
A Legendary Reincarnation

Watch as Josh who is met with a mysterious man grants him 3 wishes and starts his journey on his way to become the most powerful thing of all in the entire universe and multi-verse with his life revolving around shin Godzilla. !!!WARNING ⚠️ READ BELOW!!! This story contains explicit content and can contain explicit images, if you are under 18 and can possibly get me banned bc of age ratings then don’t read , this is for my own reading preference and no others.

Default_Lemon · Action
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58 Chs

Chapter 22

<Third P.O.V>

An abyss of darkness held eyes to watch those that passed it.

It was locked away unable to wander the world… it didn't know how long it had been here at this point.

It's body was that of a great monster! The most powerful being to have ever existed! But was defeated by mere mortals who were blind by delusions that they were the new gods of the world.. but it had been here since before creation.. it has simply always been.. never created.

For a while all it was met with was darkness but then a strange being of power came through his space and started creating spheres of life and atoms.

It was fine with these creations and didn't show any dislike but then the being came after them… they enslaved them… rambling on about how it is dangerous and won't allow it to destroys their creations.

It cast powerful magic unto the creature locking it away in the depths of one of its creations with a sea of toxins and poison to prevent any from entering..

But that had long since failed.

It could sense a being of power and corruption make its way through the toxic sea before them and make it through with something following it in the distance.

The second being was strange… they could sense the power in them.. it was unlike anything they have ever seen.

It was their salvation.

The moment the being entered the toxic area it began to harness the power of the sick sea.

Before long everything began to shift in the creatures eyes as the green went away revealing the clear sea that it has not seen for millions of years.

In the center of all the emptiness and cleaned water it saw a crystallized organism that it did not recognize.. then again most things created by the powerful creator are unknown to them.

It couldn't move and it couldn't use much of its powers… but they could use some of it.

Casting a projection of itself it moved forward but stopped when it suddenly started to shake and crack..

Before long it finally broke open and the creature smaller than itself moved around.

It seemed to study its surroundings and before long it finally turned to face them.

The being could see that it was frozen in place not moving.

'Seems to be frightened' The creature thought to themselves as they studied the tiny creatures features.

The scent of the creature seemed female but the soul of it seemed male.

'Intriguing' The being studied the female/male being and saw it's large spikes and power that radiated from it.

If given the chance to evolve and grow bigger this creature can get more powerful than them!

The being moved forward to get a better look with their projection letting out a chuckle in seeing the tiny female/male creature scared half to death so it would need to take another approach.

Down sizing their projection, they made it to be a little bit smaller than the size of the creature and the creature resembled that of a Cobra snake/Blue ringed Octopus/Great white shark/Electric eel hybrid, the head of them was big and round with countless eyes but when made smaller it was with only around thirty.

The torso was mixed with an eel and with countless sharp and long tentacles covering their body making its length even bigger.

But it was all shrunk for the female or male creature to not be scared.

They stopped at about the size of 234 meters in height and 865 meters in length.

Seeing through the eyes of their projection they swam up to the creature who suddenly took a defensive position…. by hiding behind a big rock..

The creature sighed before letting out brainwaves in order to talk to them.


It was a bit hard to use it after all these years trapped so this was a fresh new reboot in using their powers.

The female lizard that hid behind the rock slowly came out but most of their body was still hidden in case it was being tricked.

The creature tried to speak but all that came out were roars which the being couldn't understand.


The creature then seemed to understand and started to think of something by to say.


The creature awaited a response but for a moment nothing came, they thought they did it wrong so they tried to do it again but they suddenly spoke silencing their thoughts.



The creature waited for a moment the said their name.


The being was intrigued with the mighty name but it did not seem to befit this tiny and scared creature.

'What..are..you' Shin asked nervously.

'I'm a being that transcends time, manipulated and created it…or at least I used to..'

The creature before shin finished their sentence in a sad tone… she also noticed that they sounded high pitched like a little girl or something.

'What do you mean used to be?..'

Shins massive form next to an equally massive creature was laying on a rock like lizard looking at Azazoth while her, I guess, projection was floating in the water.

