
A knight’s tale: Ser Snow(Hard Draft)

This event will be 10 years before Aegon began his conquest to conquer Westeros. I may or not change or add some important characters to the world. Credits to George R.R. Martin

Tempp0 · Book&Literature
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9 Chs


10 BC

Tourneys in Westeros vary according to the region in which the tourney is held, the desires of the hosting lord, and the rules devised by the lord's master of the games. Many forms of competition are known, including jousting (also called the lists), mock battles between teams of knights, archery competitions, or the melee, in which many warriors fight individually in one large battle.

The central event of many Westerosi tourneys is jousting, in which two armored knights aim to knock each other off their mounts with a jousting lance, continuing on foot with a variety of blunted weapons. The loser of a joust must often forfeit his horse and armour to the winner, thus jeopardizing a considerable part of his possessions.

Many tourneys pit pairs of warriors in rounds, where the loser is eliminated and the winner proceeds to the next round. The winner of the last round is declared champion. This is similar to how many tournaments in real life were performed, with exception of the best-of-three rule. Some ladies allow contestants to wear their favors during a tourney. The queen of love and beauty can be chosen from the ladies by the competition's victor.

Today's the day, my debut as a knight. Though I am just a fake knight who hasn't even fought on an actual battle. But this must not hinder me from becoming a true knight, I am gonna earn that title today. I walked out of the Inn and immediately the sun embraced me with warmth. I went to Hermes's stable and he was awake eating the bale on the ground. "Good boy," saying that as I stole his hair. He let a small neigh and stopped eating.

I wore my helm and untied Hermes. Climb at the top and sat on saddle. "giddyup," I said before Hermes jolted and sprinted. He was fast and I can never get used to how fast he is. I just smiled and slowed down Hermes when we were on the road. It a minute to get to the Tourney, it was not that far from the Inn.

"Ser Snow, I am glad that you have come." Veric said. "Same goes to me, Lord Veric." I said as I comes down from Hermes. I then walked towards Lord Veric and offered a handshake. Which he accepted. "How's the city, Ser Snow?" Asked Lord Veric. I smiled a bit, "it's better than I expected." I answered. "Well good to hear, now come follow me the tourney will begin shortly." Lord Veric said as he hurried to enter the arena.

The arena consist of a battlefield in the centre where it can fit hundred people. Though divided by half for jousting, but it will be taken down for the melee after jousting. The seats were made out of stones and there's a lot of levels. I counted 10 levels surrounding the battlefield at the centre. While there were a area at the side for the Lords and Royal families.

"My friends this is Ser Snow, Ser Snow this is my friends Lord Gustall Berth, Lord Varant BlackIron, and Lord Railan Fellrakn." Veric said as I offered each one of them a handshakes which they accepted. While handshaking each one of them I say "Nice to meet you, Lord Railan." I did that to each Lords.

"Are from up North, Ser?" Lord Varant asked. "I'm afraid not my lord," I said. "Then where are you from young Ser?" Lord Gustall said. "A land far from Westeros and Essos my lords." I answered. "What an interesting fellow you got here, lord Veric. Well if you want us to believe that we respect Ser Snow decision." Lord Railan said as he put his left hand around my shoulders. While they burst out laughing, well I cannot blame them. Though I want to know what land lies in west of Westeros.

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