
A goddesses story

this story is about a girl that escapes her prison of tests and magic.

Fschara2005 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4. Underground

"Welcome back test subject 005", the king said dissapointed. As Fs and Aiko stood in fear, looking at the king. "M-my king!.. i can explain!", Fs stuttered. "There is nothing to explain child...", the king replied. The king tried to grab Fs her arm, but she backed off and ran past the king into the underground with Aiko. Blocking the way behind them with a wall of fire, that had emerged from Fs her magic. Behind the wall of fire, the king just sighed and watched them run away deeper into the underground.

Getting further in the underground, Fs noticed small detailes she didnt see before when she went to escape. Slowly walking with Aiko, Fs felt eyes on her back, just staring of some sorts, something strange. She went to look behind her, but nothing would be there, yet she didnt feel alone with Aiko. Aiko looked up at Fs in concern, still walking beside her, she would ask: "Fs.. whats wrong? Is something not feeling right?", Fs wouldnt respond to Aiko, focussed on their way deeper to where their destination would be deep down.

As their walk continued, the staring in their back became way closer then before. A skeleton walked out of the shadows into the light of the room. Aiko screamed and got frightened, hiding behind Fs. The skeleton had a big grin on its face, seemingly somewhat stuck and his eyes widely opened with one blue glowing eye. "Sans...", Fs softly said. The skeleton slowly put out it's hand, ready to shake theirs. Fs shook the skeletons hand, a whoopy cushion sound coming from its hand. "HEH, The ol' whoopy cusion in the hand trick! Its always funny", the skeleton burst out. Fs chuckled softly, Aiko still afraid. "I'm Sans.. Sans the Skeleton, nice to meet ya kiddos!". 'Sans was still that happy huh?', Fs knew that wouldnt take long anymore. She had seen all the timelines, again and again... the one falling down last, would ruin his happiness. "So why are you back? Project 005... why not stay away?", Sans his tone suddenly became a low and darker tone, his face dark and his grin had faded. What she didnt know was that Sans did remember the timelines as it was stuck on repeat, stuck in the same loop, waking up at the moment of Fs her escape, again and again. "I come back.. time and time again, to kill our creator", she coldly answered. She knew that Sans knew what she was talking about. Sans stared at the floor for a brief moment, his presence feeling colder. "You already know I come back each time to finish him off... you know I take this child with me all the time, you know that Sans, dont pretend you do not". Fs was growing angry, frustrated like everytime she does when she meets Sans in the halls of the Kingdom. Little did she know that Sans was also done with this, he knew he had to stop her, to end this loop once and for all. But it would be stupid if he tried. After all, her powers had become stronger then Sans his powers ever did.

Fighting her... would be impossible.