
A knight’s tale: Ser Snow(Hard Draft)

This event will be 10 years before Aegon began his conquest to conquer Westeros. I may or not change or add some important characters to the world. Credits to George R.R. Martin

Tempp0 · Book&Literature
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10 BC

Inside the castle of Storm's End

After Party

Party and feast that's what lords and nobles do. I do not despite them, it just the nature. After my duel with Ser Gaden, the king offered me a seat to be one of his generals. I didn't accept the offer, but I accepted to be the captain for a battalion that is freshly recruited.

"Can i get everyone's attention!!" King Argilac shouted the chats, the singing and the laughing turned to silence. All eyes turned there attention on to the standing king holding his golden cup. While the king made his speech I was standing in a dark corner of the room looking at the window, wondering.

"Seems like you don't like this kind of thing either," A woman's voice came out of nowhere from behind. I almost shit myself as I was to deep thinking about my future. I turned around and looked at the women. Wearing an elegant blue dress. She has a hair similar to autumn and beauty that I will probably die to be with in my previous life. I lowered my head to give respect before saying, "princess."

"Drop the courtesy, just call me by my name." Princess Argella said as she approached me. "Of course," I said as I lowered my head again to give respect. "You can call me whatever you want then," I added. "You haven't answered my question yet, Snow" Princess Argella said while stared at me jokingly. "Pardon me?" I said as I lean over to her. She then leaned over me close to my left ear, "I said you seems like you don't like this kind of thing either, the drinking." Princess Argella whispered to me. I leaned over more closer to her right ear, "I like it, sometimes. Though not today." I whispered back to her.

After that she invited me walk around the castle, which I gladly accepted. There's some moments of weird silence occur for like a minute until she started asking. I didn't asked her nor started a conversation as I am just there to walk along side with her. "That's my great grandfather, he got betrayed and killed." Princess Argella saying her great grandfather's story to me. "Betrayal…" I muttered as I think. Betrayal will always happen, it's a natural thing that occur to everyone. "You do know that they suspect your a Targaryen, for your white hair." Princess Argella said in front of me while he gently stroke my hair. I then leaned and bend over to match her heigh. I can see her beautiful green eyes and hear her breath. "Tell me princess, do I think I am what they think?" I said staring at her eyes. A moment of silence occurred and she then turned back to and continued walking to the hall. "Your eyes are charming as your face." Princess Argella said. "Thank you, same goes with yours. Stunning." I said as I tried to catch up to her. "Flattering does not work on me, Snow. Try harder." Princess Argella said. "It is not flattering, Argella. It is a fact." I answered. Princess Argella then chuckled though hiding it away from me.

Princess Argella staring and smiling at me as we both are sitting on her bed while she caressed cheeks. Both me and princess Argella are in her room. I don't know why I accepted her invitation to be here. I hold her hand that was caressing my cheek and feel the warmth of her hand. I looked away from her. "What's wrong?" Princess Argella said with worried voice. I turned to look at eyes, "This wrong, Argella." I said as I gently stroke her hair. "I know and I cannot stop." Princess Argella said while she kissed my lips. I kissed her back and both of us kissed passionately.

Moments later I broke the kiss and hugged her. "I am sorry, but you must find someone else who would cherish your love. Argella." I said as broke from her embrace and kissed her forehead. I stood up and turned around not looking her. Princess Argella stood up and embraced me from behind stopping me from leaving. "Listen princess if your father finds out about this—," Princess Argella interrupted and said. "Father would understand."

I hold her hands that were locked to each other from embracing me. I gently separated both hands and freed my self from her tight embrace. "Argella, you and I still have a whole life to spend. You must understand that I cannot love and give someone love." I said as I walked away and opened the door. Princess Argella wiped her tears and made a straight face and composed her posture. "Be careful," Princess Argella said as I closed the door.