

Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Are you tired of the same old Game of Thrones fanfiction?. Well, fear not my friends, for I have a tale that will transport you to a galaxy far, far away and drop you right at the heart of Westeros. It's a mashup of Star Wars and Game of Thrones, but better than any crossover you've ever seen. Join me on a journey through the eyes of a Jedi Padawan as he navigates the treacherous world of Game Of Thrones. Watch as he grows in strength and wisdom, shaping the fate of this fantastical land with his lightsaber and quick wit. It's like a cocktail of starships and dragons. It's epic, it's thrilling, it's everything you've ever wanted in a story.

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The location we found ourselves in wasn't the chamber in the Astapori harbor where I had implored Daenerys to stand watch over my body. 

Yet, as awareness slowly trickled back into my being, I realized it wasn't entirely unfamiliar either. 

The room boasted a generous expanse, its walls adorned with tiles of rich redwood accents, echoing the opulent theme that enveloped both walls and floors alike. Plush cushions adorned al the seats withinthe room.

 We were aboard the Ladytide, and this served as my audience chamber, seamlessly connected to my cabin.

"How in the seven hells did I end up here?" I muttered, grappling with the peculiar turn of events. I couldn't shake the feeling that something significant had transpired during the brief interval since departing Astapor.

"Is there a problem?" Lady Stark inquired, her attention divided between assisting her son Bran to his feet and surveying the scene unfolding before her. The Lannisters, too, had regained consciousness; Jaime, visibly straining against his restraints, bore a look of fierce determination.

"You won't leave this place alive! My men will hunt you down, and I shall have your heads!" Cersei spat venomously, her defiance palpable even in her constrained state.

Lady Stark regarded the Queen with a mixture of amusement and disdain, before erupting into mocking laughter.

 Jaime's eyes, however, gleamed with a murderous intensity, his realization dawning that they were no longer shielded within the protective walls of the Red Keep.

 As lady Stark's laughter subsided, her countenance suddenly morphed into one of deadly seriousness.

 Seizing a fistful of Cersei's hair, she forced the Queen to meet her gaze.

"In case you haven't grasped it yet your majesty, you are my prisoners," Kaitline spat, her voice laced with a chilling resolve.

Cersei's face paled as comprehension slowly dawned upon her. The torrents of threats and protests ceased, replaced by a grim silence that underscored their predicament.

As the gravity of the situation settled on her, Cersei's fury twisted into a visage of pure loathing, mirroring her brother's disdain. 

"Actually, they are my prisoners," I interjected, drawing Lady Stark's attention towards me.

She turned her gaze towards me, her expression a mix of incredulity and fury. 

Releasing Cersei's hair, she advanced slowly, her eyes ablaze.

"So, you deceived us? Now, we are your prisoners as well?" her voice trembled with suppressed rage, tears of fury welling in her eyes.

"No, no," I hurried to reassure her, recognizing the source of the misunderstanding. "You and your family are safe. But these two," I gestured towards the Lannisters, "they are my prisoners."

"What business is it of yours? She murdered my husband, and—" Lady Stark's tirade was abruptly interrupted by a knock at the door, bringing her furious outburst to an abrupt halt.

I barely had time to reach the door before it was thrown open. Captain Ternesio Tyres walked in, closely followed by a familiar Dothraki warrior. 

I noticed it was one of the same warriors who had stood guard when I had passed out after using Force healing to restore Daenerys' life.

"Thank the gods you are awake, I thought she had done something to you," Tyres sighed as he gave me a worried look. On my part, I was overjoyed to see my captain; it was a reassurance that everything was okay.

"Captain, is everything alright... how was the meeting in Yunkai?" For a while, I had forgotten my predicament; now that I knew I was on Lady Tide, my thoughts shifted to the welfare of my passenger and the ship.

"Well... nothing you did not expect. The slavers will hear none of it. The Sealord says that war is now inevitable," the captain explained.

"But that is the least of my worries. That damn girl did something to the ship; now the damn thing won't move. It's like there is a cursed invisible wall all..."

"That damn girl is here, Captain," the feminine voice made the captain recoil.

