
A Legendary Reincarnation

Watch as Josh who is met with a mysterious man grants him 3 wishes and starts his journey on his way to become the most powerful thing of all in the entire universe and multi-verse with his life revolving around shin Godzilla. !!!WARNING ⚠️ READ BELOW!!! This story contains explicit content and can contain explicit images, if you are under 18 and can possibly get me banned bc of age ratings then don’t read , this is for my own reading preference and no others.

Default_Lemon · Action
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58 Chs

Chapter 21

<Zeus P.O.V>

'What are you creature…'

The king of gods, stood a good 50 meters away from the massive lizard like creature that made him feel a tinge of fear just by looking at it.

They both stared and studied each other looking them up and down.

Zeus noticed it's flaming green eyes and extremely large maw filled with sharp teeth that could swallow him easily with a lot of room to spare.

The creature seemed to wheeze at times as it seemingly breathed with blood spilling from its gills that he saw on the neck which went unnoticed by the creature itself or it chose to ignore it, it seemed to be trying to adapt to this strange environment, a mindscape? Or reality..

It seemed to study Zeus as well, taking in his lightning and sparkly features that zapped around his body as well as how he floated forward as the creature slithered instead.

At first he thought this was a new arrival for the council of the gods but he doubted it just by looking at the size and power, it was something not entirely of this world.

It could even rival one of the titans that has had been sealed long ago in the war, Gaia herself would have trouble with this foe.

Zeus started with the obvious question.

"Who are you."

His voice was like thunder and lightning striking down unto the earth leaving scars..

He needed to show this new arrival his power and position as the king of gods at the very least.

The creature didn't move, but all that could be heard was the sizzling of its skin, hisses and groans from its throat, and the sounds of churning and clicks that would come from metal.

'This thing, how is it even alive.. it looks like it's in pain by just exisiting.' Zeus wondered.

But then it spoke… or at least tried to.

It's voice so deep… so frightening… so deathly.


Every time it opened its mouth a giant silver metal tongue could be seen moved rapidly trying to help in creating the noise the creature made into somewhat coherent sentences.

Zeus didn't understand what it said and almost fell deaf to each word it spoke.

The voice of the creature echoed its way back to the other gods and beings who were watching from afar.

Lower gods yelped or screamed on instinct, gods that were created for defending or who were highly territorial raised their guards up feeling the need to protect others, but there were some who suddenly felt the urge to battle this creature when they heard the voice.

It was as if a challenge worthy enough for their strength had made its way and declared war.

Athena watched from a distance with curiosity on her face wondering on how this being came here, it was massive, dangerous… and beautiful.

Gaia grew nervous of its sickly and powerful aura that seemed as if it would kill anything on gods green creation.

The beings who pulsed seemed to grow a bit brighter before the light show stopped when the creature halted as it seemingly talked to Zeus.

The gods, radiation and pollution looked to one another and nodded before making their way out of the circle and to the two beings in the distance.

Ares the god of war noticed the two and many others as well before yelling at them.

"Hey, you two! Let the him handle this! We are to await for orders under his rule!"

The two never paid the god of war any mind as they continued.

Many gods and goddesses chuckled when they saw the two ignore him as they would know that defiant gods get punished and replaced.

Aphrodite felt her crotch soak as the two would be getting a hefty punishment later because in truth instead of a beautiful and lady like goddess she was a masochist, an evil woman who liked to watch others suffer and let men fall prey to her charms.

Hades, god of hell and the underworld looked at the developing scene with amusement..

The god of the future who could see glimpses from time to time couldn't see what would happen making him grow nervous, whenever he couldn't see something in the future it was always something bad or terrible, but even then it didn't take a smart person to tell the outcome from this defienace..

The god of wine, Dionysus, chowed down on a massive piece of meat while taking in giant gulps of grape wine before speaking.

"Those*chomp*two are really gonna*glug*get it!"

He laughed as food and wine spit out everywhere covering the god of fire Hephaestus, in food making him angry.

