
A Greater Soul: A Cultivation Epic

They say death is the end of all life, but what if it's just the beginning of another? It certainly was the case for eighteen years old Ahmad. Losing his life to an armed robbery, Ahmad's soul suddenly got thrown into a grim World of Cultivation. A world where the strong prey on the weak, where man is defined by nothing but his strength. Ahmad, now Seyus must defy all odds to climb the ladder to the very peak of immortality and Godhood. Should he survive, he will face peril on his path to becoming the strongest.

ADrunkBard · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Sorrow comes

Half the island flared up in blue light, a hot sea of energy swallowed all in it's path, the wildlife wasn't spared. Land animals and birds tried to escaped as the tumultuous wave approached but they were much too slow. 

 The flood of ki engulfed them all, the plants and animals all snuffed of their lives upon contact.


It flowed eating all in its path until it fell into the sea where it became the sea animals problem. 

 The cries of the students were gone and there was no weird animal sounds. One could say it was serene if not for the black thick smoke that followed after the attack. The god looked satisfied and exhausted. He hung in the air looking down above at the damage he caused. 

 ' No survivors. I can't let the others see me like this however.' 

Suddenly, a golden tear in space appeared and into it, he went disappearing from the mortal realm. 

 A little cough broke the dreadful silence, loud ones followed. 

 " Cough Cough!" Yuur fell to the ground on all fours, it took her almost her all to fend of the attack and she wasn't looking too good, her sheepish white ears were black-stained by the smoke and a little blood pool could be seen beneath her. 

 From the center of it all came a little twirling wind that grew and pushed away the smoke particles revealing all that remained. 

  " This is a calamity." Luo said feeling a sharp pain in his chest. He stumbled but quickly supported himself with his trusty staff. 

 " The Children." Tears streaked down his eyes as he couldn't find any in sight. 

 They were all gone, those that remained were nothing but black scarred pieces of flesh.  


 A couple were in his front and they painted quite an horrid image. 

 " Yuur!" He yelled in hope that she was alive at least, he turned to his behind to where he saw her last and saw that she looked to be alive although not in a good condition. 

 He flew to her.  

 " Take this." He brought out a brown spherical container that held a healing elixir and poured a little into her dry mouth. 

 ' She'll be well.' He thought. 

 He looked forward down to where he had left his comrades. 

 Ming and Welser, the other two that could fly drifted to him. On Ming's back was Tanu. Ve'x, Sey'r, Kelsier and Magter were on their feet running towards him. 

 " No sign of the guards, they must have gone too." 

 He looked at the unconscious Ehnu and watched her open her eyes. 

 " I am alive." She muttered with a dry voice. 

 " Yes you are." Luo reassured, he wore a little strained smile.

 Ming and Welser landed in front of him and placed Tanu on the ground, he didn't look to sustain any injuries aside from the ugly burns in his hands, he was breathing fine too. 

 The others looked to be fine aside the little burns and sad faces. 

 Ming was missing a hand however but she looked to be fine even without it. She zoomed about with the others looking for survivors but alas, no one aside them survived not even the other teachers. 

 The tall buildings that held books from across the continent, talents, hopes and dreams was nothing but blackened pieces of rocks scattered about in little pieces. Everything was gone. 

 " My students…" Magter muttered. Kelsier came in for an embrace to pacify him. 

  A couple of minutes later, Ming and Welser came back from their search in the sea. 

 They met the others in the center of the rumble and Tanu was awake. 

 Although the too had dove into the sea, their fine outfits were not wet.

 Ming had a little green robe on over a cream simple outfit of a shirt and trousers. Her black hair was disheveled, her right arm was no more aside the little blackened protrusion that remained. And yet she still bustled with energy. She bore a quite a resemblance to Luo unlike the others telling of their similar origins. 

 Welser looked very much like Kelsier except he was dressed in a much expensive looking wear and his hair was blonde and stood upright. 

 Ming spoke. " A large chasm has been created, one so deep that I could see the hot flamy sea beneath and about a town wide." 

  A sigh came from Luo who looked to be the most composed of them all now. 

 " Thank you Ming." 

 " Ahh the Master's legacy." Tanu commented, his eyes hidden behind his hands. 


" We'll avenge the students." Magter muttered, for someone as large as he was, his voice was quite small. 

 " No. Vengeance is never the answer and besides how do you intend to face one that did that?" Luo softly rebuked.  " Let's wait for the Master's decision." 


In the meantime, Luo meditated absorbing the atmospheric energy-mana and filling his Ki reserves. 

 Magter joined, his was much slower however. 

 Night began the creep in, the blue white sky had taken a dull orange outlook indicating the close of sunset. 


 Hundreds of meters away was a man tearing through the wind in high speed. 

 He was in the most elegant of robes. His black mane, hardened face and large body told of his formidable strength. 

 He stopped his flight noticing something was amiss. 

 " What's this? Where's my institute?" He 

 questioned hovering in the air. 

 He became agitated and swopped down even faster when he saw those that he trusted the most laded in sorrow and pain and nothing but black crumbs of rocks at where his institute ought to be. 

 " What's this?! Where are my students? Where's my sect?!" He cried. 

 The other masters bowed to him upon his arrival except Luo who just bent a little in respect. 

 " I'm afraid this is all that remains friend."




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