

Ahoy there, fellow adventurers! Are you tired of the same old Game of Thrones fanfiction?. Well, fear not my friends, for I have a tale that will transport you to a galaxy far, far away and drop you right at the heart of Westeros. It's a mashup of Star Wars and Game of Thrones, but better than any crossover you've ever seen. Join me on a journey through the eyes of a Jedi Padawan as he navigates the treacherous world of Game Of Thrones. Watch as he grows in strength and wisdom, shaping the fate of this fantastical land with his lightsaber and quick wit. It's like a cocktail of starships and dragons. It's epic, it's thrilling, it's everything you've ever wanted in a story.

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My words had barely left my mouth when Jaime, with a speed and precision that caught me off guard, launched a surprise attack.

 I had always known Jaime to be one of the most formidable swordsmen in the Seven Kingdoms, but his swiftness and skill were beyond anything I had anticipated. 

I had expected that from the shocked look on their faces, they would perhaps reconsider their stance.

 I had obviously miscalculated the situation, it seems the romantic ego is more dangerous than I thought.


Caught completely unprepared, I frantically tried to raise my lightsaber to counter the blow, but it was too late. Jaime's sword cleanly pierced through me, and the sheer force of the attack caused him to stagger and lose his balance.

 His eyes bulged even wider than before, and I could hear Lady Stark's horrified gasp and Arya's loud cry of "Nooo!" But all of this faded into the background as they witnessed an unexpected sight

I remained intact.

The Force projection had played its part perfectly. The fact that I wasn't physically present was the only thing that saved my life. Jaime had struck down a mere illusion

 For some reason, he either failed to comprehend the situation or chose to be deliberately play the idiot. 

His initial shock gave way to a determined resolve, and he launched another attack, even faster than before. 

This time, my lightsaber shot up in a lightning-quick motion to intercept his strike, and in the blink of an eye, Jaime's sword was cleaved in two, rendered utterly useless. Had it not been for my well-honed training and experience, the blade would have sliced right through him, but I managed to halt it just inches away from his chest.

Cersei's fear-filled cry should have served as a stark warning of how close he had come to death. Yet, it seemed that Jaime was undeterred, and his most immediate concern was the broken sword. 

With a yell of fury, he unsheathed his dagger and lunged toward me, closing the distance rapidly.

However, something unexpected occurred at that moment. 

An overwhelming surge of power coursed through me, and my instincts took over. Jaime Lannister found himself suspended in mid-air, his feet dangling about a meter from the ground. Both of his hands clutched at his throat as if he were being strangled

and in a sense, he was.

As the draining effect of the Force projection wore me down, I couldn't help but notice another, different energy slowly surging within me, one that was distinct from the Force. At first, I hadn't paid much attention to it, but as my own strength waned, this foreign energy continued to grow, becoming increasingly dominant. 

It began to manifest as an aggressive and overpowering force, outside the control of the Force system.

It wasn't until Jaime launched that potentially lethal surprise attack that the mysterious energy completely seized control. Like a silent and calculating predator, it forcefully pushed the Force system aside and took absolute command of me.

The transformation was profound. 

I should have faded away due to the overuse of the projection, but instead, I felt like an entirely different person had taken over. It was as if the previous "me" had been logged out, and in its place stood a master of the dark side.

Until this moment, I had never fully surrendered to the seduction of the dark side. While I had studied the dark side through holocrons and texts, I had never genuinely practiced its dark arts.

It seemed that, much like pregnancy, it took just one moment for the dark side to sow its seed, thrive, and take hold of a Force user.

 I had never truly feared this as a possibility because I had chosen the Jedi path, and the Force system had always kept me in check. But now, it appeared that the dark side had found a way to circumvent these safeguards.

Jaime was rapidly growing weaker, and Cersei saw it all too clearly. She cried out desperately as she tried to pull him down, but her efforts were in vain.

 In contrast, my expression bore an immense and sinister grin, as if I found the unfolding events deeply amusing.

The sounds of Jaime's desperate gasps for air provided me with a perverse satisfaction that defied even the pleasure of an orgasm. It was as if the thoughts of cruelty and suffering fueled this newfound power. 

My demeanor was that of an unfeeling and sadistic master.

Cersei, witnessing the man she loved on the brink of death, abandoned all thoughts of caution. She reached out toward me and began delivering small, futile punches to my chest, all the while pleading for me to release him. 

I barely paid her any attention. With a careless flick of my hand, she was sent hurtling across the chamber, until she collided with a wall with a satisfying thud and lost consciousness.

It was then that a voice, distinct from the dark presence that had taken over me, tore through the barriers created by the foreign energy.


All of a sudden, everything seemed to swirl and dance before my eyes, and I could feel the strange energy that had taken over me start to slip away. It was like watching twisted, enchanted roots untangle from their captives.

Jaime, who had been hanging in the air just moments ago, crashed to the ground with a thud, followed by my lightsaber, which had lost its glow. 

And then, my strength abandoned me and my knees gave way. I found myself sinking to the floor.

My vision filled with red notifications, flashing urgently in front of me. 

[Warning: you have depleted your projection time, please exit the state immediately] 

Then the ground seemed to rise towards me as if by some kind of magic, and I couldn't stop it. The result was a painful thud as I collided with the floor, and everything around me slowly faded into darkness.

drop a powerstone will you?..thanks

back..like i never left..where were we?

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