Throwing a fire ball he hit Dionysus's barrel of wine which exploded making him furious before throwing a giant slab of juicy meat at the fiery god.

The two clashed as others watched while laughing but others were more serious and paying attention to the scene with Zeus and the creature.

All the while, Shin and Zeus were watching each other.

<1st P.O.V>

The old man surrounded in lightning looked at me while I looked at him.

He seemed very similar to the old Greek god Zeus but I wouldn't assume just yet, after all the old man that sent him here never exactly specified what this world would entail besides magic and wonders.

The being spoke in a strange language that I didn't understand.

'It sounds Japanese… or maybe it was Vietnamese?' It was hard to tell as I was only adept at speaking English back on earth.

The man seemed to speak in question to me, it was asking me something.

Suprirsed I tried to talk but all that came out were guttural growls that rumbled like an earthquake.

The moment I heard my own words I hesitated as it almost hurt my own ears but they had developed to be able to withstand such frequencies.

"I am.. Shin."

I looked to see the small figure of the old man covering his ears making me chuckle slightly at the sight.

The being had been covering his ears and when I had finished a bolt of lightning appeared in his hands before he raised its threateningly.

My green eyes widened slightly at the threatening posture but to Zeus it didn't even flinch.

Zeus had taken the defeating sound of my voice as a roar of battle accompanied by the deep chuckle I have making him assume I was mocking him.

'Oops..' I watched nervously as I saw the being Getting ready for a battle.

Zeus lifted his bolt and got into a defensive stance waiting for the creature to make its move.

Many gods who were watching, cheered for Zeus calling for him to kill it and take it down with a mighty blow.

To me all I heard were yells and shouts of beings in an unknown language that sounded like chimps screeching during a hunt.

'They're really going crazy over there.. some of them look.. interesting as well.' I thought as my eyes wondered over a woman with a killer figure.

A deep feeling arose in my heart at the sight before I refocused at the progressing situation in front of me.

[Try not to get too distract Host.. Your chance for alliances will come soon.]

The system spoke with amusement visible in its words.

I flushed a bit but ignored its words.

Seeing as the creature was distracted, it made Zeus fume as he though the creature thought less of him.

Zeus lowered his bolt in a silent anger before summoning hundreds of lightning bolts as a show of power to try and scare the creature away.

But all the creature did was float still and watch his show of power.

To the god of lightning he thought the creature was trying to be brave and match his power but in truth, I almost pissed myself at the sight.

I may be a large titanic creature with many abilities but my lack of experience and knowledge for my power faced against a horde of lightning bolts wasn't something I had gotten a change to experience yet.

More lightning bolts were formed with cheers and oo's and aa's coming from the other gods making him more confident.

I could feel the power being radiated from this muscled old man as it kept growing.

'I can't just sit here and wait for him to strike but where am I supposed to go?' I thought rapidly as I looked around.

Just getting to this point was a task and a half but there were ways that I could escape, my speed had increased drastically, I could utilise that.

I slowly backed away to try and look for an escape route but all I saw were thousands more lightning bolts forming to surround me.

In surprise I opened my mouth at the sight with a silent yell.

'I'm dead..I'm dead..Shit..Shit' Curses seeped from my mind as I had been surrounded.

I wasn't sure how powerful this being was but from this display they couldn't be weak..

A single bolt alone radiated enough heat and electricity that stung my hide but not enough to pierce or harm me, it was like a needle.

All the while Zeus saw the opening jaws of the beast with a deep radial glow laminating its throat.

The god of thunder seeing this 'attack' quickly aimed a thunder bolt at the creatures eyes with a powerful burst.

I didn't even have the proper time to react as I felt the painful sting and loss of my eyes reach my nerves with my supposed eye protection not even having enough time to react as well.

The target landed on shins eyes before disappearing leaving nothing but a gaping wound full of red flesh and blood.

It was painful upon impact and the overbearing loss of both my eyes gave me a sense of fear as I let out my atomic breath in defense.

