
A Life Of Wealth

A story about an ordinary man, heartbroken and down on his luck, who suddenly becomes a millionaire... Murong Feng faces depression, poverty, and love issues as he transitions from university life to the real world. But his life takes a dramatic turn when he unexpectedly comes into millions of yuan, thrusting him into the world of the wealthy and new challenges. As he navigates this newfound fortune, Murong Feng must decide how to manage his wealth, cope with the changes in his daily life, and discern the true intentions of the new people around him.

Shazame · Realistic
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30 Chs

A Night of Drunkenness and Tears

The night breeze was cool, and laughter filled the small restaurant near the back gate of Northern University.

The drama performance had been a great success, and both the new and old members of the drama club couldn't hide their excitement and joy. They discussed the highlights of the performance, teased each other about their nervousness, toasted each other, and drank freely. The senior members, especially Wang Yizhi, the director of the evening's performance, became the targets of enthusiastic toasts from the new members. Wang Yizhi's experience and his unique insights into the play had transformed their acting, showing immediate and remarkable results.

Murong Feng, having caught the eye of Director Wang Yishui for his performance in "Youth," became another focal point of admiration and envy. It had been a long time since Murong Feng had enjoyed drinking with a group of classmates. Feeling the atmosphere, he joined in wholeheartedly, drinking whenever he was toasted without any hesitation, earning cheers from his juniors for being a true man.

Ye Zi and a few other girls from the drama club sat together, chatting and drinking juice, watching the boys with amused smiles as they drank and played games. Jiang Lu, who had been chatting with another girl, noticed that Ye Zi kept glancing at Murong Feng with a hint of sadness in her eyes. Sensing something, she leaned in and whispered, "Ye Zi, do you like Murong Feng?"

Ye Zi, lost in melancholy over the thought that after tonight, she might no longer have those days of working and rehearsing with Murong Feng, was startled by Jiang Lu's direct question. Her hands trembled, and she spilled her juice, letting out a small scream that drew everyone's attention.

Zhu Yuchen, sitting closest to her, immediately grabbed a stack of napkins to clean up the spilled juice on the table in front of her. Not daring to touch her directly, he handed her the napkins and asked anxiously, "Are you okay?" Ye Zi thanked him and got up to go to the restroom to clean herself up. Jiang Lu, seeing Zhu Yuchen's continued concern for Ye Zi, felt a pang of sorrow.

In the restroom, Ye Zi looked at herself in the mirror, her cheeks flushed with a hint of red. Was it Jiang Lu's words that had embarrassed her? Her heart had been directly questioned—did she like Murong Feng? The answer surfaced immediately: yes! She liked his gentle smile, his captivating presence on stage, his deep eyes—she liked everything about him. Ye Zi made up her mind; if she liked him, she should tell him. After all, love required one to take the initiative.

Back at the table, Zhu Yuchen continued to show concern, but Ye Zi shook her head, assuring him she was fine. She avoided interacting too much with him to prevent any misunderstandings. Turning to Jiang Lu, she whispered angrily, "Lu Lu, you scared me to death with your nonsense!" The girls were close friends, and Jiang Lu chuckled softly, "I hit the mark, didn't I? It's written all over your face."

Murong Feng, however, was unaware of this small drama. He was engrossed in conversation and drinking with Wang Yizhi.

"Murong, are you going to accept Director Wang Yishui's invitation to act in that youth idol drama?"

"Honestly, I don't know. It all happened so suddenly. I'm still in shock. Besides, do you think I can act? I haven't done anything like this before." Murong Feng hadn't seriously considered the offer, finding it almost surreal, like a joke.

Wang Yizhi thought for a moment before saying seriously, "Murong, I think you can. From your stage performances, it's clear you get into character quickly. You have a presence that commands the stage—what we call stage presence. If you can translate that into screen presence, you'd outperform those so-called stars. They wouldn't even handle stage lines well. Those are just packaged products." Although Wang Yizhi hadn't been at the People's Art Theatre long, he spoke with the confidence of a seasoned artist.

