
A Greater Soul: A Cultivation Epic

They say death is the end of all life, but what if it's just the beginning of another? It certainly was the case for eighteen years old Ahmad. Losing his life to an armed robbery, Ahmad's soul suddenly got thrown into a grim World of Cultivation. A world where the strong prey on the weak, where man is defined by nothing but his strength. Ahmad, now Seyus must defy all odds to climb the ladder to the very peak of immortality and Godhood. Should he survive, he will face peril on his path to becoming the strongest.

ADrunkBard · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Fusion of two souls

 An alarm clock went up, buzzing it's usual morning noise when a hand came above it and put it off. 


 " Arghhhh" Ahmad was still very much tired and groggy, he yawned still on the bed faced with the usual dilemma of either coming up or taking a few more minutes of sleep before his second alarm rings. 

 He rubbed his fingers across his eyes to rid of the eye crust that had formed at the corners and he yawned once more. 

The time was just a few minutes after five, it was time for him to have his little jog. He put off his pyjamas and put on his usual compression short and his loose sporty short and his shirt.

 He took for the door to meet the loud sound of a TV program playing from his neighbor next door.

Unfortunately for Ahmad, his abode was just a little self-contain flat in the large building complex and thus he had many neighbours, with them came the fair share of trouble and fun. He could not buy the luxury of a noise free environment.

 " Hey, Good morning Ahmad." Cried his immediate neighbor who somehow was up watching TV. Ahmad was a little perplexed over how he could tell that he was out despite not sighting him, the TV shouldn't have made him hear him coming out as well.  

 " Good morning Jace." Ahmad returned the greeting to his thirty year old neighbor who somehow does nothing and was still able to afford rent. 


 " Going for your usual jogs, eh?" 

 " Yep." 

 Soon as he replied, the door of his neighbor came open and Jace appeared. 

 His bushy blonde beard and hair didn't make him look the friendliest but if it's one thing Ahmad has learnt, it was to never judge someone by their looks. 

 " Hey you." Ahmad said as he wasn't expecting he come out to meet him.

 " Can you get me some groceries? My supply is almost out." 

 " Hmmmm….." Ahmad hesitated, he wanted to refuse but Jace had been so nice to him, although he could use a little haircut, he was still a wonderful person beneath that thick bundle of face hair. 

 " Alright, I'll get you your groceries." 

 " Thanks lad." He replied and handed him some money. 

 Ahmad received the money and stormed out the complex, not without greeting a few of his neighbors however.  

 The clouds were still dark but they were losing their ground against the imminent light. One could still see fairly well. 

 The street was far from busy, no vehicle had passed since he began except for a bicycle but that hardly passes for a vehicle right? 

 He took his usual turns, greeted the familiar faces that he sees during his morning jogs and then stopped at his usual landmark, he sat on the chair by the road taking in large huffs of air. He had just ran well beyond two kilometers. 

 His slim short body rested against the wooden chair that won his frequent usage. He ran his hand over his black hair. He brought out his phone and on it, his face was reflected. 

 He was your average looking young man, certainly no older than twenty, probably eighteen or nineteen. 

 He checked his social media apps for news and messages and he released a sigh.

 " Not a day goes without terrible news." He muttered and then released another sigh. 

 " Ahh, tommorow is the deadline for my physics assignment huh." 

He got off the bench and continued his jog back when he stopped at a store by the road. 


 " Hey, you're running this Shift." said to the young woman by the counter.

" Ahmad, good morning." the sales lady greeted. She happened to be one of Ahmad's neighbors. 

 " Just want to get some groceries." He said and took off. 

 He checked his phone for the list of what to get that Jace had sent to him. 

 " Hmm… Some carrots, cucumbers, potatoes, meat, ice cream. That's a lot to carry." He said and released a little groan. 

 " I need to stop being so kind." 

 It was just Jake and a few others in the store, the dark clouds had began to clear giving way for the rays of sunlight to pass. 

 All was going smoothly, just a bunch of people shopping when a loud cry erupted. 

 Two masked men busted into the store. They had with them guns. 

 " Get down, this is a robbery!" One yelled and released a shot upwards. 

 Ahmad instinctively went on his knees and cowered with his hands by the back of his head. 

 Cries came from the scared victims, an armed robbery was rare in these parts so they were bound to overreact. 

 Soon the robbers left the counter after swiping all of the money they could.  

 One spotted a few on their knees and out of greed, he approached them.  

 " Give me your wallets!" He commanded two that weren't far from Ahmad. 

 They hastily responded and handed out their wallets.  

 " You as well." He said to Ahmad. 

  " I don't have my wallet with me." Ahmad said whimpering.

 " Bullshit! Don't let me shot you!" He cried. 

 " I don't…." 

 " Get up and look at me." 

 Ahmad staggeringly stood and looked at the masked robber. 

 " I don't like the way you look." The robber said and then a gunshot was heard. 

 A bullet went through Ahmad's lung and he fell. Pain coursed through his body, he was unable to breath much less wail in pain. 

 " What did you do that for?! Forget it, let's move." The other said and they made a run for it. 

 Ashley, the lady by the counter ran to meet Ahmad bleeding. He was losing consciousness. 

 " Call the ambulance" She cried as she pushed her hands against the wound in Ahmad's chest applying pressure against it. 

 She started to pray desperately that he stays alive. 

Ahmad was losing his sight, everything began to look blurry, he could feel the warm hands on the hot painful wound that was about to rid him of his life. 

 His lips moved ever lightly as he tried to speak but then nothing came out and he was gone. His body bore no resistance, all that remained was a mass of flesh, a fleshy husk out of order. 

 And so was his end or was it? 


 In a space of absolute darkness, a void now home to countless of souls. Ahmad's soul appeared to be a blue round ball with a tail, much like a wisp. In the space was a golden Halo that the souls were drifting into systemically, none of the souls possessed sentience, it was just how the system was willed. 

 Out of nowhere came two large hands, this had never happened before, it was an err in the system. 

 The hands were many times larger than the souls, they looked ghastly just like the souls. 

 Suddenly, the hands clasped Ahmad's soul that was swimming to the Halo and pulled it away from it path and then dissapeared. 


The hands appeared in a different void, this one had just a soul levitating in it. It was much smaller than Ahmad's indicating that it was just the soul a newborn but unlike Ahmad's, it had a thin veil of energy surrounding it. 

One of the hands let go of Ahmad's soul, and moved to the isolated one. It struck its two fingers unto it, at first the veil resisted but soon, the fingers managed to pierce into it tearing a part of the veil. 

 The second brought forward Ahmad's soul and pushed it through the veil, the isolated soul was unmoving despite the force it was experiencing from the other side. 

 It took some effort but Ahmad's soul made it through the tear and as soon as it did, the hands withdrew and disappeared. 

 Ahmad's soul and the little one fused becoming an even larger one with a stronger and larger veil. 





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