I didn't have the proper time to think as it was my first time using this signature move and I put all my faith into it.

A deep humming sounded through the void as every being inside heard it.

Zeus ceased his strikes on the creature and looked around to where it was coming from.

The only beings he knew that would make a noise like that are the Queen of sirens or the god of sound but this was more creepier.

The humming sped up before a bright green and red light shined bright behind Zeus.

Whipping around he saw the spikes on the creatures spines grow brighter and brighter before a harsh dark purple shown throughout its entire beings.

The tip of its snout let out purple smoke through its small nostrils and its chest glowed and rippled with the purple energy.

To the gods they could see limitless amounts of energy build up into one point inside the creature.

The god of pigs squealed in fear.. The legendary swordsman, Rio, grew even more fascinated with the creature.. he and his wives have had many fights but none were at this level of power…. The mythical mage Merlin watched with horror nothing except the creator himself could have this much power… Athena could be seen to the side scribbling and writing notes and summaries like a mad woman as she saw the development.

Zeus felt a cold sweat go down his neck as he slowly backed away, this was something more powerful than what they were here to meet for.

Before anyone could do or say anything the creature let out a fog of black smoke that seemed to travel everywhere around the void.

The circle in which the being a were occupying saw the giant cloud of smoke envelop Zeus before it started to head towards them like a raging tsunami ready to destroy anything in it is path.

A few gods used their shields or used their magical powers to shield themselves from the incoming smoke while others who didn't have such a privilege hid behind them.

All the while the gods radiation and pollution who had earlier ignored ares still continued their path towards the creature, enveloped by the smoking clouds frightening others.

The smoke made its way to the gods finally impacting them.. the magic of the barriers and the shields couldn't stop the smell of ash entering their noses, snouts, or sensors as some don't have human forms…

The goddess of lust, Lillian who was not as different from her sister Aphrodite, saw her friend the goddess of grass, Freya, wheezing and grasping for air as she didn't have a form of defense and the grass she summonsed in attempt to save herself withered and darkened into nothingness.

Aries moved with his shield in hand along the with the other close by gods staying together.

Aries giant sphere of flame and fire that left from his shield was a safe barrier and when it enveloped Freya she wasn't harmed.

Lillian pulled her into a hug and attempted to heal her by taking out the ash in her lungs and body.

She may be a ferocious woman and queen of succubi but she still had friends to care about.

All the while Zeus was met with the second phase of the atomic breath..

In his eyes all he could see was ash and smoke surrounding him breezing past his face before he heard a loud churning of metal and hot air in the distance.

Through some cracks of the smoke he saw a bright orange and red light shining brighter and brighter before a massive wall of flame barreled its way directly unto his body.

The rising heat he felt made his skin boil and peel.

Zeus has faced far worse than this and wouldn't let this wound him any further.

Summoning a barrier made of pure blue lightning, 30 strong red and purple bolts of lightening which were intermediate in terms of some of his power were summoned before expanding them all around himself creating an electrical field in an attempt to redirect the flamed.

The fire bounced off of his barrier making Zeus chuckle before expanding it even more letting him get some of his vision back.

The gods behind him had been weakened from the ash cloud but the fire had greatly damaged a few of them, thankfully none were killed or mortally injured.

For mere fire to harm even the lowest of the gods, this being was no joke.

As Zeus continued to redirect the flames all he could see before him was the fire slamming against his electric shield in a flurry of attacks trying to envelop him.

Chuckling in excitement, he felt his power increase as his bolts gave him strength… he hasn't felt this good since his battle with the titans and his father.

The flames started to become lesser and lesser in amount before it turned into a bright stream of purple that zoomed into Zeus's barrier.

All of that energy had forced its way into his barrier making it crack showing true fear in his eyes for the first time in a millennium.

Sparkly cracks started to spread all around his shield before the purple lights shone through enveloping Zeus as the atomic beam broke through the barrier…

The gods watched in horror as the event traveled from the distance all the way to them and even going past into the void.

Shins body could be seen with its eyeless sockets sizzling with steam as it tried to regenerate before his neck moved.

