

My head swirled with confusion as if the place I found myself now was completely alien to me, and the people surrounding me were strangers.

Slowly, however, my conscious thoughts drifted back to me, and the realization of what I had done kicked in. I hastily tried to push myself up, staggering in the process, and tripping over the limp body of Jamie, almost falling. However, somebody's hand quickly reached out and steadied me — it was Lady Stark.

When my focus fully returned, I realized just how much had transpired while I was out. Thuds, knocks, and yells of men came from the reinforced door, most certainly the Red Keep guards and the town's guard.

Inside the room, both Jaime and her sister Cersei were tied together side by side. I noticed that the long curtains had been torn to provide materials for their makeshift ropes. Fortunately, the two were not conscious yet. I doubted whether the materials would keep Jaime in check for long, especially because of the way they had been tied.

I turned and stared at Lady Stark, who still had the remains of the makeshift ropes in her hand. Her eyes momentarily met mine, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Don't look at me like that. What else would you have me do? Let them wake while you took all the time with your nap." Even though her voice sounded stern, I realized that the previous hostility she had harbored toward me had dissipated, at least for now. It was as I had thought: the enemy of your enemy has got to be your ally, at least until you eliminate the threat.

"Thank you," I nodded to Lady Stark just as the noise from outside the door grew more intense. I was surprised that the force wall was still up until now. Honestly, I had thought that, given my unconscious state, everything I had created or was controlling would crumble. But I guess that depended on how 'passed' you were.

"We have to get out of here," I declared as I turned to find my saber. It was in Arya's hand. I could tell both Bran and Arya had not even followed the conversation we had been having with their mother. Both their heads were lowered as they examined the extinguished saber.

Arya's hands were running across the saber's hilt, and I immediately recognized the danger of this. What's more, I knew she had never seen me using it as a double blade because the way she held it made it obvious that she thought the blade would come from the front end, and it could, except she was about to press the double blade button.

"Stop!" I yelled as I closed the gap and tore the saber from her grasp. "You want to run yourself through." I was so shocked that I even lacked the words to admonish her. Besides, I could see that Lady Stark was stricken, and I saw no reason to add to her fears.

Boom! A battering sound on the door brought me back to the dire situation. The sudden ram had made Sansa, who had remained where they had been before I passed out, recoil further in shock.

"Grab your stuff, only important things," I instructed, pulling Jaime and Cersei and tightening the rope on them.

"And how shall we leave this place? By now, all the soldiers are waiting in that corridor," Lady Stark interjected while at the same time motioning for her kids to do as I had said.

"Well, we don't take the corridor then," I said as I turned and saw Jaime had regained consciousness. Not good for me. I had a rule against fighting incapacitated opponents, but, well, desperate times. I brought a fist hard across his right jaw, and he again passed out with another moan.

"But I don't see another way out," Lady Stark yelled as she also packed her staff. Jaime's moan made her stop and glare at me. Probably she thought I lacked honor. Well, I gave not a hoot about that. Still, I felt the urge to clarify.

"He would have been a problem, you know."

"I don't care about that piece of shit... still," Lady Stark answered with outstretched arms to indicate she still could not see my point.

"Well, we will go the same way I came," but even as I answered, I felt doubts rising within me. Did I really have enough energy to bring Lady and her family on a projection? Another bang notified me I had no time to muse over that; anytime now, the door would give way.

"But you came through that..." I cut her mid-sentence. "I really don't have time to explain, Lady Stark... maybe later. Now grab hands, all of you, and do exactly as I say. Don't let go, else you will be left behind."

Arya was the first to take my hands, then Bran took her sister's hand, then a reluctant Sansa. Lady Stark, however, was staring at the Lannisters duo as if she wasn't really done with them. But then, so was I. "Lady Stark, now," I said urgently, tearing her out of whatever world she had disappeared into.

But she still did not move. "I am not leaving these two here, not after what they did to my husband."

Damn... what a stubborn lady.

Bang! Another crash, and the door creaked as if warning us that it was done taking the toll for us.

"Lady Stark, we have no time..."

"Well, then, what is stopping you? You can take two more, can't you?" she asked as she grabbed Sansa's hand and then grabbed Cersei's. I wanted to yell to her how it was too much and how the effects might cause anomalies like leaving some body parts behind, but God, we had no time.

Another crack came through, and the door succumbed completely. It was the Mountain that I saw, filthy, and for hell's sake, seven or otherwise, why did he not have his signature helmet on? God, the guy made me feel chills staring at his beastlike red eyes.

The kids let out a scream, and Sansa actually released Bran's hand, but her mother cursed loudly, making her grab her little brother's hand while shutting her eyes. The Mountain let out a low, dangerous growl and made as if to come into the room but suddenly stopped midway. The weak force wall had bought time for us.

Closing my eyes, I focused, seeing the place I had left my body in the room on the Astapori harbor. I saw myself melting into the air; everything became lighter, and at the same time, I could sense from the sudden disconnection that the force wall had crumbled.

My vision swirled, and things became a mess of twisting colors. The sound, too, became like a mashup of a thousand voices yelling, waves, calm talks, until...

Just when I should have hit the ground with a thud, I felt the breeze squeezed inside me as my projection disappeared, and my consciousness reunited with my body.




Paah! Several successive falls landed on me, knocking me from my lotus position and driving out all the remaining air from my lungs. "Eighh," I gasped like an almost drowned man. Mastering my feeble strength, I shoved all my assailers aside and sat up. My vision was dizzy as I tried to look around. Suddenly, panic rose within me, making the rest who were also starting to take in the new environment sit alert.

"What the hell... This was not the place I was supposed to land...

What the hell has Daenerys done to me?"

a powerstone or two please...and of course, pat.reon\realmsinus

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