treating Murong Feng and the drama club members to a celebratory late-night snack. Knowing the female editors were seasoned professionals from the fashion industry, Murong Feng quickly declined, fearing they'd overwhelm the club's young members. He thanked them for their support and promised to treat them to a meal another time, finally convincing Ouyang Lanruo to let it go.

Just as he hung up, another call came in. It was Tang Qing, her voice lazy but elegant, "Mr. Murong, I didn't expect you to be such a good actor. Congratulations on your successful performance. By the way, do you have time tomorrow for tea?" Though Murong Feng had been in good spirits, he felt a strange unease at her invitation. Instinctively wary of Tang Qing, partly due to her mysterious background hinted at by Zhao Feng and her cold demeanor at the Beijing Club, he declined, "Thank you, Miss Tang, but I'm afraid I've already arranged to play golf with a friend tomorrow." After a brief silence, Tang Qing responded coolly, "Alright then, another time." She hung up. Murong Feng felt relieved, grateful for his refusal despite needing courage and determination to turn down such a beauty.

After the performance, Ye Zi, who had been quietly reflecting in a corner, absorbing the intensity of her scenes with Murong Feng and the courage of their hug, watched him interact with the club members and handle a flurry of calls. Though only a few steps away, she suddenly felt a distant sadness. The play was over, and with it, perhaps their chances to meet again often. For the first time, the usually cheerful and sunny Ye Zi felt a pang of sorrow.