All I could feel was the pain from where my had eyes disappeared and it hadn't healed yet giving me even more displeasure.

The crackling of lightning and thunder obstructed the area around me with no way of pinpointing their location.

In fear I started to spin my head pointing my beam of power every direction in hopes of hitting a target.

The god of greed saw the beam flying towards him before he jumped out of the way only getting his legs burnt with 3rd degree burns making him scream in pain.

Shins beam were not yet powerful enough to fully vaporize a god but to normal people or buildings they would be gone in a flash.

The mountain crusher seethed in rage when he saw his friend the desruktor(yes that's how it's spelled) get hit with a beam directly hitting his lower body and burnt it to the point that his penis and testicles had melted off revealing the innards between his legs.

Jumping in the air towards the creature he pulled out two massive rocks from no where and raised them over his head before slamming them down like the hulk onto shins head making the creature fall further down into the void.

Everyone snapped out of their daze as the creatures breath temporarily stopped letting them have a chance to strike.

Aries had taken out his sword, Aphrodite had taken out her staff of lust, Athena readied her bow, Fenrir fired up his claws, Thanatos whipped out their scythe and everyone else took out any weapon or support that they could muster before launching an attack.

The swordsman was the first to strike, aiming for the head but he saw his sword bounce of its scaly hide before its scales were destroyed by the god of gravity.

"The beasts hide is no match for the laws of the universe!" He said with triumph before cracking open the rest of Shins skin to let others get a hit in.

The vampire queen, Tear, searched for the creatures blood and found it seeping through its wounds by the other beings and took a sip, tasting the flavor her faced scrunched up before she hurled the blood back out.

"That…is…an abomination!"

She yelled in disgust as all she could taste was poisonous death r*pe her tongue.

Attacks from all around struck my being as I felt my hide being pierced from all angles being chipped away into pieces as I couldn't move from being attacked from all angles before everything went silent.

I felt my eyes forming slowly back in place as I opened them in shock.

I could see my own reflection on glass that surrounded me on all sides.

'Wh-what happened.. is this crystal?' My head hurt as I felt dizziness envelop my head making me nauseous.

I had just been thrown in the midst of battles by powerful beings, my eyes had been gouged, I was struck by hundreds of beings, and here I am.

I want to know what happened but I tried to focus on what was happening now.

Not being able to move being still, I tried to wiggle but found I couldn't.

I was stuck… and as such, I would get out.

Moving around and squirming while gritting my teeth, I felt the crystal around me shift before hearing a loud crack.

His movements were working encouraging him to speed up before he heard more and more cracks before the crystal finally shattered.

I finally felt my limbs and tail dangle free all around as it felt like I hadn't moved in years and had gotten out of a long sleep.

Moving my joints even an inch let out cracks and creaks making me feel great.

'Oh yeah… right there..' I grunted as I felt myself get back into shape.

Doing some stretches with my neck and body I felt refreshed before looking around.

Before I was crystallized I was surrounded by clumps of radiation and those viral cells but now there was only the clear sea.

The only thing left was the long blood trail that she was following as well as the multitude of corpses.

My eyes followed the trails before they lead into the darkness of the sea but when I peered into it, looking back at me were multiple black glowing eyes staring back.

It seemed like a wall of eyes stretching for miles in diameter before they all shifted to look directly at me.

Even though I was close to 270 meters in height this thing that was in front of me could very well be near to the size of the entire ocean in front of me.

It was even bigger than the creature that I had saw when I first got here, how a creature this big could encompass this entire space was mind boggling.. almost soul shattering.

The amount of eyes they both had were similar as well as the pupils but this things was way to massive… it could swallow me whole.. even if I havent seen it's mouth.

But before I could think again the massive being shrouded in darkness rumbled slightly making shin feel fear once more.

All I could hear was a light chuckle come this monster.

It was the sound of amusement.

To be continued!

Will be all for today as I still have things to do, and sorry for very slow updates, a lot is happening!!