
A knight’s tale: Ser Snow(Hard Draft)

This event will be 10 years before Aegon began his conquest to conquer Westeros. I may or not change or add some important characters to the world. Credits to George R.R. Martin

Tempp0 · Book&Literature
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9 Chs


10 BC

General POV

"Ladies and gentlemen, we meet again. For todays long waited tourney that you've been eager to watch. This tourney will begin with jousting and those who win will move to the final round where it's melee. Last man standing, each men will have to fight until the end. But of course will end if they surrender. Those who survive will be dueling each other and the man comes out victorious will be the tourney's victor." Announces the man standing in the middle of the field while he scrolls the big paper that he just read.

"I have change the prize of the victor of this tourney. Whoever comes out as the victor will be rewarded as general for my new army. As you all know my dear citizens I've held this tourney for princess Argella Durrandon becoming my heir to the throne" King Argilac Durrandon said as he raised his golden cup some followed by the people and drank there alcohols.

"Thank you father," princess Argella Durrandon said seating at the side of King Argilac as he sat down. King Argilac kissed princess Argella forehead and smiled. "You're mother would be proud," King Argilac whispered. While princess Argella nodded and smiled at his father.

After a few battles of jousting later it is time for Snow. He came out with an armour as white as snow and a horse so white eyes of the crowded were blinded by it for a second. "Lord Veric's knight Ser Snow," The king's knight said to the king. Princess Argella looked at the king's knight and his father. "I haven't heard of house Snow, father." Princess Argella sir looked confused, but amazed at the knight who is in the field. "Lord Veric said that, he come from a foreign land far from Westeros and Essos." The king's knight answered instead of the king. Princess Argella stared at his father, while his father is focused on the knight named Snow. Snow's opponent were Ser Petun Wreth the only son of Lord Roclus Wreth.

The battle begin as the two pointed there lance to there opponent while riding their own horse. Snow blocked Ser Petun's lance using his shield, while Snow directly hit Ser Petun's chest. Ser Petun we're not able to block Snow's lance, resulting for Ser Petun launch away from his horse and landed on the ground.

Ser Petun we're fine although he sustained an injury, but thanks to immediate treatment by the healer's medicines Ser Petun's injury will not be a harm to him.

Snow then went in front of the Lords podium and took out his helmet. Revealing Snow's platinum short hair and golden eyes making the Lords talked to each other. As this is not the first time seeing a white hair. Targaryen also have white hairs. Princess Argella were charmed by Snow's face and smile. Princess Argella stood up and walked down. "It would be a pleasure," Ser Snow said while looked up and smiled to Princess Argella. Princess Argella grabbed a flower circle and threw it at Ser Snow's lance. Snow smiled and bowed before going out of the field.

After princess Argella came back to sat down on her seat beside of her father. Her father asked, "Be careful, Argella." King Argilac said holding her daughter's hand. "I am aware father, I am already 18 summers." Princess Argella said smiling convincing her father.

The tourney continued and at the end of jousting. 20 knight's came out victorious one of them were Snow. The next tourney will be likely a brawl, each one fighting someone. They can make teams and defeat as many they can. Though making teams will be useless at end because only 1 knight will be able to come out as victorious.

It started and Snow dominated the field. Defeating 5 opponents in just 4 minutes, after that the remaining knights formed a team of two to defeat Snow. Though they were short in handed, failed embarrassingly. The tourney ended fast, making the crowd applaud and cheered for Snow. Making the princess more charmed by the show that Snow made.

"Now chose who you want to duel," King Argilac said to Snow. "I picked Ser Gaden, my lord." Snow said. King Argilac looked at his knight and nodded to him. "Well then Ser Snow this is your chance to prove yourself if you are worthy commanding my new army." King Argilac said.

It only took a moment for Ser Gaden to be on the field. Both knights duel with there all strength, but in the end Snow came out as the victor. Snow is young and has the strength of a Demi God it is to be expected that he will win. Though others didn't expected that a young knight can defeat the king's knight. This causes not only the crowed, but also the lords to applaud's Snow spectacular show that he made. Both king Argilac and princess Argella stand and applaud Ser Snow.

If your reading this you must be crazy. I have a little knowledge of world of game of thrones, but I watch some yt about histories.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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