Right behind him stood a gloomy Daenerys, alongside her were both the knight Ser Jorah and the Dothraki Khal Drogo. Daenerys looked regal and intimidating despite being dwarfed by the men. 

Her form and composure radiated power, something that was quite different from the show, at least when Drogo was still alive.

Despite the furious look on her countenance, I felt relief seeing her, but shortly after, I recalled she was amongst my worst fears.

Daenerys' eyes slowly scouted the room as she examined the new faces; not a hint of familiarity appeared on her face.

"By the gods... is this the queen?" Jorah stammered, making my heart sink. 

Fuck, I had hoped to avoid the complications and the conflict of interest that would result from such a revelation.

"Captain, take these two and lock them..."

"Wait, what did you say?" the Targaryen princess asked as she glared at the knight in confusion. Jorah's eyes were still on the duo laying helplessly on the cabin floor.

"I am certain, Princess, these are Lord Tywin's children, the queen and her brother the Kingslayer."

'Go to hell, idiot,' I cursed inwardly. 'You just couldn't call him Jaime; did you have to tell her he is the one that killed her father?'


Daenerys turned to me with a mixture of both fury and excitement dancing in her eyes, and suddenly, I realized that in fact, it was not the knight who had dealt the last blow.

It was me.

She had read my thoughts again.

"It's... it's him... he killed my family?" Daenerys asked as she trembled with anger

"my...my brother"

. I knew what was about to happen and decided it was time to resume control of things.

"Yes, he certainly is, and he is my prisoner as well," I countered as I stepped to intercept her as she drew closer to the duo.

Even the Lannisters seemed to have noticed the danger that now faced them; they were now still, no longer fighting against their restraints.

The princess stopped mere inches from me... she strained to look at my eyes, and in the process, had to step back. Apart from the Dothraki Khal, I was easily the tallest person in the room; actually, it could be argued that we had the same height.

Daenerys only had to look into my mind to see that I would not allow her to come any further near the two Targaryens. 

For a while, I thought she might let the issue slide... at least for a while; her resolute mind, however, would not budge.

"Give me that man, Eron... it is my right... he took my father's life; it's only fair I take his."

The sound of my name on her mouth had a dangerous ring to it. I noticed that Lady Stark, too, had become alert; the Lannisters appeared to be freshly baked bread, it was like everybody wanted a piece of them.

"It is your right, Princess," I said, not tearing my eyes from her, "but you always knew where to find them. Now they are on my ship, and you are too."

For a while, our eyes locked, and the silence in the room intensified; then, a sarcastic smile danced on the Targaryen's face.

An evil smile.

At that moment, she was in every way the daughter of the Mad King.

"You know I shall stop at nothing until I have both of them," her voice sounded in my mind. I recognized the tactic she was now employing; she was bluntly telling me that she would use the abilities she had acquired from our unexpected bond. 

I did not react; however, I would not give her the satisfaction she wanted.

"Is that a threat, Princess?" I asked loudly, my eyes still boring into hers.

She hesitated. I could see a torrent of emotions running within her and was awed at how she managed to keep herself in check. Her fists were constantly clenching and unclenching but never left her side.

It reminded me of why she had fought and won even when she had faced unlikely odds in the show. That thought, however, was not an encouragement to me.

Closing her eyes, Daenerys took a deep breath and held it for a while; when she opened them, they were a calm sea. All the previous torrents of hatred and anger appeared to have been shelved somewhere inside her.

"Can we speak in private?" she asked, scanning the faces of the occupants in the room and finally settling on me.

I held her gaze for a while, then turning to Captain Terys, I nodded towards the two Lannisters.

A shouted command brought two of my crews to the cabin, and they easily secured the two prisoners separately.

"See to their comfort as well," I again instructed the captain as I motioned to the Starks.

The captain guided them out and stood at the door as he awaited them to leave. Lady Stark was hesitant, but then followed after her kids. Daenerys then nodded to both Jorah and the Khal, who left hesitantly.

Eventually, after a warning look, Captain Terys shut the door behind us.
