
A goddesses story

this story is about a girl that escapes her prison of tests and magic.

Fschara2005 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3. Tried Fitting in

Waking up on the small bed that the girl didn't properly fit on, she got up and saw a mirror on the wall. looking confused on what it was she looked into the mirror. "is.. is this me? do i really look like this?", dirt and sand dust all over her face, she gently touched her face letting out small breaths as she looked in the mirror. "i... look like a human?..", softly whispering to herself. There suddenly knocking on the small house its door, ripping the girl out of her look in the mirror. She walked slowly to the door and gently opened it to only find a small child with a cloak and clothes for the girl. "Can i come in? Or can i give you the clothes ma'am?", the child said. Ofcourse the girl her kindness letted the child inside the small house. The child putted the clothes on the small bed, and went to sit on the bed. The girl sat on the floor and looked at the child with her red and blue eyes. "You have beautiful eyes ma'am", the child gently said to her. "Thank you... c-can i ask your name child?", the girl asked. "Aiko, ma'am. Whats yours?", the child answered. The humane creature only had her test name, she would have to think of a name. "Uhm.. my name is...", the girl thought deeply for a second, "my name is Fs!", she smiled gently as she said her new made name. "That's a beautiful name ma'am". The child jumped off the bed, "will we see you with breakfast soon Fs?", the child asked. "Ofcourse".

After a moment of changing into a longer and fixed dress, she stood infront of the mirror again, staring at herself. She gently touched her cheeks again, gently touching her pointy horns on the side of her head. Suddenly a yell from outside could be heard, Fs her elf ears perking up. "What was that?..", Fs said concerned. She fastened the cloak on and went to look. She got stopped at the door as she looked, the same child clinging to her. Aiko was crying loudly, Fs picking up the child as she looked terrified at the village what happend to it. "A-Aiko.. what happend here?..", she asked, but the child didnt respond, just still crying over the blood thats splattered everywhere over the gravel paths. Fs fastly closed the door with still Aiko on her arm. She put Aiko on her bed. "Aiko... i have to find help... i have to go back to mount ebott... i need to ask the monster king for help...". Aiko looked shocked at what just came out of Fs her mouth. Fs put the hood of the cloak over her head. "You can come with me, ill portect you darling...", Fs gently said to Aiko.

As the two walked up the mountain, it started storming wildly. All the animals that were behind them, fleeing for a shelter in the woods. "Aiko, i can fly, we'll be there faster if we do", on wich Aiko nodded a little scared. Fs spreaded her wings, holding Aiko in her arms tightly so she wont fall. Flying as Fs could trough the storm and rain they made it where she fled from the mountain. Fs hesitated from a few moments, but Aiko tugged her cloak to go on trough the barrier. Fs nodded and grabbed Aiko her hand tightly. "Stay behind me okay?... the monsters are all dangerous...", Fs said with full fear yet bravery.

The king was on this time on the other side of the barrier as Fs and Aiko walked trough the barrier. They girls both looked at the king, Fs her face going paler then she already was. The king looked at her and the child. "Welcome back Test subject 005".