Murong Feng laughed bitterly, "You're really flattering me. I hardly recognize myself from your description." He raised his glass, clinking it with Wang Yizhi's. "Well, we'll see. I'm a free man now. If I'm bored, maybe I'll join the crew and try acting. And you, old Wang, you better work hard at the People's Art Theatre. If you get to star in a major play, I'll definitely come to support you!"

Wang Yizhi laughed, "Of course, I will!"

Such drinking would inevitably lead to someone getting drunk, and the first to succumb was Zhu Yuchen.

After talking with Wang Yizhi, Zhu Yuchen understood the importance of the event and tried to suppress his feelings for Ye Zi to focus on the performance. However, watching Murong Feng and Ye Zi rehearse daily and grow closer was painful for him. Tonight, after a successful performance and receiving praise from school leaders and veteran artists, he was both proud and sorrowful. Proud of the success he had worked so hard for, and sorrowful that Ye Zi was no longer the cheerful vice president by his side. Since Murong Feng returned and hugged her, everything had changed. Drowning his emotions in drink, he soon became inebriated, murmuring Ye Zi's name, drawing sympathetic glances from everyone.

The others helped him to a sofa to sleep it off, while the new members, feeling some solidarity with him, turned their focus to making Murong Feng drink. Unaware, Murong Feng began to get drunk too.

How long had it been since he last got this drunk?

He recalled a night before graduation when he, overwhelmed with sorrow, didn't join the class party. Instead, he sat alone on an abandoned railway, drinking bottle after bottle under the cold moonlight, thinking of his parents, now gone forever. He drank until the pain became a sharp clarity. That night, he had been found by Nian Nian, who held him gently, her embrace the last warm harbor in his world.

Now, a bitter smile crossed Murong Feng's lips, and he drank more, feeling the pain of lost family and love. Even with wealth, what was the meaning of life?

Murong Feng's smile grew more bitter as he drank, and Ye Zi, noticing his change, whispered to Wang Yizhi, "Senior Wang, I think Murong is drunk. He shouldn't drink anymore." Wang Yizhi, understanding Murong Feng well, nodded and announced, "Alright, I think it's enough drinking for tonight. It's almost lights out. Let's wrap it up!" Everyone agreed, their own drinks having taken a toll. They decided to carry the half-asleep Zhu Yuchen back to his dorm. Seeing Murong Feng swaying, Wang Yizhi suggested finding a dorm to settle him in.

Murong Feng, though drunk, was still somewhat clear-headed. He insisted, "Old Wang, I'm fine. You guys take Zhu Yuchen back." Realizing he could still recognize people, the others bid farewell.

Ye Zi, still worried, offered, "I know where Murong lives, and I have a driver's license. Let me take him home." Wang Yizhi gave her a strange look, then nodded, helping Murong Feng into the back seat of his Mercedes SUV. After ensuring Ye Zi would be careful, he watched the car disappear into the night, thinking he might have given his brother a push.

In the back seat, Murong Feng drifted in and out of consciousness. Seeing the figure driving, with her flowing hair, he murmured, "Nian Nian, is it you? Do you know how much I miss you? How could you leave me? How could you bear to?" His voice, rising and falling, expressed deep pain and sorrow.

Ye Zi, hearing his heart-wrenching words, felt her own sorrow and tears began to flow. She understood his lingering love for his ex-girlfriend.

At Murong Feng's apartment, with the help of a security guard, Ye Zi managed to get the unconscious Murong Feng inside. After the guard left, she struggled to remove his shoes and outerwear, then wiped his face with a warm towel. Once he was settled, she sat beside the bed, gazing at his handsome, serene face. His sleeping form, devoid of his usual calm demeanor, looked soft and childlike. Overcome with emotion, she leaned in and gently kissed his lips. Heart pounding, she quickly left, closing the door behind her.

On the way back to school, Ye Zi recalled the night's events, Murong Feng's repeated calls for Nian Nian still echoing in her ears. Tears welled up again. If he hadn't forgotten his ex-girlfriend, what should she do with her feelings for him?