'Those beings you called 'gods' brought me down by their master the creator… I don't understand their goal to be strong and rule over others… what is it they wish to gain in the end?' Azazoth spoke slowly as if they were a tired old man and looked to shin with all of her eyes.

'You don't seem to be of 'his' creation… you seem to be something much more than that… hm…your not from around here are you?'

Shin suddenly froze as she had been found out, but she knew this moment would come sooner or later.. so she decided to tell the truth but keep holes in it.

'S-sorta… I was once a human.. if you know what that is..'

Azazoth nodded and urged for shin to continue.

'I-I…I was taken here to be left alone and do what I desired.. truth be told I want to become stronger and go back… and see my mother'

Shin felt a green toxic tear leave her right eye before looking away from Azazoth and scoffing at herself for even mentioning something so stupid to such a powerful being.

Azazoth's mind seemed to wonder as if in thought before she made a decision.

'Would you like to help free me?'

Shin looked back with a surprised expression on her Godzilla face.

'I assume you see the massive being behind me correct?'

Shin looked behind Azazoth and still saw all of the massive eyes watching shin before she slowly nodded.

'That is my true form… but ever since I've been locked here I can't do anything… another being came here before you… but they didn't notice my presence, they're something evil.. something that can destroy the creators balance… just like you can.'

Azazoth said to shin before shin spoke.

'What are you getting at?' Shin asked with interest but also slight nervousness.

'Once you free me I will be able to help you… I have grown stronger over the years he has kept me here and he has been lazing about.. very foolish, but anyways… you may not trust me yet but if you make the decision to help me I will also help you.'

Shin looked away from Azazoth trying to find an answer before turning back and agreeing to help her.

Azazoth sighed a breath of relief as she would hopefully be able to stretch her limbs once more.

'So how do I..you know.. free you?'

Azazoth was about to speak her mind before she shuttered and looked off into space.

Shin confused at what was wrong with her swam up to her and waved or claws in front of Azazoth's eyes.

She suddenly snapped out of it before making a coughing sound.

'Well.. it's quite tricky actually.. I've identified that there are massive structures of powers located around this planet and others.. so far I've counted… a few million in total..and to free me you need to destroy them.'

Shins eyes widened as well as her jaws.

'A-a-a-a few million!?! How am I supposed to find a few million and probably counting structures that aren't even within my current ability to find and destroy!?'

Shin was rambling and lecturing Azazoth before a bead of sweat went down Azazoth's face.

'Well the good news is, is that they are all maintained by a total of five main structures which happen to be on this planet!'

Shin stopped rambling and processed her words before letting out a deep breathe of air and water.

'So I destroy these main ones and you'll be freed?'

Azazoth replied with an even more damning answer.

'Yes that should do it…but each pillar is heavily guarded by multiple creations of the creator and the structures themselves are close to indestructible.'

Shin rubbed her temples with her clawed hands and looked to Azazoth.

'Where are they located?' Shin asked with a tick mark on her head.

'That…I do not know exactly.. I can only feel then on this planet but their exact whereabouts… are unknown to me.. sorry shin.'

Shin took a deep breath and let out a scream in the back of her mind which was still heard by Azazoth making her cringe.

Turning back to Azazoth, shin was being reassured by her in attempts at calming her.

'I understand the harshness of these requirements… I am sorry for your current predicament in being stuck in this world, but do not fret you will not be starting this journey of yours weak!'

Shin perked up a bit at this and wanted to ask what she meant but Azazoth's projection lit up before dispersing and entered Shins body like particles.

'Woah' Shin gasped with amazement ad her body lit up a slight violet and then it stopped.

'Azazoth! Where are you?!'

'Relax, I am connected with you… I.. I can see everything you've seen and experienced now… incredible.. so I was correct.. your indeed a male stuck in a female body… funny.'

Shin heard Azazoth chuckle before getting a bit mad.

'Do not be angry shin… Ha! I could even change you back to a male if you'd like!'

Shin suddenly froze and asked her to repeat that.

'I can change you back to a male! Would you like that?'

Shin immediately said yes and then her body lit up.

She felt a change in her strength and muscles as well as her whole body before she felt something between her legs…

Looking down she saw the pride of every man..

To be continued