
A goddesses story

this story is about a girl that escapes her prison of tests and magic.

Fschara2005 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2. A village

As The girl walked down the mountain, she came across a village. It was silent, and she was unsure of why it was so quiet. "H-hello...?", The girl stuttered quietly. But nobody answered. As the girl walked into the village she felt watched.... but yet she didn't see anyone. It was so strange that the village looked so abandoned, but yet she was sure this village has stood since the monster against humans war. Walking trough the village she suddenly heard whispers , 'a monster... but she looks so humane... what is she', as she called out again for anyone to be there it went quiet again. As the girl folded her wings onto her back, she could hear gasps from the village around her, her arms growing a bit purple getting ready to protect herself for any attack. Standing there waiting for something to happen, while nothing even came, it would be useless to stand around you would think... in this case something did happen while she waites around. Rustles were heard from inside the houses of the village and a small child ran up to the woman. The child yelling all of a sudden, " She's a monster!!! Her soul isnt human!!", while the child looked at the soul of the monster looking human girl. Now, in all the houses were screams of attacks, "ATTACK!! GET HER, KILL HER!!!". As the girl her eyes widenend, she spreads her wings, ready to blow them all away with them. "Im no monster!!! I didnt come here to fight!!", the girl yelled as hard as she could, small lava looking tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "LIAR!!", The humans yelled back. Pitch forks and shot guns were in the hands of the humans as they ran at her. She gently wispered, "then i have no choice, i didnt want this". She flied up in the sky, her wings powerfully blowing them all back. As the girl her arms turned more purple, her gem started glowing and the ground began to shake. This is when the humans grown with fear, knowing they wouldnt win from an creature like her, a creature with infinite life and infinite power. They wouldn't stand a chance, atleast... not this time. As the ground shakes violently, water starts to rise from the grounds of the earth, getting to the humans their ankles. Children from the village started crying, as the girl heard them her small epf ears started twitching, feeling bad she cleared the village of its water, and the ground stopped shaking. Humans cursing under their breath they decided to lower their pitchforks and shotguns. "I didnt come to harm anyone... i swear that i dont", the girl said calmly, wanting peace is what she wanted, wanting to live here on earth with humans is what she wants.

Later that day, she got accepted by the children, yet the parents disgusted her and cursed under their breath in hatred. The girl got a small house, a bed to sleep on and some food to eat, the girl is so grateful that she is given a shelter and food, that she didnt know how to thank them.

"This test subject is so!... my king!! I want her back now! She most likely already burned a whole village down!", the scientist yelled impatient at the king. "Calm down now... no need for stress and anger, she will come back eventually, she has to. She wont survive with only humane food afterall", the king gently said. "Lets have some tea, im sure it'll do some great wonders with your stress and anger", the king offered, he grabbed some goldflower tea and gave it to the scientist, who was angerily storming around the room. "My king, dont you have those six human souls still ,sire? I want to test on them if its possible". And so the king agreed with the scientist.